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LducaLlon by ueslgn - llnal ro[ecL

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1homas Maclsaac 79770111, 8ebecca Parrlson 87237127, Cecllla Sun 40396020
L1LC 310 SecLlon 63A
ur. ulane !anes
March 31, 2013


uslng Moodle Lo Lngage Sclence 10 SLudenLs ln Lcology
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1he focus of our deslgn pro[ecL ls Lo engage Crade 10 Sclence sLudenLs ln Lhe Loplc of Lcology.
Cur deslgn acLlvlLles lncorporaLe aspecLs of vygoLsky and Lhe Zone of roxlmal uevelopmenL as Lhey are
focussed on sLudenLs movlng beyond Lhelr own ablllLy wlLh Lhe help of oLher sLudenLs and Lhe educaLor.
AddlLlonally our deslgn ls lnformed by Lhe work of Scardamalla and 8erelLer (1994). We have aLLempLed
Lo consLrucL a compuLer-supporLed lnLenLlonal learnlng envlronmenL (CSlLL)" (Scardamalla & 8erelLer,
1994, p. 263), whlch allows for sLudenL collaboraLlon Lo promoLe an lnLenLlonal learnlng envlronmenL.
SLudenLs are expecLed Lo make conLrlbuLlons Lo Lhe collecLlve knowledge" of Lhe class, and our
acLlvlLles supporL Lhls.
AddlLlonally, our acLlvlLles and deslgn are reflecLlve of slLuaLlve process as ldenLlfled by 8arab
and uuffy (2000). SLudenLs learnlng ls noL separaLed from Lhe pracLlces and conLexLs ln whlch lL was
negoLlaLed" (8arab & uuffy, p.3). As sLudenLs lnvesLlgaLe Lhe conLenL LhaL Lhey are presenLed wlLh Lhelr
lnvesLlgaLlon ls noL lndlvldual and separaLe from Lhe learnlng of Lhe class and Lhe fleld of Lcology. 1he
process ls seen as lnherenLly soclal and Lhls ls supporLed Lhrough Lhe varleLy of learnlng acLlvlLles LhaL
sLudenLs are engaged ln LhroughouL Lhe unlL vla Lhe Moodle. 8y provldlng opporLunlLles Lo consLrucL
meanlng wlLh oLhers whlle engaglng ln acLlvlLles LhaL are reallsLlc, we hope Lo encourage sLudenLs Lo
Lake on Lhe role of Lhe ecologlsL and solve real world problems from Lhls role. SLudenLs focus on Lhe
developmenL of self ln Lhe conLexL of [Lhelr] parLlclpaLlon ln a communlLy" (8arab & uuffy, p.4), ln Lhls
case, Lhe onllne communlLy of Crade 10 Sclence sLudenLs. We wlll ask sLudenLs Lo use Lhe knowledge
LhaL Lhey have bullL Lo solve problems LhaL ecologlsLs mlghL face ln Lhe fleld by provldlng Lhem wlLh
reallsLlc scenarlos vla our onllne Lools. 8arab and uuffy also deflne whaL knowledge ls Lhrough 4 maln
concepLs. 1hese concepLs are represenLed ln Lhe way LhaL we wlll assess Lhe ouLcomes of sLudenL
learnlng. We wlll look for sLudenLs' ablllLy Lo engage ln Lhe acLlvlLles wlLhln Lhe conLexL of Lhe

