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! Asslduous 1echnocrut und results orlented Professlonul offerlng neurly 8 yeurs (z yeurs ln rojects) of demonstruted
exerlence ln Project Munugement, 8uslness Anulysls, Softwure Leveloment, QA und l1 Munugement.
! Skllled ln mulng cllent's buslness requlrements, trunslutlng these requlrements lnto functlonul und technlcul
seclflcutlons, reurlng test luns j schedules und deslgnlng customlzed solutlons.
! Left ln hundllng endtoend develoment of rojects from lncetlon, requlrement seclflcutlons, deslgn,
lmlementutlon, conflgurutlon munugement, documentutlon und closure wlth teums.
! Possess understundlng of Project j Cllent Requlrements couled wlth hundson exosure ln hundllng ull huses of
Project j Progrum Llfe Cycle, rlght from requlrement unulysls, roject scolng, lunnlng & schedullng to the
lmlementutlon of robust technology solutlons wlthln tlme, budget und quullty.
! Adet ln collutlon & develoment, codlng, testlng & debugglng of ullcutlons ln dlfferent softwure lunguuges,
ldentlflcutlon of new technologles for lmlementutlon, softwure modelllng und slmulutlon.
! Lxcellent leudershl, negotlutlon, oruljwrltten communlcutlon, lnterersonul, lntultlve, und unulysls skllls, thrlves ln
both lndeendent und colluborutlve work envlronments. Lxcels ln bulldlng teum, hundllng erformunce
lmrovements und undertuklng 8uslness & leedbuck Revlew.

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! /' => %& K'@RATBG; *>U=>;;G=>UL 6 ,BG>;U=; /;JJ@> ->=Q;GI=A9 K','V%'+%V'*%L 6 Plttsburgh PA USA 6 Aug zcc8
" Cnly Student to uchleve the Lr. 'uymes 1omuyko USL ccc scholurshl uwurd ln the ucudemlc yeur zcc,
" Student soclul coordlnutor
! NBCW;J@G => ,@E:DA;G *>U=>;;G=>U 6 %>IA=ADA; @R *>U=>;;G=>U B>? &;CW>@J@U9 | lndore MP, lndlu | Muy zcc,

" Recognlsed for conductlng convocutlon ufter gruduutlng from lL1 LAvv
" Acted us 1A for Mr. Munohur Chundwunl (Llrector of lL1 LAvv) for subjects

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." '"(*''* ',)11. X lndore MP lndlu
"# $%&%'() *+,-.&(-- /&%01-2 @A4 BCDD E @%:-)83

Settlng u best ructlces for develoment, urchltecture und technlcul deslgn for robust, flexlble und sculuble
vork closely wlth lnternul l1 1eums to ldentlfy, deflne, collect, und truck key buslness requlrements und metrlcs
for roducts und buslness rocess.
Requlrements und dutu gutherlng to conduct buslness unulysls, bulld reorts, dushbourds und metrlcs to
monltor the erformunce.
vork wlth the stukeholders to tuke dutu drlven declslons.
1+",.* ,1+51+"&%1# X Redwood Shores CA USA
/330.4%2.5& 6&'.&(() "" @A4 BCCF E ".= BCDD

Accountuble for Archltecture Leslgn und Performunce tunlng of Curtonlzutlon ln SCM wurehouse munugement
Leveloment und quullty ussurunce of CRM on LLMANL Ul feutures durlng Releuse , und 8
AlA lntegrutlon of Slebel Cn Premlse und CRM Cn LLMANL uslng Cust lron tool.

4@EB=> '8=JJI

! Lnguge ln ln dellverlng medlumtolurge scule softwure develoment rojects j rogrums ucross softwure und
ullcutlon develoment for vurlous lutforms.
! Mulng requlrements & rovldlng best solutlons lnvolvlng evuluutlon, deflnltlon of scoe of roject und flnullsutlon
of roject requlrements.
! Eoldlng revlew meetlngs to monltor rogress of the roject us er schedules j budgets, ensurlng tlmely comletlon
und dellvery of roject to the cllent.
! Munuglng the lmlementutlon huse by formulutlng roject luns, lunnlng resources und munuglng lssues urlslng
due to scoe cree or other technlcul j ersonnel mutters.
! Anulyslng the user needs und the softwure requlrements to determlne feuslblllty of deslgn wlthln tlme und cost
construlnts, hundllng RlP rocess und Cu unulysls und reurlng roject luns und schedules.
! lormulutlng documents llke 8RL, 1est cuse seclflcutlons, 1ruceublllty mutrlx, Project lun, 1est lun j strutegy, Run
lun, etc., hundllng defect munugement & suortlng lmlementutlon of Sl1, UA1 und Co llve huses.
! Conductlng system study, coordlnutlng wlth teum members for roduct documentutlon, System deslgn &
lntegrutlon, Mulntenunce etc.
! Lxertlse ln deflnlng PMC functlons, settlngu ull oerutlons from scrutch und luylng down robust systems to
suort the sume, drlvlng oerutlons wlth focus on quulltutlve rogrum dellvery
! Leflnlng effectlve ollcles j rocedures, crltlcul rocess methodologles und systems, ln llne wlth orgunlzutlonul us
well us cllent requlrements.
! Colluborutlng wlth the cllent, senlor munugement und functlonul munugers to lun, execute und dellver rojects ln u
tlmely munner, through u commltted resource mutrlx.


