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Madelyn Maxbauer

South Lyon High School

English Department English 9 and English 10

Goal (Writing):
During the 2016-2017 school year; non credentialed students will improve in argument writing, and their
ability to discuss persuasive elements of an argument, in writing. Improvement will be evidenced by an
increase in the frequency of scoring in the 3-4 range on 6+1 rubric. Strategies will be used to assist
students in developing ideas further and deepening their thinking.


Instructional Strategy

o RAISE Strategies (Used to deepen students thinking as they prepare for their writing
Think Aloud
Talking to the text
o Cultures of Thinking (Used to generate/display the thinking that students utilize in their
writing and in the writing they assess. Also used to assist in reflection of writing.
Chalk Talk
o Using Argument Writing Rubrics (6+1 rubric)
o Essay/argument graphic organizers and note-takers
o Vocabulary Instruction (Kahoot, synonym/antonym practice, practice with definitions
provided by student and/or teacher, etc..)
o Finding credible evidence
o Analyzing authorial choice
o Jigsaw Activities
o Whole class and small group discussion
o Process: Peer Editing and Revision

AYP Focus

o Teacher Modeling
o Student/Student and Student/Teacher Conferences
o Guided/Shared Writing

Evidence to be collected
RAISE and Cultures of Thinking Activities
o Activities generate/access thinking that students utilize in the planning, drafting and
reflection of their writing
o Organizers and notetakers use to plan writing and analysis
o Writing sample graded using specific argument rubric
o Common rubrics used to score (6+1 rubric)
o Persuasive Writing (English 9)
o Argument Writing (English 10)

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