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c& Pro'ra((e A student must attain a minimum of 2.0 CGPA ('C' average) for the whole programme and combine basic and core component. As regards the basic and core courses if failed a student is allowed to replace a ma!imum of " units of the courses failed with courses of at least similar level and offered under the #egree of $achelor of %cience with &onours Programme of %tud' in Ph'sics. Core Co)r&e& (CA )0)*+ , Ph'sics - (.echanics) (CA )02*+ , Ph'sics -- (/lectricit' and .agnetism) (C0 )01*1 , Ph'sics --- (2ibrations 3aves and 4ptics) 5 (CA ))0*+ , Calculus and 6inear Algebra (C0 )0+/*1 , Ph'sics -2 (.odern Ph'sics) (C0 )07*1 , /lectronics (C0 )8)*2 , Ph'sics Practical (C0 )82*2 , Ph'sics Practical -(C0 209*1 , :uantum .echanics (C0 207*1 , /lectronics -(C0 20;*2 , %tatistical .echanics (C0 2)0*+ , Comple! Anal'sis and #ifferential /<uations (C0 2))/*2 , 2ector Anal'sis (C0 2)2*2 , 0hermod'namics (C0 2)1*2 , 4ptics (C0 2)"*1 , .athematical .ethods (C0 281*2 , Ph'sics Practical --(C0 28+*2 , Ph'sics Practical -2 (C0 10+*1 , /lectricit' and .agnetism (C0 10;/*1 , %olid %tate Ph'sics (C0 1);*1 , %olid %tate Ph'sics -(C0 180*7 , Pure Ph'sics Pro=ect 0otal> 79 units (22 courses) 5 0he course content of (CA ))0*+ overlaps with .athematics courses .AA )0)*+ Calculus and .AA )))*+ 6inear Algebra. %tudents can onl' register either (CA ))0*+ or .AA )0)*+ and .AA )))*+ .

Elec !"e Co)r&e&

%tudents must select 20 units at least )7 units from the group of courses below and the remaining units from either the %cience or Applied %cience programmes. %tudents are encouraged to ta?e .A0)")*+ Programming for %cience Applications. (C/ 20"*2 (C/ 109*1 (C/ 11)*+ (C/ 1+)*+ (C/ 19)*1 (A/ 2"2*1 (A0 1"7*+ (C/ 2;9*+ .A0)")*+ + units , , , , , , , , , , Classical .echanics Atomic and Auclear Ph'sics Badiation $ioph'sics /nerg' %tudies C,Ba' Anal'sis .aterial %ciences %emiconductor Ph'sics #evices Astronom' Programming for %cience Applications 4ther %ciences.

)7 @nits

+ units

Pro're&& Sc$e*)le +or Co)r&e Re'!& ra !o# o+ Bac$elor o+ Sc!e#ce ,! $ Ho#o)r& De'ree Pro'ra((e - P$%&!c&
Dear %emester Courses Ao. of @nits

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (CA )0)*+ (CA )02*+ (CA ))0*+ (C0 )8)*2 )+ ) -(C0 )01*1 (C0 )0+/*1 (C0 )07*1 (C0 )82*2 )) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (C0 207*1 (C0 2)0*+ (C0 2))/*2 (C0 2)2*2 (C0 2)1*2 (C0 281*2 )9 2 -(C0 209*1 (C0 20;*2 (C0 2)"*1 ,,, ,,,*+5 (C0 28+*2 )+ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (C0 10;/*1 ,,, ,,,*+5 ,,, ,,,*+5 )+ 1 (C0 180*7E -(C0 10+/*1 (C0 1);*1 ,,, ,,,*+5 ,,, ,,,*+5 ); "9

No e-

5 /lective Courses (according to choice) E Course conducted over two semesters

M!#or Area o+!al!&a !o# 0he recommended .inor areas of specialisation are as follows>,

). 2. 1. +. 9. 7.

Chemistr' .athematics Computer %cience .anagement -slamic %tudies /nglish 6anguage

%tudents must pass )7 units from the .inor area of specialisation followed. Befer to the %chool concerned for further information. LIST OF COURSES OFFERED FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS PROGRAMME - PHYSICS Se(e& er I Le"el o+ Co)r&e )00 (CA )0)*+ (CA )02*+ (CA ))0*+ (C0 )8)*2 (C0 207*1 (C0 2)0*+ (C0 2))/*2 (C0 2)2*2 (C0 2)1*2 (A/ 2"2/*1 (C0 281*2 100 (C/ 109*1 (C0 10;/*1 (C/ 11)*+ (C/ 19)*1 (A0 1"7*+ (C0 180*7 Se(e& er II Le"el o+ Co)r&e )00 5(C@ )00*2 Co)r&e Co*e/ T! le /nerg' and 0he /nvironment

