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LlS 703 AuLhorlLy ConLrol/Sub[ecL CaLaloglng Lxam p.

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our Name: Lm||y Iardoux
GkADL = 98
Very we|| done! our LCSn and LCC sect|ons are perfect. |ease see my
comments and correct|ons be|ow and |et me know |f you have any
quest|ons. ~karen

LIS 703 -- Author|ty Contro|]Sub[ect Cata|og|ng Lxam

Instruct|ons for Comp|et|ng and Subm|tt|ng our Lxam - LLASL kLAD CAkLIULL!
1he followlng exam ls dlvlded lnLo 3 secLlons. Lach secLlon LesLs you on maLerlal covered ln Lessons 8
Lhrough 12 of Lhe course. ln secLlon 2 of Lhls exam (whlch covers MA and AA deLermlnaLlon), you
wlll need Lo Lranscrlbe Lhe LlLle and sLaLemenL of responslblllLy. ?ou may need Lo refer back Lo
prevlous lessons ln order Lo Lranscrlbe Lhls area. CLherwlse, you should be able Lo compleLe Lhe exam
uslng only maLerlal from Lessons 8 Lhrough 12.
uurlng Lhe exam you are encouraged Lo consulL your LexLbooks, Lhe course Lessons, AssessmenLs,
and dlscusslon forums, as well as resources such as CaLaloger's ueskLop, ClasslflcaLlon Web, Lhe
Llbrary of Congress AuLhorlLles webslLe, and CCLC 8lbllographlc lormaLs & SLandards webslLe. lf you
have any quesLlons abouL Lhe exam (abouL Lhe loglsLlcs of compleLlng Lhe exam or lf you need
clarlflcaLlon on one or more of Lhe lLems), you musL conLacL Lhe professor vla emall. ?ou MA? nC1
consulL anoLher person abouL exam conLenL (such as oLher sLudenLs, llbrarlans, eLc.) nor may you
posL quesLlons abouL Lhe exam ln Lhe dlscusslon forum or ouLslde emall or dlscusslon llsLs. Any
posLlngs made abouL Lhe exam ln Lhe dlscusslon forum for Lhe duraLlon of Lhe exam perlod wlll be
CompleLe Lhe AuLhorlLy ConLrol/Sub[ecL CaLaloglng Lxam wlLhln Lhls Word documenL. uL your name
afLer "?our name" aL Lhe Lop of Lhls page and change Lhe flle name of Lhls documenL Lo:
?ourLasLname_Lxam2.doc (e.g., Snow_Lxam2.doc). 1he flle exLenslon can be elLher .doc or .docx.
upload Lhe compleLed documenL Lo Lhe AsslgnmenL Lool wlLhln 8lackboard by 11:33pm CS1 on Lhe
due daLe noLed on Lhe Course Calendar and Schedule of AcLlvlLles. lease do noL walL unLll Lhe lasL
LlS 703 AuLhorlLy ConLrol/Sub[ecL CaLaloglng Lxam p. 2 of 8

mlnuLe Lo upload your exam. lease revlew Lhe sLep-by-sLep gulde Lo uploadlng asslgnmenLs ln
lf you have any Lechnlcal dlfflculLles LhaL prevenL you from uploadlng your compleLed documenL Lo
Lhe AsslgnmenL Lool wlLhln 8lackboard, emall lL Lo Lhe professor's ouLslde emall address. lL wlll noL be
counLed as laLe as long as Lhe exam ls recelved ln Lhe professor's lnbox by 11:33pm CS1 Lhe day lL ls
lease Lranscrlbe all of your answers on Lhls exam uslng blue fonL.

Sect|on 1. Us|ng LC Author|t|es Webs|te
Lxamlne Lhe followlng name headlngs and deLermlne wheLher or noL Lhey are Lhe auLhorlzed verslon ln LC
AuLhorlLles (hLLp:// lf lL ls Lhe auLhorlzed headlng, Lype CorrecL ln blue fonL nexL Lo Lhe
headlng. lf lL ls noL Lhe auLhorlzed headlng, Lype Lhe auLhorlzed form ln blue fonL nexL Lo Lhe headlng.

!1) keedy, !. Leslle $q (!ames Leslle), $d 1940- correcL

!2) lreeman, 8eaLrlce L., $d 1899-1986
$a lreeman, 8ee, $d 1899-1986

!3) Cne unconcern'd buL a frlend Lo llberLy
$a uaddo, Wllllam

!4) ur. Zols
$a Seuss, $c ur.

