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SLMl lA8: Ll 1L8A1b8L 8Lvl Lv AlL ML1lCLS

An lnLroducLory poruon of your Lhesls, Lhe llLeraLure revlew serves Lo examlne Lhe concepLs LhaL
have been prevlously addressed ln Lhe academlc llLeraLure regardlng a speclc Loplc.
Wlersma, W. (1993). 8esearch meLhods ln educauon: An lnLroducuon (SlxLh edluon). 8osLon:
Allyn and 8acon.
!"#$ &$'($) *+ ,#$ -(,$&.,/&$ 0&*'(1$2 ,#$ 3.456&*/71 .71 4*7,$8, +*& ,#$ &$2$.&4#
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8ead Lhe '8evlew of Lhe LlLeraLure' ln LlemenLs of a roposal", whlch can be found ln Lhe
Addluonal 8esources secuon of Lhe LMS.
Slnce Lhe meLhods secuon of a research reporL ls cenLral Lo Lhe sLudy lLself, lL should be wrluen wlLh
a greaL deal of auenuon Lo deLall. 1he overall dlrecuon of Lhe meLhods secuon should be ln accord Lo
Lhe Lheoreucal framework buL 9/2, 3$ 4*72(2,$7, )(,# ,#$ 4*7,$8, *+ ,#$ 2,/1G.
lrom 1he LlemenLs of A roposal:
lndlcaLe Lhe meLhodologlcal sLeps you wlll Lake Lo answer every quesuon or Lo LesL every hypoLhesls
lllusLraLed ln Lhe Cuesuons/PypoLheses secuon.
All research ls plagued by Lhe presence of confoundlng varlables (Lhe nolse LhaL covers up Lhe
lnformauon you would llke Lo have). Confoundlng varlables should be mlnlmlzed by varlous klnds of
conLrols or be esumaLed and Laken lnLo accounL by randomlzauon processes (Cuba, 1961). ln Lhe
deslgn secuon, lndlcaLe:
1. Lhe varlables you propose Lo conLrol and how you propose Lo conLrol Lhem, experlmenLally or
sLausucally, and
2. Lhe varlables you propose Lo randomlze, and Lhe naLure of Lhe randomlzlng unlL (sLudenLs, grades,
schools, eLc.)." LlemenLs of a roposal, p.3.
1he followlng ls slmpllsuc buL Lhe focus of Lhe concepL ls approprlaLe.
ln accordance wlLh your hypoLhesls:
1. ldenufy an lndependenL varlable LhaL wlll be dellberaLely modled ln very speclc ways,
2. ldenufy a dependenL varlable LhaL wlll change lLs value ln some way as a consequence
(correlauonally, probably noL necessarlly causally) of Lhe changes ln Lhe lndependenL varlable,
3. conLrol all oLher varlables ln some way.
CuanuLauve MeLhodologles
-collecuon and analysls of quanuLauve (numerlcal) daLa, usually employlng sLausucs
CuallLauve MeLhodologles
-collecuon and analysls of quallLauve (non-numerlcal) daLa, usually employlng descrlpuve daLa
Mlxed MeLhodologles
-comblned quanuLauve and quallLauve meLhodologles
lease see hup://[ohnson/dr_[ohnson/lecLures/lec2.pdf
See Lhe Addluonal 8esources secuon of Lhe LMS:
Corbln & SLrauss: 8aslcs of CuallLauve 8esearch
uvlc Pumanlues CompuLer and Medla CenLre - ro[ecL lannlng and ManagemenL
ro[ecL Croups [Ml1
uwaLerloo Senlor 8esearch ro[ecLs
Massey unlverslLy - 8esearch roposal SLrucLure
8oyal 8oads unlverslLy 8esearch Pandbook 2011
uCl1 MLd 8esearch 8eporL ManuscrlpL Cvervlew

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