Co)r&e Co*e/ T! le Ph'sics - (.echanics) Ph'sics -- (/lectricit' and .agnetism) Calculus and 6inear Algebra Ph'sics Practical /lectronics -Comple! Anal'sis and #ifferential /<uations 2ector Anal'sis 0hermod'namics 4ptics .aterial %ciences Ph'sics Practical --Atomic and Auclear Ph'sics %olid %tate Ph'sics Badiation $ioph'sics C,Ba' Anal'sis %emiconductor Ph'sics #evices Pure Ph'sics Pro=ect (two semesters)

Prere0)!&! e , , , , (%) (C0 )07*1 (%) .AA)0)*+ or (%) (CA )0)*+ (%) .AA )0)*+ or (%) (CA))0*+ (%) (CA )02*+ (P) (C0 )01*1 (C) (C0 2)2*2 (%) (C0 )82*2 (%) (C0 209*1 (C) (C0 20;*2 (P) (C0 )0+/*1 (C) (C0 10;/*1 (%) (C0 )07*1 (C) (C0 10;/*1 (%) (C0 28+*2


Prere0)!&! e ,

(C0 )01*1 (C0 )0+/*1 (C0 )07*1 (C0 )82*2 200 (C0 209*1 (C0 20;*2 (C/ 20"*2 (C0 2)"*1 (C/ 2;9*+ (C0 28+*2 100 (C0 10+*1 (C0 1);/*1 (C/ 1+)*+ (C0 180*7

Ph'sics --- (2ibrations 3aves and 4ptics) Ph'sics -2 (.odern Ph'sics) /lectronics Ph'sics Practical -:uantum .echanics %tatistical .echanics Classical .echanics .athematical .ethods Astronom' Ph'sics Practical -2 /lectricit' and .agnetism %olid %tate Ph'sics -/nerg' %tudies Pure Ph'sics Pro=ect (two semesters)

, , (%) (CA )02*+ (%) (C0 )8)*2 (%) (C0 )0+/*1 (%) (C0 2)2*2 (P) (CA )0)*+ (%) (C0 2)0*+ (%) (C0 2))/*2 (%) (C0 2)0*+ (%) (C0 2))/*2 , (%) (C0 281*2 (P) (CA )02*+ (%) (C0 2)0*+ (%) (C0 2))/*2 (%) (C0 10;/*1 (%) (C0 )07*1 (%) (C0 28+*2

No e > 5 0his course is not offered to all Ph'sics %tudents

SYNOPSES OF CORE COURSES - PHYSICS 1CA 232/4 P$%&!c& I (Mec$a#!c&) @nit dimension. Finematics in one and two dimension. 2ectors in ph'sics. Aewton's 6aws and application. 3or? and energ'. Conservation of energ' and momentum. Collision in one and two dimension. %imple harmonic motion.

@niversal gravitation gravitional force. .otion of planets. /!tended s'stems moment of inertia. Angular momentum rotational d'namics compound pendulum. Bigid bod' e<uilibrium statics. /lasticit' stress strain and torsion. Doung's modulus shear and bul? modulus. $ending of beams bending moment. Compression of fluids surface tension h'drostatics viscosit' viscoelasticit'. &'drod'namics continuit' e<uation $ernoulli e<uation Poisseuille e<uation. 0urbulent flow sedimentation drag. Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. &allida' #. G Besnic? B. Physics (7th /d.) Hohn 3ile' G %ons 200). %erwa' B.A. G Hewett H.3. Principles of Physics (1rd /d.) $roo?s*Cole 2002.

1CA 235/4 P$%&!c& II (Elec r!c! % a#* Ma'#e !&() Coulomb's law electric intensit'. Gauss's law electric flu!. /lectric potential and electric intensit' of point charges dipole and charge distributions. Capacitance dielectrics stored energ'. /lectric current resistance 4hm's law Firchhoff's law. .icroscopic view of current. #.C. BC circuit. .agnetic fields Ampere's law $iot, %avart law. Iarada''s law. 6enJ's law. -nductance stored energ' #.C. 6B circuit. A.C. current electric power BC6 circuit. Iorce on current and moving charge. 6orentJ e<uation &all's effect. #ielectric materials dipole moment electric polariJation. .aterial resistivit' temperature effect. /lectromagnetic waves electromagnetic spectrum. .agnetic field and electric field vector. .a!well displacement current .a!well e<uations. Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. #. &allida' B. Besnic? H. 3al?er (200)) Fundamentals of Physics 7th edition Hohn 3ile' G %ons. Ba'mond A.%erwa' G Hohn 3. Hewett (2002) Principles of Physics 1rd /dition $roo?s*Cole,0homson 6earning. &.#. Doung B.A. Ireedman ()887). University Physics /dition Addison 3esle'. 8th

1CA 223/4 Calc)l)& a#* L!#ear Al'e6ra Calc)l)&%ets real numbers rational and comple! numbers. Iunctions and graphs. %e<uences and series convergence tests function limits and properties of limit continuit' and the mean value theorem.

