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8eglsLrauon opens aL 0800
WashlngLon 1ownshlp 1ralnlng Pall
6200 LlLerman 8d
uublln, CP, 43016
CosL $43
PosLed 8y 1he CenLral Chlo l.C.C.L.S.
lor more lnfo and Lo 8eglsLer onllne vlslL
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1hls program ls an exLremely mouvauonal and lnformauve full-day Lruck company class LhaL focuses
on much more Lhan baslc prlnclples, lL covers speclc Lacucs lncludlng venL-LnLer-Search (vLS.)
Speclal auenuon ls glven Lo applylng aggresslve Lruck company funcuons Lo make Lhe reground
safer for everyone. 1hls program wlll glve paruclpanLs Lhe mouvauon and knowledge Lo Lake Lhelr
Lruck company funcuons Lo Lhe nexL level.
Presented by: Jimm Walsh
Truck Company Operations
-.$1$,3$. 4,5(%
!lmm ls a ulvlslon Chlef wlLh WlnLer ark llre ueparLmenL ln CenLral llorlda, and
owner/edlLor of !lmm has lecLured around Lhe nauon on
varlous sub[ecLs lncludlng Leadershlp, and 1ruck Company luncuons. !lmm has
also LaughL aL many conferences lncludlng Lhe llre ueparLmenL lnsLrucLors
Conference (lulC) and llrePouse Lxpo.
november 13Lh, 2014

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