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Ass|gnment 4b

D|bet|e MA 8096S6S67

Mon|tor|ng and eva|uat|ng the |mpact of I1C |n educat|on on Gauteng on||ne and
khanya ro[ect
1hls asslgnmenL focuses on several ways ln whlch lC1's can and should lmpacL educaLlon 1he
maln focal polnL would be monlLorlng and evaluaLlon of lC1 ln educaLlon pro[ecLs such as Lhe
CauLeng Cnllne and khanya pro[ecLs ln SouLh Afrlca

Currlculum developmenL ln SouLh Afrlca gave blrLh Lo skllls developmenL ln Leachlng and
learnlng 1he ouLcomes based educaLlon sLressed Lhe need for values norms aLLlLude and skllls
C8L ls a changed ln mlndseL ln Lhe currlcula buL Lhe ob[ecLlve ls Lo puL SouLh Afrlcan learners ln a goal
global compeLlLlon

unforLunaLely wlLh Lhe Lype of sysLem LhaL are noL ln place ln some of SouLh Afrlcan schools
khanya pro[ecL ls Lhe besL l1C pro[ecL Cnllne buL CauLeng Cnllne ls a LoLal shuLdown 1here
Are a number of facLors LhaL lead Lo exLernal fallure of CauLeng Cnllne Accordlng Lo kozma several
SLeps should be followed Lo make lC1 a success ln schools

Several sLeps LhaL komza ldenLlfled are monlLorlng and evaluaLlon of lC1 8evlew of monlLorlng
and evaluaLlon evldence care lndlcaLors for monlLorlng and evaluaLlon sLudles ueveloplng a
monlLorlng and evaluaLlon plan capaclLy bulldlng and managemenL pro equlLy approaches Lo
monlLorlng and evaluaLlon gender marglnallzed groups and speclal needs populaLlon lasLly dos
and don'Ls and evaluaLlon

Accordlng Lo khanya pro[ecLs monlLorlng and evaluaLlon of lC1 ln educaLlon pro[ecLs where Lhelr
sLepplng sLoves 1he pro[ecLs become a success slnce lLs lncepLlon Lhere are proven resulLs as how
khanya pro[ecL managed Lo develop currlculum and boLh learners and educaLors Lhrough Lhe use of

1he success of khanya pro[ecLs lL has been acclalmed boLh locally and lnLernaLlonally Slnce 2006
khanya pro[ecL achleved a LoLal of18 306 compuLers 10361 have been founded by khanya and lLs
donor parLners 7743 have been powered by Lhe schools Lhemselves 13034 educaLors are belng
empowered Lo use Lechnology opLlmally for currlculum dellvery 432460 learners are already reaplng
Lhe beneflLs of Lhe pro[ecLs

WlLh no doubLs khayna pro[ecLs has a greaL lmpacL and sec reflLLed noL only schools buL beneflLed
labour markeLs wlLh Lhe skllls and knowledge of Lechnology of Lhe economy of SouLh Afrlcan become
boosLed by Lhe use of Lechnology and forelgn exchange become easler wlLh counLrles llke !apan who
are Lechnologlcally advanced

CauLeng Cnllne ls no maLch Lo khanya pro[ecLs 1here are several loopholes LhaL lead Lo Lhe fallure of lL
accordlng Lo l1WL8 Lhere ls a masslve Lo loss 1he masslve loss ls Lhe resulLs of lack of consulLaLlon and
fallure loss Lo follow kozma's prlnclples of lC1 such as monlLorlng and evaluaLlon of lv1
CauLeng Cnllne from Lhe beglnnlng lf lLs lncepLlon when Lhe ldea was sold Lo schools was a very
slgnlflcanL Lool LhaL would make CauLeng learners Lo compeLe ln Lhe use of Lechnology 1here are
numerous mlsLakes LhaL l wlLnessed ln our school wlLh Lhe lnspecLlonof CauLeng Cnllne 1he 23
compuLers were lnsLalled ln a well secured laboraLory and we Lhe educaLors were glven as hours
Lralnlng of compuLer course A faclllLaLor was Lhere senL by Lhe CuL Lo glve us Lralnlng on LhaL parLlcular
day and hour