#ifferentation techni<ues implicit differentiation higher order differentiation minimum and ma!imum values (theor' and application) BolleKs theorem 6K &opitalKs rule applications of derivatives. -ntegration techni<ues improper integrals fundamental theorem lengths of curves. 0rigonometric functions and their inverses e!ponential and logarithmic functions h'perbolic functions and their inverses. .atrices and #eterminants> .atri! algebra determinant properties of determinant inverse of a matri! s'stems of e<uations vector spaces $asis and dimension linear transformations. Bef. $oo?s> ). Thomas Calculus, 0enth /dition b' George $. 0homas Boss 6. Iinne' .aurice #. 3eir and Iran? B. Giordano Addison,3esle' Publishing (200)). Calculus Iifth /dition b' Hames %tewart 0homson $roo?s*Cole (2001). Culculus, %even /dition b' &oward Anton -rl $ivens and %tephen #avis Hohn 3ile' and %ons (2002). Schaums Outline of Linear Alge ra, 0hird (-nternational) /dition b' %e'mour 6ipschutJ and .arc 6ipson .cGraw,&ill (200)). Schaums Outline of Theory and Pro lems of !atrices, Si "!etric# /dition b' Iran? A'res .cGraw,&ill ()8;+).

2. 1. +. 9.

SYNOPSES OF CORE COURSES - PHYSICS 1CT 237/7 P$%&!c& III (8!6ra !o#&9 Wa"e& a#* O. !c&) /<uation of motion for simple harmonic motion damped oscillator forced oscillator. 6ogarithmic decrement rela!ation time resonance and : factor. Coupled oscillations. 0ransverse waves and longitudinal waves. 0he wave e<uation and its solutions. Beflection and transmission of waves at boundaries. %tationar' waves. %uperposition of waves. Phase velocit' and group velocit'. #ispersion of waves.

/lectromagnetic wave spectrum. Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum. Propagation of light waves amplitude and intensit'. #oppler effect. -nterference Doung's double slits .ichelson interferometer. .ultiple reflections thin films Aewtons rings and Iabr',Perot interferometer. #iffraction grating. #ispersion Cauch' formula. PolariJation $rewster angle. 6ight sources and light detectors. Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. +. 9. 7. %erwa' B.A. G Hewett H.3. Physics for Scientists and $ngineers %ith !odern Physics (7th /d.) 0homson 200+. Pain &.H. The Physics of &i ration and 'aves (9th. /d.) Hohn 3ile' G %ons )888. 6ee $.%. (etaran dan (elom ang @%. )8"8. Hen?ins I.A. G 3hite &./. Fundamentals of Optics (+th /d.) .cGraw,&ill 200). Chatar %ingh. Opti) @%. )88). *echt $+ Optics Addison,3esle' 200).

1CT 234E/7 P$%&!c& I8 (Mo*er# P$%&!c&) %pecial Belativit'> Beference frames invariance of Aewton's d'namics. Galilean transformation invariance for other laws. .ichelson,.orle' e!periment. Postulates of special relativit'. 6orentJ transformation. Belativistic ?inematics and d'namics. /instein formula. -ntroduction to modern ideas in Ph'sics> $lac?bod' radiation Planc?'s law. Photoelectric effect Compton effect C,ra's. 3ave,particle dualit' de $roglie waves. 4ld atomic models. Alpha,scattering Butherford model. 4ld <uantum theor' and the $ohr model of the atom. /nerg' levels of the atom and atomic spectra. /!citation and the Iranc?,&ertJ e!periment. $ohr's Correspondence Principle. Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. Arthur $eiser -sabel $erg Concepts of !odern Physics .cGraw, &illL 7th edition. Fenneth %. Frane !odern Physics 3ile' 0e!t $oo?sL 2nd edition Ba'mond A. %erwa' .oses and .o'er !odern Physics "Saunders (olden Sun urst Series# -nternational 0homson PublishingL 9th edition Dap $er Chin dan Fang Chin %eng H-I +)+ M !odul , dan !odul


- Pengenalan .lmu /uantum !e)ani), 0erbitan Pertama PP6F )8"7 @nit Perceta?an Pusat @niversiti %ains .ala'sia. 1CT 23:/7 Elec ro#!c& I Anal'sis of circuits. Alternating current circuits. 0heveninKs 0heorem and AortonKs 0heorem. Characteristics of diodes and their uses in circuits. rectif'ing circuits. %ignal processing circuits. $ipolar =unction transistors and Iield effect transistors input characteristics and output characteristics. 6arge signal amplifiers amplification distortion and fre<uenc' response. Power amplifier. %mall signal amplifiers and h'brid parameters. 0heor' of positive and negative feedbac?. 4perational amplifiers and their applications. 0his course e!poses students to practical e!perience on various e!periments to enhance theories such as> #iode transistor and 4p,Amp characteristics and their applications. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. (%) (CA )02*+ Ph'sics -- (/lectricit' and .agnetism) %mith B.H. G #orf B.C. Circuits, 0evices and Systems+ (9th /d.) 3-/ )88). $o'lestad B.6. G Aashels?' 6. $lectronic 0evices and Circuit Theory ("th. /d.) Prentice &all 2002. $roph' H.H. 1asic $lectronics for Scientists (9th ed) .cGrew,&ill )880.

