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!"#$%&'(& &* +'$$,-.%% /.%%*-%

1hese lessons provlde a number of dlfferenL ways Lo fasL Lrack your sLudenLs' soclal and
emoLlonal learnlng uslng Lhe !"#$%&' )*++,-%.. )*-/0##1. Lach lesson covers a dlfferenL Loplc
area LhaL our Leachers have expressed lnLeresL ln or LhaL educaLlonal research supporLs:

!01234564 /73389 :; !"#$%&' )*+,-"#./ !"#$%&' 0*+1#"#.
!01234564 /73389 <; 23&$*#3 4*5"'"*#,*
!01234564 /73389 =; )*+,-*1 4*5"'"*#,*
!01234564 /73389 >; 6'+551778 !+#+.*8*#3
!01234564 /73389 ?; 9":*15"3; +#$ <'7=+' >?+1*#*55
!01234564 /73389 @; @**A"#. B7&1 6'+551778 2+%* CC D&'';"#. E1*:*#3"7#
!01234564 /73389 A; 67#%'",3 )1+#5%718+3"7#
!01234564 /73389 B; !73":+3"7# +#$ 917A7&3 E1*:*#3"7#
!01234564 /73389 C; F&13&1"#. G71'$C6'+55 H3-",+' 0*+$*15
!01234564 /73389 :D; 2*1:",* 0*+1#"#.
!01234564 /73389 ::; E17I*,3CD+5*$ 0*+1#"#. J$*+5
!01234564 /73389 :<; 61*+3":* HKA1*55"7#
!01234564 /73389 :=; !**3"#. F+3"7#+' L*+'3- 23+#$+1$5
!01234564 /73389 :>; !**3"#. F+3"7#+' 0+#.&+.* >135 23+#$+1$5
!01234564 /73389 :?; !**3"#. F+3"7#+' !*$"+ 0"3*1+,; 23+#$+1$5
!01234564 /73389 :@; !**3"#. F+3"7#+' )*,-#7'7.; 23+#$+1$5

Lach lesson beglns wlLh a EF34 8G 25H7 901I763 from Lhe !"#$%&' )*++,-%.. )*-/0##1 LhaL
correspond Lo acLlvlLles, concepLs or reflecLlons LhaL are relevanL Lo Lhe Loplc of Lhe lesson.

1hen Lhere are 3 '!umpSLarL Lessons' - Lhese are creaLlve and compelllng ways LhaL ro[ecL
Papplness concepLs can be concreLely 522EF7J ln Lhe classroom - 48J5K!

llnally, each card has several 4F23 for promoLlng ro[ecL Papplness concepLs ln your classroom
5EE K756 6809J.

Many more Lechnlques and Lools Lo encourage soclal and emoLlonal learnlng can be found aL:[

So, !"#$ 6FHL4 F9M 1he happlness advenLure beglns...

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/.%%*- *-. N #,-OP"/ &.'Q+,-RS #,-OP"/ /.'(-,-R

1o ro[ecL Papplness, mlndfulness ls Lhe menLal capaclLy of 25KF9H 544794F89 48 806 T066794
7U276F79T7 and noLlclng whaL ls golng on rlghL now ln Lhls momenL. Mlndfulness ls noL [usL
paylng aLLenLlon, buL paylng aLLenLlon wlLh a non[udgmenLal quallLy LhaL enables us noL Lo geL
caughL up ln our own mlnds.

Core aspecLs of mlndfulness are:

! V7T81F9H 5W567 8G 7184F893 53 4L7K 56F37 -- p.36
! '2267TF54F9H 4L7 T066794 181794 - p.64
! P8T03F9H 89 4L7 I6754L - p.37

6&5378"M*$ !"#$%&'#*55: AfLer Lhe class revlews p. 37, ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo ldenLlfy whlch of Lhe
3 suggesLed ways Lo be mlndful of emoLlons LhaL are llsLed on p. 37 ('CeL Crounded,' 'LeL Co,' '3
Second ause 8uLLon,' 'Warm up,' '3 8reaLhs') Lhey would be mosL llkely Lo use. lnvlLe Lhe
sLudenLs Lo spllL lnLo Lhese 3 groups and pracLlce Lhelr chosen Lechnlque ln response Lo an
emoLlon Lhey have felL LhaL day (sLress, anxleLy, anger, eLc.). Pave sLudenLs share whaL Lhey llke
abouL Lhelr chosen Lechnlque wlLh Lhe oLher groups.

<1+3"3&$* D77535: Ask sLudenLs Lo use Lhe 'Waves of AppreclaLlon' (sLarLlng p.10). ln Lhls way,
Lhey wlll become more mlndful of Lhe llLLle Lhlngs Lhey can be graLeful for. 1hey can focus on
whaL ls worklng ln Lhelr llves. lnvlLe sLudenLs Lo close Lhelr eyes, deepen Lhelr breaLhlng, and
plcLure whaL Lhey appreclaLe for one full mlnuLe. 1hls wlll help seL Lhe Lone of lnner awareness.

@**A"#. 6+'8 "# 3-* 23718: 1ake Lhe 'Lye of Lhe SLorm,' p.26, one sLep furLher by plcLurlng how
Lhe mlnd, llke a Lornado, can escalaLe any challenglng slLuaLlon. 1hen ask Lhem Lo plcLure whaL
Lhey would say Lo Lhemselves Lo geL calm, and Lhereby clalmlng Lhelr place ln Lhe Lye of Lhe
SLorm. Ask Lhem Lo focus on Lhelr breaLh, noLlclng lL flow ln and ouL of Lhelr nosLrlls. lnsLrucL
Lhem LhaL Lhelr mlnds wlll llkely wander, buL Lhe goal ls Lo brlng Lhe aLLenLlon back Lo Lhe
breaLh Lo gulde Lhe mlnd Lo be ln LhaL very momenL. Pave Lhe sLudenLs do Lhls for 3 mlnuLes.

&F23 G86 X756N(809J #F9JG0E9733

! erlodlcally LhroughouL Lhe day ask sLudenLs Lo sLop and 984FT7 4L7F6 7184F893 and Lhe
depLh or shallowness of Lhelr breaLh. 1ry dolng Lhls yourself 3 Llmes a day.

! 8efore every LesL, qulz or new lesson, have sLudenLs do : 1F9047 8G I6754LF9H WF4L
TE837J 7K73, paylng aLLenLlon Lo how Lhe body physlcally feels.

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/.%%*- &Y* N %&"O.-& (.%,/,.-Q.

