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Water Use at Home

by: # per week

4 21 0 53 108 15 5 106


Liters 190 7.6 3.8 0.5 3.8 19 38 11.4

Baths Showers Teeth Brushing ON Teeth Brushing OFF Hand and Face Washing Dishwashing by hand Washing machine (laundry) Toilet Flushes Total Liters Used

Total # of Liters 760.00 159.60 0.00 26.50 410.40 285.00 190.00 1208.40 3039.9

# of family members Liters Liters Liters Liters Used in total used per day per family member in total per family member per day

4 3039.9 434.271 759.975 108.568

Water Use
Amount of water 1200.00
Baths Showers Teeth Brushing ON Teeth Brushing OFF Hand and Face Washing Dishwashing by hand Washing machine (laundry) Toilet Flushes





I will take more showers then baths now it usees less water. Terning the tap off when you are brush your teeth saves water and losts of it I will wash my laundry when I need to. wash dishes at once.When I need it. never keep the tap running never ever. if you see a leak tell some one. baths use a lot of water. wash your face and hand fast or you will wast water.

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