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"BC)'$ D$E'&($F 65==0G0HA10IJA507?HI5<
Logln uslng your student number und uo2one ussword

K)B/$''B)F B//&"$ #BC)'F
Lr. l.S. locsuneunu (lox) Monduy c:cc um - :c um
L'lorlo 1uesduy c:cc um - :c um
6z8cc ext. 68 *or by uolntment

($-"#&LM -''&'(-L(' N(-O8P
1o be unnounced ln cluss.

"Q-'' '"#$RCQ$F

%5:?0@ (698?0@ D9?:98?0@ (S678?0@ /7>?0@
:c - 6:cc
lSS cc

8:c - c:cc

,:c - :cc
AR1 c

c:cc - :c

:c - 6:cc
C8Y Lzc,

Q-E '"#$RCQ$F

Lub Coordlnutor: Lr. Rushml venkuteswurun,

lor your lub schedule (lncludlng lub tutorluls) und other detulls, consult the Cen Chem Lub
webslte on 8luckbourd. You cun downloud und rlnt whut you wuntjneed ut your own


You MUS1 urchuse sufety glusses und u lub cout 8LlCRL comlng to the lub. 1hese ure
uvulluble ln vurlous luces, lncludlng the llosk on the
floor of Murlon (uyment wlth
uCttuwu curd only), the Sclence Students' Assoclutlon und uCttuwu 8ookstore.
You cun flnd out your lub sectlon on RA8ASlA. lf you rlnt your tlmetuble ln tuble
formut, the lub sectlon ls the number ln bruckets next to CEM LA8 (x). Cnce you know
your lub sectlon, go to the CEM LA8 webslte on 8luckbourd to see the schedule. You wlll
need to brlng u rlntout of your RA8ASlA reglstrutlon to your flrst lub sesslon, to verlfy
thut you ure ln the correct lub sectlon. Use the SCU1E LNL S1AlRvLLL (the stulrwell
closest to MucLonuld Eull) to guln uccess to the thlrd floor luborutorles on your flrst duy.
1here ure relub vldeos thut you must wutch und u relub qulz to be comleted for LACE
lub, lncludlng Lub #. Co to the CEM LA8 webslte on 8luckbourd for more lnformutlon.
Lub reort forms for Lxerlments , z, und 6 wlll be osted on 8luckbourd und cun be
downlouded before, durlng, or ufter the lub, ut your convenlence.
You wlll erform exerlments CNCL every 1vC weeks for Lubs #, , , , und
6. ECvLvLR, for Lub #z, ALL students wlll comlete the lub ln the SAML vLLl. More
lnformutlon ubout thls wlll be glven ln cluss.

"BC)'$ $U-QC-(&BLF

Your murk ls bused on two urts: the lecture ortlon und the luborutory ortlon. 1he lub
ortlon ls flxed ut z und ls culculuted us follows:

Lemonstrutor evuluutlon
Prelub qulzzes
lormul reorts (z) 8
lnformul reorts () c

1he lecture ortlon counts for the remulnlng , of your flnul grude, but lts culculutlon ls
flexlble, us you muy "otout' of both the onllne usslgnments lf you wlsh (but more on thut
luter). Eere ure the two osslble evuluutlon schemes:

vlth homework vlthout homework
Cnllne Eomework c -
Mldterm (BI= V) ,
Mldterm z (L5W 2X) ,
llnul Lxum c 6


You wlll need u !"!#$%"&%'((')*+ culculutor for the tests und for the flnul exum. 1he
luculty of Sclence hus uroved the followlng culculutors: 1exus 1lc, 1lcA, 1lcSLR
sclentlflc und nonrogrummuble culculutors, und thelr CuslojShur counterurts. You muy
NC1 use cell hones or other electronlc devlces ln luce of u culculutor durlng tests or flnul

Lxtru note, slnce l get usked thls unywuy: "Cun l use my brund nume culculutor? lt's not on
the llst of lucultyAroved culculutors.' Eere's my unswer: for usslgnments und the
mldterms or unythlng else done ln cluss, us long us lt's not rogrummuble, thun lt's ok wlth
me (l'm not lcky on brund numes). #BD$U$)! l (', "% (', !". be roctorlng your flnul
exum (ln other words, lt mlght be unother rofessor udmlnlsterlng lt) und l cun't guuruntee
thut ./+, 0"!1. be lcky - they mlght be very strlct wlth the rules und conflscute uny
"unuroved' culculutors. So, roceed ut your own rlsk!


lf you know ln udvunce thut you wlll be mlsslng u test ;57 0:@ 79085:, contuct me
lmmedlutely to dlscuss the sltuutlon E$/B)$ the mldterm (l wlll not uccet nonmedlcul
excuses Al1LR the tests huve tuken luce!) lf you ure lll on the duy of u test, leuse brlng me
u medlcul certlflcute to recelve exemtlon from the test ASAP. !"#$# &$# '( $#!#)!)* the
welght of the mlssed mldterm wlll be redlstrlbuted to the other mldterm und flnul exum. lf
you mlss the flnul exum due to lllness, leuse brlng u medlcul certlflcute to the luculty of
Sclence to huve your flnul exum deferred to the study week ln lebruury. (lor more
lnformutlon on flnul exum deferrul, go to lf you mlss u lub due to
lllness, leuse obtuln u medlcul certlflcute, lnform your demonstrutor und see Lr. Rushml.