8eslllence - havlng Lhe Lools Lo I809T7 I5TZ G681 JFGGFT0E4K - ls Lhe core of ro[ecL Papplness.
lmporLanL core concepLs of reslllence are:

! %7EGN5W5679733 -- p.49
! .1254LK -- p.128
! 'IFEF4K 48 268IE71N38E[7 -- p.123
! "37 K806 HFG43 48 L7E2 84L763 -- p.67

67##*,3"#. 3-* G71'$: ulscuss 'SLep CuLslde' on p.32 as parL of servlce learnlng. lor lnsLance,
you could sLarL an e-mall-pal program wlLh one of ro[ecL Papplness' parLner schools ln Afrlca
or nepal, wrlLlng Lo each oLher abouL deallng wlLh challenges and Lhen dolng a penny drlve Lo
help purchase used compuLers for Lhe school.

!"#$5*3 !78*#35: 8ead abouL mlndseL on p.30 Lhen bralnsLorm examples of a flxed mlndseL
(e.g., "l dld horrlbly on LhaL presenLaLlon - l'm never dolng a presenLaLlon agaln!"). Work
LogeLher Lo rewrlLe Lhe flxed mlndseLs lnLo growLh mlndseLs (e.g., "nexL Llme, l'll pracLlce more
ln advance Llll l know lL cold. Lveryone sLarLs somewhere."). 8oleplay a few dlfferenL scenarlos
demonsLraLlng flxed and growLh mlndseL reframlng.

677A*1+3":* 27&A 61*+3"7#5: AfLer dolng 'CreaLlng My Cwn 8eclpe' on p.73, creaLe a "%*2 soup
reclpe as a class, cooperaLlng Lo choose lngredlenLs. LlLher prepare Lhe soup LogeLher ln Lhe
school klLchen or have sLudenLs make small baLches aL home. 1hen brlng Lhe soup Lo a local

6-+''*#.* D&53*1N 8reak sLudenLs lnLo small groups, and Lhen have each member of Lhe group
Lalk for 3 mlnuLes abouL one of Lhelr LoughesL challenges, how Lhey made lL Lhrough, and whaL
advlce Lhey would glve someone ln a slmllar slLuaLlon.

&F23 G86 X756N(809J (73FEF79T7

! CreaLe opporLunlLles for 268IE71N38E[F9H. L.g., Lell sLudenLs Lhelr nexL LesL daLe and
whaL needs Lo be covered and Lhen have '3%4 wrlLe Lhelr ldeal schedule for LesL

! %L567 your experlence: pepper Lhe class wlLh sLorles of 5#6" sLruggles and
embarrassmenLs and how you overcame Lhem (encourage sLudenLs Lo do Lhe same).

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/.%%*- &+(.. N &.'Q+.( (.%,/,.-Q.

As Leachers concerned abouL Lhelr sLudenLs' happlness and wellness, you mlghL sLruggle wlLh
Lhe fllp slde of LhaL concern: I069804. 1he ro[ecL Papplness Lechnlques LhaL Leach self-
compasslon and poslLlve self-Lalk Lo sLudenLs are useful for Leachers, Loo. Pere are a few
reslllence Lools Leachers can Lake advanLage of:

! ,J794FGK K806 34679H4L3 -- p.67
! .U26733 H654F40J7 -- p.10
! "37 K806 34679H4L3 48 L7E2 84L763 -- p.99
! '22685TL JF35228F9417943 53 268IE71N38E[F9H 82286409F4F73 -- p.29
! &677 8G -806F3L1794 - p. 91

'TZ98WE7JH7 X806 RFG43: racLlce one of Lhe ro[ecL Papplness medlLaLlons, work on a credo
for your relaLlonshlp wlLh sLudenLs (p.177), and explore your sLrengLhs ln Lhe classroom
Lhrough 'llndlng My lece' on p.166.

#7JF454F89: SLarL an lndlvldual 17JF454F89 265T4FT7. Spend [usL 3 mlnuLes a day slLLlng
comforLably, focuslng on a polnL several yards ln fronL of you, and slmply paylng aLLenLlon Lo
your breaLh flowlng ln and ouL of your body. See page 91 for oLher ways Lo recharge.

+7E2 '984L76 &75TL76: lL mlghL seem LhaL ln Lhe mldsL of your own Leachlng cyclone, lL doesn'L
make sense Lo help someone else. 8uL research shows LhaL Lhe reslllenL people are Lhe ones
uslng Lhelr sLrengLhs Lo help oLhers, geLLlng Lhe focus off Lhemselves.

&F23 G86 X756N(809J &75TL76 (73FEF79T7

! Make sure Lo TL7TZ F9 WF4L K806 8W9 G77EF9H3 frequenLly as you are Leachlng. lf you
check ln and flnd you are parLlcularly anxlous or overwhelmed, lL's okay Lo Lake a break.
lf you need Lo flnd your calm, chances are your sLudenLs need Lhe same, so check-ln
wlLh Lhls exerclse: Choose a color LhaL represenLs calm, Lhen choose a color LhaL
represenLs sLress, now focus on breaLhlng ln Lhe calm color and breaLhlng ouL Lhe sLress

! Pave 675EF34FT 7U27T454F893. uon'L leL sLudenLs, parenLs, movles or colleagues convlnce
you LhaL you can and should be perfecL. ?ou wlll have good days and bad days -- noL
only ls Lhls okay, lL models reallsLlc expecLaLlons for sLudenLs' llves.

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Classroom managemenL ls ofLen deflned as 5[8FJF9H 97H54F[7 I7L5[F86. ro[ecL Papplness'
approach ls abouL 268[FJF9H 283F4F[7 7U276F79T73. 8y faclllLaLlng sLudenL dlscovery raLher Lhan
fllllng sLudenLs up wlLh knowledge, Leachers glve sLudenLs a sense of ownershlp and relevance.
1hese noLlons wlll allow your sLudenLs Lo Lake ownershlp of Lhelr learnlng experlence and
parLner beLLer wlLh you:

! #K 67328937 48 5J[763F4K F3 5 TL8FT7 -- p.26
! Y7 567 5EE F9476J7279J794 -- p.143
! , L5[7 HFG43 W864L 906406F9H -- p.63
! , WFEE EF3479 T812533F89547EK 48 84L763 -- p.124

67##*,3"#. 3-* 6'+551778: AfLer explorlng 'Ways of Carlng' on p.109-110, ask sLudenLs whaL
sLeps you could Lake ln Lhe classroom Lo encourage empaLhy. WhaL classroom rules encourage
connecLlon? Work LogeLher Lo creaLe a seL of guldellnes Lo make class a place where everyone
works LogeLher Lo make connecLlons.

