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lreelance CourL 8eporLer, 88

Mlnneapolls, Mn
!onaLhan !"##$%%

!"#$" &#' ()*+,)'+"- .#/0*)1 2"( 3+-3*4 5).3"+.2* 5)65+/#"4 $+53 -')25)'
60))( 2"( 2..7'2.4

A LrusLed resource for large, complex cases:
harmacy lndusLry Average Wholesale rlce LlLlgaLlon MuL: Asked by flrm !ones uay Lo cover all uC-area
deposlLlons ln MuL (mulLl-dlsLrlcL llLlgaLlon.) 1esLlmony recorded was used as evldence ln each of Lhe 30 sLaLes'
Medlcald lawsulLs agalnsL a hosL of pharmaceuLlcal manufacLurers. AsslgnmenL spanned 2+ years. ueposlLlons
aLLended by 3-20 parLles' lawyers, by phone or ln person. 8eal-Llme feeds always provlded and frequenL
expedlLed LranscrlpLs were all Lurned ln on Llme. A few were sLreamed over Lhe lnLerneL also.
Chosen by Penderson Legal servlces Lo go Lo Lngland Lo cover deposlLlons for an lmporLanL paLenL law cllenL
(llnnegan) lnvolvlng loLs of Lechnlcal vocabulary coverlng [eL englne deslgn.
!ack kenL Cooke v. nlL: Plgh proflle lawsulL seeklng $800 mllllon ln damages. 8equesLed afLer one day Lo handle
all 20 deposlLlons ln case.

Ioo wos oot ptloclpol tepottet lo ovet 50 Jeposltloos lo o lotqe Mul. ltom my expetleoce, Ioootboo ls ooe of tbe
best lo tbe bosloess.1op ootcb coott tepottet ooJ olce qoy to boot.
uovlJ 1otbotq, lottoet ot Iooes uoy, wosbloqtoo uc

(Ioootboos) petfotmooce, oqolo, wos sopetb. uesplte tbe Jlfflcolt tecbooloqy ooJ tecbolcol tetms. tbe oqllsb
(looJoo) occeots. oo Jlstoptloos Joe to epolpmeot follotes. exttemely pooctool.vety cleoo tooqbs woltloq fot
me lo my botel eocb eveoloq...
8arry W. Craham, arLner aL llnnegan eL al., WashlngLon uC

Ioootboo ls oo excelleot teol-tlme tepottet...wltb wbom l bove boJ tbe booot to wotk wltb fot 12 yeots botb lo
tbe u5 ooJ obtooJ.vety complex coott coses.we bove oevet boJ o complolot oboot bls wotk. l blqbly tecommeoJ
Ioos setvlces.
Noocy nobet, vl ot neoJetsoo leqol 5etvlces, wosbloqtoo uc


8eglsLered rofesslonal 8eporLer aL 223+ words per mlnuLe for Lwo-volce LesLlmony. uellver at least 98%
accuracy on RT feeds.
1ralnlng dally under Mark klsllngbury (nC8A speed champlon and Culnness record holder for speed and accuracy)
Lo cerLlfy aL hlgher levels, due ln 2014. CurrenLly dlscusslng speedbulldlng Lechnlques wlLh hlm as well as he Lo
Cwn SLenovaLlons LlghLSpeed sLeno machlne. Lenovo 1410 worksLaLlon grade lapLop for LranscrlpLlons and
Lcllpse CA1. lluenL wlLh AdvanLage SofLware's Moblle 8rldge sofLware (released fall 2013), Lhe mosL flexlble and
lnnovaLlve ln Lhe fleld. Also able Lo sLream vla LlvenoLe and Llve ueposlLlon producLs.
rovlde aLLorneys Louchscreen LableL compuLers connecLed wlrelessly wlLh real-Llme monlLorlng, or lf Lhey prefer
Lhey can connecL from any of Lhelr own devlces (lads, lhones, lods, Androld, Wlndows LableL, C/Mac/Llnux
browsers). Where lnLerneL access ls poor or nonexlsLenL l can provlde my own local Wlll servlce.

lreelance CourL 8eporLer, 88 age 2
!onaLhan !"##$%%
1ecbolcol 5peclflcotloos, cootlooeJ

