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Algebra 2 www.[asonmyhre.weebly.

?ou1ube: Myhre MaLh MCPS
AsslgnmenLs are due Lhe day afLer Lhey are asslgned. An asslgnmenL ls noL done" unLll !"" $%&' ls
shown, you have ()*('*+ and (%&&*(,*+ lL, and you have wrlLLen -**+.!(' on lL.
unlL 1: LquaLlons and lnequallLles 1lmellne and CheckllsL
/*0,!,12* 3!,* /!&4*, 56*(,1%0 78 9&!(,1(* 3%0*:
Mon 8/18

1ues 8/19
;<;= 3!> ;? LvaluaLe
expresslons and solve
llnear equaLlons (1.2/1.3)
94< ;@? 19, 21, 27, 29
94< A;? 13, 17, 29, 31, 33, 37, 69, 70, 89

Wed 8/20
;<;= 3!> A? Solve llnear
lnequallLles (1.6)
94< @B? 23, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 33, 69

1hurs 8/21
;<A= 3!> ;? Solve absoluLe
value equaLlons (1.7)
94< BB? 6 - 36(evens)
lrl 8/22
;<A= 3!> A? Solve absoluLe
value lnequallLles (1.7)
94< BB? 46 - 62(e), 63, 66, 67, 68
Mon 8/23
C01, ; DE1F ;
1ues 8/26
;<G? ConverL
measuremenLs and raLes
94< H? 31-46
Wed 8/27
;<@? use formulas and flnd
paLLerns Lo solve verbal
models (1.3)
94< GH? 3-19(odds), 23, 27, 29, 34, 39-

1hurs 8/28
DE1F I*21*$ C01, ; DE1F A 5/!'* J%K*8
lrl 8/29
L% 6()%%"
M*"(%K* .!('N
Algebra 2 www.[
?ou1ube: Myhre MaLh MCPS
AsslgnmenLs are due Lhe day afLer Lhey are asslgned. An asslgnmenL ls noL done" unLll !"" $%&' ls
shown, you have ()*('*+ and (%&&*(,*+ lL, and you have wrlLLen -**+.!(' on lL.
/*0,!,12* 3!,* /!&4*, 56*(,1%0 78 9&!(,1(* 3%0*:
Mon 9/1
L% 6()%%"
1ues 9/2
/*O, I*21*$ P0 ("!OO= 94< Q;? 3, 12-13, 17-22, 32, 34-
38(evens), 42-46(evens) 1ry some
converslons: age 981 or age 1010: 4-6
RS,&! T&*+1,= 94< QB? 13-13, 19-29

Wed 9/3
C01, ; /*O,

M)> +% P 0**+ ,% "*!&0 !.%E, *UE!,1%0O !0+ 10*UE!"1,1*O:
1o do baslc algebra problems
1o converL measuremenLs lnLo dlfferenL unlLs
1o work wlLh raLes
1o solve work problems
1o rearrange sclenLlflc and maLhemaLlc formulas
1o seL up and solve a varleLy of real llfe problems (lncludlng problems
lnvolvlng savlng and spendlng money, gas mlleage, and exerclse)
1o express ranges of LemperaLures ln boLh lahrenhelL and Celslus
1o calculaLe and express maLhemaLlcal Lolerance, such as a range of
accepLable welghLs of baseballs or helghLs of Clymplc horlzonLal bars

M)!, *"O* +1+ >%E "*!&0 !.%E, ,)1O ()!V,*&:N

W%E O)%E"+ .* K!O,*&104 ,)* -%""%$104 /!&4*,O?
1argeL 1.1: LvaluaLe expresslons and solve llnear equaLlons and lnequallLles
1argeL 1.2: Solve absoluLe value equaLlons and lnequallLles
1argeL 1.3: ConverL measuremenLs and raLes
1argeL 1.4: use formulas and flnd paLLerns Lo solve verbal models

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