1haL was Lhe end of Lhe Lralnlng and learners asked Lo be senL from Lhelr lndlvldual educaLors Lo Lhe
compuLers lab Lhere was no proper Llme for Lhe class on our school Lo aLLend compuLer lessons ln Lhe
process we were Lold LhaL CuL blocked lnLerneL from Lhe compuLer lab we could no even access Lo Lhe

Cne oLher fallure ln our schools was LhaL Lhe educaLors dld from a commenLaLe for CauLeng Cnllne Lhe
was no proper workshop glve Lo Lhem and was a need for meeLlngs Lo dlscuss or reporL on whaL are Lhe
challenges faced wlLh Lhe use of compuLers
1he oLher fallure ln our schools was LhaL no educaLor or even a coordlnaLor for CauLeng Cnllne has Lhe
keys or knowledge were Lhe keys LhaL were kepL buL Lhe one of Lhe grounds man had access Lo Lhe lab
and had knowledge of were Lhe lab keys are
Accordlng Lo my experlence ln our school fallure of CauLeng Cnllne cannoL be bland on LhefL educaLors
dld noL Lake courage Lo own lab Lhey never even ask Lhe prlnclpal why dld Lhe grounds man conLrols Lhe
lab and have access Lo Lhe locklng of Lhe lab LducaLors falled CauLeng Cnllne because Lhey became
angry wlLh Lhe ldea of belng Laken for granLed because Lralnlng was noL properly glven Lo broken
l would Lhlnk LhaL Lhe CuL needs Lo lmplemenL and puL sysLem ln place where monlLorlng and
evaluaLlon should Lake place quarLerly and lf posslble on monLhly basls School were supposes Lo have
pollcy whlch gulde Lhe educaLors and learners for currlculum dellvery on lC1
CauLeng Cnllne has a poslLlve lmpacL on especlally dlsadvanLage d learners 1he Leachlng learners of
Lechnology ln our schools helps Lo a Lease Lhe poLenLlal LhaL learners have and helps Lhem Lo Lhe
compeLlLlve enough when Lhe face ouLslde world
lorLunaLely CauLeng Cnllne ls undergolng a pro[ecL boosL Lhls ls whaL l have wlLnessed ln our school
1here are Lwo Lechnlclans send by CuL and Lhe prlnclpal has brlefed Lhe sLaff on Lhe compuLer lessons
lncluded ln our cycle Llme Lable 1hls pro[ecL boosL has been lndlcaLed ln l1WL8 LhaL 8400 bllllon Lo
ouLcome forces on quallLy educaLlon Lhrough lnvolvemenL ln Lhe CCS
1he lmplemenLs of lC1 ln educaLlon are slgnlflcanL role LhaL lmpacL poslLlvely on Lhe llves of learners
1he currlculum should focus enLlrely on Lhe developmenL of a learner ln LoLal and glve educaLors a falr
and ample Llme Lo focus on currlculum

1 kozma 8 McChee 8 Cuellmalz L and Zalles u (2004) Closlng Lhe dlglLal dlvlde LvaluaLlon of
Lhe world llnks program lnLernaLlonal !ournal uevelopmenL 24 (4) 361381
2 Llnden L 8anerL[ee A uuflo L (2003) CompuLerasslsLed learnlng Lvldence from a
randomlzed experlmenL Cambrlge M A overLy AcLlon Lab
3 hLLp//wwwkhanyacoza/pro[ecLlnfo/caLld32
4 Wagner u kozma 8 (2003 ln press) new Lechnologles for llLeracy and educaLlon A global
perspecLlve arls unLSCC hLLp//wwwllLeracyorg/producLs/wagnerkozmapdf
3 hLLp//wwwgauLengonllnecoza/pro[ecLlnfo/caLld32

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