)$"B%%$LR$R ($Y(F

1he text thut l wlll be uslng us un offlclul reference for thls course ls Chemlstry: Moleculur
Nuture of Mutter und Chunge (Sllberberg,
Cunudlun Ldltlon). Pleuse note thut, whlle
urchuslng u textbook ls not mundutory, lt ls /2&/*, %+3"((+!4+4, LSPLClALLY for students
ln the luculty of Sclence, slnce you cun use lt us u reference for multlle courses (for
exumle, l lun to use lt when teuchlng CEMz: Lnvlronmentul Chemlstry, und you cun use
lt to reure for CEMz: lntroductory Crgunlc Chemlstry next semester und CEMz:
Lescrltlve lnorgunlc Chemlstry next yeur us well).

Lust yeur, the CEM lnstructors got together und sent u lot of tlme looklng ut the vurlous
books uvulluble on the murket und we truly feel thut thls text ls u worthwhlle lnvestment.
Eowever, we reullze thut not every student wlll wunt or need to lnvest ln u new textbook,
und so of course there ure ulternutlves. lor exumle, there wlll be lots of used textbooks
floutlng uround cumus (ln the ust, we used Petruccl, c
edltlon, und thut's un excellent
book too) thut you could lck u lnsteud, or you could use the coles ket on reserve ut the
llbrury or ln the Roustun Reudlng Room, or you could look lnto onllne lendlng vendors, etc.
llnully, l've got u vurlety of dlfferent textbooks ln my offlce, so feel free to dro by und look
ut them ln erson ln you're curlous (or lf you're buylng u coy onllne und whut to check lt out
flrst). 5. 26 7$ ." ,"7 ." 3"!624+% ./+ 8'%2"76 "$.2"!6 '!4 3"(+ ." ' 4+3262"! ./'. )+6. 672.6 ,"7%
92!'!32'* '!4 +473'.2"!'* !++46:

&%KB)(-L(F lf you wunt to follow ulong wlth me ln cluss, l wlll be referrlng to
ugesjroblems ln Sllberberg - lf you get u coy of uny other textbook, thut wlll be flne, ;<=
2. 26 7$ ." >?< to crossreference tolcs uslng lts tuble of contents or lndex. Cenerully
seuklng, most flrst yeur chemlstry textbooks ure very slmllur, so lf you're uslng unother
book, lt wlll be u to you to choose the relevunt chuters to reudjstudy. l should mentlon
thut one of the muny reusons we chose Sllberberg wus the quullty und number of endof
chuter questlons: there ls un excellent runge of dlfflculty, us well us fully lntegruted
roblems for euch sectlon. So, lf you uren't uslng Sllberberg, muke sure thut you choose
ructlce roblems thut ure ut the urorlute level.

"BC)'$ )$-R&LM'

D$$Z (&(Q$
'$"(&BL' "BU$)$R &L
'&QE$)E$)M[ +
"-L-R&-L $R&(&BL
'$"(&BL' "BU$)$R &L
K$()C""&[ +3
Set z
leys to the Study
of Chemlstry
Chuter Revlew on your own, ln
urtlculur: . (Chemlcul Problem
Solvlng), . (Meusurement ln
Sclentlflc Study), und .6 (Uncertulnty
ln Meusurement)
Chuter Revlew on your own, ln
urtlculur: (Sl Unlts),
(Llmenslonul Anulysls) und , (Slg llgs
und Roundlng)
Set z
1he Comonents
of Mutter
Chuter z Revlew on your own, ln
urtlculur: z.z (Atomlc vlew of
Mutter), z. (Atomlc 1heory 1oduy),
und z.8 (lormulue, Numes und
Chuters z und Revlew on your
own, ln urtlculur: z (Atomlc
Musses), z, (Avogudro Constunt und
the Mole), z8 (Mole Culculutlons),
(Comosltlon), und 6 (lnorgunlc
Stolchlometry of
lormulue und
Chuter (ull Sectlons) Sectlons
z. und .
Chuter (ull Sectlons) Sectlons
to 6
Set 6 Cuses und lM1
Sectlons . to ., Sectlon .6(Non
ldeul Cuses) only quulltutlvely
Sectlons 6 to 68, Sectlon 6 (Reul
Cuses) only quulltutlvely
Set z
Chuter (ull Sectlons) Sectlons 8.
und 8.
Sectlons , to ,8
Cct llnetlcs Chuter (ull Sectlons) Chuter (ull Sectlons)
Cct z Lqulllbrlum (l) Chuter (ull Sectlons) Chuter (ull Sectlons)
Cct z8
Sectlons 6. to 6. Sectlon 6.6
Revlew of Sectlon , Sectlons 6 to
lonlc Lqulllbrlu ln
Sectlons ,. to ,.
Revlew of Sectlon z, Sectlons 8 to
8,, Sectlons , und ,z, brlef
mentlon of other sectlons
Quuntum 1heory
und Atomlc
Qulck Revlew of Sectlon 6. to 6.
Sectlon 6.
Chuter 8
Nov 8
Sectlons ,. und ,.z, Qulck Look ut
Sectlon ,.
Chuter 8
Nov z
Models of
Sectlons 8. und 8.6 (tlme ermlttlng) Chuter (tlme ermlttlng)
Nov z8
1he Shues of
Chuter (ull Sectlons, tlme
Chuter c (tlme ermlttlng)