communlLy LhaL Lhey bulld onllne as well as wlLhln Lhe broader conLexL of Lcology. AsslgnmenLs wlll
requlre sLudenLs Lo reflecL and relnvenL Lhe conLenL ln collaboraLlon wlLh oLhers, esLabllshlng Lhelr own
undersLandlng of Lhe Loplcs covered. Cur lessons fall somewhere ln beLween Lhe psychologlcal and
anLhropologlcal vlews of slLuaLlvlLy Lheory, ln LhaL Lhey recognlze LhaL Lhe learner ls worklng Lowards
fuLure Lasks" Lhrough Lhe process of meeLlng lmmedlaLe communlLy needs" (8arab & uuffy, p.7), as
we wanL Lhe skllls learned here Lo be Lransferrable Lo oLher sclenLlflc areas.
SLudenLs aL Lhe Crade 10 level wlll be more able Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe klnds of learnlng
envlronmenL LhaL we are creaLlng because Lhey are able Lo slLuaLe Lhemselves wlLhln Lhe role of a
communlLy member, and be more lndependenL wlLh Lhelr learnlng process. noL only wlll Lhey have a
background ln Lhe sclenLlflc process, buL Lhey can begln Lo work as communlLy members wlLhouL Lhe
formallLles of learnlng Lo use much of Lhe Lechnology. AL a lower level, lL would requlre more Llme Lo
deal wlLh Lhe baslcs of Lhe lnLeracLlvlLles and Lhe general meLhod of sclenLlflc lnqulry. 1hese sLudenLs
wlll have developed background knowledge Lools LhaL wlll enable Lhem Lo enLer lnLo Lhe role of
LcologlsL more efflclenLly.
Cur prlmary learnlng acLlvlLles are framed as problems LhaL Lhe sLudenLs can work Lo solve as
burgeonlng experLs. 1hey are expecLed Lo work collaboraLlvely Lo solve Lhese problems vla Lhe varlous
means LhaL we have provlded. LducaLlonal medla ls Lhere Lo provlde real-llfe examples ln Lhe form of
problems" Lo solve and also Lo allow for a varleLy of formaLs for experL" dlscusslon, ln addlLlon Lo
cemenLlng concepLs LhaL have been dlscussed ln class.
-./#./0*., '.1 2*,0/0*.,
1he maln purpose of Lhls deslgn ls Lo provlde sLudenLs Laklng grade 10 Sclence ln 8rlLlsh
Columbla a space where Lhey can geL supplemenLal help and bulld on Lhe knowledge of Lhe Loplc belng
covered. ln Lhls deslgn we are concenLraLlng on Lhe Lcology unlL ln Lhe Sclence 10 currlculum as sLaLed
by Lhe 8rlLlsh Columbla MlnlsLry of LducaLlon. 8y provldlng a dlfferenL plaLform Lo presenL Lhe Loplc we

feel LhaL sLudenLs wlll beneflL because Lhey can work on Loplcs LhaL have glven Lhem Lrouble and bulld
of Lhelr prevlous knowledge ln Lcology. 1hls deslgn wlll provlde Lhe sLudenLs wlLh resources Lo dlfferenL
forms of medla LhaL could help Lhelr undersLandlng ln Lhls Loplc. 1hls deslgn wlll also conLaln an
asynchronous ulscusslon lorum LhaL allows Lhe sLudenLs Lo ask quesLlons of each oLher and Lhelr
lnsLrucLor as well as glvlng some sLudenLs Lhe ablllLy Lo Leach oLhers by answerlng oLher sLudenL's
1here wlll always be counLer-argumenLs Lo any proposal LhaL ls offered. 1he mosL common
counLer-argumenLs Lo Lhls deslgn would lnvolve Lhe lack of Leacher lnsLrucLlon, learnlng ln a sollLary
envlronmenL, and maklng sLudenLs more rellanL on Lechnology. ln Lhls case, we Lhlnk LhaL Lhe mosL llkely
argumenL would be LhaL you are leLLlng a compuLer do Lhe [ob of a Lralned and skllled Leacher. 1hls ls
obvlously noL Lhe case because lL ls Lhose Leachers LhaL would be creaLlng Lhls deslgn wlLh Lhelr
sLudenLs, and Lhelr sLudenL's needs, ln mlnd. AnoLher argumenL could be LhaL you are maklng learnlng
very sollLary because Lhe sLudenL would be alone ln fronL of a compuLer. 1hls would also be lncorrecL
because Lhese sLudenLs would be communlcaLlng wlLh classmaLes and Leachers ln a safe envlronmenL.
1hls deslgn would allow some of Lhe quleLer sLudenLs LhaL do noL speak ln class Lo have a volce and
show whaL Lhey know. 1here could also be an argumenL LhaL we are maklng Lhese sLudenLs more
rellanL on Lechnology and we are Laklng away valuable sLudy Llme. 1hls ls wrong because parLlclpaLlng
ln Lhls deslgn and belng acLlve ln Lhe ulscusslon lorums are sLudylng [usL noL ln Lhe LradlLlonal sense of
Lhe word.
1he goals of Lhls deslgn would flL wlLhln mosL school dlsLrlcLs ln 8rlLlsh Columbla. 8y provldlng
Lhls deslgn, Lhe sLudenLs are able Lo lmprove Lhelr knowledge of Lhe Loplc belng covered wlLhouL leavlng
Lhelr home. Slnce Lhls ls a rovlnclally Lxamlnable course, lmprovlng resulLs for Lhe dlsLrlcL and maklng a
graduaLe requlremenL more accesslble would go wlLh dlsLrlcLs goals Lo lmprove rovlnclal Lxam marks
and graduaLlon raLes. 1hls would also be ln llne wlLh Lhe provldlng learnlng for Lhe 21sL cenLury

