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GoObserve Observation Report

Grand Blanc , Grand Blanc

Name: Observation #2, English Teacher Classification: Tenured Observed by: Chris Belcher Observation Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2014 at 9:30 AM Criteria: (EG) Gets students highly involved in focused work in which they are active learners and problem solvers. (MG) Understands curriculum and able to differentiate to student needs. (MG) Lessons, activities and assessments are planned and aligned with MI Approved Standards and Benchmarks. (EG) Transitions between activities are smooth and seamless. Spirals objectives and includes different instruction. Evaluates and adjusts lesson plan as necessary. (EG) Classroom rules, consequences, procedures, and routines are posted, and communicated for understanding. Students are addressed with respect. (EG) Classroom is always organized and set up to maximize learning and minimize safety concerns. (EG) Utilizes highly effective discipline strategies and can capture and hold students'' attention. (EG) Provides an environment that respects and nurtures all students to obtain their highest potential. Activity Knowledge of Curriculum Comments Justin demonstrates his knowledge of Shakespeare and his play, Romeo and Juliet throughout the hour. The lesson observed is 3rd hour General English 9 on Wednesday, April 2nd. This is a team taught class with Mrs. Vanitvelt. Lesson plans for the week were available prior to the observation. The unit is aligned to 12 Common Core Standards. The lesson objectives are the students will "identify examples of poetic, dramatic and Shakespearean language. Demonstrate knowledge of historical context of Shakespeare. Build reading and public speaking skills." The objectives are posted on

Comments 9:30:58 AM

9:30:58 AM

Lesson planning aligned

the whiteboard and are verbalized a couple of times. 9:30:59 AM Presentation Mr. Taylor begins the hour by asking students to get the needed materials for the class before reviewing material from earlier in the week. Justin calls on random students to answer as well as allowing students to volunteer--almost all students in the class are called on during the review. After the review, Justin introduces the concept of a prologue. Students volunteer to read the prologue aloud and then answer ten questions together as a class. Justin explains rhyming patterns that are used in the play and students mark the pattern in the prologue. Almost all students either volunteer to answer a question or are called on by Mr. Taylor. Students are attentive and on task throughout the hour. Classroom rules are posted at the front of the class and are easy to read.

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Classroom Rules, Procedures, Routines Classroom Organization, Safety

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The room is organized into three grouping of desks that all face the front of the class. The room is decorated with content appropriate posters. Students are well behaved during the lesson.

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Student Management Interaction/Rapport

Justin compliments students often. Students are very willing to participate in the class and are comfortable with each other. Justin speaks professionally at all times and infuses appropriate humor into the lesson.

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