! 1GBCJ; ,@G:@GBA=@> )HZ +;?T@@? 'W@G;IZ ,"Z -'" K1CA [\\]^ ';: [\__L

Project 1ltle: Crucle Slebel CRM CN LLMANL.
Cllent: Mr. Prubhukur Pundlr.
Lescrltlon: 1he softwure lmlements cloud comutlng und rovlde CN LLMANL servlces to lts cllents.
lmlemented us softwure us u servlce lt ls one of the leudlng CRM servlce rovlders ln the
w world.
1ools used: 'zLL, C, Crucle Lutubuse.
Roles: Quullty Assurunce Munuger, Leveloer und Locumentutlon

! ,BG>;U=; /;JJ@> ->=Q;GI=A9Z 5=AAIFDGUWZ 5"Z -'" K/BG [\\]^ "DU [\\]L

Project 1ltle: Mlcroloundutlons.
Cllent: Mr. 'essy L Lessy, Asslstunt Professor, Syrucuse Unlverslty, NY, USA.
Lescrltlon: 1hls softwure uses Content Munugement System to enuble the Autonomous Mlcro
loundutlons through veb 1echnology. lt lmlements ldeus of lnformutlon Murkets, venture
Cultullsts und Clvlng Clrcles for lnvestlng ln Soclul Lntrereneurs, who ure the leuds for
benefltlng soclety.
1ools used: 'oomlu, PEP und MYSQL.
Roles: Munuger, SCRUM muster, Leveloer.

! 1GUB>=`BA=@>< ,&, %>?=B 5QAa .A?aZ %>?@G;Z /5Z %>?=B K1CA [\\b^ 2;F [\\cL

Project 1ltle: lnvestment lnformutlon System.
Cllent: Nurendru 'uln Comuny (Mr. 1urun 'uln), RN1 Murg lndore lndlu.
Lescrltlon: 1hls softwure uutomutes the worklng of u CA orgunlzutlon und kees records of the stutlstlcul
dutujreort of the customers who lnvest ln vurlous schemes llke Mutuul funds, NSC's, lvP's
1ools used: 'zLL und MYSQL.
Roles: Munuger, SCRUM muster, Leveloer, 1echnlcul Locumentutlon.

! 1GUB>=`BA=@>< ,&, %>?=B 5QAa .A?aZ %>?@G;Z /5Z %>?=B K/B9 [\\b^ ';: [\\bL

Project 1ltle: 1runzuct.
Cllent: l8SCCS 8ANl lndore, Ujjuln Cooerutlve 8unk, Ujjuln (Mr. lutolu, 8unk Munuger).
Lescrltlon: 1hls softwure ls u 8unk Automutlon System equled wlth ull fucllltles offered by u bunk
muklng munuul work fully uutomuted.
1ools used: 'zLL und MYSQL.
Roles: Munuger, SCRUM muster, Leveloer.

! 1GUB>=`BA=@>< ,&, %>?=B 5QAa .A?aZ %>?@G;Z /5Z %>?=Ba K4;C [\\d^ ":G [\\bL

Project 1ltle: L Stock.
Cllent: Purmur Sules und llnunce (Mr.Llnesh Purmur )A.8.Roud,Ruo,lndore.
Lescrltlon: 1hls softwure ls u Munugement lnformutlon System deullng wlth flnunce, lnventory und
uccountlng of u flrm thut sells und urchuses electronlc goods.
1ools used: v8.Net und MSSQL Server zccc.
Roles: Anulysls, Codlng, Quullty Assurunce und 1echnlcul Locumentutlon.

! 1GUB>=`BA=@>< ,&, %>?=B 5QAa .A?aZ %>?@G;Z /5Z %>?=Ba K7DJ9 [\\d^ #@Q [\\dL

Project 1ltle: Lusy 8llllng.
Cllent: 8.C. LyeChem (Mr Ajeet Slngh Aroru), Musukhedl, Rlng Roud lndore.
Lescrltlon: 1hls softwure deuls wlth bllllng system of u flrm thut deuls wlth chemlcul roducts. lt munuges
dlfferent records of chemlcul roducts und reluted dutu of conslgner und conslgnee.
1ools used: v8.Net und MSSQL Server zccc.
Roles: Anulysls, Codlng, Quullty Assurunce und 1echnlcul Locumentutlon.

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! .B>UDBU;I< 'uvu, C, C, E1ML, ML.
! 3;F &;CW>@J@U=;I< 'zLL (L'8, 'SP, Servlets etc.).
! 4N/'< MySql, Crucle Lutubuse 1echnologles.
! 1AW;GI< 'zSL, A'A, Struts, veb Servlces, Leslgn Putterns, 'oomlu CMS.

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