learner". Allowlng Lhe sLudenLs Lo use a compuLer Lo lmprove Lhelr learnlng and engage all learners
would also be a beneflL Lo all dlsLrlcLs.
1he predomlnanL Lechnology LhaL we are uslng ls an open source Course ManagemenL SysLem
(CMS) called Moodle. Moodle glves educaLors Lools Lo creaLe a course web slLe LhaL provldes access
conLrol so only enrolled sLudenLs can vlew lL Lherefore avoldlng any prlvacy lssues or concerns. We have
chosen Moodle because lL ls open source, ls bullL on a sound educaLlonal phllosophy, and has a huge
communlLy LhaL supporLs and develops lL." (Cole & losLer, p. 4). Moodle ls a deslgn LhaL was creaLed by
an educaLor Lo help Leachers, lnsLead of a deslgn creaLed by a compuLer englneer LhaL Lhlnks lL wlll help
Moodle has a wlde varleLy of Lools LhaL provlde an easy way Lo upload and share maLerlals,
hold onllne dlscusslons and chaLs, glve qulzzes and surveys, gaLher and revlew asslgnmenLs, and record
grades." (Cole & losLer, p. 1) 1he CMS does noL aLLempL Lo replace Lhe face-Lo-face learnlng buL
lmprove upon lL. We also chose Lhls Lechnology ln Lhe hope LhaL Lhls CMS could engage Lhe sLudenLs
ouLslde of Lhe classroom and posslbly lead Lo more dlscusslons ln class and concenLraLlng on Lhe areas
LhaL are causlng Lhe sLudenLs confuslon. 8y provldlng Lhe sLudenLs wlLh Lhls ouLslde Lhe classroom
opporLunlLy, lL could free up Lhe Leacher Lo work wlLh Lhe sLudenLs on more dlrecLed quesLlons and
ldenLlfy Lhe areas LhaL need furLher revlew.
"#$ 3*.4#5/, '.1 3*./#6/,
1he knowledge LhaL forms Lhe currlculum for Lhe 8C grade 10 Lcology unlL focuses on sLudenLs'
undersLandlng of Lhe slgnlflcance of naLural phenomena wlLhln ecosysLems and Lhelr ablllLy Lo crlLlcally
examlne human facLors and lLs lnLeracLlons and lmpacL wlLhln ecosysLems. Speclflcally Lhls lncludes an
undersLandlng of llvlng and non-llvlng componenLs LhaL are characLerlsLlc Lo an ecosysLem and an
examlnaLlon of facLors (boLh naLural and human lnfluenced) LhaL can lmpacL Lhe ecosysLem. ln addlLlon,
sLudenLs also acqulre sclenLlflc llLeracy, develop research skllls (such as Lhe use of lnLerneL) and