G1"3"#. >#.*1 37 O71.":*#*55: lnvesLlgaLe Lhe effecLs of anger on p.81-82. Clve sLudenLs 3x3
cards and have Lhem wrlLe down commenLs oLhers may make ln class LhaL push Lhelr buLLons.
1hen use Lhe Lools on p.133-133 Lo have sLudenLs creaLe 7#"8,9%-%.. "%.+#-.%. Lo Lhose
commenLs. L.g., "1haL was a sLupld commenL." --> "1hls lsn'L abouL me, she's [usL hurLlng." osL
Lhese cards around Lhe classroom and refer Lo Lhem when Lempers flare.

6'+551778 J!DP)PN Lxplore 'CommunlLy and lM8u1u' on p.164 focuslng on Lhe &2*.."##4
communlLy. AfLer sLudenLs work Lhrough 'llndlng My lece' on p.166, ask Lhem Lo work ln palrs
Lo ldenLlfy 1 speclflc glfL Lhey brlng Lo Lhe class. CollecL Lhese lnslghLs and use Lhem when you
Leach. lor lnsLance, defer Lo a sLudenL wlLh Lhe glfL of humor when dlscusslon geLs heaLed.

&F23 G86 X756N(809J QE5336881 #595H71794

! keep on Lhe lookouL for small acLlons from Lhe sLudenLs LhaL promoLe cooperaLlon,
klndness or carlng. uraw aLLenLlon Lo Lhese acLlons wlLh pralse.

! 8e aware of sLudenLs' L817 JF5E7T43: allow nonsLandard Lngllsh durlng lnformal class
dlscusslons Lo draw *22 sLudenLs ln.

! Acknowledge sLudenL feellngs wlLh an 7TL8 67328937: "LeL me see lf l undersLand: you
feel ______ abouL _______?"

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1he Lerm dlverslLy and global awareness" refers Lo 09J763459JF9H 806 2E5T7 F9 5 H675476
T8947U4 8G 84L76 2782E7S T0E40673 59J 4L7 W86EJ. ulverslLy and global awareness means belng
5TT724F9H 59J 09J763459JF9H of oLhers, regardless of gender, race, age, rellglon, llfesLyle, eLc.
lL means noLlclng Lhe dlfferences and commonallLles beLween people and keeplng an open
mlnd, even wlLh Lhose who are dlfferenL from us. Core aspecLs of dlverslLy and global
awareness are:

! (7T8H9F]F9H 4L7 W86EJ F3 JF[7637 -- p.129
! -84FTF9H W7 567 5EE T8997T47J -- p.143
! O7[7E82F9H 59 8279 1F9J 48W56J3 JFGG7679T73 NN p.98

67887# J#3*1+,3"7#5: AfLer ralslng Lhe quesLlons from p.127-128, have sLudenLs llsL all Lhe
dlfferenL people Lhey lnLeracL wlLh on a Lyplcal day. 1hen sLarL a group conversaLlon asklng how
people on Lhelr llsLs are dlfferenL from each oLher (posslbly age, race, lnLeresLs, relaLlon, eLc.)
and also whaL Lhey mlghL have ln common (maybe all llve ln Lhe same place, go Lo Lhe same
school, eaL Lhe same Lhlngs, eLc.).

67##*,3: SLarL a pen pal, emall pal, or elecLronlc exchange beLween sLudenLs ln your class and
anoLher class from a dlfferenL school (could be a school ln anoLher counLry or even [usL down
Lhe sLreeL). 8evlew p.131 for some guldellnes for Lhe lnLeracLlons, and Lhen ask all sLudenLs Lo
communlcaLe abouL a speclflc Loplc (for lnsLance, WhaL ls happlness?" WhaL makes a good
frlend?"). 8emlnd sLudenLs Lo noLlce dlfferences and commonallLles wlLh an open mlnd.

!+AA"#. 67##*,3"7#5: AfLer revlewlng lnLerdependence and global connecLedness on p.142,
puL up a map. lor homework, have sLudenLs ask Lhelr parenLs whaL Lhelr herlLage ls, where
Lhelr famllles orlglnaLed. 1he nexL day, glve sLudenLs sLrlng and push-plns Lo make a llne from
where you are now Lo all Lhe places Lhelr famllles orlglnaLed from. Make one blg web for Lhe
whole class (or school), Lhen sLep back and noLlce Lhe amazlng connecLlons.

&F23 G86 X756N(809J OF[763F4K Q893TF8039733

! 1ry looklng aL each person you pass ln Lhe school hallway as lf Lhey were your frlend.
8emember LhaL W7 567 5EE T8997T47J.

! $FTZ 5 HE8I5E 482FT LhaL lnLeresLs you (e.g., global warmlng, soccer) and follow lL dally
Lhrough newspaper, webslLe, magazlne, eLc.

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8ullylng ls ,-'%-',#-*2 and *88"%..,9% behavlor lnvolvlng an ,40*2*-&% #7 +#:%".* ?our reacLlon
Lo bullylng and your approach Lo compasslon - Lo oLhers *-/ Lo yourself - are powerful Lools for
creaLlng a safe classroom. Pere are Lhe soclal and emoLlonal Lools your sLudenLs absoluLely
musL have Lo keep your classroom safe and happy:

! %7EGN.34771 -- p.48-49
! %7EGNQ812533F89 -- p.91-92
! .184F895E #595H71794 -- p.83-84
! .1254LK -- p.127-128

6-*,QCJ# ?"3- 2*'%CH53**8: Pave sLudenLs Lake '8osenberg's Self-LsLeem Scale' (see Appendlx)
and score Lhemselves. Are Lhey surprlsed by Lhelr score? 1hen ask sLudenLs Lo do Lhe 'Waves of
AppreclaLlon' reflecLlon (p.43) for a 21 days and re-LesL. lL Lakes 21 days Lo creaLe a new hablL
of Lhlnklng. uld Lhlngs change? Why or why noL?