!3) !ones, Shlrley, $d 1934 nov. 14- correcL

Sect|on 2. MA & AA Determ|nat|on
lor each of Lhe followlng works below, examlne Lhe LlLle page glven and Lranscrlbe Lhe maln access polnL
(MA) and added access polnLs (AA) uslng MA8C codlng. ou are expected to transcr|be the author|zed form
of any name head|ng you use. use blue fonL when Lranscrlblng your answers.

1) 1|t|e page:

1he Modern kesearcher

Iacques 8arzun
LlS 703 AuLhorlLy ConLrol/Sub[ecL CaLaloglng Lxam p. 3 of 8

nenry I. Graff

1ranscrlbe Lhe MA and AAs here (don'L forgeL Lo use MA8C codlng and auLhorlzed forms!):
100 1_ $a 8arzun, !acques, $d 1907-
243 14 $a 1he modern researcher / $c !acques 8arzun, Penry l. Craff.
700 1_ $a Craff, Penry l. $q (Penry lranklln), $d 1921-

2) 1|t|e page:


LdlLed by

uavld Crene
8lchmond LaLLlmore

1ranscrlbe Lhe MA and AAs here (don'L forgeL Lo use MA8C codlng and auLhorlzed forms!):
100 1_ $a Crene, uavld, $e ed.
243 1_ $a Creek 1ragedles / $c edlLed by uavld Crene and 8lchmond LaLLlmore.
700 1_ $a LaLLlmore, 8lchmond Alexander, $d 1906-1984, $e ed.

ln AAC82, edlLors are consldered added enLrles (rules 21.6C2 and 21.30u1). 1he LlLle ls Lhe maln access polnL
and Lhe edlLors are placed ln 700 flelds.

243 00 $a Creek Lragedles / $c edlLed by uavld Crene and 8lchmond LaLLlmore.

700 1_ $a Crene, uavld.

700 1_ $a LaLLlmore, 8lchmond Alexander, $d 1906-1984.

3) 1|t|e page:
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LlS 703 AuLhorlLy ConLrol/Sub[ecL CaLaloglng Lxam p. 4 of 8

!"#$$%& ()#"* +),-&

!acob and Wllhelm Crlmm

WlLh an lnLroducLlon and noLes by LllzabeLh ualLon

lllusLraLlons by Ludwlg Lmll Crlmm

(Pln1: Lhe aforemenLloned LllzabeLh ualLon wroLe ./01/&0#12& 34"2042"- #/ +5- 67#148 9 3427* #/ :#4-")42"- )/7
1ranscrlbe Lhe MA and AAs here (don'L forgeL Lo use MA8C codlng and auLhorlzed forms!):
100 1_ $a Crlmm, !acob, $d 1783-1863.
243 10 $a Crlmm's falry Lales / $c !acob and Wllhelm Crlmm , wlLh an lnLroducLlon and noLes by LllzabeLh
ualLon , lllusLraLlons by Ludwlg Lmll Crlmm.
700 1_ $a Crlmm, Wllhelm, $d 1786-1839.
700 1_ $a Crlmm, Ludwlg Lmll, $d 1790-1863.
700 1_ $a ualLon, LllzabeLh, $d 1936-, $e aul, $e cwL.

Sect|on 3. Ser|es Area
lor each of Lhe followlng works below, examlne Lhe LlLle page and/or serles LlLle page glven. 1ranscrlbe Lhe
flelds needed for Lhe serles lnformaLlon ln a blbllographlc record (meanlng: use a 490 and (lf needed) a 8xx or
300 fleld). lease use MA8C codlng. ou are expected to transcr|be the author|zed form of the ser|es t|t|e |f |t
|s traced. use blue fonL when Lranscrlblng your answers.

1) Ser|es 1|t|e age & 1|t|e age:

kout|edge G|oba| Inst|tut|ons
LdlLed by 1homas C. Welss & 8orden

About the ser|es
1he "8ouLledge Clobal lnsLlLuLlons" Serles
ls deslgned Lo provlde readers wlLh
comprehenslve, accesslble, and

Clobal Covernance, overLy
and lnequallLy

LdlLed by
!ennlfer Clapp and 8orden Wllklnson

Karen Snow 4/21/12 10:25 AM
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LlS 703 AuLhorlLy ConLrol/Sub[ecL CaLaloglng Lxam p. 3 of 8

lnformaLlve guldes Lo Lhe hlsLory,
sLrucLure, and acLlvlLles of key
lnLernaLlonal organlzaLlons as well as
books LhaL deal wlLh Loplcs of key
lmporLance ln conLemporary global

8ouLledge Clobal lnsLlLuLlons, 43

new ?ork

1ranscrlbe Lhe serles lnformaLlon here:
490 1_ $a 8ouLledge global lnsLlLuLlons , $v 43
830 _0 $a Clobal lnsLlLuLlons serles , $v 43.

