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About the Resource Person: Dr.

Dheeraj Mehrotra
uheera[ MehroLra, MS, Mhll, h.u (LducaLlon ManagemenL) honoris causa.,
CosmopollLan unlverslLy, uSA, ls an LducaLlonal lnnovaLor, SofL Skllls 1ralner, AuLhor, lreelance
!ournallsL (l1) wlLh experLlse ln Slx Slgma ln LducaLlon, 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL ln LducaLlon, School
AssessmenL, Schools CuallLy AssessmenL and AccredlLaLlon (SCAA), CCL, !l1, llve S and kAlZLn. Pe has
auLhored over !" books on CompuLer Sclence and LducaLlon 1echnology for lCSL/ lSC/ C8SL SLudenLs
and publlshed over $"" publlcaLlons. Pe has wldely Lravelled across Lhe globe lncludlng !apan, Chlna,
1halland, hlllpplnes, MaurlLlus, Srl Lanka and nepal. A former rlnclpal aL ue lndlan ubllc School, new
uelhl, wlLh an ample Leachlng experlence of over 1wo uecades, he ls a cerLlfled 1ralner for CuallLy
Clrcles/ 1CM ln LducaLlon and CCl SLandards for School AccredlLaLlon/ Slx Slgma ln LducaLlon and has
Lralned over 3000 Leachers Lowards CuallLy and Lxcellence ln 1eachlng and developlng Lowards belng
8CCkS1A8 1LACPL8S. Pe has also been honoured wlLh Lhe %&'()*&+ ,-&./-0 12&03 (* '/- 4-&0 5""67
84 '/- 90-:(3-*' ); <*3(&7 Lhe =-:' >.(-*.- ,-&./-0 >'&'- 12&03 (8y Lhe MlnlsLry of Sclence and
1echnology, SLaLe of u), LducaLlon World - 8esL 1eacher Award, !agaLguru Sanckracharya naLlonal
Award, 8old CuLlook Learner 1eacher Award (8CL1) by Alr lndla, lnnovaLlon ln rocess-lellowshlp
Award among oLhers for hls excellence ln Lhe fleld of educaLlon. ur. MehroLra ls presenLly worklng as
?(.- 90-:(3-*' @1.&3-A(.: B 1C3(':D 2('/ %-E' F3C.&'()* <*3(& 9G'H I'3H J43-0&8&3,
www.nexLeducaLlon.ln wlLh a vasL experlence Lhrough hls pasL worksLaLlons whlch lnclude 8lshop
!ohnson School, Allahabad, 8oys' Plgh School, Allahabad, ClLy MonLessorl School, Lucknow, ue lndlan
ubllc School, new uelhl, CLMS LducaLlon, Curgaon and SCP 1echnologles, new uelhl. Also as a C8SL
Lmpanelled MasLer 1ralner, he has conducLed workshops globally, lncludlng cyberspace, Classroom
ManagemenL, Lxcellence ln LducaLlon" lnLegraLed wlLh 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL and LducaLlon
ManagemenL & Slx Slgma ln Academlcs.

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