6-+#."#. 9"%%",&'3 H873"7#5: ulscuss Lhe emoLlonal managemenL Lechnlques on p.37 and Lhen
have sLudenLs wrlLe or skeLch abouL a currenL slLuaLlon maklng Lhem angry or sad. 1hen have
Lhem raLe Lhelr anger or sadness on a scale of 1-10. nexL, go ouLslde and do some deep
breaLhlng or medlLaLlon LogeLher. llnally, ask sLudenLs Lo "%;"*'% Lhelr feellngs and noLlce Lhe

>,,*A3+#,* R G-+3S5 D*'7? 3-* 2&1%+,*N 8evlew pages 127-128. Pave all sLudenLs wrlLe on a
sLlcky noLe - Cne Lhlng you don'L know abouL me ls.." 1hen collecL Lhe sLlcky noLes ln a bowl
and read Lhem ouL loud. WhaL do sLudenLs observe?

&F23 G86 X756N(809J QE5336881 %5G74K

! Work wlLh admlnlsLraLors and oLher school sLaff members Lo make an 7U2EFTF4 594FN
I0EEKF9H 28EFTK LhaL ls &#-.,.'%-'25 enforced by *22 personnel (for lnsLance: make Lhe
sLudenLs who are senL Lo Lhe offlce for bullylng Lake a yoga class serles).

! lf Lhere ls an lncldenL, allow boLh chlldren Lo 35[7 G5T7 (dlscuss speclflcs .%+*"*'%25 wlLh
each one laLer - 'Lalklng lL ouL' wlLh all 3 of you can re-LraumaLlze Lhe bullled chlld). 1hls
creaLes a &62'6"% #7 &#4+*..,#-.

*1he approach Lo bullylng here ls drawn from Lhe uepL. of PealLh and Puman Servlce's %<&%22%-' bullylng
prevenLlon slLe: hLLp:// Also check ouL
hLLp:// for movles and games almed aL klds.

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/.%%*- %.\.- N Q*-P/,Q& &('-%P*(#'&,*-

ConfllcL LransformaLlon ls abouL 3LFG4F9H 5 JFGGFT0E4 F94762763895E 3F4054F89 Lo a more
consLrucLlve space. lnsLead of seeklng [usL Lo manage confllcLs, confllcL LransformaLlon"
engages ln Lhe process of effecLlvely and compasslonaLely worklng Lhrough a confllcL so LhaL lL
can resulL ln a poslLlve ouLcome for all parLles. Pere are some Lools LhaL can be used Lo help
Lransform a confllcL:

! "9J763459JF9H 59H76 -- p.81
! #F9JG0E9733 8G F9JF[FJ05E3` JFGG76794 W5K3 8G J75EF9H -- p.96
! -84FTF9H 84L76 2782E7`3 977J3 -- p.98
! Q81109FT54F9H 7GG7T4F[7EK 59J 283F4F[7EK -- p.101-102

D1+"#53718"#. 67#%'",3 67A"#.: Pave sLudenLs revlew Lhe sLlcky noLes" on p.82, speclflcally Lhe
one LhaL says, WaLch how oLhers around you handle Lhelr anger." As a class, bralnsLorm
poslLlve and desLrucLlve ways ln whlch people deal wlLh confllcLs. Ask for speclflc examples (for
lnsLance, My broLher always yells and slams Lhe door." Cr My coach has lndlvldual meeLlngs
wlLh us when Lenslon arlses.").

67#%'",3"#. TAA713&#"3;: Pelp Lhe class recognlze LhaL confllcLs are noL always negaLlve by
hlghllghLlng LhaL wlLh confllcL can come Lhe opporLunlLy for compasslon. 8evlew p.111 Lo help
sLudenLs noLlce how compasslon for oLhers can help work Lhrough confllcLs. 1hen ask each
sLudenL Lo lmaglne someone LhaL Lhey elLher are frusLraLed wlLh now or were frusLraLed wlLh.
nexL, lnsLrucL Lhem Lo close Lhelr eyes, Lake a few deep breaLhs, and brlng Lo mlnd all Lhe good
quallLles of LhaL person. 1hls gulded vlsuallzaLlon can help show how confllcL can be
Lransformed Lhrough compasslon.

!7:"* 23+15 7% 67#%'",3 !+#+.*8*#3: Ask each sLudenL Lo wrlLe down hls or her Lop Lhree
favorlLe movles. AfLer revlewlng p.96 Lo geL Lhe sLudenLs Lhlnklng abouL how people deal wlLh
confllcLs, ask Lhem Lo ldenLlfy a scene from one of Lhose movles LhaL deplcLs a confllcL beLween
Lwo characLers LhaL ends badly. now ask Lhem Lo geL ln palrs, choose a scene, and acL lL ouL so
LhaL Lhe confllcL ls handled consLrucLlvely and Lransforms Lo a poslLlve, peaceful slLuaLlon by Lhe

&F23 G86 X756N(809J Q89GEFT4 &6593G86154F89

! When you see a classroom confllcL arlslng, ask sLudenLs Lo 204 4L7137E[73 F9 4L7 84L76
276389`3 3L873 - whaL mlghL be boLherlng Lhem?

! Lncourage sLudenLs Lo use a,b 3454717943 lnsLead of you" sLaLemenLs when worklng
Lhrough a confllcL wlLh someone (l feel upseL," lnsLead of ?ou upseL me").

You are free: to Share to copy, distribute and transmit the work under the following conditions:
Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but
not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
No Derivative Works You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
/.%%*- .,R+& N #*&,\'&,*- '-O O(*$*"& $(.\.-&,*-

MoLlvaLlon derlves from a sense of 5048981K and 2062837 and a feellng of 153476K. 1he
moLlvaLlon Lo sLay ln school ls also connecLed Lo good peer relaLlonshlps and a feellng LhaL whaL
you're sLudylng ls "%2%9*-'. =3% !"#$%&' )*++,-%.. )*-/0##1 offers valuable Lools for helplng
sLudenLs geL moLlvaLed Lo succeed:

! X806 %486K --p. 47
! c98WF9H X806 RFG4 --p. 66-67
! +75E4LK $776 (7E54F893LF23 -- p.126
! (7E7[594 Q066FT0E01 -- p.178

61*+3"#. 3-* 6'+551778 6'"8+3*: ulscuss 'CreaLlng My Cwn 8eclpe' on p.72-73 and Lhen have
sLudenLs work LogeLher Lo creaLe a reclpe for a safe and happy learnlng envlronmenL. 1hey'll be
more llkely Lo follow rules Lhey helped Lo wrlLe and Lhey'll feel a sense of masLery and

23&$*#3C4&# 2*1:",*: AfLer compleLlng 'Lxplorlng My arL' on p.137, launch a .'6/%-';/,"%&'%/
servlce learnlng pro[ecL almed aL one of Lhe mlllennlum developmenL goals. 1hls wlll noL only
develop research skllls, buL wlll help wlLh peer relaLlonshlps, glve sLudenLs a sense of purpose
and make Lhe currlculum relevanL. Pave Lhem check ouL www.genv.neL for way Lo Lurn dreams
lnLo reallLy.