@!".+A 4'.+6 '!4 "%4+%2!& "9 ('.+%2'* 67)B+3. ." 3/'!&+
)$\M)-R&LM )$]C$'('

Regrude requests must be submltted wlthln + ,--./ 01 23- 452- 2352 2-/2/ 56- 6-2768-4 98
:;5//. lf you flnd un error ln the uddltlon of olnts on your test, stule u notejudd u Postlt to
the front of your test lndlcutlng the source of the error. lf you feel your test hus been
lmroerly gruded, udd u note to the front of your test lndlcutlng so - l wlll ersonully
remurk your entlre test to ensure thut you recelve the grude you deserve. 8rlng the test to
me before or ufter cluss or usk the secretury ut the front desk of L'lorlo to luce lt ln my

<<&;; 6-=>654- 6-?7-/2/ @7/2 A- /7A@922-4 98 ,69298>B<<


1here ls un 8c uttendunce requlrement ln the luculty of Sclence. lf you mlss u lecture, lt ls
your resonslblllty to ucqulre uny notes und usslgnments for thut duy from unother member
of the cluss. Lecture resentutlons wlll be osted to the course webslte ln df formut,
however, we wlll be solvlng roblems by hund ln cluss, so brlng some uer und u encll. l
wlll be uslng lncluss urtlclutlon to record uttendunce.


1he dlscusslon grous (LCLs) ure "$.2"!'*C )7. /2&/*, %+3"((+!4+4. vhlle you muy huve
been usslgned u urtlculur LCL ln your Rubusku schedule, feel free to uttend uny of the
three, or even more thun one lf you feel the need to do so. ln the LCLs, l (or u 1A) wlll
unswer questlons reluted to course muterlul osed ln erson or osted on the Messuge
8ourd on the course webslte. l wlll NC1 unswer questlons relutlng to your lub reorts - lf you
huve questlons or need hel wlth lub reorts, tulk to your lub demonstrutor or go to the lub
tutorluls (thut's whut they ure for!). 1he vednesduy ufternoon LCL (ut :cc, wlth me) wlll
tuke luce ln un Lcho6cequled clussroom und the resultlng lecturecuture vldeo wlll be
osted to the course webslte. RMR8 G>11 A9^>: '9_=9<A97 `

$U-QC-(&BL $Y$)"&'$'

B:1>:9 #5<9G57JF

A totul of ten homework usslgnments und two remldterm qulzzes, whlch cun be worth u
to +3a of your flnul murk, wlll be udmlnlstered onllne.

1hese exerclses wlll be udmlnlstered through u rogrum culled SAPLlNC LLARNlNC. 1hese
wlll be weekly usslgnments (~6c mln long), deslgned to hel you ructlce solvlng more
comlex roblems, '9.+% /'82!& 3"8+%+4 ./+ ('.+%2'* 2! 3*'66. vhen un usslgnment ls
unnounced ln cluss, logln to the webslte ut uny tlme to work on lt (you do not huve to
comlete the whole usslgnment ln one slttlng, you cun suve your work ut uny olnt).

Sullng cun be uccessed /B) /)$$ for u slxweek trlul erlod ut the beglnnlng of the

1he two remldterm qulzzes wlll ulso be uvulluble through Sullng. 1hese wlll be tlmed
qulzzes, ln whlch you must unswer three questlons wlthln c mlnutes. 1hese qulzzes ure
deslgned to reure you for euch mldterm.

