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Jessiely Jalos-Capu ao !iao"i# Liu C$%is&i#a 'e%(a%a )eli ia A*e(ail Al a#&a%a 'io&e Tolosa

Geo%(e +%o,# Colle(e Co""u#i&y a#- Me#&al Heal&$ Nu%si#( Joy e Kla"e%

Ma% $ ./01



Parkdale was founded in !"# as inde$enden% se%%le&en% wi%'in( York Coun%r)* In !+, i% -e.a&e in.or$ora%ed /illa(e and 0oined Toron%o in !!,* T'is residen%ial area was un u$$er in.o&e area and one of %'e &os% desira-le $ %o li/e in Toron%o* Parkdale s%ar%ed %o de.line durin( %'e Se.ond 1orld 1ar and e/er)%'in( .'an(ed wi%' %'e -uildin( of %'e 2ardiner E3$ress wa) in ,""* nei('-our'ood .'an(ed w'en 4ueen S%ree% Men%al 5os$i%al o..urred* T'e for&er $a%ien% were released in%o %'e .o&&uni%) wi%' no $ro$er .o&&uni%) su$$or% $ro(ra&s*
De"o(%ap$i s

T'e de&o(ra$'i. 'as .'an(ed .onsidera-l)6 in.ludin( a 'i('er $ro$or%ion of lower in.o&e and new.o&ers fa&ilies* Toda)6 Parkdale6 is workin( 7.lass nei('-our'ood6 &i3 %o(e%'er wi%' low and 'i(' in.o&e*

E&$#i i&y

A..ordin( %o %'e Census 8#

&o%'er %on(ue in 1ard 9 is En(lis' wi%' "!6! :* T'e &a0ori%)

of e%'ni. ori(ins are: Ti-e%an ;%'e $redo&inan% e%'ni. $o$ula%ion of Ti-e% and nei('-orin( re(ions in C'ina6 <'u%an6 and Ne$al6 wi%' lar(e dis$la.ed $o$ula%ions in India=6 5un(arian6 Polis'6 >ie%na&ese6 Ta(alo(6 S$anis'6 Por%u(uese6 Taiwanese6 C'inese wi%' diale.%s w'i.' in.lude 5akka6 ?ukien6 S'an('ainese*

'alues a#- *elie2s

Cris%ian .'ur.'es and .en%res are %'e &a0ori%) in %'e 1ard 9 Parkdale75i(' Park6 w'i.' in.lude: Annun.ia%ion of %'e >ir(in6 Sla/i. E/an( <a$%is% C'ur.'6 <ro.k A/e 2os$el 5all6 I(re0a Uni/ersal do Reino de Deus and S%* @o'nAs Polis' Na%ional Ca%'oli. Ca%'edral6


O/er.o&ers Missionar) C'ur.'6 Parkdale Uni%ed C'ur.'6 <onar7Parkdale Pres-)%erian C'ur.'6 2os$el Li('% Ta-erna.le C'ur.' of 2od6 2reek Or%'odo3 Ca%'edral Annun.ia%ion of %'e >ir(in* T'e firs% 'ouse of wors'i$ in Parkdale6 %'e An( C'ur.' of S%* Mark6 was .o&$le%ed on @anuar) 8#6 !! * T'ere no% &an) 'eri%a(e si%es in 1ard 9 area*
Heal&$ a#- So ial Se%3i es Parkdale Co&&uni%) 5eal%' Cen%re offers a wide ran(e of 'eal%' ser/i.es6 in.ludin( $ri&ar) 'eal%' .are for re(is%ered .lien%s: Anon)&ous 5I> Tes%in(6 Dail) Dro$7In6 ?ree ?lu S'o% Clini. ;offered durin( flu season onl)=6 5eal%') C'ild S.reenin(s and Infan% 5earin( Pro(ra&* O%'er 'eal%' ser/ offered in.lude: As%'&a Edu.a%ion6 C'iro$od)6 Counsellin( and T'era$)6 Dia-e%es Mana(e&en% Pro(ra&6 Na%uro$a%')6 Ps).'ia%r)6 P')sio%'era$)* Parkdale 'as a nu&-er of se%%le&en% and i&&i(ra%ion a(en.ies %'a% deal wi%' %'e needs of %'e new.o&ers and $ro/ide %'e& wi%' %'e ne.essar) su$$or% as %'e) e3$lore %'e o$$or%uni%ies $ro/ided in Canada* So&e of %'e a(en.ies are Parkdale Co&&uni%) Infor&a%ion Cen%re ;PCIC=6 Parkdale Co&&uni%) Le(al Ser/i.es6 PIA6 and Cul%ure Link*