G-+3 !73":+3*5 L+AA"#*55N Ask sLudenLs Lo compleLe '1racklng My Papplness' on p.11 and
Lhen share Lhelr resulLs wlLh Lhe class. WhaL happlness-causlng evenLs do sLudenLs share? Pow
mlghL you lncorporaLe some of Lhose experlences lnLo class? ?ou sLlll have Lo compleLe Lhe
work, buL how can Lhe work be made more en[oyable? 1hls ls relevanL Lo Lhelr llves and dlrecLly
addresses Lhe lssue of moLlvaLlon.

&F23 G86 X756N(809J #84F[54F89

! Clve sLudenLs opporLunlLles Lo 037 4L7F6 HFG43 48 L7E2 84L763 by palrlng Lhem up wlLh
younger chlldren or sharlng a parLlcular arLlsLlc or muslcal LalenL wlLh Lhe resL of Lhe

! CreaLe opporLunlLles for auLonomy by glvlng sLudenLs TL8FT73. 1he cholce may be
beLween wrlLlng Loplc #1 and wrlLlng Loplc #2, buL lL's sLlll '3%," cholce.

You are free: to Share to copy, distribute and transmit the work under the following conditions:
Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but
not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
No Derivative Works You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
/.%%*- -,-. N /.'O.(%+,$

ro[ecL Papplness ls a greaL Lool for nurLurlng Lhe compasslon and self-confldence LhaL creaLe
greaL leaders wlLh characLer. 8elow are some quallLles of world-class leaders and Lhe page
numbers of some good Pandbook acLlvlLles for developlng Lhese quallLles:

! %7EGNT89GFJ79T7 -- p.73-76
! 'T4F9H T812533F89547EK -- p.178
! '9 09J763459JF9H 8G F9476J7279J79T7 -- p.142
! ' HE8I5E 276327T4F[7 -- p.134
! OF[763F4K T893TF8039733 -- p.131

T&3*1 +#$ J##*1 678A+55*5: Lead Lhe class ln maklng compasses (search 'how Lo make
compass' on Coogle). See whaL happens when oLher magneLs lnLerfere wlLh lLs readlng of Lhe
earLh's magneLlc fleld. 1hen read 8unLhoeun's sLory (p.36, 39 & 114-113). Pe was noL followlng
hls ,-'%"-*2 &#4+*... Pow was he lnLerferlng wlLh lL? WhaL were Lhe physlcal and emoLlonal
slgns? Pow do sLudenLs lnLerfere wlLh Lhelr compasses? WhaL are Lhe slgns?

D* 3-* 6-+#.*N lnsplred by '1he World needs ?ou' on p.169, have sLudenLs work LogeLher Lo
creaLe a &*22 '# %'3,&*2 *&',#- Lo submlL Lo Lhe local newspaper. WhaL communlLy lssues Lrouble
Lhem? WhaL acLlon(s) should Lhe communlLy Lake?

E'*$."#. U 6-+#.*: Ask sLudenLs Lo research '1he !ourney of Cur !eans' on p.133. ulscuss Lhe
lmpacL Lhelr hablLs of consumpLlon have on Lhe earLh. Ask each sLudenL Lo make a pledge Lo
change > '3,-8 abouL how Lhey use Lhe earLh's resources. uL Lhese pledges ln self-addressed
sLamped envelopes and send Lhem Lo sLudenLs ln 6 monLhs. lor anyone wlLh concreLe ldeas,
dlrecL Lhem Lo www.genv.neL.

&F23 G86 X756N(809J QL565T476NV537J O7TF3F89N#5ZF9H

! Clve *22 sLudenLs Lhe confldence Lo share Lhelr glfLs. llnd 82286409F4F73 G86 E75J763LF2,
large or small, for each sLudenL LhroughouL Lhe semesLer.

! Call aLLenLlon Lo J7TF3F893 ln Lhe classroom conLexL. CfLen Leens feel Lhey have no
cholces, buL 2,4,'%/ &3#,&% ls sLlll a cholce.

! #8J7E E75J763LF2 by maklng Lhe classroom a safe space -- -%9%" LoleraLe bullylng or
aggresslon, buL handle lL compasslonaLely and calmly.

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/.%%*- &.- N %.(\,Q. /.'(-,-R

1o become whole and happy, we all musL connecL wlLh and serve our communlLles, so Lhe
Pandbook ls an excellenL LexL for a servlce-learnlng unlL. Pere are some core componenLs of
servlce learnlng:

! Q812533F89 -- p.89-90
! 'T4F[7 EF3479F9H -- p.102-103
! OF[763F4K T893TF8039733 -- p.129
! R74 F948 'T4F89 - p. 178

T:*1,78"#. >$:*15"3; )7.*3-*1: lnvlLe an underserved member of your communlLy Lo class
and conducL Lhe lnLervlew on p.14. ulscuss LogeLher Lhe lnner resources lL Lakes Lo overcome
adverslLy. WhaL can :% %*&3 do Lo help Lhose wlLhouL enough maLerlal resources? WhaL do we
have Lo learn from each oLher?

)-* )1+5-"*53 6'+55 G"#5N Pave a school-wlde compeLlLlon Lo see whlch class can collecL Lhe
mosL llLLer from Lhe communlLy. 1he wlnnlng class geLs Lo speak abouL lL on a local radlo

4*C61*+3"#. >13: AfLer dlscusslng 'CareLaklng' on p.130-131, clean up Lrash ln parL of Lhe
communlLy and Lhen Lurn pleces of LhaL Lrash lnLo arL, re-uslng Lhose resources.

4*'+3"#. 37 6788&#"3;: ulscuss Lhe noLlon of lM8u1u (p.164) before or afLer a servlce-learnlng
evenL. WhaL does lL mean Lo be ln LhaL klnd of a relaLlonshlp wlLh your communlLy? Pow do we
fulflll our lM8u1u responslblllLles?

