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WPL8LAS, Lhe Cklahoma SLaLe LeglslaLure passed and Lhe Cklahoma Covernor slgned lnLo law P83399 LhaL rolled back
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe Common Core SLaLe SLandards for MaLhemaLlcs, and
WPL8LAS, leglslaLlon ls now dlrecLlng Leachers ln school dlsLrlcLs across Lhe sLaLe Lo reLurn Lo Lhe rlorlLy Academlc
SLudenL Skllls (ASS) SLandards precedlng Lhe adopLlon of Common Core, and
WPL8LAS, maLh Leachers recognlze Lhe need Lo malnLaln forward momenLum of lmproved lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces and
focused sLandards, and
WPL8LAS, Lhe work occurrlng wlLhln Lhe classroom ls whaL maLLers mosL,
WPL8LAS, Lhe naLlonal Councll of 1eachers of MaLhemaLlcs (nC1M) has developed a research-lnformed framework for
sLrengLhenlng Lhe Leachlng and learnlng of maLhemaLlcs LhaL deflnes Lhe elghL nC1M MaLhemaLlcs 1eachlng racLlces:
1. !"#$%&'"( *$#(+,$#'-" ./$&" #/ 0/-1" &+$23'3.4 LffecLlve Leachlng of maLhemaLlcs esLabllshes clear goals for Lhe
maLhemaLlcs LhaL sLudenLs are learnlng, slLuaLes goals wlLhln learnlng progresslons, and uses Lhe goals Lo gulde
lnsLrucLlonal declslons.
2. 5,6&+,+3# #$"7" #($# 62/,/#+ 2+$"/3'3. $38 62/%&+, "/&9'3.4 LffecLlve Leachlng of maLhemaLlcs engages
sLudenLs ln solvlng and dlscusslng Lasks LhaL promoLe maLhemaLlcal reasonlng and problem solvlng and allow
mulLlple enLry polnLs and varled soluLlon sLraLegles.
3. :"+ $38 -/33+-# ,$#(+,$#'-$& 2+62+"+3#$#'/3"4 LffecLlve Leachlng of maLhemaLlcs engages sLudenLs ln maklng
connecLlons among maLhemaLlcal represenLaLlons Lo deepen undersLandlng of maLhemaLlcs concepLs and
procedures and as Lools for problem solvlng.
4. ;$-'&'#$#+ ,+$3'3.01& ,$#(+,$#'-$& 8'"-/12"+4 LffecLlve Leachlng of maLhemaLlcs faclllLaLes dlscourse among
sLudenLs Lo bulld shared undersLandlng of maLhemaLlcal ldeas by analyzlng and comparlng sLudenL approaches
and argumenLs.
3. </"+ 6126/"+01& =1+"#'/3"4 LffecLlve Leachlng of maLhemaLlcs uses purposeful quesLlons Lo assess and advance
sLudenLs' reasonlng and sense maklng abouL lmporLanL maLhemaLlcal ldeas and relaLlonshlps.
6. >1'&8 62/-+812$& 0&1+3-? 02/, -/3-+6#1$& 138+2"#$38'3.4 LffecLlve Leachlng of maLhemaLlcs bullds fluency wlLh
procedures on a foundaLlon of concepLual undersLandlng so LhaL sLudenLs, over Llme, become sklllful ln uslng
procedures flexlbly as Lhey solve conLexLual and maLhemaLlcal problems.
7. @166/2# 62/81-#'9+ "#21..&+ '3 &+$23'3. ,$#(+,$#'-"4 LffecLlve Leachlng of maLhemaLlcs conslsLenLly provldes
sLudenLs, lndlvldually and collecLlvely, wlLh opporLunlLles and supporLs Lo engage ln producLlve sLruggle as Lhey
grapple wlLh maLhemaLlcal ldeas and relaLlonshlps.
8. !&'-'# $38 1"+ +9'8+3-+ /0 "#18+3# #('37'3.4 LffecLlve Leachlng of maLhemaLlcs uses evldence of sLudenL Lhlnklng
Lo assess progress Loward maLhemaLlcal undersLandlng and Lo ad[usL lnsLrucLlon conLlnually ln ways LhaL
supporL and exLend learnlng.
nCW, 1PL8LlC8L, 8L l1 8LSCLvLu, LhaL Lhe Cklahoma Councll of 1eachers of MaLhemaLlcs calls upon school dlsLrlcLs
across Lhe sLaLe of Cklahoma Lo deslgnaLe Lhe elghL nC1M MaLhemaLlcs 1eachlng racLlces as Lhe lnsLrucLlonal focus of
maLhemaLlcs, and furLher pledges Lo supporL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe MaLhemaLlcs 1eachlng racLlces by provldlng
ongolng professlonal developmenL Lo dlsLrlcLs Lo help ensure Lhe maLhemaLlcal success of every sLudenL ls a
nonnegoLlable prlorlLy ln Cklahoma.

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