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Iohn I.

4231 !efferson SL. #331, kansas ClLy, MC 64111
847.744.0830 | [ohnmonLesanLos[

Un|vers|ty of M|ssour|- Schoo| of Iourna||sm
8achelor of !ournallsm ln SLraLeglc CommunlcaLlon wlLh 8uslness Mlnor !"#$$ &' ()*+

Su|||van, n|gdon and S|nk, "##$%&"'( %)("'&*( ,-./01 ()*2 3 4.5$506
!unlor copywrlLer on Lhe Sonlc urlve-lns accounL for Sulllvan, Plgdon and Slnk - kansas ClLy. 1he
same Sulllvan, Plgdon and Slnk LhaL won Ad Age's Small Agency of Lhe ?ear ln Lhe MldwesL. And,
more lmporLanLly, Lhe same agency LhaL bravely Look me ln rlghL ouL of school.

na||mark Cards, "##$%&"'( +)&'() 7#"" ()*+ 3 ,-./01 ()*2

no, l dldn'L wrlLe greeLlng cards. My days aL Pallmark were spenL flnesslng Lhe words prlnLed on
producL packaglng. So preLLy much everyLhlng buL Lhe cards. 8uL Lhe ackaglng ueparLmenL was
agency-esque ln lLs process and producLlon. So, Lhere's LhaL.

Maneater Student Newspaper, ,("' +)&'() 8919$6 ()): 3 ;#< ()**

l wenL Lo college Lo become Lhe nexL 8lll Slmmons. AfLer wrlLlng over 100 arLlcles on Mlzzou fooLball,
baskeLball and baseball for Lhe school paper, l reallzed LhaL wasn'L Lhe Lype of wrlLlng for me. 8uL Lhe
experlence ln creaLlng long, deLalled copy should pay off someday. robably noL Lhough.

-").+$$. /0$$)&12- lnsLalllng floors ls llke maklng an ad: boLh are fuLlle flghLs for perfecLlon
3")' +)"120()- no beLLer Llme Lo free your mlnd and Lhlnk Lhan whlle reLrlevlng 300 loose shopplng carLs
4$$. #()*&%(- forced Lo galn people skllls over years as a banqueL and resLauranL server
5)&*&12 )"12( 6"1.- 10,000 scaLLered golf balls + 7 acres of muddy counLryslde = work eLhlc
7839 .":%")(- lnsplraLlon can come from anywhere. even from waLchlng 3-year-olds play uu8 all day long
;0.(#' $/ < %6&0.)(1- seLLlng an example and pavlng Lhe way for Lhe nexL 8 slnce 1992

=1&*()#&': $/ 8&##$>)& 5("1?# @&#'A BCC<D BCECD BCEE
l was surprlsed Loo.

F0(1,)$$G H$>'6 I)"%0( J(+#K"K()A ;.&'$) $/ '6( 7(") BCC<
1he hlgh school newspaper: Lhe morbld malnsLay of any wannabe wrlLer's resume.

BCC< L(2&$1"0 -(".0&1( M)&'&12 36"NK&$1 /$) '6( 3(1')"0 H>,>),"1 @("2>( H$>'6 3$1/()(1%(
Long name, llLLle honor. And, yes, wrlLlng ls apparenLly a cerLlflable hlgh school sporL now. l dldn'L
mlnd lL- Lhe paper gave me a loL more playlng Llme Lhan Lhe fooLball Leam ever dld.


nab|tat for numan|tyA *$0>1'(() 6$N( ,>&0.()
8esLored moblle homes ln reservaLlon communlLles wlLh compleLe sLrangers. Cave plggyback rldes
Lo LakoLa chlldren before dlscoverlng Lhey all had llce (lalrbanks, Ak '09 and Lagle 8uLLe, Su '11).

M|zzou kock-a-1honA %6"&)N(1 $/ #'"2( %$NN&''((
Cne of slx chalrmen for our blg blennlal phllanLhropy LhaL ralsed over $120,000 for Amerlcan Cancer
SocleLy ln 2013. And by blg", l mean Lhe blggesL fraLernlLy fundralser ln norLh Amerlca.

A|pha Lps||on | Iratern|tyA 6$>#( N"1"2()
Served on nlne-man execuLlve board for our 120-man chapLer. 1here's no way Lo LwlsL belng ln a
fraLernlLy lnLo a reason Lo hlre me, so l wlll sLop rlghL Lhere.

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