&F23 G86 X756N(809J %76[FT7 /7569F9H

! CreaLe opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo 376[7 75TL 84L76, Lhrough homework help, belng a
buddy Lo a younger sLudenL, sharlng arLlsLlc and creaLlve glfLs wlLh Lhe class, or slmply
saylng a klnd word when someone ls down. llnd ways Lo hlghllghL Lhese ln class

! Clve sLudenLs an 7T8981FT 276327T4F[7: noLe occaslonally how much classroom supplles
or some coveLed cloLhlng lLem cosLs ln comparlson Lo monLhly wages ln a Lhlrd-world
counLry or dally llvlng sLlpends for welfare reclplenLs ln Lhe u.S.

! Show LhaL you value servlce by glvlng TE533 T67JF4 for lL.

You are free: to Share to copy, distribute and transmit the work under the following conditions:
Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but
not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
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/.%%*- ./.\.- N $(*#$&% P*( $(*!.Q&NV'%.O /.'(-,-R

8ecause happlness ls a unlversal deslre, lL provldes many opporLunlLles for collaboraLlve
learnlng. 8elow are some sLarLlng polnLs for ro[ecL Papplness ro[ecLs.

Pow do dlfferenL culLures deflne happlness dlfferenLly? (p.7)

WhaL klnds of braln changes do compasslon and klndness brlng abouL? (p.32)

Pow does Lhe blochemlsLry of emoLlons affecL us? (p.36)

Pow ls gullL Lalked abouL ln dlfferenL culLures? (p.87)

WhaL can 5#6 do Lo promoLe peace and confllcL LransformaLlon? (p.102)

llnd an opporLunlLy Lo show compasslon ln your communlLy and do lL! (p.113)

Pow does self-compasslon affecL one's paLh ln llfe? (p.121)

Where does dlverslLy aLLracL pre[udlce ln 5#6" communlLy? (p.129)

Make a deLalled charL of your school's lnLerdependence. (p.143)

WhaL ls 5#6" lmpacL on Lhe planeL? (p.149)

Pow ls careLaklng" of Lhe earLh showlng up around Lhe world? (p.131)

WhaL ls Lhe [ourney of your [eans? (p.133)

WhaL ls your famlly's ecologlcal fooLprlnL and how can you shrlnk lL? (p.133)

Pow are people ln Lhe u.S. respondlng Lo Lhe mlllennlum goals? (p.137)

WhaL are Lhe greaLesL needs ln your local communlLy? (p.169)

&F23 G86 ,9T8628654F9H $68d7T4 +522F9733 F948 '9K $68d7T4

! Pave sLudenLs lncorporaLe 5T4F[7 EF3479F9H and 3L8W T812533F89 as Lhey work

! Cpenly acknowledge Lhe frusLraLlon LhaL can come wlLh group work and glve sLudenLs
7184F895E 1595H71794 488E3 Lo geL Lhrough lL.

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/.%%*- &Y./\. N Q(.'&,\. .^$(.%%,*-

lor many people, arL, muslc, or performance ls more comforLable Lhan words for expresslng
Lhemselves. So you can brlng ro[ecL Papplness lnLo arL, muslc and LheaLer class #" brlng arL,
muslc and LheaLer lnLo ro[ecL Papplness. Whlle almosL all Lhe Pandbook acLlvlLles can flnd
creaLlve expresslon, here are some LhaL expllclLly menLlon creaLlve expresslon:

! \F305E 564 86 103FT -- p.21, 23, 27, 41, 49, 67, 73, 64, 76, 94 & 144
! $76G86159T7e(7NF15HF9F9H 3T7973 -- p.43, 47 & 96

L+AA; 67''+.*: AfLer dlscusslng deflnlLlons of happlness (p.2), have sLudenLs gaLher or creaLe
plcLures and arLlfacLs LhaL relaLe Lo someLhlng LhaL brlngs Lhem happlness. 1hen creaLe a group
happlness collage.

VCE+13 !+#$+'+: AfLer reflecLlng on p.43, have sLudenLs draw a 4*-/*2*
(www.mandalapro[ wlLh 3 parLs represenLlng Lhelr Lhlnklng, feellng and acLlng. WhaL
colors, shapes and LexLures does each mode of processlng call up for Lhem?

2,&'A3"#. >#.*1 T&3: 8ead abouL anger and Lhe boomerang effecL on p.81 and Lhen ask
sLudenLs Lo sculpL whaL Lhelr anger feels llke wlLh clay.

91+?"#. 7# J!DP)PN ulscuss Lhe concepL of lM8u1u on p.164 and Lhen ask sLudenLs Lo draw,
Lake phoLos of, or fllm people and places ln Lhelr communlLy who mean Lhe mosL Lo Lhelr

&F23 G86 X756N(809J Q6754F[7 .U26733F89 8G +522F9733

! lf you become aware of an lndlvldual or group ln class who ls golng Lhrough a dlfflculL
Llme or ln confllcL, provlde an ln-class 82286409F4K G86 T6754F[F4K, even lf lL ls only for 3

! lf you have sLudenLs who are non-naLlve speakers #" speakers of non-sLandard Lngllsh,
seL aslde a few pro[ecLs -- or Lhe rough drafL of a pro[ecL -- ln whlch sLudenLs can use
Lhelr L817 JF5E7T4, allowlng Lhem Lo be more freely creaLlve.

! 8egln class each day wlLh a brlef 18[71794 17JF454F89 llke a yoglc sun saluLaLlon (see
?ou1ube for examples) Lo glve sLudenLs a chance Lo move Lhelr bodles a blL, openlng
Lhem up for creaLlvlLy.

! AfLer a lesson, have a group of sLudenLs do a shorL sklL on whaL Lhey have learned.

You are free: to Share to copy, distribute and transmit the work under the following conditions:
Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but
not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
No Derivative Works You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
./.\.- &+,(&..- N #..&,-R -'&,*-'/ +.'/&+ %&'-O'(O%

ro[ecL Papplness' focus on soclal and emoLlonal wellness makes lL a perfecL resource for a
healLh class. Pere are some suggesLed palrlngs of naLlonal PealLh LducaLlon SLandards and
ro[ecL Papplness Pandbook pages:

! +75E4L 268184F89 59J JF37537 267[794F89 -- p. 143
! ,9GE079T73 89 L75E4L -- p. 72
! "3F9H T81109FT54F89 3ZFEE3 48 2681847 L75E4L -- p. 102
! %744F9H H85E3 G86 H88J L75E4L -- p. 92
! (7J0TF9H L75E4L 6F3Z3 -- p. 31
! +75E4L 5J[8T5TK -- p. 168

O"'' B7&1 6&A ?"3- 678A+55"7#: uo 'Pow lull ls ?our Cup?' on p.118. 1hen glve each sLudenL an
empLy cup, a boLLle of waLer, and a spoon (Lhls ls besL done #6'.,/% or wlLh Lowels handy!).
Pave sLudenLs pracLlce .+%*1,-8 &#4+*..,#-*'%25 '# '3%4.%29%., noLlng Lhelr sLrengLhs ("l'm a
good llsLener.") and Lhelr recenL accompllshmenLs ("l dld a greaL [ob maklng Llme Lo sLudy lasL
nlghL."). lor every poslLlve sLaLemenL, Lhey add a spoonful of waLer Lo Lhelr cup. 1hen have
Lhem go around and .+%*1 &#4+*..,#-*'%25 '# #'3%"., addlng spoonfuls Lo oLhers' cups. keep
golng unLll Lhe cups are overflowlng wlLh compasslon. lL's okay Lo geL a llLLle weL!