;'%%$:BBwww*$.'.*on*.aB$ro(ra&s7ser/i.esB'eal%'7ser/*'%&l= E o#o"y

T'e 0o- .rea%ion re&ains /er) weak C %oo &an) of 0o-s -ein( .rea%ed are low $a)in( 0o-* Pu-lis'ed on @anuar) 86 8# 96 %'e une&$lo)&en% ra%e 0u&$ed %o +*8: in De.e&-er wi%' Nearl) 9D6### &ore 0o-s los%* Canada now 'as %'e weakes% (row%' in e&$lo)&en% sin.e %'e las% re.ession* Une&$lo)&en% ra%io was $ar%i.ularl) 'ard 'i% in On%ario and 4ue-e.*

T%a#spo%&a&io# 4 Sa2e&y

In %'e .o&&uni%) &os% of %'e residen%s were usin( %'e $u-li. %rans$or%a%ion* T'e .o&&uni%)

Is also a..essi-le for $eo$le wi%' an) disa-ili%ies* T'e .o&&uni%) su$$or%s %'e (oal of a..essi-ili%) for On%arians wi%' Disa-ili%ies A.% EAODAF and will es%a-lis' $oli.ies6 $

COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT: PARKDALE .us%o&er ser/i.e6 infor&a%ion C .o&&uni.a%ion e&$lo)&en% %'e -uil% en/iron&en%* T'e .o&&uni%) 'as a..ess also wi%' an) fire ser/ %'e) $ro/ides 'i(' Guali%)6 effi.ien%6C effe.%i/e ener() res$onse alon( wi%' fire $re/en%ion C edu.a%ion ser/ %o %'ose w'o li/e in6 work in 6and /isi% in %'e are* T'e .o&&uni%) 'as a..ess also in sani%a%ion %'e (oal was $re/en% C redu.e in0uries C %'e %rans&ission of wa%er -orne illness rela%ed %o re.rea%ional wa%er use* So&e of %'e a.%i/i%ies are firs%6 ins$e.% $u-li. swi&&in( $ools6 %o ensure %'e) are o$era%ed in a safe C ')(iene &anners a..ordin( %o %'e $ro/in.ial re(ula%ion* Se.ondl)6 re.rea%ion wa%er fa.ili%ies are ins$e.%ed a%leas% %wo %i&es )earl) C no less %'an one* T'e Toron%o 5eal%' Ser/ 5i('li('%s ser/ are $ro/ided %o $ro%e.% a(ains% %'e 'eal%' 'aHards $re/en% disease6 and

$ro&o%e (ood 'eal%' in ward 9* <ein( safe is e/er)oneIs -usiness w'ere )ou are dri/in(6 ridin( uses -ike or walkin(6 all roads %o -e &ore aware of ea.' o%'er as we %ra/el %o .i%) s%ree%s*

So io-poli&i al 2ord Perks was ele.%ed %o re$resen% Parkdale75i(' Park in 8##D* 2ord 'as an i&$ressi/e re.ord on en/iron&en%al ini%ia%i/es -e(innin( in ,!+* 1i%' su.' en/iron&en%al or(aniHa%ions as Pollu%ion Pro-e6 2reen$ea.e Canada6 %'e <e%%er Trans$or%a%ion Coali%ion6 and %'e Toron%o En/iron&en%al Allian.e6 2ordIs e&$'asis 'as -een on was%e redu.%ion and $u-li. %ransi%* 5e is %'e $rin.i$al au%'or of %'e Canadian 2reen Consu&er 2uide6 one of CanadaIs -es% sellin( non7fi.%ion -ooks* 2ord Perks 'as -een %'e En/iron&en% .olu&nis% for E)e 1eekl) and also an Ad0un.% Professor wi%' %'e Uni/ersi%) of Toron%oIs En/iron&en%al S%udies De$ar%&en%* In addi%ion %o 'is work as a Ci%) Coun.illor6 2ordIs /ision for %'e .i%) e3%ends -e)ond ward -oundaries* 2ord led %'e fi('% %o (e% %'e TTC %o ado$% %'e Riders'i$ 2row%' S%ra%e()6 &akin( Dufferin6 Kin( and 4ueen $riori%) s%ree%s for i&$ro/ed %ransi% ser/* Si&ilarl)6 'e was funda&en%al %o %'e e3$ansion of %'e Ci%) of Toron%oIs -lue and (re) -o3 $ro(ra&* 5e was su..essful in 'is fi('% %o in%rodu.e a $es%i.ide -)7law %'a% -anned %'e use of .os&e%i. use of dan(erous .'e&i.als on all ou%door $ro$er%ies*


