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Mary CaLhryn (M.C.

) Suhockl

"#$%&'%()% *+,- . /01((%2 34 56/ 788'2'19% !"#$%&''() +!
- AssoclaLe roducer AugusL 2014-presenL
o WrlLe scrlpLs and requesL/bulld graphlcs for newscasLs.
o WrlLe and posL arLlcles Lo WSMv's webslLe, compose posLs for soclal medla.
o 8esponslble for prlnLlng scrlpLs and dellverlng Lhem Lo LalenL, updaLe Llcker for +,-". /$,01
/554 !"#$% '("#( ")* +,- ."% !(0 2,34) !2
- lnLern !anuary 2014-Aprll 2014
o rlnL/run scrlpLs Lo anchors durlng every block of Lhe show, emall guesL llsL Lo 400+ people.
o Compose LweeLs Lo send ouL from 3 of Cnn's 1wlLLer accounLs, Lake plcLures for soclal medla.
o CreeL and asslsL show guesLs, log lnLervlews Lo be used durlng Lhe show.
o WroLe an arLlcle for's LaLocracy blog abouL anchor 8rooke 8aldwln.
*6:; <-=>?4 56/ 788'2'19% 56,7%&''() +!
- LdlLor and vldeo[ournallsL AugusL 2013-uecember 2013
o LocaLe and edlL vldeo fooLage for news broadcasLs as vCs, vCSC1s, packages, eLc. under sLrlcL
deadllnes, conflgure medla encoder Lo Lake ln llve vldeo feeds.
o lllm breaklng news and oLher evenLs, responslble for lnLervlewlng sub[ecLs aL evenLs.
- roducLlon AsslsLanL november 2012-May 2013
o lmmedlaLely LranslLloned from lnLern Lo producLlon asslsLanL.
o 8un sLudlo and roboLlc cameras durlng Lhe mornlng broadcasL (4:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.).
o 8esponslble for brleflng guesLs, preparlng mlcrophones for segmenLs, and glvlng Llme cues.
- news lnLern AugusL 2012-november 2012
o Work wlLh mornlng show producers Lo execuLe successful news broadcasLs.
o WrlLe headllnes, Leases, and sLorles for Lhe shows ln lnews.
o Arrange packages and volce overs, wrlLe breaklng news sLorles for Lhe sLaLlon's webslLe.
/55 *@&2A B%1ACD1&9%&E 89'"69") :8
- Cn Alr romoLlons lnLern !une 2013-AugusL 2013
o WrlLe scrlpLs, edlL rough cuLs and locaLe fooLage for promos LhaL make lL Lo alr on Cnn and PLn.
o AsslsL producers wlLh ln-depLh research uslng Cnn's vldeo llbrarles and aLLend promo shooLs.
o CreaLed a slzzle reel hlghllghLlng Cnn en Lspanol's on-alr LalenL.
56/FE /0*"% '10- 56,7%&''() +!
- 8unner SepLember 30-CcLober 1, 2012
o AsslsL +,-". producers when Lhey broadcasL Lhe fourLh hour of Lhe show llve from Lhe
unlverslLy of 1ennessee.
o 8rlef and manage guesLs before segmenLs.
o Complle maLerlals necessary for segmenLs and provlde creaLlve lnpuL Lo enhance Lhe show.

"AD)19'@( 1he unlverslLy of 1ennessee, knoxvllle CraduaLlon: May 2014
8S ln CommunlcaLlons CA 3.87/4.00
Ma[or: !ournallsm & LlecLronlc Medla - news/8roadcasL/roducLlon/Soclal Medla

B@(@&E Chancellor's Award: LxLraordlnary rofesslonal romlse
CraduaLed wlLh Summa Cum Laude honors
Scrlpps Poward loundaLlon Summer Scholarshlp
o chosen ouL of hundreds of sLudenLs for a summer sLlpend Lo be used aL a full-Llme lnLernshlp
!ournallsm & LlecLronlc Medla laculLy Scholarshlp
o selecLed by faculLy advlsers for hlgh achlevemenLs ln [ournallsm aL Lhe unlverslLy of 1ennessee

+G'22E llnal CuL ro, Ldlus, lnews, LnS, MlcrosofL Cfflce, Adobe hoLoshop/lnueslgn, PooLsulLe

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