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ICCUS S1ANDAkDS RI 2.9 Compare/contrast the
most important points
presented by 2 different
RI 2.9 Compare/contrast the
most important points
presented by 2 different
RI 2.9 Compare/contrast the
most important points
presented by 2 different
RI 2.9 Compare/contrast the
most important points
presented by 2 different
RI 2.9 Compare/contrast the
most important points
presented by 2 different
SUCk1ING S1ANDAkDS 8l 2.3 , 8l 2.1 8l 2.3 , 8l 2.1 8l 2.3 , 8l 2.1 8l 2.3 , 8l 2.1 8l 2.3, 8l 2.1
I CAN S1A1LMLN1S l can compare Lwo LexLs
abouL Lhe same Loplc.
l can conLrasL Lwo LexLs
abouL Lhe same Loplc.
l can Lell Lhe maln
ldea/Loplc of a LexL.
l can compare Lwo LexLs
abouL Lhe same Loplc.
l can conLrasL Lwo LexLs
abouL Lhe same Loplc.
l can Lell Lhe maln
ldea/Loplc of a LexL.
l can compare Lwo LexLs
abouL Lhe same Loplc.
l can conLrasL Lwo LexLs
abouL Lhe same Loplc.
l can Lell Lhe maln
ldea/Loplc of a LexL.
l can compare Lwo LexLs
abouL Lhe same Loplc.
l can conLrasL Lwo LexLs
abouL Lhe same Loplc.
l can Lell Lhe maln
ldea/Loplc of a LexL.
l can compare Lwo LexLs
abouL Lhe same Loplc.
l can conLrasL Lwo LexLs
abouL Lhe same Loplc.
l can Lell Lhe maln
ldea/Loplc of a LexL.
LSSLN1IAL ULS1ICNS What does it mean to
What does it mean to
What is the main idea?
What are the
presented in the two texts?
What does it mean to
What does it mean to
What is the main idea?
What are the
presented in the two texts?
What does it mean to
What does it mean to
What is the main idea?
What are the
presented in the two texts?
What does it mean to
What does it mean to
What is the main idea?
What are the
presented in the two texts?
What does it mean to
What does it mean to
What is the main idea?
What are the
presented in the two texts?
kLSCUkCLS & MA1LkIALS 1he SLory of 8uby 8rldges
by 8oberL Coles or
8uby 8rldges: My Lrue SLory
by 8uby 8rldges

1he SLory of 8uby 8rldges
by 8oberL Cole -8ead

1he SLory of 8uby 8rldges
by 8oberL Coles or
8uby 8rldges: My Lrue SLory
by 8uby 8rldges

1he SLory of 8uby 8rldges
by 8oberL Cole -8ead

Compare and ConLrasL
non-llcLlon 1exL uocumenL
CharL aper
Compare and ConLrasL for
Culded and lndependenL
racLlce doc.
8uby 8rldges oem
8uby 8rldges and Me venn

Spelllng 1esL
CharL aper
Compare and ConLrasL for
Culded and lndependenL
racLlce doc.

(Who|e group or sma|| group
Whole group, palrs,
Whole group, lndependenL
small group
Whole group, lndependenL
small group

Whole group, lndependenL
small group
lndlvldual, whole group,
small group
Act|v|t|es (M|n| -Lessons
* Spelllng reLesL

1. 1hlnk-palr-share.
lndlvldually, have sLudenLs
Lhlnk of Lhe many
dlfferences Lhey noLe
among Lhelr classmaLes.
lor example, eye color, halr
color, languages spoken,
havlng Lhe ablllLy Lo roll
Lhelr Longue, eLc. ln palrs,
have Lhe chlldren share Lhe
dlfferences Lhey LhoughL of.
As a class, sLudenLs wlll llsL
all of Lhe dlfferences Lhey
came up wlLh. 1he sLudenLs
wlll Lhen charL Lhese
dlfferences. Whlle charLlng
Lhese dlfferences, Lhe
Leacher wlll polnL ouL LhaL
Lhere are numerous
dlfferences among Lhe class
and LhaL each dlfference
makes us unlque from
everyone else.
2. Culded ulscusslon:
ulscuss Lhe dlfferences
charLed from Lhe Lhlnk palr-
share acLlvlLy. ueflne Lhe
Lerm equa||ty and ask
chlldren lf Lhese dlfferences
make one person beLLer
Lhan anoLher. rovlde
chlldren wlLh hypoLheLlcal
slLuaLlons ln whlch some of
Lhe class members were
glven cerLaln prlvlleges LhaL
oLher sLudenLs could noL
parLlclpaLe ln because Lhey
* 8ead 1he SLory of 8uby
8rldges by 8oberL Coles or
8uby 8rldges: My Lrue SLory
by 8uby 8rldges ( a
dlfferenL book or sLory
from Lhe prevlous day on
8uby 8rldges.)
Ask SLudenL (ln 1hlnk alr
-Pow would you descrlbe
whaL 8uby 8rldges
experlenced aL Lhe Wllllam
lranLz LlemenLary school ln
new Crleans? Was lL falr?
Who was Mrs. Penry? Pow
dld she LreaL 8uby?
-WhaL abouL how 8uby
wenL lnLo and lefL school ls
dlfferenL from how you go
Lo school?
-Why dld Lhe proLesLors
sLand ouLslde Lhe school
8uby aLLended?

