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Event Script Script * authored by Zarina Champagne, Britny Logan, and Rachel Richards.


it !pening"#hec$%In

8:30am-9:30am Check in

Welcome and Introductions 9:05am-9:15am

&hilip' Hello everyone! Welcome to the 5th Annual Student Leadership Summit, brought to you by the University of orth !lorida "aylor Leadership #nstitute! My na e is &hilip Green (enna' )nd day! +Introduce one another as you see fit,&hilip' "he University of orth !lorida Taylor Leadership Institute $elcomes you to the .th )nnual Student Leadership Su it.

y na e is (enna *a$shi and $e%ll be your emcees for the

"his year%s theme is Discover the Millennial utlier! in " #: $%&D 'or(ard) "han' partners( o Undergraduate Studies o U ! )eads! *ommittee, (enna' We all aim to help +,U celebrate your inner -,utlier./ This year/s Leadership Su it 0ill help you1

o *elebrate yourself as a MILLE22I)L !3TLIER. o 0a'e strong and long%lasting connections o Have positive interactions o And be recogni1ed by your personali4ed leadership presence. &hilip' #f you%ve been to a Summit before, stand up! Welcome bac'! *e an agent of change, We hope all of you are ready to FIND THE MILLENIAL OUTLIER IN YOU!

(enna' &urpose of the Student Su it

"he Summit is a professional conference for students, a $ay to practice our leadership s'ills! &hilip' 0ost of you are considered a part of the Millennial generation. "his means you have shared life e3periences since childhood. !or e3ample, pop culture. (enna' #%m sure $e all remember $hen 4ritney Spears shaved her head or $hen 5ay67 stole "aylor S$ift%s limelight! &hilip' +ou 'no$, # remember $hen 5ava $as 8ust a cup of coffee. (enna' And # bet Apple $as 8ust a piece of fruit too9 "hose $ho $ere born after &:;< are considered a 0illennial &hilip'

0illennials are the most open6minded and educated generation in American history! +ou%ve gro$n up $ith information at your fingertips.

(enna' # thin' $e 0illennials are outliers for the rest of the $orld. We consider ourselves as something ne$ and something different! &hilip' Well, you%re definitely different9 Spea'ing of outliers, >lad$ell tal's about the &?,???6Hour )ule/ in his boo', Outliers, $hich states that one, must practice for &?,??? hours A" L@AS" to achieve the title of -e3pert./ (enna' Wo$ &?,??? hours! "hat%s A&B days! "he 4eatles rac'ed up their &?,??? hours in = years according to >lad$ell. &hilip' ,ver those = years, they played over 2?? nights and for an average of ; hours each night, that%s about :,<?? hours!

(enna' +ea, and *ill Gates started $or'ing on computers $hen he $as in the ;th grade6 that%s right, fol's6the ;th grade!

>ates $or'ed ; hours a day, seven days a $ee'Cafter school. &hilip' >ates had some setbac's but he didn%t give up! He even snuc' out later at night to go to the computer lab.

(enna' >ates left Harvard his Sophomore year to start his o$n business. 4y that time, he had $ay more than &?,??? hours of practice. &hilip' +ou 'no$, Henna, the 4eatles and >ates have Duite a lot in common. (enna' # agree. "hey started young, they pushed themselves, and they never gave up! &hilip' And they didn%t do it alone! 4eing a leader, and even being the -best,/ is only possible if there are

other members of the team. (enna' &hilip' >ood point, Henna. Something to ponder( the success of great leaders is not in recognition of themselves, but in the accomplishments of those they lead. &ckno(led*ments and +ivea(a,s 9:15am-9:-5am @verything $e do is interconnected. +ou can%t succeed by yourself.

(enna' "oday $e have an incredible panel for our first Session today( o ,U"L#@)S EA @L ,! @FE@)"S &hilip( "hen $e%ve got the brea'out sessions that you chose $ith registration( Startup Ga e $ith the U ! Small 4usiness Gevelopment *enter! Millennial #acophony $ith 5essica "homas, a self6confessed 0illennial, $ho $ill spea' about ta'ing advantage of our generational status.

E bracing the )uthentic !utlier in 5ou panel! (enna' We%ve got 5ason%s Geli for lunch H+U0!I. 6ason/s Deli is our partner and sponsor. >ive 5ason%s Geli a big round of applause! We are very grateful for their friendship and their efforts in creating this e3perience. &hillip( 5ason%s Geli mirrors the Summit%s logo color6Summit >reen, honoring U !%s commitment to respect -environmental beauty,/ as stated in the UNF Vision Statement. (enna( 5ason%s Geli also a shares a deep and abiding respect for the environment through offering bio6degradable sugar cane sand$ich bo3es and increasing commitment to recycling in restaurants and $arehouses. &hillip( We encourage you to visit one of their locations6 ,n Southside 4lvd. near "inselto$n or in 5ac'sonville 4each on =rd Street!

(enna( @lton )ivas, the 'eynote presenter and !athom Sphere $ill be here this afternoon to bring us all bac' together.