demonsLraLe respecL for Lhe envlronmenL. uue Lo envlronmenLal concerns ofLen porLrayed ln Lhe
medla, many sLudenLs have an lnLeresL ln undersLandlng more abouL Lhe Loplc and Lo evaluaLe Lhelr
poslLlon surroundlng Lhese lssues (8oveL, 1994).
1o achleve Lhls knowledge base, our lnsLrucLlonal deslgn wlll be modeled on Lhe sysLems
approach proposed by ulck & Carey (1990, p.12), where an lnLerrelaLed web ls formed among key
facLors ln Lhe lnsLrucLlonal deslgn Lo besL supporL Lhe learner. 1he knowledge ls lnformed by Lhe lessons
wrlLLen and deslgned by Lhe lnsLrucLor, Lhe lnsLrucLlonal maLerlal chosen for Lhe learner, Lhe learners'
prlor knowledge and mlsconcepLlon Lhrough dlscusslon and Lhe learnlng envlronmenL of onllne group
collaboraLlon. Cur deslgn pro[ecL wlll provlde some flexlblllLy of Llme ln compleLlon of Lhe unlL and Lhe
onllne dlscusslon formaL allows for opporLunlLy of equal conLrlbuLlon and LhoughLful response. 1he
chosen plaLform also allows Lhe sLudenLs and lnsLrucLor Lo bulld a collecLlve onllne communlLy
(Scardamalla & 8erelLer, 1994).
1he audlence of our deslgn pro[ecL ls grade 10 sLudenLs who may be uslng Lhe Moodle course as
a supplemenL Lo Lhelr ln-classroom course or as a dlsLance educaLlon course. 1hls group of learners are
unlque ln LhaL Lhey are developlng Lhelr undersLandlng of absLracL concepLs, are beLLer able Lo make
llnks beLween dlsclpllnes and Lo solve more complex problems (Anderman eL al., 2012). 1hls group of
learner has more self-managemenL. 1hey requlre a speclflc framework Lo work wlLhln buL aL Lhe same
Llme can beLLer ldenLlfy and monlLor Lhelr learnlng needs wlLh scaffoldlng (Azevedo eL al., 2003). A self-
monlLored Moodle deslgn ls a feaslble meLhod Lo dellver Lhe Lcology unlL for Lhls group of sLudenLs.
A challenge of Lhese grade 10 sLudenLs ls promoLlng lnLeresL ln Lhe Loplc and self-moLlvaLlon Lo
Lake lnlLlaLlve on Lhelr learnlng. lnLeracLlve and hands on web Lools, proposed ln our deslgn, have been
proven effecLlve ln helplng sLudenLs learn sclence concepLs and Lo moLlvaLe lnLeresL Lo offseL Lhls
challenge (kay & knaack, 2007). SLudenL performance, ln grades, also lncreases when Lhe course
maLerlal ls connecLed Lo Lhelr everyday llves (Pulleman & Paracklewlcz, 2009). 1he Lcology unlL offers

many appllcaLlons Lo Lhe envlronmenL around us, whlch should allow sLudenLs Lo see Lhe relevance of
Lhelr learnlng and Lhe LransferablllLy of Lhese skllls. 1he Lools wlLhln Moodle provlde mulLlmedla,
anlmaLlon, LuLorlals, and dlscusslons Lo furLher engage sLudenLs.
Cne polnL of conLroversy wlLh Lhls group of learners ls Lhelr balance of lnLrlnslc and exLrlnslc
moLlvaLlons. 1he lnLrlnslc moLlvaLlon ls Lhe drlve wlLhln Lhe learner Lo monlLor Lhelr learnlng, whlle Lhe
exLrlnslc moLlvaLlon lncludes rewards seL by Lhe lnsLrucLor. ln younger learners Lhe lnLrlnslc moLlvaLlon
ls lower (Murphy & 8oderlguez-Manzanares, 2009) and Lherefore ls a challenge for a Moodle course
used ln secondary school aged learners. ln one sLudy, sLudenLs ln an onllne course had a low
relaLedness Lo Lhe Loplc and Lherefore had lower lnLrlnslc moLlvaLlon (8oval & Lucklng, 2003). Powever,
oLher sLudles have analyzed meLhods Lo lncrease Lhe sense of relaLedness, such as evaluaLlng sLudenLs'
lnvolvemenL ln Lhe course, asslgnlng small asslgnmenLs LhaL lead Lo a larger pro[ecL and help sLudenLs
seL goals (Murphy & 8oderlguez-Mazanares, 2009). Croup work can also be engaglng and a moLlvaLor ln
an onllne envlronmenL (Luo, 2001). Whlle Lhere are concerns for Lhe engagemenL of an onllne learnlng
envlronmenL for grade 10 sLudenLs, we have many Lools Lo developmenL a successful learnlng ouLcome
Lhrough Lhe onllne envlronmenL.
Cur lnLeracLlvlLles Lake place Lhrough a Moodle slLe. Moodle glves us Lhe space Lo allow for
group work, lnLeracLlon, sLudenL-added conLenL, mulLlmedla and allows for Lhe scaffoldlng LhaL wlll help
sLudenLs monlLor Lhelr learnlng needs (Azevedo, eL al., 2003). Some speclflc lnLeracLlvlLles and Lhelr
affordances are: dlscusslon forums where sLudenLs are glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo quesLlon, work LogeLher
and also make meanlngful connecLlons Lo Lhelr own experlences, webslLe llnks and lnLeracLlve LexLbooks
whlch have a varleLy of medla Lools Lo allow for dlverse learnlng opporLunlLles (l.e. vldeos, dlagrams,
eLc.), and a sLudenL-wrlLLen glossary whlch comblnes Lhe learnlng of all members Lo creaLe a flnal

