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uallas, 1x 73206 | [Lrlk_CsLberg| LosLberg[


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!"#$%&'( '* +,&- "./ 0%/," 1(234 0,.'( ,. 5'6(."&,3- May 2014
CumulaLlve CA: 3.3/4.0

B!C!D/20 .&-B3!3E roducLlon, Medla and CulLure, Medla Sales, ConvergenL Medla, 8aslc WrlLlng and LdlLlng,
8eporLlng 1 & 2, 1oplcs ln Medla lndusLry

3F1CC3E Avld Medla Composer, !vC 100 Camera, Sony u130 Camera, 3-olnL LlghLlng, Sound/Mlcs, lMovle, llnal CuL
ro, MS Wlndows, Lxcel, Word, owerolnL, Adobe hoLoshop


38- ,=#@; -I9=(* uallas, 1x
7089:; "33,32".2 lall 2013/Sprlng 2014
Worklng for Lhls sLudenL-run 1v producLlon fllmed every weekday from 6-8 am, lncludlng one sporLs show
Learned and performed every [ob ln a newsroom, such as: audlo, Lechnlcal dlrecLlng, floor dlrecLlng, camera,
graphlcs, server, and anchorlng

&8J17'#9*"KL!7(*"(=#7M*7( 047#+6( Los Angeles, CA
<.2%(.3$,= Summer 2013
lull hands-on experlence ln Lhe operaLlons of Lhls naLlonally dlsLrlbuLed Lelevlslon producLlon
AsslsLed ln Laklng noLes for lnLervlews, reporLed on courL cases, and dlrecLed a weekend show

&@9' B*74:=(#47'< Annapolls, Mu
>'.32(6#2,'. Summer 2011
AsslsLed ln seLLlng up a consLrucLlon slLe for demollLlon, worked on consLrucLlon of house addlLlon

D#$#7+ 3;'(*M'< Annapolls, Mu
<.2%(.3$,= Summer 2009
Worked on Lhe buslness admlnlsLraLlon slde of Lhls naval archlLecLure flrm
AcLed as a pro[ecL manager, and galned a sLrong undersLandlng of MlcrosofL Lxcel

C!/,!B3N1H /2, /.01D101!3

F=II= /@I6= &"9*"< uallas, 1x
?,3@ 0"."A%-%.2 >$",( lall 2011 - resenL
8esponslble for maklng sure Lhe fraLernlLy as a whole ls rlsk free
Crganlze guesL speakers such as alcohol awareness speaker and law enforcemenL offlclals
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Manage ongolng communlcaLlons beLween currenL members and several hundred prospecLlve members
Schedule, coordlnaLe loglsLlcs, and Lrack spend agalnsL budgeL for up Lo Lwo evenLs each week

38- 17("=M5"=@ 3I4"('< uallas, 1x
:%"- >"=2",. "./ :%"- 0%-B%( lall 2010 -resenL
Serve as CapLaln on lnLramural baskeLball, soccer and fooLball Leams
Crganlze Leams by collecLlng all members' lnformaLlon and Lurnlng lL ln along wlLh Lhe money requlred Lo play
Conflrmed player ellglblllLy and avallablllLy and malnLalned communlcaLlon wlLh all 20 players

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