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Projection Denial Splitting Blocking Regression Somatization Introjection Displacement

Short definition
Attributing inner feelings to others Say it is not so The world composed of polar opposites Transient inability to remember Returning to an earlier stage of development Physical symptoms for psychological reasons The outside becomes inside Transfer of emotion from a person, object, or situation with which it is appropriately associated to another that cause less distress

Important associations
Paranoid behavior Substance abuse, reaction to death Borderline personality; good vs evil Momentary lapse Enuresis, primitive behaviors Somatoform disorders Superego, being like parents Redirected emotion, phobias, scapegoat


Man fired from job and subsequently beats wife or children Family member displaces feelings of guilt onto hospital staffs

Repression Isolation of affect Intellectualization Acting out Rationalization Reaction formation Undoing Passiveaggressive Dissociation Humor Sublimation Suppression

Deeply subconscious blocking of memories or emotions Facts without feeling Affect replaced by academic content Affect covered up by excessive action or sensation Why the unacceptable is okay in this instance Unconscious adoption of behavior opposite to ones true feelings Action to symbolically reverse the unacceptable Passive nonperformance after promise Separating self from ones own experience A pleasant release from anxiety Moving an unacceptable impulse into an acceptable channel Forgetting, but is retrievable

Forget and forget Blunted affect, la belle indifference Academic, not emotional, reaction Substance abuse, fighting, gambling Justification, string of reasons Manifesting the opposite; feel love but show hate: Girls have cooties. Fixing or repairing, obsessivecompulsive behaviors Unconscious, indirect hostility Fugue, depersonalization, amnesia, multiple personality Laughter hides the pain Art, literature, mentoring Forget and remember

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