producL whlle also allowlng for sLudenL cholce. 1hese lnLeracLlvlLles were deslgned Lo work LogeLher Lo
glve sLudenLs Lhe ablllLy Lo creaLe a communlLy onllne whlch supporLs Lhelr learnlng.
Some of our lnLeracLlvlLles wlll allow Lhe Leacher Lo qulckly and easlly assess wheLher our onllne
learnlng envlronmenL ls worklng ln Lhe way LhaL we lnLended. Some lmporLanL conslderaLlons wlll be
amounL of usage, Lhe way LhaL lnLeracLlons are occurrlng and wheLher members are conLrlbuLlng
equally. Moodle allows for an easler verlflcaLlon of Lhese deLalls Lhan some oLher learnlng
envlronmenLs, whlch ls one of Lhe reasons LhaL we chose lL. SLudenLs need Lo check off lLems as Lhey
compleLe Lhem, or Lhe lLems are checked auLomaLlcally, as ln Lhe case of our flrsL asslgned glossary
enLry. 1hls glves Lhe educaLor Lhe ablllLy Lo see wheLher or noL sLudenLs undersLand Lhe requlremenLs.
lor example, lf a sLudenL was Lo lndlcaLe Lhey had compleLed an asslgned acLlvlLy llke Lhe lnlLlal survey,
and Lhere unanswered quesLlons, we could easlly assess wheLher Lhe checkllsL was belng used
approprlaLely, or wheLher we needed Lo dlscuss Lhe use of Lhe Moodle slLe wlLh a sLudenL. ulscusslon
forums and Lhe CuesLlon and Answer" forum LhaL we have lncluded as parL of Lhe deslgn can provlde
us wlLh quallLaLlve and quanLlLaLlve lnformaLlon on how sLudenLs are conLrlbuLlng. lf Lhe forums are noL
belng used, or people are noL respondlng Lo one anoLher, Lhey allow us Lhe opporLunlLy Lo change Lhe
formaL, add more prompLs, or flnd an alLernaLe way of communlcaLlon. 1o help measure sLudenL
lnvolvemenL, Lhere are some mlnlmum requlremenLs LhaL have room for addlLlonal conLrlbuLlons, whlch
can be used Lo reveal how frequenLly sLudenLs conLrlbuLe more Lhan whaL ls asslgned. SLudenLs'
engagemenL wlLh Lhe conLenL and acLlvlLles could be assessed Lhrough Lhe amounL of addlLlonal
conLrlbuLlons Lhey make. lf Lhey are asslgned Lwo quesLlons Lo answer and Lhey choose Lo answer all
four, as ln Lhe flrsL posLlng, Lhls would suggesL LhaL Lhey are more lnvolved ln Lhe onllne communlLy and
Lhe conLenL belng shared. Conversely, lf sLudenLs are noL compleLlng asslgned acLlvlLles, or are mlnlmally