1CT 2;2/5 P$%&!c& Prac !cal I Consist of a selection of e!periments.

1CT 2;5/5 P$%&!c& Prac !cal II Consist of a selection of e!periments. Prere<uisite> (%) (C0 )8)*2 Ph'sics Practical -

1CT 53</7 =)a# )( Mec$a#!c& #evelopment of :uantum .echanics> %chrNdinger picture and &eisenberg picture. %chrNdinger e<uation. 3ave functions. Probabilit'. .easureable <uantities. 4perators and e!pectation values. %tationar' state. /igen function and /igen value. Particle in a bo!. &armonic oscillator. $arrier penetration. Central field problem. &'drogen atom. Prere<uisite> (%) (C0 )0+/*1 Ph'sics -2 (.odern Ph'sics)

Bef. $oo?s>

). 2. 1. +.

(ettili A+ 2uantum !echanics3 Concepts and Applications Hohn 3ile' 200) 6iboff B.6. .ntroductory 2uantum !echanics, Addison 3esle' 2002 $eiser A. )8";. Concepts of !odern Physics . +th /d. .cGraw,&ill

/lmer /. Anderson. !odern Physics and 2uantum !echanics 3.$. %aunders Co. 0er=emahan $. oleh Abdul 6atiff Awang Penerbitan @niversiti %ains .ala'sia dan #ewab $ahasa dan Pusta?a Fementerian Pendidi?an .ala'sia Fuala 6umpur )882. Dap $er Chin dan Fang Chin %eng 4.F 5,5 6 !odul , dan !odul - Pengenalan .lmu /uantum !e)ani) 0erbitan Pertama PP6F )8"7 @nit Perceta?an Pusat @niversiti %ains .ala'sia.


1CT 53:/7 Elec ro#!c& II Aumbers and code s'stem arithmetic of binar' he!adecimal and 2Ks complement numbers. $asic logic $oolean algebra de .organ theorem and logic circuit anal'sis. #esign of combinational logic circuits minimiJation Farnaugh map donKt care state decoder multiple!er encoder and demiltiple!er. Combinational logic elements> basic flip,flop flip,flop %B HF # and 0. Cloc?ed flip,flops. %e<uential logic> different t'pes of reigsters and counters. %e<uential timing s'nchronous and as'nchronous counters and their applications. ArithmeticKs unit> adder and substracter. #esign of se<uential logic s'stems> state diagram truth table and timing diagram. /!tension from e!ited table circuit design from truth table and timing diagram. /!amples of logic circuit applications> memor' s'stem B4. BA. memor' decoding and basic architecture of microprocessor s'stem. 0his course e!poses students to practical e!periences on various e!periments to enhance theories such as> /!periments on logic gates flip,flop arithmetic unit design of registers and counters. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. (%) (C0 )07*1 /lectronics FleitJ 3. )888 0igital $lectronics Iifth /dition Prentice &all -nc Aew Herse'. .arcovitJ. A.$. 2002 .ntroduction to Logic 0esign .c Graw &ill. -%$A 00;)2079+C. Ahmad -smail )8"2. Asas re)a entu) logi) )omputer #ewan $ahasa dan Pusta?a Fuala 6umpur.

+. 9. 7. ;.

Ilo'd 0.6 2001 0igital Fundamentals /ighth /dition Prentice &all Pearson /ducation -nternational. .alvino A.P )881 0igital Computer $lectronics (1rd /d.) Glencoe*.acmillan,.cGraw,&ill 6a?e Iorest. .alvino A.P. and 6each #.P. )8"7 0igital Principles and Applications Iorth /dition .cGraw,&ill Aew Dor?. Ba' B'an and 6isa A. #o'le )881 0igital $lectroni7 .cGraw, &ill -nternational /dition.

1CT 53>/5 S a !& !cal Mec$a#!c& Characteristics of macroscopic and microscopic s'stems. Probabilit' concepts and counting of states. Postulate of e<ual a priori probabilities. .icrocanonical /nsemble. #efinition of absolute temperature and entrop'. Canonical /nsemble. %tatistics of ideal <uantum gases. .a!well,$oltJmann statistics. $ose,/instein statistics. Iermi,#irac statistics. Applications of <uantum statistics> specific heat of solids blac? bod' radiation conducting electrons in solids. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> (%) (C0 2)2*2 0hermod'namics ). 2. 1. .andl I. Statistical Physics (2nd /d.) Hohn 3ile' )8"". $owle' B. and %ancheJ .. .ntroductory Statistical !echanics (2nd /d.) 4!ford %cience Publications 2002. Beichle 6./. A !odern Course in Statistical Physics (2nd /d.) Hohn 3ile' )88".

