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SWOT Analysis of An Indivdual I Look Up To Matrix Number:CEA130050

He confidently trusts in his abilities and does not hesitate to express his opinions.(W1, OP1) He seldom has difficulty in making long-term plans and approaching problems from diferrent perspectives. He finds it effortless to convince and inspire others, mostly because of his high self-esteem and strong opinions. He is very determined, who ploughs and perseveres through thick and thin to realise his visions and ideals. (W3,OP2,T2)

There are times where his opinion appear to be insensitive and too much to handle.(S1, OP1) He has some difficulty in expressing his feelings to others.(T1) He maybe perceived as stubborn and dominant since he is quite inflexible and seek to win all arguments.(S4,OP2,T2) He thinks quickly on his feet and may lose patience with longer thinkers. (OP3, T3)

A lot of leadership doors shall be open to him since he is very selfassured and confident in making tough decisions. (S1, W1) In the workplace, its very essential to never give up in what u believe or aspire to be. (S4,W3,T2) He will be able to work in high stress, dateline slaved jobs which require quick and precise thinking.(W4, T3)

He may inadvertently hurt his partner and friends in emotinally charged situations.(W1) He may not be respected by colleagues for they are unable to share their opinions across even though lacklustre. (S4,W3,OP2) He is unable to taem up with others when the situation calls for discussions and man power. (W4, OP3)

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