You wlll need to urchuse uccess to Sullng seurutely. You cun buy uccess (uslng u credlt
curd, u Puyul uccount, or u cheque) onllne ut the Sullng webslte. 1he uCttuwu 8ookstore
wlll huve u llmlted number of uccess codes uvulluble for students who need to uy ln cush.
More lnformutlon ubout reglsterlng for D'$*2!& E+'%!2!& und comletlng the
usslgnmentsjqulzzes wlll be comlng soon.

l 6.%"!&*, %+3"((+!4 thut you get u D'$*2!& uccount und use them for the exerclses und
usslgnments. lt ls u very vuluuble leurnlng tool (thut wus osltlvely revlewed by lust yeur's
students), und lf you devote the tlme to uslng lt roerly, lt wlll certulnly hel you leurn,
understund und muster the course muterlul. Also, murks on the onllne homework ortlon ure
generully qulte hlgh (muny eole eurn the full c), due to the muny hlntsjhel uvulluble,
the tutorlul nuture of the rogrums, the oortunlty to eurn bonus olnts, und becuuse there
ls no tlme llmlt.

Eowever, lf you wlsh to ot out of D'$*2!&: you muy do so wlth no enulty to your course
murk. lf you let me know ut the beglnnlng of the semester thut you do not wlsh to
urtlclute ln thls usect of the course, l wlll redlstrlbute your murks us shown ln the
evuluutlon scheme on uge . 1o be on the "BK(\BC( Q&'(', you must contuct me by emull
no luter thun '9_=9<A97 ,3
23+4 und lndlcute cleurly thut you do not wlsh to urtlclute ln
D'$*2!& for thls course. Any requests to ot out of mude ufter thls dute wlll be denled. Also, lf
you ot out of D'$*2!&, you must ot out of )"./ the homework '!4 the qulzzes, you cunnot
ot out of just one or the other (thut wouldn't muke sense flnunclully unywuy). Any request
to ot buck ln ufter usklng for un otout wlll ulso be denled ufter Setember c
, zc.
&:\"1088 K07=>I>_0=>5:

ve wlll be uslng Lecture1ools, u free rogrum uvulluble everywhere on cumus, to record ln
cluss urtlclutlon. 1hls system uses feedbuck collected from your cellhone or uny web
enubled devlce when unswerlng questlons ln cluss. 8y brlnglng your devlces to cluss und
urtlclutlng ln the lncluss questlons, you wlll eurn u to Xa of your flnul grude. l wlll be uslng
these resonses to record clussroom uttendunce.

You wlll soon be recelvlng un emull wlth lnstructlons for jolnlng Lecture1ools. More
lnformutlon ubout thls rogrum wlll be glven ln the flrst lecture.


1here wlll be two lncluss mldterms ((698?0@ BI=5A97 V
0:? (698?0@ L5W9<A97 2X
), euch
worth +Xa . +Va of your flnul murk. 1he content of euch test wlll be mentloned ln cluss. 1ests
ure !". cumulutlve. A formulu sheet und erlodlc tuble wlll be rovlded for ull tests und for
the flnul exum. Coles of these sheets ure uvulluble on the course webslte.

1o usslst you ln studylng, tests from revlous yeurs wlll be osted on the course webslte.
Eowever, leuse note thut the muterlul covered on u glven test muy vury from one yeur to
the next.

/>:01 $T0<F

llnul exum dutes und locutlons wlll be osted luter ln the term. Your flnul exum 02** )+
37(7*'.28+ und wlll be worth ,3a . ,ba of your flnul murk. A formulu sheet und erlodlc tuble
wlll be rovlded for the flnul exum.

-I0?9<>I &:=9^7>=@F

lf you ure cuught cheutlng or ullowlng someone else to coy your work durlng u test or
exum, you wlll be removed from the exumlnutlon room und reorted to the fuculty.
Penultles runge from fullure of the course to exulslon from the Unlverslty. Lon't rlsk lt -
your whole future could be uffected! lee your uer covered so others cunnot coy your
work, otherwlse you muy be uccused of cheutlng by ullowlng them to coy!


Luch week's muterlul cun be covered followlng u urt schedule:

Addltlonully, l wlll be recommendlng ructlce roblems (not gruded) from euch Chuter we
wlll cover. leel free to work through these roblems ut uny olnt ln the schedule. Remember
thut the key to dolng well ln chemlstry ls to PRAC1lCL SCLvlNC PRC8LLMS. Lo NC1 focus on
memorlzutlon - you wlll be glven ull of the relevunt dutu und equutlons unywuy! lnsteud, be
sure you 7!4+%6.'!4 the chemlstry concets behlnd the roblems.

More tls on succeedlng ln CEM ure uvulluble on the course webslte under "Study 1ls'.

Read the
Chapter in the
textbook (see
page 6)
Attend the
lecture, where
you will learn
more details
and do practice
Attend/watch the
DGD, where you
will go through
more sample
exercises and you
can ask questions
Complete the
~60 min
which will help
you practice
your problem-
solving skills

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