1CT 523/4 Co(.le? A#al%&!& @ D!++ere# !al E0)a !o#& Comple! Anal'sis> Iuntions of a comple! variable , comple! functions. #ifferentiation of comple! functionsL Cauch',Biemann conditions anal'tic functions singular points power series of anal'tic functions 0a'lor series. Comple! -ntegration> Cauch' integral theorem. Cauch' integral formula. (eroes and singularities. 6aurent series. Besidue theorem. #ifferential /<uations> 4rdinar' linear differential e<uations of first order and methods of solutions. 4rdinar' linear differential e<uations of second order M homogeneons and non,homogeneous e<uations and methods of solution. #ifferential /<uations> %eries solution , power series and Irobenius methods. Prere<uisite> 0e!t $oo?> ). (%) .AA )0)*+ Calculus or (%) (CA ))0*+ Calculus and 6inear Algebra Fre'sJig /. Advanced /ngineering .athematics ("th /d.) Hohn

3ile' )888. Bef. $oo?s> 2. 1. +. Arf?en G.$. and 3eber &.H. .athematical .ethods for Ph'sicists (+th. /d.) Academic Press 2000. $oas ..6. .athematical .ethods in Ph'sical %cience (2nd /d.) Hohn 3ile' )8"1. Aagle B.F. and %aff /.$. Iundamentals of #ifferential /gns of $oundar' 2alue Problems Addison,3ile' Publishing Compan' )887.

1CT 522E/5 8ec or A#al%&!& 2ector algebraL definitions addditon subtraction of vectors dot products and cross products of vectors scalar and vector fields geometric representation algebraic representation transformationL unit vectors. 2ector calculusL scalar differentiation differentiation with respect to time. Gradient divergence and curl of a vector. Ph'sical e!amples. Consecutive differentiation 6aplacean #'Alembertian. Ph'sical e!amples. 2ector integrationL line surface and volume integrals. Gauss 0heorem. %to?es 0heorem. Application in Ph'sicsL potential theor' scalar potential vector potential. Coordinate %'stemsL Cartesian curvilinear s'stems c'lindrical spherical. #ifferentiation and integration. Application in Ph'sics position velocit' and acceleration wave e<uation for Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. +.

/ and &

in electricit' and magnetism.

(%) .AA )0)*+ Calculus or (%) (CA ))0*+ Calculus and 6inear Algebra Arf?en G.$. and 3eber &.H. !athematical !ethods for Physicists (+th. /d.) Academic Press 2000. Fre'sJig /. Advanced $ngineering !athematics (;th /d.) Hohn 3ile' )881. Greenberg ..#. &all )8"". Advanced $ngineering !athematics Prentice

%piegel ..B. Theory and Pro lems of &ector Analysis and an .ntroduction to Tensor Analysis .cGraw,&ill -nc. )8").

1CT 525/5 T$er(o*%#a(!c&


%imple thermod'namic s'stems e<uation of state wor? heat first law internal energ' results of first law ideal gas. Carnot c'cle and heat engine. %econd law of thermod'namics result from second law entrop' irreversible process. Combination of first and second laws 0,% diagram and thermod'namic relationships. .a!well e<uation Clausius, Clape'ron e<uation and 0ds e<uation. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. +. (%) (CA )02*+ Ph'sics -- (/lectricit' and .agnetism) (emans?' ..3. G #ittman B.&. *eat 8 Thermodynamics .cGraw,&ill )88;. %chroeder #.2. An .ntroduction to Thermal Physics, Addison 3esle' 6ongman )888. Carter A.&. &all 200). Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics, Prentica

%ears I.3. G %alinger G.6. Thermodynamics, /inetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics, Addison,3esle' )8"7.

1CT 527/5 O. !c& PolariJation. Plane and circular polariJation. Beflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves at boundaries. 4pticall activit'. Ferr effect and Iarada' effect. #ispersion theor'. #iffraction. Iresnel,Firchhoff e<uations. Iraunhofer diffraction of a single slit s<uare and circular aperture. #iffraction gratings and their characteristics. Iresnel diffraction for circular aperture. Cornu spiral and Iresnel -ntegrals. (one plates. Iresnel diffraction for straight edges and rectangular aperture. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. (P) (C0 )01*1 Ph'sics --- (2ibration 3aves and 4ptics) Hen?ins I.A. G 3hite &./. .cGraw,&ill 200). Fundamentals of Optics (+th /d.)

Hen?ins I.A. G 3hite &./. Fundamentals of Optics (+th /d.) .cGraw,&ill )8"2. 0er=emahan $. oleh Ad=a Bad=eman Penerbit @%. dan #$P )880. Pedrotti I.6. Pedrotti 6.%. Prentice,&all -nt. /d. )881. .ntroduction to Optics (2nd /d.)

1. +.

&echt /. Optics (+th. /d.) Addison,3esle' 200).