&hilip( "hroughout the day $e $ill give out pri1es and trust me, they are a$esome6 so stic' around! (enna( And $e%re going to start right no$!

Give a0ay T7! pri4es,

&hilip' #ntroduce Gr. Annabel 4roo's Dr) .rooks 9:-5am-9:30am

utliers /anel o0 %12erts 9:30am-10:30am



(enna' "han' you to 5udge *o3, *isco )obinson, and Amy *osta for such an enlightening discussion! n-Cam2us 3ransitions 10:30am-10:3-am

Militar, 4eterans 00ice 10:33am-10:35am

&hilip( "he @3hibition Hall is no$ open in the 4allroom. We have &? minutes left until the ne3t brea'6out session at &?(A5! (enna' We no$ have 5 minutes until Session 2. Elease ma'e your $ay there no$.

.reakout 5essions 10:65am-11:65am

3ransition: Interaction (ith %1hi7itors 11:65am-1-2m

#8' Choir 1-2m-1-:102m

Give a0ay !2E pri4e,

In0o-mericals 1-:102m-1-:-02m

(enna( &2(&?pm6&2(&=pm "estimonial about "L# o Gr. 4ruce "aylor


o Erogram change from certificate to minor o Has a lot to offer( minor, summit, and scholarships, and courses

Would the scholarship recipients please standJ @li1abeth Elatt and 5ason 4arry. HapplauseI

$+.39:Intercultural &00airs 1-:162m-1-:1;2m

White <arvest 'arms 1-:1=2m-1-:192m

+ivea(a, and %lton >ivas Introduction 1-:-02m-1-:302m

Give a0ay 8 to 9 pri4es,

&hilip( o$, # $ould li'e to introduce @lton )ivas, our 'eynote spea'er.

HSay $hat you $ant here EhilI %lton >ivas



Wra2 #2 and /ri?es 1:052m-1:302m



&hilip( "han' you 0). )#KAS! What an enriching and po$erful message. Such an inspiring entrepreneur and outlier! (enna( o$, $e $ant to s$itch gears a little bit and tal' about the Social *hange 0odel. As you can see in the diagram there are three main values( o *ommunity o >roup o And #ndividual &hilip( "he model suggests that *iti1enship, or one%s responsibility to a community is the $ay to create positive sustainable change. We suggest that Trust, is also important. (enna( 3rust is an outlier value 0or a communit, sim2l, 7ecause it must 7e earned It re@uires more involvement 0rom ever,one involved &hilip(

When a community thrives, opportunities arise. For example, 4ill >ates%s parents and schools $or'ing together to provide him $ith computers at a young age. (enna( Synchronicity is more than 8ust collaboration. Its considered an outlier value due to the added responsibility placed upon the group as a whole. &hilip( "hin' bac' to a time you played tug6of6$ar. "here $as a $inner and a loser, usually $ith the losers covered in mud 4ut $hat if each team pulled at the same rateJ What if they $ere in perfect harmonyJ Synchronicity occurs with unanimously made decisions rather than ma ority voted decisions. Its !all or nothing." # mean the 4eatles $ouldn%t be the 4eatles if 5ohn Lennon had suddenly stopped playing. (enna( *S+ * $ouldn%t be *S+ * $ithout 5ustin!

!inally, $e have the individual values. "he concept of self%actuali4ation is 8ust that, a concept. It ta#es a lot o$ re$lection and evaluation. &hilip( "hin' of it as -life6long learning,/ Cal$ays a need for further development and study. 5el0-actuali?ation is not necessaril, a *oalA 7ut rather the 7lue2rint (e use to 7uild our individual leadershi2 2resence u2on) (enna( Aristotle said, -We are $hat $e repeatedly do, e3cellence therefore is not an act but a habit./ &ractice is a large part of today%s theme, ho$ do you see practice enhancing your leadership presenceJ HST3DE2T :EED*)#;&hilip( +our actions are a reflection of those $ho came before, so be the change you $ant to see. 5ust thin' bac' to $hat $as happening $hile you $ere gro$ing up( (enna( "he movie "itanic and its hit song, -0y Heart Will >o ,n/

,r $hen 4ritney Spears shaved her head and did $eird things on stage $ith a sna'e. And no$ thin' about $hat has happened the past fe$ years( &hilip( !or instance ->angham Style/ or -*all 0e 0aybe/ mania.

,r even 0iley *yrus%s ne$ debut this year9 (enna( ,r ho$ about the ne$ #,S 5 from AppleJ! So $e leave you $ith this Duestion( o What $ill our $orld loo' li'e in 2? years because of things happening right no$J &hilip( #n 8ust a moment !A"H,0 SEH@)@ $ill be performing. 4ut $e $ould li'e to share a heartfelt than' you to our facilitators and participants! We also as' that you fill out an evaluation form before you leave! (enna( We sincerely hope that today you have gained 'no$ledge and come closer to having found the 0#LL@ #AL ,U"L#@) in you.

'athom 52here 1:302m--2m


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