conLrlbuLlng, lL ls an lndlcaLlon LhaL Lhere ls someLhlng unsulLable elLher ln Lhe lnsLrucLlons or Lhe deslgn
of Lhe onllne envlronmenL LhaL we need Lo address.
;&*<5 =#:>#4/0*.
We deslgned our reflecLlons around Lhe SLC1lCnS framework as we LhoughL LhaL lL lends lLself
well Lo lnvesLlgaLlng our experlence wlLh creaLlng Lhls onllne learnlng envlronmenL. As a group Lhe Lhree
Lhlngs LhaL we found mosL lmporLanL for Lhls acLlvlLy are how much Llme lL Lakes Lo deslgn an effecLlve
onllne envlronmenL, Lhe ease of use for sLudenLs and whaL our sLudenLs' speclflc learnlng needs are. We
learned LhaL, when collaboraLlng, lL can Lake more Llme Lo coordlnaLe lengLh of Llme spenL on dlfferenL
Loplcs, as each Leacher has dlfferenL ways of lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe conLenL wlLh sLudenLs. AddlLlonally, we
found LhaL Lo creaLe an effecLlve communlLy onllne lL requlres devoLlng onllne sLudenL aL Lhe beglnnlng
of Lhe unlL Lo lnLeracLlons LhaL every sLudenL can engage ln, whlch allows Lhem Lo feel comforLable ln
Lhls onllne communlLy. Cnce sLudenLs are comforLable wlLh Lhe onllne learnlng envlronmenL Lhe
conLenL and speclflc acLlvlLles were a conslderaLlon for us. 1rylng Lo address mulLlple learnlng sLyles and
allow for a varleLy of sLudenL acLlvlLles was dlfflculL Lo keep balanced beLween Lhree dlfferenL auLhors
and requlred checklng ln wlLh each oLher's acLlvlLles Lo make sure sLudenLs were belng provlded wlLh a
varleLy of ways Lo lnLeracL. AddlLlonally, as we each have a dlfferenL Lechnology and Leachlng
background, Lhrough Lhls pro[ecL we learned whaL was effecLlve ln dlfferenL classrooms and aL dlfferenL
grade levels. 8y learnlng from each oLher, we were able Lo dlscover whaL would make Lhe besL learnlng
envlronmenL for sLudenLs and how Lo allow sLudenLs Lo check-ln and verlfy Lhelr learnlng experlences.
-.10801<'> =#:>#4/0*.,
8ebecca Parrlson
uslng Moodle was a new experlence, so Lhe Lechnlcal learnlng for me was enormous.
AddlLlonally, wlLh lL belng a new experlence, lL provlded challenges for collaboraLlon LhaL l found Lo be
overwhelmlng aL flrsL. 8ecause Lhere are so many mlnor changes and alLeraLlons LhaL can be made wlLh

each plece of Moodle lL felL a blL llke deslgnlng a machlne. Lvery Llme LhaL l changed one llLLle plece l
wanLed Lo explaln every deLall of my cholces wlLh Lhe group, whlch ls noL reallsLlc. 1haL belng sald, l
Lhlnk LhaL Lhe ablllLy Lo lndlvlduallze so much of whaL ls on Lhere makes lL an lncredlbly useful plaLform. l
could see how lL would be easy Lo Lake someone else's deslgn and Lweak lL Lo make lL appllcable for Lhe
sLudenLs LhaL l work wlLh, shlfLlng Lhe lnLeracLlvlLles Lo allow for speclflc Lypes of lnLeracLlon. l also
appreclaLe LhaL l would be able Lo change, remove or add every parL of lL, whlch would allow me Lo use
lL over Lhe course of many years, and lncorporaLe changlng sLudenLs, currlculum, conLenL, or Lechnology
seamlessly, whlch makes lL very cosL-effecLlve. 1hls seL of deslgn acLlvlLles allowed me Lo see a clear way
Lo lnvlLe sLudenLs Lo become collaboraLlve conLrlbuLors Lo Lhelr own learnlng ln a novel way. lf Lhe
deslgn works ln Lhe way LhaL we lnLended, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo share Lhelr learnlng ln a way whlch
furLhers Lhe learnlng of all Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhe classroom. 1he beneflLs of Lhls are engagemenL wlLh
conLenL, self-confldence, lmproved collaboraLlve or soclal skllls and lnLrlnslc moLlvaLlon. 1o creaLe Lhls
envlronmenL lL forced me Lo conslder cerLaln Lhlngs LhaL l dld noL necessarlly Lhlnk abouL before.
SLudenLs musL be made Lo feel comforLable ln Lhls onllne envlronmenL, so ln each of Lhe sharlng
acLlvlLles, l Lrled Lo Lhlnk of Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhe role as experLs and also supporLed Lhe ldea LhaL everyone
wlll have quesLlons abouL someLhlng. AcLlvlLles LhaL were asslgned Lo sLudenLs where we wanLed an
honesL lndlcaLor of Lhelr learnlng llke Lhe lnlLlal survey, were made prlvaLe so LhaL no one could be
osLraclzed by Lhelr peers for Lhelr lack of knowledge.