1CT 52A/7 Ma $e(a !cal Me $o*& -ntegral transforms> general properties. 6aplace transform> general properties applications in ph'sical problems. Iourier transform> general properties applications in ph'sical problems. %pecial functions*e<uations> Gamma $essel 6egendre and Associated 6egendere. Iourier Anal'sis> e!pansion of functions in terms of sine and cosine properties ph'sical e!amples. Partial differential e<uations> %turm M 6ionrille boundar' value problems. e<uation &eat e<uation 6aplace e<uation , solution b' separation of variables. Prere<uisite> (%) (C0 2)0*+ Comple! Anal'sis and #ifferential /<uations (%) (C0 2))/*2 2ector Anal'sis 3ave

Bef. $oo?s>

). 2. 1.

Fre'sJig /. Advanced $ngineering !athematics . Hohn 3ile' and %ons )888. Peter 2. 4KAeil Advanced $ngineering !athematics 9th edition $roo?s*Cole 2001. G. Arf?en )8"9. !athematical !ethods for Physicists Academic Press

1CT 734/7 Elec r!c! % a#* Ma'#e !&( Bevision of vector anal'sis vector calculus basic theorems curvilinear coordinates and #irac,delta function. 0he Coulomb 6aw. /lectric fields E. #ivergence of EB 0he GaussK6aw. Curl of E. Gradient of E and electrical potential 2. /lectrical dipoles. 0he PoissonKs and 6aplaceKs e<uations. /lectrostatics field in dielectric medium. 0he GaussK law for dielectric. #isplacement vectors. PolariJation. /lectric susceptibilit' and dielectric constant. /lectrical boundar' conditions. /lectrical potential energ' for dielectric medium. .agnetic fields. 0he $io,%avartKs law. #ivergence of BB .agnetic potential vector A. Curl of B. 0he AmpereKs circuit law. .agnetic dipoles. /lectromagnetic induction. 0he Iarada'Ks induction laws. .agnetic materials. 0he .a!wellKs e<uations. PolariJation of electric fields. 0he Po'nting theorem. /lectromagnetic boundar' conditions. Propagation of electromagnetic waves in free space. Propagation of electromagnetic waves in material medium. Prere<uisite> (P) (CA )02*+ Ph'sics -- (/lectricit' and .agnetism) (%) (C0 2)0*+ Comple! Anal'sis and #ifferential /<uations

(%) (C0 2))/*2 2ector Anal'sis Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. #ubroff B./. %?ite? G.G. G .arshall %.2. $lectromagnetic Concepts and Applications (+th /d.) Prentice,&all )887. BeitJ H.B. .ilford I.H. G Christ' B.3. Foundations of $lectromagnetic Theory (+th /d.) Addison,3esle' Publishing Co. )882. 6orrain P. G Corson #.B. $lectromagnetic Fields and 'aves (1rd /d.) 3.&. Ireeman Co. )8"". Hefimen?o 4.#. $lectricity and !agnetism 9 An .ntroduction to the Theory of $lectric and !agnetic Field Appleton,Centur', Crofts .eredith Corporation Aew Dor? )8"8. Aa'feh ..&. G $russel ..F. $lectricity and !agnetism Hohn, 3ile' G %ons Aew Dor? )8"9.

1. +.


1CT 73>E/7 Sol!* S a e P$%&!c& I Cr'stal structure classification of interatomic binding in cr'stals. #iffraction reciprocal lattice $rillouin Jone lattice vibration dispersion curve specific heat,models of /instein and #eb'e. Iree electron theor' for metals electrical conductivit' electron gas heat capacit'. $and theor' of solids Fronig,Penne' model holes effective mass. %emiconductor , intrinsic and e!trinsic. Carrier densit'. Conductivit' of impurities &all effect. 4ptical properties> absorption processes e!citon photoconductivit'. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. +. (C) (C0 20;*2 %tatistical .echanics Fittel C. .ntroduction to Solid State Physics ("th /d ) Hohn 3ile' G %ons 2009. 4mar ..A. )881. $lementary Solid State Physics Addison 3esle'

&oo? H.B. G &all &./. Solid State Physics Hohn 3ile' G %ons )889 $la?emore H.%. Solid State Physics Cambridge @niversit' Press )8";.

1CT 5;7/5 P$%&!c& Prac !cal III Consist of a selection of e!periments. Prere<uisite> (%) (C0 )82*2 Ph'sics Practical -)+

1CT 5;4/5 P$%&!c& Prac !cal I8 Consist of a selection of e!periments. Prere<uisite> (%) (C0 281*2 Ph'sics Practical ---

1CT 72>/7 Sol!* S a e P$%&!c& II PhononL neutron scattering thermal conductivit' anharmonic effect. /lectron energ' band in solids Iermi surface. /lectron d'namics in magnetic field c'clotron resonance &all effect. %uperconductivit'. #ielectric and optical properties. Ierro,electrics. .agnetic properties. Properties of amorphous materials. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. +. (%) (C0 10;/*1 %olid %tate Ph'sics Fittel C. .ntroduction to Solid State Physics (;th /d.) Hohn 3ile' G %ons )887. 4mar ..A. )881 $lementary Solid State Physics Addison,3esle'

&oo? H.B. G &all &./. Solid State Physics Hohn 3ile' G %ons )889. $la?emore H.%. Solid State Physics Cambridge @niversit' Press )8";.