CompleLe Lhe oLher slde of
Lhe 1-charL from Lhe
prevlous day as a whole
group. 1hen creaLe a venn
dlagram slmllar Lo Lhe venn
dlagram ln Lhe Compare
ConLrasL documenL Lo
compare and conLrasL Lhe
Lwo LexLs on Lhe same
Loplc. Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs
LhaL when we compare
* rovlde sLudenLs wlLh Lhe
Compare and ConLrasL
8esponse sheeL (sheeL from
Comparlng ConLrasLlng
non-llcLlon documenL wlLh
2 columns) Cn one column
sLudenLs wrlLe !ackle
8oblnson 1lmellne" on Lhe
oLher column SLudenLs
wrlLe !ackle 8oblnson
ro[ecL (or provlde
sLudenLs wlLh coples) Lhe
LexLs on !ackle 8oblnson
(one ls a Llmellne Lhe oLher
ls a shorL passage). 1hese
may be found on Lhe
documenL labeled Compare
and ConLrasL for Culded
and lndependenL racLlce.

AfLer readlng Lhe LexL, have
sLudenLs compleLe Lhe
response sheeL and venn
dlagram ln palrs. ClrculaLe
Lhe classroom as sLudenLs
perform Lhls acLlvlLy. AfLer
sLudenLs have compleLed
Lhe sheeLs wlLh palrs,
dlscuss Lhe response sheeLs
and venn dlagram as a
whole group. 1eacher
should pro[ecL Lhe sheeLs
from Lhe documenL. As

Cu88lCuLuM MAS
LAnnlnC uA?

* Spelllng osL 1esL
* Make a CharacLer 1ralL
CharL. Cn lL wrlLe:
CharacLer 1ralL - ad[ecLlves
LhaL descrlbe a person on
Lhe lnslde.
ay ALLenLlon Lo WhaL l say
and do! uraw a plcLure of
8uby 8rldges on Lhe charL.
Clve sLudenLs sLlcky
noLes/or lndex cards. Pave
sLudenLs wrlLe a characLer
LralL for 8uby 8rldges, puL
Lhe sLlcky noLes/lndex cards
on Lhe charL around Lhe
8uby 8rldges plcLure.
See Lhe followlng llnk for

* Clve rovlde sLudenLs
wlLh Lhe Lwo dlfferenL LexLs
on Ladybugs (found ln Lhe
documenL LlLled Compare
and ConLrasL for Culded
and lndependenL racLlce")
and Lhe response and venn
dlagram sheeL. Pave
sLudenLs compleLe boLh
sheeLs lndependenLly.
8evlew boLh LexLs and
were dlfferenL. lor
example, only glrls were
allowed Lo eaL Lhelr lunch
ln Lhe cafeLerla whlle Lhe
boys had Lo eaL Lhelr lunch
ouLslde (no maLLer whaL
Lhe weaLher was llke). Cr,
chlldren who were lefL
handed had Lo aLLend a
dlfferenL school from Lhose
rlghL-handed chlldren. Ask
sLudenLs how Lhey would
feel lf Lhey couldn'L do
everyLhlng LhaL oLher
chlldren could do [usL
because Lhey were
dlfferenL ln some way.
Lmphaslze LhaL alLhough
we may be very dlfferenL
from one anoLher, we are
all equal and LhaL we each
deserve Lhe same
opporLunlLles and
prlvlleges. 8elnforce whaL
Lhe meanlng of equallLy
ls. 8rlefly lnLroduce 8uby
8rldges Lo Lhe sLudenLs as
one who was vlewed by
many as havlng dlfferences
from oLhers. locus
chlldren's aLLenLlon on
8uby's courage and
sLrengLh as you read 1he
SLory of 8uby 8rldges.
Also dlscuss Lhe words
courage (belng able Lo face
a danger or paln wlLhouL
showlng fear) and brave
(faclng a fear)
* 8ead 1he SLory of 8uby
8rldges or 8uby 8rldges,
My 1rue sLory Lo sLudenLs.
AfLer readlng, presenL Lhe
we're looklng for
slmllarlLles and when we
conLrasL we noLe Lhe

* CenLers/Small group

sLudenLs share, he/she can
wrlLe sLudenL responses on
Lhe board.

CenLers/Small Croup
sheeLs a whole group.

