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1. Define the term Antecedent: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Circle the pronoun and underline the antecedent. Lucy went to the concert with her best friend. Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns 3. Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns are similar in the way they end. Below, circle the pronoun that is an example of a reflexive/intensive pronoun. She Himself Anybody

Fill in the blanks with the correct type of pronoun (Reflexive or Intensive) 4. A pronoun that adds emphasis to the noun/pronoun that was already used ____________________ 5. A pronoun that adds info to a sentence by referring to a noun/pronoun that was already used in a sentence _____________________________

Demonstrative, Relative and Interrogative Pronouns Fill in the blanks with the correct type of pronoun. Circle the pronoun in the sentence. 6. We ate spaghetti and meatballs on my birthday, which is my favorite meal. _______________ 7. Which movie adaptation of Romeo and Juliet are you going to watch? ___________________ 8. The school owns these copies of Romeo and Juliet. ________________________

Indefinite Pronouns Circle the correct answer to complete the sentence. 9. Indefinite pronouns are specific/are not specific about what person, place or thing it refers to. Circle the indefinite pronoun in the sentence 10. Everybody enjoyed the choir concert last night.

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