1CT 7;3/: P)re P$%&!c& Projec (5 &e(e& er&) Pro=ect*e!periments of related areas of thrust. Prere<uisite> (%) (C0 28+*2 Ph'sics Practical -2


SYNOPSES OF ELECTI8E COURSES - PHYSICS 1CE 53A/5 Cla&&!cal Mec$a#!c& 2ector calculus and ?inematics. Particle motion s'stem of particles conservation laws and e!amples in Aewtonian mechanics such as resistive motion central force roc?et e<uation and so on. .otion in non inertial frame s'stems Coriolis force. Anal'tical .echanics> Calculus of variation /uler e<uation. &amiltonKs principle and 6agrangian and &amiltonian d'namics. Generalised coordinates. 6agrange e<uation. GeneraliJed coordinates. 6agrange multiplier. &amiltonKs canonical e<uation. Prere<uite> (P) (CA )0)*+ Ph'sics ) (.echanics) (%) (C0 2)0*+ Comple! Anal'sis and #ifferential /<uations (%) (C0 2))/*2 2ector Anal'sis ). %tephen 0. 0hornton And Herr' $. .arion Classical #'namics 4f Particles And %'stems (9th /dition) &arcourt College Publishers 200+. .urra' B. %piegel %chaum's 4utline %eries> 0heor' And Problems 4f 0heoretical .echanics (%- P.etricQ /dition) .cgraw,&ill $oo? Compan' )8"2. G.B. Iowles Anal'tical .echanics College Publishing )888. (7th /dition) %aunders

0e!t $oo?s>


Bef. $oo?s>

). 2.

&erbert Goldstein Charles Poole and Hohn %af?o Classical .echanics (1rd /dition) Addison 3esle' 2002.

1CE 73</7 A o(!c a#* N)clear P$%&!c&


Atomic structure> &'drogen atom. %tates in h'drogen atom. Angular momentum. .an' electron atom. /lectron spin. Pauli e!clusion principle. %'mmetric and Antis'mmetric wave functions. %pin orbit coupling. 6% and HH coupling. Atomic spectra. %election rules. 4ne valence electron,atom. (eeman effect Aormal and Anomalous. Auclear structure> General properties of nuclear , composition siJe form mass and atomic nuclear charge. Auclear force and deuteron problem. Badioactivit' alpha deca' gama deca' electron capture. -nternal conversion. Auclear reactions. Auclear models and magic numbers. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. +. 9. (%) (C0 209*1 :uantum .echanics Anderson /./. !odern Physics and 2uantum !echanics %aunders Co. )8;). 0er=emahan $. oleh Abdul 6atiff Awang. $eisser A. Perspective of !odern Physics .cGraw,&ill )878. 0er=emahan $. oleh 6iew Dong Cho'. $urcham 3./. An .ntroduction to :uclear Physics 6ongman. 6im %.F. G %traits /... !odern Physics for Scientist and $ngineers .ac.illan Publishing Co. )8;". 6ittle 0.A. G 0horle' A. Atomic and :uclear Physics3 .ntroduction, /6$% %eries )8;0. An

1CE 772/4 Ra*!a !o# B!o.$%&!c& -nteraction of radiation with matter. -nteraction mechanism of photons and electrons with matter. -nteraction of neutrons alpha particles heav' nuclei and nuclear fission fragments with matter. #etection and measurement of radiation. Badiation dosimetr'. Production of radionuclides and its use in tracer techni<ues. $iological effects of radiation. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. +. 9. (P) (C0 )0+*1 Ph'sics -2 (.odern Ph'sics) Atti! I.&. .ntroduction to ;adiological Physics and ;adiation 0osimetry Hohn 3ile' G %ons )8"7 (2nd /dition .a' 2002). #.0. Graham RPrinciples of ;adiological Physics K Churchill 6ivingstone 2001. Hohns &./. G Cunningham H.B. Physics of ;adiology (+th /d.) %pringfield -llinois> Charles C. 0homas )8"1. Alpen /.6. R;adiation 1iophysics Prentice &all )880. Abdul Ghaffar Bamli. R /eradioa)tifan3 Asas dan Penggunaan

#$P )88). 7. ;. Fnoll G.I. R;adiation 0etection and !easurement 1rd. /dition 3ile' 2000. Coggle H./. R1iological $ffects of ;adiation 6ondon 0a'lor G Irancis )8"1.

