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Emily H. Fardoux 7010 N. Ashland Blvd. Apt. 100 Chicago, ! "0"#" $%7.%71.1#07 &h'ardoux(gmail.


Intern Librarian North Shore Country Day School
August 2012 resent !ngoing !&ad, plan, and impl&m&nt li)rary*+id& a)andon o' ,&+&y ,&cimal -yst&m in 'avor o' +ord*)as&d iBro+s& syst&m Cr&at& and maintain promotional mat&rials o' li)rary s&rvic&s, programs, and mat&rials. instructional mat&rials 'or stud&nts such as print r&s&arch guid&s to suppl&m&nt oral instruction )y Acad&mic nt&grators. r&ad&r/s advisory mat&rials in )oth print and onlin& 'orms 0aintain accurat&, monthly )udg&t 'or li)rary d&partm&nt in con1unction +ith Busin&ss 2''ic& 3lan and impl&m&nt sp&cial pro1&cts and programs, such as Bann&d Boo4s 5&&4 activiti&s 6#01#, #0178, a ,r. -&uss Birthday 3arty 'or grad&s 9:*7 6#0178, and c&l&)ration o' National !i)rary 5&&4 6#017, #01%8. ;rain and ov&rs&& 1< par&nt volunt&&rs in sh&lving )oo4s and oth&r day*to*day li)rary activiti&s and tas4s 0anag& ch&c4 in and ch&c4out proc&ss 'or li)rary mat&rials, including ov&rdu& notic&s, )illing, and r&plac&m&nt o' lost it&ms ,&v&lop and maintain n&+ li)rary +&)sit& using Hai4u !&arning 0anag&m&nt -yst&m 6along +ith 0iddl& and =pp&r school Acad&mic nt&grators8 and social m&dia accounts !&ad t&xt)oo4 distri)ution, coll&ction, and maint&nanc& in coop&ration +ith Busin&ss 2''ic& 6in charg& o' purchasing8 3rovid& !&v&l 1 support +ith 1>1 i3ad program pilot&d in #017*1% school y&ar to $th and ?th grad&rs Assist t&ach&rs and stud&nts +ith daily li)rary us& 0anag& r&s&rvation syst&m 'or r&sourc&s and li)rary spac& us&d )y t&ach&rs via @oogl& Cal&ndar 3lac& supply and mat&rials 6&.g. )oo48 ord&rs Assist Acad&mic nt&grators +ith coll&ction d&v&lopm&nt -up&rvis& th& li)rary, including )&'or& and a't&r school hours 5or4 clos&ly and coop&rativ&ly +ith Acad&mic nt&grators in all asp&cts o' li)rarianship at th& school -&rv& as A'ront lin&/ 'or thos& visiting and contacting th& li)rary Co" lete# Nota)l& circulation statistics incr&as& B&classi'ication o' $00s in g&n&ral ar&a