>&378+3", L+AA"#*55 <*#*1+371: AfLer 'Lxplorlng Lhe ldeas' on p.4, have sLudenLs creaLe an
?6'#4*',& )*++,-%.. @%-%"*'#": each sLudenL llsLs, on a slngle page, Lhe places, people, quoLes,
movles, songs, eLc. LhaL make Lhem feel Lhe mosL happy. LamlnaLe Lhese pages for Lhem and
have sLudenLs carry Lhem around for Lhose Llmes when Lhey need a smlle.

W&$.8*#3 :5X 678A+55"7#: AfLer compleLlng '1racklng My ConversaLlons' on p.126 (Lake-home
acLlvlLy), use Lhe words Lhey [oLLed down Lo creaLe 2 llsLs on Lhe board: 'words of compasslon'
and 'words of [udgmenL.' SpllL Lhe class ln half. 1he flrsL half musL wrlLe and perform a brlef play
uslng #-25 words of compasslon whlle Lhe second half may #-25 use words of [udgmenL.

&F23 G86 X756N(809J +75E4L

! 8efore or afLer class or beLween acLlvlLles, provlde Llme for 3FE79T7 and 34FEE9733. A class
acLlvlLy can be Lhe *0.%-&% of acLlvlLy, slmply followlng Lhe breaLh for 1-2 mlnuLes.
Conslder sLarLlng each day wlLh a mlndful breaLhlng exerclse.

! Pave sLudenLs pracLlce 5T4F[7 EF3479F9H: before respondlng Lo each oLher's commenLs,
ask sLudenLs Lo rephrase whaL Lhe prevlous sLudenL sald ln Lhelr own words: "8efore l
answer, lL sounds llke you are saylng ___________."

You are free: to Share to copy, distribute and transmit the work under the following conditions:
Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but
not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
No Derivative Works You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
/.%%*- P*"(&..- N #..&,-R -'&,*-'/ /'-R"'R. '(&% %&'-O'(O%

1he self-lnqulry and exploraLlon LhaL ls cenLral Lo ro[ecL Papplness lends lLself well Lo Lhe
T6F4FT5E F9f0F6K of Language ArLs sLandards. Any of Lhe acLlvlLles can be used as a wrlLlng
prompL, buL below are some speclflc Pandbook page suggesLlons for ldeas LhaL lnLeracL well
wlLh Language ArLs SLandards:

! Q81109FT54F9H WF4L JFGG76794 50JF79T73 G86 5 [56F74K 8G 20628373 -- p.109 (use lL as a
[umplng-off polnL for a dlscusslon of *6/,%-&%)
! R797654F9H 47TL98E8HFT5E 673806T73 48 T81109FT547 Z98WE7JH7 -- p.4 (have sLudenLs
use dlglLal lmages Lo creaLe a 'happlness collage' wlLh dlglLal edlLlng sofLware llke
! $564FTF254F9H 53 67GE7T4F[7 171I763 8G EF4765TK T81109F4F73 -- p.129 (Analyze Lhe
dlverslLy consclousness level of Lhe creaLors of Lhe llLerary canon)
! "3F9H E59H05H7 48 5TT812EF3L K806 8W9 20628373 -- p.168 (use language Lo creaLe a
plan for change)

)-* !0@ !"#$5*3: AfLer readlng abouL mlndseL on p.30 and readlng MarLln LuLher klng, !r.' s
'LeLLer from a 8lrmlngham !all,' ask sLudenLs Lo wrlLe a paper explorlng klng's mlndseL, glvlng
examples from hls leLLer.

)-* E*15A*,3":* 7% F**$: Ask sLudenLs Lo wrlLe a presenL-Lense reflecLlon abouL a Llme when
Lhey felL hurL or wronged. 1hen dlscuss 'WhaL We ALL need' on p.98, focuslng on Laklng
anoLher's perspecLlve. llnally, have sLudenLs "%:",'% Lhelr reflecLlon wlLh Lhlrd-person slngular
(he/she) Lo Lry and undersLand Lhe perspecLlve of Lhe person who hurL Lhem.

O"#$"#. O71.":*#*55 "# O",3"7#: Choose a novel or shorL sLory ln whlch a cenLral characLer has a
grlevance LhaL holds her/hlm back. 1hen have sLudenLs rewrlLe Lhe ploL ouLllne, glvlng Lhe
cenLral characLer a chance Lo flnd Lhe klnd of forglveness dlscussed on p.132-133.

&F23 G86 X756N(809J +522F9733 F9 5 /59H05H7 '643 QE533

! When analyzlng characLers and LexLs, brlng ln ro[ecL Papplness concepLs llke
L522F9733, 1F9J374, T812533F89 and F9476J7279J79T7.

! Approach grammar as a seL of 488E3 G86 37EGN5W5679733 -- sub[ecL-verb agreemenL, for
lnsLance, provldes an opporLunlLy Lo examlne Lhe sub[ecLs and verbs sLudenLs use Lo
Lalk abouL Lhelr llves.

You are free: to Share to copy, distribute and transmit the work under the following conditions:
Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but
not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
No Derivative Works You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
/.%%*- P,P&..- N #..&,-R -'&,*-'/ #.O,' /,&.('QX %&'-O'(O%

8ecause medla -- Lhe lnLerneL, Lelevlslon, muslc, blllboard ads -- are such a pervaslve parL of
sLudenLs' llves, lL ls lmporLanL Lo Leach sLudenLs Lo approach medla wlLh a crlLlcal and balanced
eye. WlLh Lhls ln mlnd, more and more sLaLes are foldlng medla llLeracy sLandards lnLo language
arLs, healLh and/or soclal sLudles. Pere are a few ro[ecL Papplness pages LhaL can be adapLed
Lo meeL some of Lhese sLandards:

! #7JF5 53 5 3806T7 G86 465931F44F9H T0E4067 -- p.6
! ,J794FGKF9H IF53 59J 267d0JFT7 -- p.131
! .[5E054F9H L8W 17JF5 F9GE079T7 37EGN276T724F89 -- p.42-43

)-* !*$"+ 7% L+AA"#*55: AfLer dlscusslng 'WhaL CreaLes LasLlng Papplness?' on p.7, hand ouL
popular fashlon magazlnes or webslLe pages and have sLudenLs explore and crlLlque how
popular medla deflne happlness.

