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46 rue du Cenle 94400 vlLry-sur-Selne - lrance 09 80 33 16 32 // 06 69 13 47 32

Lmall: 64732[ hLLp://

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!"#$ &'() * +$(#, $-.$#/$)0$1 2/33/)4 &" #$3"0(&$1 3""5/)4 6"# )$2 0'(33$)4$,

CCn, CCnA, CCnA SecurlLy, CCLn1
70-642: MC1S Wlndows Server 2008 neLwork lnfrasLrucLure Conflgurlng
CompLla SecurlLy +

."/0 *9:*/5*+3*
! neLwork englneer ;+: :<'$=<> ? 35; (arls 9
) (@AB& CDEF G 7H'$# CDEIJ KEE LMBNO>J - ConLracLor on behalf of AMu Consell
Work as a member of Lhe 8n arlbas Cl8 lrance neLwork Leam. Lnsure Lhe neLwork avallablllLy for Cl8 lrance users.
LnvlronmenL: Clsco lCS - Clsco nx-CS - 8C - CSl - v8l - lM - lCM - nA1 - ACL - 8AuluS - vLAn - SnM - n1 - 1 -
802.1x - Wlreshark - Cascade lloL - lnflnlsLream - L8L - xP1ML/CSS - P - !SCn - SCL - naglos - CacLl - SLaLseeker -
1ransmode - Llnux (Solarls/8ed PaL/lree8Su)

! neLwork englneer 6'<BP& -&#&PML G ";8 (arls 13
) (6&='A<'Q CDEC G 7H'$# CDEFJ KER LMBNO>J - ConLracLor on behalf of
Work ln Lhe CenLre de roducLlon SalnL Amand (l1/Crange/SCCl). 8eferenL on accounLs managed by Lhe C. lnsLallaLlon and
ConflguraLlon of CL and L rouLers on producLlon neLwork on dlfferenL scopes (l8AnCL and ln1L8nA1lCnAL).
LnvlronmenL: Clsco lCS - CneAccessCS - !unCS - MLS/vn - lSec - 8C - 8l - sLaLlc rouLlng - nA1 - CoS - ACL - vLAn -
neLflow - SnM - L8L

! AsslsLanL ConsulLlng Lnglneer 3$>PM 8Q>N&L> (lssy-les-Moullneaux) (@A#Q CDED G 8&HN&L=&' CDEDJ - 2-monLh lnLernshlp
Work ln Lhe lnnovaLlon ConsulLlng Lnglneerlng 1eam", a Clsco SysLems' 8&u Leam. 8esearch work on Lhe neLwork complexlLy"
LnvlronmenL: Llnux CenLCS - Clsco lCS - L8L

! 5BN&'B&N 8MP$&NQ KCDECJ nexL CeneraLlon Leaders rogram
! "UVM'W ;'MMX&> TB$%&'>$NQ G 8POMM# MV -&POBM#MYQ KCDEEJ MSc Moblle and Plgh Speed 1elecommunlcaLlon neLworks
! *PM#& 8AHZ'$&A'& W[5BVM'L<N$\A& G *85 8T:5+6" KCDEEJ MSc CompuLer Sclence and lnformaLlon 1echnology

27+,T7,* :/"6535*+3]
! Lngllsh: lluenL (1CLlC LlsLenlng and 8eadlng : 813)
! Cerman: 8eglnner
! Chlnese: 8eglnner

! Pas wrlLLen an arLlcle abouL Lhe Clsco ACS server for Packln9 Magazlne (hLLp://
! Pas sLudled ln lrance, ln Chlna ( ln 1lan[ln), ln Lngland
! racLlse swlmmlng
! Member of professlonnal assoclaLlons (lLLL, lLLL CommunlcaLlons SocleLy, lLLL CompuLer SocleLy, lALng)

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