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Holy Land Slide Presentation

Palm Sunday 2014 Rev. P. Wheelhouse

Purpose and Copyrights

This PowerPoint presentation is not for sale. It has been made specifically for local congregational showing, and to place it on my site for individuals I direct to the site, not for the general public. Some of the pictures are my own slides (the Via delorosa and most of the Church of the Holy Selpuchre) but several others (all the artistic renderings and other photos) were obtained online and placed here for visual stimulation. If you feel your copyright has been infringed upon, contact Rev. P. Prof. Wheelhouse, Florida, USA

Holy Land Slide Presentation

Palm Sunday: The Sunday of the Passion

O Pilgrim, Walk with Jesus in the Holy Land

Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem

Jesus Teaches at the Temple

The Last Supper with Disciples

Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

Jesus is Arrested by the Sanhedrin Guard and Brought to the Sanhedrin

Jesus was brought to the Sanhedrin and Tried by Night, then Tried by Pontius Pilate

Jesus Knew Why He Came to Earth: to be the Savior of the World It began with being born in Bethlehem

After being baptized by John in the Jordan, Jesus begins His ministry in Galilee. He read from the Isaiah scroll in the synagogue of Capernaum declaring these Scriptures are fulfilled in your hearing

Jesus Ministers throughout Galilee and in Judea/ Jerusalem, and through Samaria for three years

He performed healings, miracles, gave holy teaches of God, and taught His disciples the Lords Prayer

Walk with Christ on His final earthly walk to Jerusalem

Abide by Him when He is Condemned by Pilate at the Pavement Antonia Fortress and Walk the Via Delorosa with your Savior

We Anticipate the Somber Events of Maundy Thursday

We Anticipate the Ultimate Sacrifice on Calvary on Good Friday

And We anticipate the joyous Easter. We know its not the End; its a new Beginning of Gods Kingdom

Rev. Wheelhouses Travels in and Archaeological Work in Israel 1992 and 1996-1997

Peace and Blessings to You in your Holy Week Journey

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