2) 1|t|e page:

9++9<= >( +?@ (6@AB

8ook lour
1he LasL ApprenLlce

!oseph uelaney

lllusLraLlons by aLrlck ArrasmlLh

new ?ork
Creenwlllow 8ooks

1ranscrlbe Lhe serles lnformaLlon here:
LlS 703 AuLhorlLy ConLrol/Sub[ecL CaLaloglng Lxam p. 6 of 8

490 1_ $a 1he lasL apprenLlce , $v bk. 4
800 1_ $a uelaney, !oseph, $d 1943- $L LasL apprenLlce , $v bk. 4.

3) 1|t|e page:

8andom Pouse All-AbouL 8ooks

!"# %&# '( )*+',-./,

uavld LamberL, !ohn lrancls, and 8ernard 8oblnson

new ?ork -- 8andom Pouse

1ranscrlbe Lhe serles lnformaLlon here:
490 0_ $a 8andom Pouse all-abouL books

lf a serles ls unLraced, you do noL need Lo lnclude an 8xx fleld.

Sect|on 4. L|brary of Congress Sub[ect nead|ngs (LCSn)
A. use LCSP Lo deLermlne lf Lhese are valld headlngs or headlng sLrlngs. lf Lhe headlng ls valld, Lype CorrecL ln
blue fonL nexL Lo Lhe headlng. lf noL, wrlLe down Lhe valld headlng or headlng sLrlng ln blue fonL. ?ou do noL
need Lo use MA8C codlng.

!1) lellx Lhe CaL
lellx Lhe CaL (llcLlLlous characLer)
!2) CulLar-ConsLrucLlon correcL
Karen Snow 4/21/12 10:26 AM
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LlS 703 AuLhorlLy ConLrol/Sub[ecL CaLaloglng Lxam p. 7 of 8

!3) luslon reacLors--luels
1hermonuclear fuels
!4) Shlp blsculLs
!3) Seml-conducLors

8. lor each of Lhe followlng, use LCSP Lo creaLe a sulLable sub[ecL headlng sLrlng. Use MAkC cod|ng and blue
fonL. LxcellenL!
1) A work abouL meLhods of Leachlng chemlsLry.
630 _0 $a ChemlsLry $x SLudy and Leachlng.

2) A work on Lhe caLLle lndusLry ln ArgenLlna.
630 _0 $a CaLLle Lrade $z ArgenLlna.

3) A work on flre deparLmenL equlpmenL ln Cook CounLy, llllnols.
630 _0 $a llre deparLmenLs $z llllnols $z Cook CounLy $x LqulpmenL and supplles.

4) A work on dlseases of Lhe llmbs ln !ohannesburg, SouLh Afrlca.
630 _0 $a LxLremlLles (AnaLomy) $x ulseases $z SouLh Afrlca $z !ohannesburg.

3) A work on bread labellng ln SLuLLgarL, a clLy ln Lhe sLaLe of 8aden-WurLLemberg ln Cermany.
630 _0 $a 8read $x Labellng $z Cermany $z SLuLLgarL.

Sect|on S. L|brary of Congress C|ass|f|cat|on (LCC)
A. uL Lhe followlng call numbers ln Lhe order Lhey would appear on a llbrary shelf by placlng Lhem ln Lhe
empLy boxes below. ?ou do not need Lo use MA8C codlng. ?our answers need Lo be ln blue fonL.














LlS 703 AuLhorlLy ConLrol/Sub[ecL CaLaloglng Lxam p. 8 of 8


2001 2003 S233

8. ConsLrucL a call number (use blue fonL) for Lhe followlng works uslng Lhe lnsLrucLlons provlded ln Lhe LCC
Schedules. 1he auLhor and daLe of publlcaLlon are ln parenLheses. Use MAkC cod|ng. erfecL!

1) A work on Lhe hlsLory of educaLlon ln anclenL Creece (uavld, 1971)
090 _ _ $a LA73 $b .u38 1971

2) A hlsLory on rallroad LransporLaLlon ln lrance (Crenler, 2001)
090 _ _ $a PL3068 $b .C74 2001

3) A general work on Lhe hlsLory of locomoLlves ln Mexlco (1hompson, publlshed someLlme ln Lhe 1970s)
090 _ _ $a 1!603.4.M6 $b 146 1970z

4) 60- 4#$-8 ) C1"4")#4 1D #0- &E)4#/F #/ <)/)7) (Wllkes, 1994)
090 _ _ $a Cv849.13.A2 $b W33 1994

3) A work on Lhe economlc condlLlons of Marlposa CounLy ln Callfornla (8ond, 2003)
090 _ _ $a PC107.C22 $b M373 2003

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