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By Jonah!

I claim that gravity affects the orbit of a planet. To launch off, this is what affects the orbit of a planet. When I increased the mass of the planet it gained more speed around the the star. When I increased the velocity of the planet it went speeding either passed the orbit or around and crashed into the star. When I increased the distance between the planet and the star it slowed down the orbit. All in all, this is how gravity affects the orbit.! I claim there is gravity even though I cannot directly see it with my eyes. To begin, this is how I know gravity is there. The orbit of the planet is one sign that there is gravity. Gravity can be seen when the distance is changed. When you see a shooting star it is an asteroid going through the earths atmosphere by gravity. In conclusion, that Planets showing gravitational pull is how I know that there is gravity.! I claim gravity changes based on the size of the planets you are looking at. Now to start,we need to have some size in order to stay in orbit. If you look at the earth and imagined if it was big it we would probably get to close to the sun and burn up. If the planet got smaller it would get a farther orbit from the sun. If it was the same size of the sun the planets might orbit the bigger planet. At the end, that is how the gravity is changed by the size of the planet.
PhET my solar system orbit

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