1CE 742/4 E#er'% S )*!e& Production evolution and solar energ' availabilit'. Principles of solar cell operation. .aterial and response of silicon solar cell. %unlight concentration. %olar cells arra'. Arra' protection and failure sensor. Power conditioning. /nerg' storage and connection to grid. Photovoltaic power econom'. -ntroduction to bioenerg'. %olar radiation and photos'nthesis. $iogas and alcohol production. P'rol'sis and gassification. #irect burning. $iomass energ' s'stem and bioenerg' economic s'stem. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. (%) (C0 )07*1 /lectronics .artin A.Green Solar Cells9Operating Principles Technology Prentice &all 2000. 0widell H.3. ;ene%a le $nergy ;esources %pon Press 2000. 3eider %.). An .ntroduction to Solar $nergy for Scientists and $ngineers Hohn 3ile' )8"2.

1CE 7<2/7 C-Ra% A#al%&!& Ph'sics of C,ra' generation and properties of C,ra' detectors C,ra' diffraction powder methods and single cr'stal methods C,ra' fluorescence interpretation and <uantitative anal'sis /#C spectrometer C,ra' micro,anal'sis with electron microscope. Aote> /!posure to e<uipment and practicals in the C,ra' laborator'. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. (C) (C0 10;/*1 %olid %tate Ph'sics AJaroff 6.2. $lements of <9ray Crystallography .cGraw,&ill Aew Dor? )87". Hen?ins B. G 2ries 6.#. Practical <9;ay Spectrometry (2nd /d.) .acmillan 6ondon )8;0. AJaroff 6.2. The Po%der !ethod in <9;ay Crystallography .cGraw,&ill Aew Dor? )89".


$uerger ..H. $lementary Crystallography3 An .ntroduction to the Fundamental (eometrical Features of Crystals .-0 Press Cambridge .ass. )8;".

1AE 5A5E/7 Ma er!al& Sc!e#ce -ntroduction. %tructure> Cr'stal structure and imperfections phase diagrams phase transformations diffusion deformation of materials strengthening mechanisms and microstructures corrosion and o!idation. .aterials> -ron steel and ferrous allo's non,ferrous metals and allo's pol'mers ceramics composites. Properties> Ph'sical properties of materials. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. (C) (C0 2)2*2 0hermod'namics Callister 3.#. Hr. !aterials Science and $ngineering3 .ntroduction (7th /d.) Hohn 3ile' G %ons 2001. An

Ilinn B.A. G 0ro=an P.F. $ngineering !aterials and Their Applications (1rd /d.) &oughton .ifflin Co. $oston )8"7. 2an 2lac? 6.&. $lements of !aterials Science and $ngineering (7th /d.) Addison,3esle' Publishing Co. Beading .A )8"8.

1AT 7A:/7 P$%&!c& o+ Se(!co#*)c or De"!ce& /nerg' band densit' of states intrinsic semiconductor /lectrons and holes conduction e!trinsic semiconductor impurities impurit' level Iermi level carrier concentration &all effectL impurit' motionL minorit' carrier life time recombination process diffusion lengthL semiconductor surface semiconductor,metal contact semiconductor insulator contactL Ge %i and ---,-2 compoundL p,n =unction devices inclusive of (ener diode tunnel diod varactor variatorL single =unction transistorL Iield effect transistor inclusive of =unction I/0 and metal o!ide semiconductor I/0 (.4%I/0) silicon controlled switch (%C%) %hoc?l' diode and phototransistorL solar cell and semiconductor laser. Prere<uisite> Bef. $oo?s> ). 1. 2. (%) (C0 )07*1 /lectronics (C) (C0 10;/*1 %olid %tate Ph'sics %treetman $.G. G $aner=ee %. Solid State $lectronic 0evices, Prentice9*all, )888. + (ambuto .. Semiconductor 0evices, !c(ra%9*ill, )8"8 %Je %... Semiconductor 0evices, Physics and Technology, 2nd /dition

Hohn 3ile' G %ons 200) SYNOPSES OF ELECTI8E COURSE - NON BASIC APPLIED PHYSICS MAT 2A2/4 Pro'ra((!#' +or Sc!e#ce A..l!ca !o#& -ntroduction to computer> hardware and software programming languages. Problem definition. Algorithm development. -ntroduction to C language> $asic control structure> se<uence selection recursion. #esigning and developing programming module. %ubprogramming. %trategies in solving comple! problems. #esign methodolog'. 0esting and debugging. Abstract data structure processing. Feeping data structure in file. %trings. 0rees. SYNOPSES OF UNI8ERSITY COURSE 1CU 233/5 E#er'% a#* T$e E#"!ro#(e# /nerg' and related concepts histor' of energ' use sources of energ' energ' units and <ualit' of energ'. 3orld energ' consumption. Consumption of fossil fuels and its effect on the environment. @se of h'dropower nuclear wind geothermal solar and ocean energ' as well as biomass and their effects on the environment. /nerg' situation in .ala'sia and her energ' polic'. /fficient use of energ'. .odeling planning and economics. Bef. $oo?s> ). 2. 1. +. %cientific American %pecial -ssues. $nergy for Planet $arth+ %eptmber )880. %.C. Curran and H.%. Curran $nergy and *uman :eeds + Aational Geographic (2arious -ssues). 2arious papers of F.4. 6im.


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