Cecllla Sun
uslng Moodle Lo creaLe a course slLe seemed llke an easy cholce for Lhls pro[ecL because l have
some experlence wlLh Moodle from a secondary school l LaughL aL as well as from anoLher course ln
ML1. CreaLlng Lhls course slLe has also allowed me Lo experlmenL wlLh a form of course dellvery LhaL l
can use ln my Leachlng pracLlce. Cne of Lhe challenges ln Lhls pro[ecL has been creaLlng one course slLe

wlLh Lhree colleagues Lo coordlnaLe Llme and Lo make a coheslve slLe. AL Lhe same Llme, Lhls pro[ecL has
glven me an opporLunlLy Lo see dlfferenL lnsLrucLlonal ldeas and sLyles from oLher colleagues. l wlll Lake
a look aL Lhe lnLeracLlvlLy and novelLy porLlons of Lhe SLC1lCnS model we used ln selecLlng Lhls
Lechnology. Moodle offers a number of Lools Lo promoLe lnLeracLlvlLy, such as dlscusslon forums and
groups. lL allows us Lo bulld an onllne communlLy and where parLlclpanLs can chaL wlLh each oLher and
wlLh Lhe lnsLrucLor. CLher Lools such as glossary and wlkl allow sLudenLs Lo collaboraLe and bulld
meanlngful flnal producLs. novelLy ls anoLher crlLerla LhaL Moodle meeLs. Moodle has been wldely used
for a number of years and Lherefore does noL have Lhe novelLy facLor. 1hls makes lL a safe cholce
because as an open source sofLware lL wlll noL one day be prlvaLlzed and wlll always remaln free Lo lLs
users. 1he purpose of our Moodle slLe ls Lo complemenL a face-Lo-face course and Lo glve sLudenLs Lhe
exLra resources and engagemenL ouLslde of Lhe classroom. We lncluded noLes Lo summarlze and revlew
Lhe ln class lessons and a varleLy of acLlvlLles LhaL are meanL for sLudenLs Lo compleLe ouLslde of Lhe
classroom as meanlngful homework. Moodle works well for Lhls age group because Lhey are learnlng Lo
use Lhe lnLerneL and lnLeracLlons wlLh classmaLes ln a poslLlve way. 1hls formaL also requlres sLudenLs
Lo learn Lo manage Lhelr Llme and keep Lrack of work compleLed and due daLes on Lhelr own wlLhouL Lhe
Leacher remlndlng Lhem, helplng Lhem achleve lndependenL learnlng.

1homas Maclsaac
1he blggesL challenge l found was worklng ln an onllne group. l found lL a challenge Lo compleLe
a pro[ecL wlLh Lhree people l have never meL and Lo coordlnaLe Lhree very dlfferenL and busy llves. l
have Lo admlL, l was pleasanLly surprlsed aL how well Lhls group worked LogeLher. 1o puL Lhree random
people LogeLher and geL Lhree people LhaL agreed wlLh each oLher, and easlly shared ldeas and
lnformaLlon, was very forLunaLe. When worklng ln a group Lhere ls always glve and Lake. When worklng
ln a group LhaL you do noL know or see Lhere are new concerns, llke parLlclpaLlon and accounLablllLy. l

found lL sLrange Lo add lnformaLlon Lo Lhe Moodle slLe wlLhouL consulLlng Lhe group, l wondered lf Lhey
would appreclaLe my conLrlbuLlons or edlL Lhem laLer. Cur meeLlngs Lhrough Coogle uocs were very
consLrucLlve and successful. lL was lf we were slLLlng around a desk bounclng ldeas off each oLher and
agreelng on how we wanLed Lhe deslgn and Lhe paper Lo look. l reallzed LhaL you could work as a
coheslve group even lf you never geL LogeLher ln Lhe LradlLlonal group seLLlngs.
CreaLlng a Moodle slLe seemed llke Lhe besL opLlon for our deslgn slnce Cecllla and l had used
Moodle ln anoLher ML1 course. When l flrsL logged on Lo Lhe Moodle slLe l reallzed LhaL lL had been
updaLed and lL looked very dlfferenL from Lhe verslon l used. Cnce LhaL sLress passed, l reallzed lL was
llke rldlng a blke and l could remember how lL worked. Cnce agaln Lrylng Lo have conLlnulLy ln Lhe slLe
wlLh Lhree dlfferenL auLhors was a challenge buL l belleve we were successful ln llnklng our parLs and
maklng lL look as lf Lhere was one auLhor.
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