$outh Ser%ices Library Ai#e

&ighlan# Par' Public Library

(une 200) resent !ngoing 3rovid& in*p&rson, t&l&phon&, &*mail and 0 r&'&r&nc& s&rvic&s Administ&r t&ch support 'or gam& and nt&rn&t comput&rs as +&ll as gaming i3ads 0aintain strong 'amiliarity o' )oo4s in coll&ction 'or B&ad&rs/ Advisory ,&v&lop and continually updat& ov&r %< vid&o and " audio )oo4 )i)liographi&s 3romot& d&partm&nt happ&nings and in'ormation through social m&dia sit&s as voic& o' th& C!i)rary @&r)ilsD ,&sign non*traditional and innovativ& pu)licity 'or li)rary programming Cr&at& signag& 'or assort&d ar&as o' d&partm&nt and sp&cial programsE&v&nts 3r&par& and 'acilitat& 0oc4 N&+)&ry and 0oc4 Cald&cott discussions 6#00?*#01#8 -up&rvis&, plan andEor run sp&cial programs 'or up to "0 childr&n Assist +ith manag&m&nt o' middl& school volunt&&rs in 9unior 3ag& 1o) pr&paration program 3r&par& p&rsonaliF&d nam&tags 'or -torytim& att&nd&&s ,iscuss )oo4s +ith adol&sc&nts to incr&as& a+ar&n&ss o' lit&rary &l&m&nts ,&sign and pr&par& th&m&d )ull&tin )oard )oo4 displays 'or d&partm&nt 3r&par& All*-ta'' ns&rvic& pr&s&ntation a)out +&)sit& r&d&sign Co" lete# Aid&d in r&+or4ing o' Boo4 3atch BonanFa program using Evanc&d -umm&r B&ad&r so't+ar& nput s&v&ral hundr&d lin4s onto !i)rary/s n&+ +&)sit&, assist&d +ith sit& d&v&lopm&nt -&t up t&n Noo4 d&vic&s +ith sixty*t+o )oo4s p&r d&vic& 'or circulation to youth. maintain d&vic&s a't&r &ach ch&c4*in Att&nd&d s&v&ral m&&tings +ith archit&cts and high school stud&nts to discuss propos&d r&novation o' Adult -&rvic&s to includ& a t&&n spac& ;rain&d t+o !i)rary Aid&s in h&r duti&s Bun six vid&o gaming tournam&nts o' up to %< %th*?th grad&rs 3r&s&nt&d post&r s&ssion at #011 llinois !i)rary Association Con'&r&nc& on Boo4 0atch Noo4s

Emily H. Fardoux 7010 N. Ashland Blvd. Apt. 100 Chicago, ! "0"#" $%7.%71.1#07 &h'ardoux(

*reen +ea"

&ighlan# Par' Public Library

(anuary 2011 201, 3romot& li)rary/s @r&&n initiativ& through d&partm&ntal and pu)lic chang& 3lan #01# Earth ,ay promotion using pr&*&xisting r&sourc&s

Su""er Rea#ing Co""ittee

&ighlan# Par' Public Library

-ay 200. / resent !ngoing ;&ach 1# sta'' m&m)&rs in multi*part training s&ssions a)out n&+ onlin& program ;&st onlin& program +ith y&arly chang&s 3&r'orm s4its at individual schools to promot& -umm&r B&ading 6#00<*pr&s&nt8 B&s&arch possi)l& &xpansions and &nhanc&m&nts to onlin& program Co" lete# ,&v&lop&d launch -umm&r B&ading onlin& program as part o' a %*p&rson t&am mpl&m&nt&d onlin& improv&m&nts in cost*&''&ctiv& mann&r Built Cmagic ston&D 'or us& in -umm&r B&ading program #011

$outh Ser%ices Shel%er

!ctober 2001 / (une 200)

&ighlan# Par' Public Library

+e" orary Library Ai#e

North Shore Country Day School

Se te"ber 2010/No%e"ber 2010 3roc&ss&d and catalog&d n&+ mat&rials. r&*catalog&d s&ctions o' non'iction 'or &asi&r acc&ss -up&rvis&d a't&r*school ;yp& to !&arn program o' around 1< %th and <th grad& stud&nts 3r&par&d and pr&s&nt&d t+o )oo4 tal4s 'or third grad& stud&nts 0ann&d ch&c4out and r&'&r&nc& d&s4. p&r'orm&d circulation duti&s -h&lv&d and shi't&d mat&rials as n&&d&d @ain&d 'amiliarity +ith ,&stiny li)rary manag&m&nt syst&m 2v&rsa+ li)rary a't&r school hours

*ra#uate Assistant to (anice Del Negro

Do"inican 0ni%ersity *ra#uate School o1 Library an# In1or"ation Science

August 2011 / resent G Assist in class pr&paration including s&cr&tarial +or4, nt&r!i)rary !oans, and r&s&arch pro1&cts G B&s&arch 0auric& -&nda4 'or ,&c&m)&r pr&s&ntation &ntitl&d C-&nda4> B&d&'ining th& 3ictur& Boo4D. d&v&lop pr&s&ntation +&)sit&

Pro1essional E2tra/Curriculars
3lueste" A4ar# Rea#ing Co""ittee Illinois School Library -e#ia Association
2011 to 2015 0&m)&r o' -!0A Blu&st&m A+ard B&ading Committ&&

