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"#$%&$ ()*++,
uennls Ckhul[sen, AlLlce Chlef llnanclal Cfflcer, 1el: +33228371079, lr[alLlce.neL

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Luxembourg, november 27, 2013

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/.$0&* 788 9:; ):.: (/.$0&*") Loday announced LhaL lL has reached an agreemenL wlLh Crange SA (Crange") Lo
purchase 100 of Crange uomlnlcana S.A. (Crange uomlnlcana"), Lhe moblle operaLor ln Lhe uomlnlcan 8epubllc
wlLh 3.4 mllllon subscrlbers
, for approxlmaLely uSu 1.4 bllllon (t 1.1 bllllon). Such agreemenL lncludes Lhe conLlnued
use of Lhe Crange brand by Crange uomlnlcana wlLhln a deflned framework.

1he LransacLlon, whlch ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe approval of Lhe uomlnlcan auLhorlLles, wlll be submlLLed Lo Lhe 8oard of
ulrecLors of Crange for approval durlng Lhe week commenclng uecember 9, 2013.

AlLlce also looks forward Lo flnallzlng an agreemenL wlLh Crupo Len !lmenes, one of Lhe mosL hlghly regarded
buslness groups ln Lhe uomlnlcan 8epubllc, Lo [oln as local parLners on lLs Lelecom lnvesLmenLs ln Lhe uomlnlcan
8epubllc, lncludlng Crange uomlnlcana and 1rlcom.

1he acqulslLlon of Crange uomlnlcana, followlng lLs announced acqulslLlon on CcLober 31, 2013 of cable operaLor
1rlcom, flLs perfecLly wlLh AlLlce's sLraLegy of comblnlng boLh flxed and moblle asseLs ln order Lo offer quadruple-
play servlces over sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL communlcaLlon neLworks. WlLh Crange uomlnlcana and 1rlcom havlng a
comblned LoLal subscrlber base of approxlmaLely 4.0 mllllon, AlLlce wlll be ln a sLronger poslLlon Lo acceleraLe Lhe
upgrade and deploymenL of naLlonwlde neLworks whlch can provlde aLLracLlve Lelevlslon, hlgh-speed broadband and
Lelephony servlces over boLh flxed and moblle neLworks.

1he Crange uomlnlcana LransacLlon also sLrengLhens AlLlce's presence ln Lhe Carlbbean where lL already offers pay-
1v, hlgh-speed broadband and moblle servlces ln MarLlnlque, Cuadeloupe and lrench Cuyana.

CommenLlng on Lhe LransacLlon, uexLer Coel, CLC of AlLlce, sLaLed: !"# %&# '#&( )*#%+#, -./0 /0# %123.+./.45 46
7&%58# 94:.5.1%5% -0.10 .+ ,#:45+/&%/.58 +/&458 8&4-/0 %5, )&4'.,#+ 64& ; /0&4380 <4/0 % +/%/#;46;/0# %&/ :4<.*#
14::35.1%/.45+ 5#/-4&= %5, % 0.80 23%*./( :%5%8#:#5/ /#%: ; % )#&6#1/ 6./ -./0 43& +/&%/#8.1 '.+.45 /4 466#& 0.80
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#B%:)*# 46 43& +/&%/#8( 46 .5;:%&=#/ %5, &#8.45%* 145+4*.,%/.45>C

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AlLlce ls a Luxembourg based company, founded by Lelecom enLrepreneur aLrlck urahl. AlLlce and lLs afflllaLes currenLly
regroup and operaLe cable, moblle, uSL and daLacenLre companles ln lrance, lsrael, 8elglum, Luxembourg, Lhe Carlbbean,
lndlan Ccean, orLugal and SwlLzerland, servlclng boLh resldenLlal and professlonal cusLomers.

/<"2$ 3)%#4* 5"60#0&%#%
Crange uomlnlcana was esLabllshed ln 2000 and became one of Lhe leadlng moblle operaLors ln Lhe uomlnlcan 8epubllc.
1he company posLed revenue of uC22.8 bllllon (uSu 381 mllllon / t431 mllllon) ln 2012 and had a cusLomer base of 3.4
mllllon aL Lhe end of SepLember 2013. 1he company employs approxlmaLely 1,400 people.

1oLal moblle, lnLerneL, 1v and flxed volce servlces subscrlbers as of end of SepLember 2013

!"#$%&$ ()*++,
uennls Ckhul[sen, AlLlce Chlef llnanclal Cfflcer, 1el: +33228371079, lr[alLlce.neL

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Crupo Len !lmenes ls a Carlbbean reglon famlly consorLlum wlLh lncepLlon ln 1903. CL! companles have operaLed ln Lhe
consumer dlscreLlonary/sLaples/flnanclal/paper and medla secLors, especlally ln Lhe uomlnlcan 8epubllc (u8). CL! ls
acLlve ln mulLlple non-proflL culLural and socloeconomlc lnlLlaLlves.

* * * * *

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1hls announcemenL does noL consLlLuLe and shall noL, ln any clrcumsLances, consLlLuLe a publlc offerlng nor an lnvlLaLlon Lo Lhe publlc ln
connecLlon wlLh any offer wlLhln Lhe meanlng of Lhe ulrecLlve 2010/73/Lu of Lhe arllamenL and Councll of november 4, 2003 as lmplemenLed
by Lhe Member SLaLes of Lhe Luropean Lconomlc Area (Lhe rospecLus ulrecLlve"). 1he offer and sale of Lhe noLes wlll be made pursuanL Lo an
exempLlon under Lhe rospecLus ulrecLlve, as lmplemenLed ln Member SLaLes of Lhe Luropean Lconomlc Area, from Lhe requlremenL Lo produce
a prospecLus for offers of securlLles.
CerLaln sLaLemenLs conLalned hereln are noL based on hlsLorlcal facL and are forward-looklng sLaLemenLs" wlLhln Lhe meanlng of Lhe
appllcable securlLles laws and regulaLlons. Cwlng Lo Lhe uncerLalnLles lnherenL ln forward-looklng sLaLemenLs, acLual evenLs or resulLs
could dlffer maLerlally from Lhose sLaLed here. 1hese forward-looklng sLaLemenLs reflecL AlLlce managemenL's expecLaLlons as of Lhe daLe
of Lhls press release and are sub[ecL Lo cerLaln rlsks and uncerLalnLles, lncludlng LhaL Lhe proposed offerlng ls sub[ecL Lo markeL condlLlons
and oLher facLors. AlLlce does noL underLake Lo revlse Lhese sLaLemenLs Lo reflecL subsequenL developmenLs.

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