Small groups/cenLers
followlng quesLlons on Lhe
board: Who was 8uby
8rldges? WhaL made 8uby
so dlfferenL from everyone
else? Pow would you feel lf
you were 8uby? WhaL
would you do lf you were
8uby ln LhaL slLuaLlon? ln
whaL ways has 8uby's
sLrengLh and courage
affecLed your llves? ulvlde
Lhe class lnLo 4 or 3 groups.
WlLhln each of Lhese
groups, have chlldren
number Lhemselves 1 Lo 3.
Lach group wlll dlscuss all
of Lhe flve quesLlons on Lhe
board, maklng sure each
member undersLands boLh
Lhe quesLlon and Lhe
answer. Cnce each group
has been glven enough
Llme Lo dlscuss each
quesLlon, asslgn Lhe 3
quesLlons on Lhe board a
number 1 Lhrough 3. Lach
group member wlll be
responslble for Lhe
quesLlon LhaL maLches Lhelr
asslgned number (glven
earller ln Lhe acLlvlLy).
rovlde sLudenLs enough
Llme Lo gaLher Lhelr
LhoughLs. Lach group
member wlll Lhen be glven
Lhe opporLunlLy Lo orally
share whaL Lhey have
dlscussed as a group.
CreaLe a 1-CharL on charL
paper (you may choose Lo
label lL Compare and
conLrasL nonllcLlon 1exLs".
Cn boLh sldes of Lhe charL
wrlLe: 1lLle, Maln ldea,
deLall 1, deLall 2, deLall 3.
8e sure Lo leave space
underneaLh each subLlLle Lo
wrlLe. nexL Lo or under
LlLle" wrlLe 1he SLory of
8uby 8rldges (or 8uby
8rldges, my 1rue SLory,
based on Lhe LexL you're
readlng flrsL. As a class,
ldenLlfy Lhe maln ldea of
Lhe book and 3 deLalls.

Spelllng pre-LesL
SLudenL responses Lo be
puL on 1CharL
SLudenL 8esponses ln
1hlnk-alr Share quesLlons
8esponses Lo be puL on
8esponse sheeLs and venn
ulagrams comparlng Lwo LexLs
on !ackle 8oblnson
Spelllng LesL
8uby 8rldges CharacLer LralLs
on sLlcky noLes
8esponse sheeL and venn
dlagram on LexLs on Ladybugs

Sk|||- Use kead|ng A-2 books
or narcourt keaders

Sk|||- Use kead|ng A-2 books
or narcourt keaders


Sk|||- Use kead|ng A-2 books
or narcourt keaders

Sk|||- Use kead|ng A-2 books
or narcourt keaders

Sk|||- Use kead|ng A-2 books
or narcourt keaders


Comprehenslon: Answer 1-3 quesLlons from 3u readlng quesLlon sLems abouL Lhe sLory your read, 8ead a sLory/passage compleLe a graphlc organlzer
WrlLlng/8uby 8rldges Comprehenslon:
- WrlLe a frlendly leLLer Lo 8uby 8rldges Lhanklng her for her bravery. lnclude whaL she has done Lo help our counLry.
- Make a posLer. ln Lhe mlddle draw a plcLure of 8uby 8rldges. Around her, wrlLe 4 ad[ecLlves you would use Lo descrlbe her. llnally, wrlLe why you chose Lhose
4 ad[ecLlves Lo descrlbe 8uby 8rldges.
- WrlLe a paragraph answerlng one of Lhese quesLlons: "#$%&' () *+, '%(+- .*/ 0*/12 3%&+-, (+ 4/5. 67(2-,) 1(8,9 $%.9# "#:8 .*/ 3*/12 3%*), *+, *8 '%,
;/&1('(,) *8 4/5. 67(2-,) 8*7 .*/7),18< 0%&' 0*/12 .*/ 3%*), &+2 0%.?" -":8 '%,7, 0&) & 3%(12 0%* 0&) 2(88,7,+' 8*7= ,>,7.*+, ,1), &+2 0&)+?' &11*0,2 (+ */7
)3%**1 5,3&/), *8 '%&' 2(88,7,+3,< 0*/12 .*/ 2* &+.'%(+- '* %,1@ '%&' 3%(129 $%. *7 0%. +*'9# -":8 .*/ 0,7, 4/5. 67(2-,) 0*/12 .*/ %&>, 3*+'(+/,) -*(+- '*
)3%**1 *7 0*/12 .*/ %&>, )'&.,2 %*=, 0%,7, .*/ 0,7, )&8,9# -"A7, .*/ @7*/2 *8 0%* .*/ &7, &+2 0%&' 2(88,7,+3,) .*/ =&. %&>,9# $%. *7 0%. +*'9
Word Work: racLlce spelllng words, ch, sh, Lh sorL
8uddy 8eadlng/lluency: 8ead a sLory from 1rophles 8asal wlLh a parLner. WrlLe Lhe words l found challenglng ln noLebook. 8evlew Lhe words.

Work on 8esearch ro[ecL
Adverb SorL (1p1)
Ad[ecLlve engulns (1p1)

8egular Spelllng words: ConsonanL dlagraph ch, sh, Lh - shlp, shake, smash, baLh, Lhunder, broLh, lunch, whlch, choke, Lhumb, large, longer, please,
Lomorrow, frlend
Challenge Spelllng Words: ConsonanL dlagraph ch, sh, Lh - shackle, esLabllsh, chapLer, sandwlch, chocolaLe, brochure, shampoo, sherlff, baLhroom,
Lhousand, large, longer, please, Lomorrow, frlend
Modlfled: Lhunder, Lhumb, shake, whlch, baLh, large, longer, please, Lomorrow, frlend


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