2&1:":71 2*'%C678A+55"7#: ulscuss 'Self-Compasslon ls nC1...' on p.120 as a class. 1hen have
sLudenLs compleLe a paper or oral pro[ecL analyzlng a popular reallLy show llke A6"9,9#". Pow do
Lhe producers frame Lhe conLesLanLs ln Lerms of self-plLy, self-lndulgence and self-esLeem?

J#3*1#*3 6+&5*5: Culde sLudenLs Lhrough 'llndlng my aLh' on p.168 and Lhe accompanylng
resources on p.178. 1hen have sLudenLs work ln groups Lo flnd Lhe webslLe of a cause LhaL
lnLeresLs Lhem and creaLe a proposal for lmprovlng Lhe webslLe so LhaL lL's more appeallng Lo
young people.

&F23 G86 X756N(809J +522F9733 4L680HL #7JF5 /F4765TK

! use f0734F893 Lo geL sLudenLs Lo analyze how Lhelr everyday oplnlons mlghL be
dependenL on medla. "Pow dld you arrlve aL LhaL poslLlon?" "Where else have you seen
LhaL poslLlon expressed?"

! R8 5H5F934 4L7 H65F9 by asklng sLudenLs Lo use 'she' lnsLead of 'he' for general

! uon'L be afrald Lo brlng up 65T7 59J TE533 ln dlscusslng popular programs, muslc or
webslLes. uo Lhese lnfluenLlal medla sources represenL race and class reallsLlcally and

You are free: to Share to copy, distribute and transmit the work under the following conditions:
Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but
not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
No Derivative Works You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
/.%%*- %,^&..- N #..&,-R -'&,*-'/ &.Q+-*/*RX %&'-O'(O%

8y lncorporaLlng ro[ecL Papplness lnLo Lechnology lnsLrucLlon, sLudenLs wlll learn Lo be
compasslonaLe and responslble even ln Lhe ofLen auLhorlLy-free zones offered by Lechnology.
Pere are some suggesLlons for palrlngs of Lechnology sLandards and Pandbook lessons:

! %40J7943 265T4FT7 6732893FIE7 037 8G 47TL98E8HK -- p.127 (WhaL's 'below Lhe surface' of
compuLer ldenLlLles?)
! %40J7943 037 268J0T4F[F4K 488E3 48 T8EE5I86547 -- p.21 (Work as a class wlLh a deskLop
publlshlng Lool Lo Lell Lhe class's sLorles.)
! %40J7943 037 47E7T81109FT54F89 48 F94765T4 WF4L 27763NN p.168 (CreaLe a class webslLe
sharlng soclal enLrepreneurshlp ldeas.)
! %40J7943 037 47TL98E8HK 48 E8T547S 7[5E0547 59J T8EE7T4 F9G86154F89 -- p.133
(CompuLer-based research)
! %40J7943 037 47TL98E8HK 673806T73 G86 38E[F9H 268IE713 -- p.130 (lncorporaLe
Lechnology ln your plan.)

L+AA"#*55 "# J8+.*5: AfLer reflecLlng on whaL brlngs happlness on p.4, have sLudenLs Lake
dlglLal plcLures of people, places and Lhlngs LhaL brlng Lhem happlness. Culde Lhem ln
creaLlng group ower olnL presenLaLlons represenLlng Lhe group's lmages of happlness.

!"#$5*3 2,71"#.: Pave sLudenLs Lrack Lhelr use of flxed and growLh mlndseLs (p.30) over a
week uslng Lxcel. 1hen ask Lhem Lo asslgn poslLlve and negaLlve polnLs Lo each challenge
over Lhe week (poslLlve polnLs for uslng a growLh mlndseL, negaLlve for a flxed) and use
Lxcel Lo calculaLe Lhelr 'mlndseL score'.

)-* O+8"'; O773A1"#3: ulscuss envlronmenLal lndependence on p.148 and Lhen ask sLudenLs
Lo calculaLe Lhelr famlly's fooLprlnL wlLh WhaL sLeps mlghL Lhey Lake
Lo reduce Lhelr fooLprlnL?

&F23 G86 X756N(809J %8TF5EEK (732893FIE7 &7TL98E8HK

! Pelp sLudenLs 4LF9Z HE8I5EEK: ask Lhem Lo lncorporaLe global perspecLlves lnLo papers
and pro[ecLs vla soclal neLworklng slLes.

! LxLend Lhe 3TL88E I0EEKF9H 28EFTK Lo Lhe lnLerneL as well Lo help end cyberbullylng.

! llnd ways Lo do 89EF97 376[FT7 E7569F9H as a class: help a sLruggllng nonproflL deslgn a
webslLe, wrlLe a newsleLLer arLlcle for an anlmal rlghLs group, or LuLor Lngllsh vla Skype.

You are free: to Share to copy, distribute and transmit the work under the following conditions:
Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but
not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
No Derivative Works You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

8osenberg Self-LsLeem Scale

lnsLrucLlons: 8elow ls a llsL of sLaLemenLs deallng wlLh your general feellngs abouL yourself. lf you
sLrongly agree, clrcle %'. lf you agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL, clrcle '. lf you dlsagree, clrcle O. lf you
sLrongly dlsagree, clrcle %O.

1. Cn Lhe whole, l am saLlsfled wlLh myself. SA
2. AL Llmes, l Lhlnk l am no good aL all. SA
3. l feel LhaL l have a number of good
4. l am able Lo do Lhlngs as well as mosL oLher
3. l feel l do noL have much Lo be proud of. SA
6. l cerLalnly feel useless aL Llmes. SA
7. l feel LhaL l'm a person of worLh, aL leasL on
an equal plane wlLh oLhers.
8. l wlsh l could have more respecL for myself. SA
9. All ln all, l am lncllned Lo feel LhaL l am a
10. l Lake a poslLlve aLLlLude Loward myself. SA

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