Con1erences Atten#e#
A!A #017 HA!-A/s HA !it -ymposium, #01#

Pro1essional -e"bershi s
Am&rican !i)rary Association 0&m)&r sinc& #01# Association 'or !i)rary -&rvic&s to Childr&n 0&m)&r sinc& #01# Houng Adult !i)rary -&rvic&s Association 0&m)&r sinc& #01#

!nline Presence

Catalogu&d ov&r 1,<00 r&ad )oo4s +ith <1" r&vi&+s on !i)rary;hing sinc& #00"

Emily H. Fardoux 7010 N. Ashland Blvd. Apt. 100 Chicago, ! "0"#" $%7.%71.1#07 &h'ardoux(
B&vi&+ advanc& copi&s o' )oo4s as part o' N&t@all&y, Ed&l+&iss and !i)rary;hing/s Early B&vi&+&r program Bun p&rsonal )oo4 r&comm&ndation )log using ;um)lr and cr&at& p&rsonaliF&d )oo4 lists 3rovid& social m&dia and t&chnology assistanc& to 'ri&nds and co+or4&rs

Do"inican 0ni%ersity *ra#uate School o1 Library an# In1or"ation Science Ri%er 6orest7 IL
August 2011 -ay 2015 G Focus on Houng Adult and Childr&n/s -&rvic&s in 3u)lic !i)rari&s G Class !ist I ! - 701> ntroduction to !i)rary and n'ormation -ci&nc& I ! - 707> 2rganiFation o' :no+l&dg& I ! - 70%> B&'&r&nc& and 2nlin& -&rvic&s I ! - 71?> History o' Childr&n/s !it&ratur& I ! - 7#1> !i)rary 0at&rials 'or Childr&n I ! - 7##> !i)rary 0at&rials 'or Houng Adults I ! - 7#7> -&rvic&s 'or Childr&n and Houng Adults I ! - 7%$> Coll&ction 0anag&m&nt I ! - 7<7> nt&rn&t Fundam&ntals and ,&sign I ! - 7"$> -ocial 0&dia and Em&rging ;&chnologi&s I ! - 777> -chool !i)rari&s I ! - $0%> -p&cial ;opics> Fol4 and Fairy ;al&s 'or Houth> History, Evolution and Evaluation I ! - $0%> -p&cial ;opics> Art in 3ictur& Boo4s

3eloit College
August 200) / -ay 200. 3achelor o1 Arts7 Religious Stu#ies -a9or G -p&cial 3ro1&ct> Bol& o' th& child in Buddhist diaspora communiti&s G B!-; 7?<> ;&ach&r/s Assistant 'or ;h& Nation o' slam G -&nior ;h&sis> -&l'* mmolation prot&sts during th& Ji&tnam 5ar

3eloit7 8I

Emily H. Fardoux 7010 N. Ashland Blvd. Apt. 100 Chicago, ! "0"#" $%7.%71.1#07 &h'ardoux(

!an& Houng ,ir&ctor o' !i)rary K Educational ;&chnology 0iddl& -chool Acad&mic nt&grator North -hor& Country ,ay -chool 710 @r&&n Bay Boad 5inn&t4a, ! "00?7 6$%78 $$1*$$07 lyoung( 9anic& ,&l N&gro Associat& 3ro'&ssor @raduat& -chool o' !i)rary and n'ormation -ci&nc& ,ominican =niv&rsity 7?00 5. ,ivision -t. Biv&r For&st, ! "070< 670$8 7""*"$71 1d&ln&gro(dom.&du !inda 5ich&r ,ir&ctor o' Houth -&rvic&s Highland 3ar4 3u)lic !i)rary %?% !aur&l Av& Highland 3ar4, ! "007< 6$%78 %7#*0#1" 6x11%8 l+ich&r(hpli) ,&)ra 0a1&&d 3ro'&ssor and Chair o' ,&partm&nt o' 3hilosophy and B&ligious -tudi&s B&loit Coll&g& 700 Coll&g& -t. B&loit, 5 <7<11 6"0$8 7"7*#1$7 mu)ashsh()&loit.&du

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