8ecause l use many Lallored, wrlLer-Lrlggered edlLlng macros Lo lmprove accuracy of my orlglnal lnpuL and Lake
advanLage of 8rldge Moblle's excluslve refresh" capablllLy (whlch makes my edlLs lnsLanLly vlslble Lo reclplenLs), l
provlde a more accuraLe real-Llme servlce Lhan mosL courL reporLers can dellver.
upon requesL, l also add a Lhlrd parLy, real-Llme, remoLe scoplsL Lo ensure maxlmum accuracy by end of
LesLlmony. 8egularly provlde same day dellvery of flnal cerLlfled LranscrlpLs. Pave redundanL sLorage sysLems ln
place Lo dellver fall-safe servlce.
Cn slLe 60 mlnuLes ahead of Llme Lo LroubleshooL Lechnlcal consLralnLs, 90 mlnuLes for complex seLups. LaLe only
once ln 13 years, due Lo an unannounced resldenLlal moLorcade.
Cn schedule Lo pass 8M8 (8eglsLered MerlL 8eporLer) and C88 (CerLlfled 8ealLlme 8eporLer) ln 2014.
Pave been noLary ubllc of Lhe SLaLes of Maryland, vlrglnla, MlnnesoLa, Wlsconsln, and Lhe ulsLrlcL of Columbla.


'"#()*(# !"##$%%+ ,-, Mlnneapolls, Mn !un 2012-presenL
keqlsteteJ ltofessloool kepottet
uolng buslness for mulLlple law and courL-reporLlng flrms (especlally aradlgm) as 1099 lndependenL.
use CourL 8eporLers Clearlnghouse (uenver), as needed, Lo do copylng, blndlng, and bllllng, whlch enables me, as
an lndependenL, Lo concenLraLe on cllenL lnLeracLlon, collecLlon, wrlLlng and edlLlng.
As a former programmer, am always up on mosL promlslng Lechnology: wlreless, secure real-Llme feeds,
Louchscreens, LableL compuLers, lnLerneL sLreamlng, and LlghLspeed sLeno wrlLer wlLh Apple llngerworks"
keyboard Lechnology (same as lhones).

.$#/$01"# 2$3(% 4$0567$1+ 8#79 WashlngLon, uC 2000-presenL
coott kepottet
ConverLed from conLracLor Lo employee by Penderson ln 2006 (remalned full-Llme unLll my relocaLlon) so Lhey
could domlnaLe my avallablllLy. See LesLlmonlal above by v, nancy Puber.
Speclallze ln real-Llme, wlLh Lhe expecLaLlon of provldlng flnlshed, cerLlfled LranscrlpLs aL Lhe end of each day.
LxperL ln capLure of paLenL, medlcal, and pharmaceuLlcal manufacLurlng cases.
CurrenLly (CcL 2013) worklng wlLh Lhem as a conLracLor on anoLher large mulLl-sLaLe anLl-LrusL case, lnvolvlng egg
producers. ConLracL calls for every [ob Lo be sLreamed Lo 20+ aLLorneys. SenL Lo ues Molnes Lo do Lhe flrsL
deposlLlon (230 mlles away) slnce Lhere would be no opporLunlLy Lo LesL Lhe equlpmenL ahead of Llme, and Lhey
needed someone Lhey could depend on Lo geL lL worklng Lhe flrsL Llme. WenL off wlLhouL a hlLch.
CaLhered experlence coverlng deposlLlons and hearlngs for many sLaLe and federal [urlsdlcLlons such as Lhe uSl1C,
LLCC, 1C, uou, AAA, and Lhe dlsLrlcL and clrculL courLs of many sLaLes.
8y cllenL requesL was glven long-Lerm asslgnmenLs Lo cerLaln hlgh-proflle cases such as !ack kenL Cooke v. nlL,
harmaceuLlcal lndusLry AW LlLlgaLlon, uSA v. hllllp Morrls, and Lo lMl 8oard of ulrecLors meeLlngs.
Successfully compleLed nlne overseas asslgnmenLs Lo Lurope.

:%"7; ,$<"0)6#3 WashlngLon, uC 1997-1999
CourL 8eporLer - ConLracLor

=%/$01"# ,$<"0)6#3 WashlngLon, uC 1996-1997
CourL 8eporLer - ConLracLor

lreelance CourL 8eporLer, 88 age 3
!onaLhan !"##$%%

4(%">"# ,$<"0)6#3 8alLlmore, Mu 1993-1996


?@,= A?()6"#(% @"B0) ,$<"0)$01 =11"76()6"#C
cettlfleJ klk (keqlsteteJ ltofessloool kepottet) 97 (223 wpm, Lwo-volce LesLlmony)

D(0; E61%6#3FB0GH1 ID(3#B> 4)$#" @%BFJ (speedbulldlng Lechnlque/pracLlce/compeLlLlon)

D=K,@ AD6##$1")( =11"76()6"# "L K$0F()6> ,$<"0)$01 (#/ @(<)6"#$01C

4)()$ "L D6##$1")( (#/ !617"#16#
lobllc Nototy (Actlve)

,$<"0)6#3 =7(/$>G "L K6036#6( Sprlngfleld, vA 1993-1996

K6%%( 'B%6$ @"%%$3$ 8alLlmore, Mu 1993-1994

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