Sour.eBReferen.e: (ord$erks*.aBa-ou%7(ordB

Co""u#i a&io# T'e Parkdale >illa(er is dis%ri-u%ed e/er) T'ursda) %o 'ouses and a$ar%&en%s in so&e of Toron%oIs &os% 'i$ and in%eres%in( .o&&uni%ies in.ludin( Parkdale6 Li-er%)7>illa(e6 >illa(e6 4ueen S%ree% 1es%6 Li%%le I%al)6 Li%%le Por%u(al and Trini%) <ellwoods* T'is area on %'e wes%ern ed(e of Toron%oIs down%own is known as a &ul%i.ul%ural des%ina%ion wi%' uniGue res%auran%s6 s'o$s6 desi(n C ar% (alleries6 all in ar.'i%e.%urall) si( -uildin(s fro& %'e la%e !##s and earl) ,##s* T'e Parkdale >illa(er offers weekl) .o&&uni%) fea%ures6 .olu&ns and $uHHles kee$ residen%s u$ %o da%e and $ro/ide a $a.ka(e %'a% .an -e ke$% %'rou('ou% %'e week in %'e 'ouse'old* I%Is deli/ered door7%o7door e/er) T'ursda) and is a/aila-le in news$a$er -o3es and ra.ks in.ludin( all li-raries in %'e area*

T'e Parkdale >illa(er $la)s an a.%i/e role in %'e .o&&uni%) and a.%i/el) seeks e/en%s for s$onsors'i$*

1e- surfers .an find %'e news$a$er a% www*$arkdale/illa(er*.o&6 w'ere i% ser/es as one of nine .o&&uni%) 'u-s a..essi-le %'rou(' %'e www*inside%oron%o*.o& we-si%e* You .an find %'e news$a$er on ?a.e-ook a% www*fa.e-ook*.o&BParkdale>illa(er or %wi%%er a% JParkdale>illa(er

T'e Parkdale >illa(er deli/ers 896D"# fl)er7ri.' news$a$ers %o doors%e$s ser/in( %'e followin( Toron%o nei('-our'oods*

E-u a&io#

COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT: PARKDALE T'ere are $u-li.l) funded s.'ools in 1ard

9* T'e 'eal%') s.'ools a$$roa.' is an

in%erna%ionall) re.o(niHed s%ra%e() used %o $ro&o%e 'eal%' in Toron%oKs s.'ool .o&&uni%ies* One of s.'ool is 5oward Pu-li. S.'ool is lo.a%ed in %'e 5i(' .o&&uni%)* T'e %'ree Kinder(ar%ens and &usi. roo& are in se$ara%e .lassroo&s* T'e s.'ool 'as a$$ro3i&a%el) ""# s%uden%s* 5oward Pu-li. S.'ool is a dual7%ra.k s.'ool offerin( an En(lis' $ro(ra& fro& @unior Kinder(ar%en %o 2rade D and an Earl) ?ren.' I&&ersion $ro(ra& fro& Senior Kinder(ar%en %o 2rade D* T'ere is a -i( li-rar) wi%' a lar(e well7eGui$$ed -ilin(ual resour.e .en%er6 full) Gualified -ilin(ual %ea.'er7li-rarian6 and in%e(ra%ion of li-rar) $ro(ra&&er wi%' .lassroo& s%udies6 li%era.)7en' a.%i/i%ies6 in.ludin( -ook fairs and au%'or /isi%s and s%uden% s%or)%ellin( fes%i/al* Man) s%uden%s are in/ol/ed in &usi. and %'e ar%s and $') edu.a%ion* T'e s.'ool (oal is %o &ake s.'ool .o&&uni%ies %'e 'eal%'ies% $ $ossi-le for li/in(6 learnin( and workin( and su$$or% %'e (row%' and de/elo$&en% of .'ildren and )ou%'* ;'%%$:BBwww*%oron%onei('-our'oods*ne%Bnei('-our'oodsBwes%7endB$arkdaleBs.'ools=

Re %ea&io#

Parkdale Co&&uni%) Cen%re is full) a..essi-le s'ared use fa.ili%)* I% is lo.a%ed one -lo.k nor%' of 4ueen S%* wes% on Lansdowne A/enue in ' Parkdale* I% fea%ures a 8"& $ool6 a se$ara%e wadin( $ool6 Sorauren na%ural i.e rink6 %wo ()&nasiu&s w'i.' .an a..o&&oda%e a /arie%) of a.%i/i%ies6 and a .o&&uni%) roo& and li&i%ed a..ess %o a full fun.%ion ki%.'en* Per&i%s are also a/aila-le for )our ne3% fa&il) (e% %o(e%'er6 i*e*6 -ir%'da) $ar%ies6 -a-) s'owers6 .o&&uni%) &ee%in(s6 s$e.ial e/en%s* C'arles 2* 1illia&s Park is %e.'ni.all) ano%'er $ark a.ross 1a-as' A/enue fro& Sorauren Park6 %'ou(' &an) $eo$le .all i% %'e LSorauren $la)(round* LI% fea%ures %'e $o$ular $la)(round6 sand-o36 -aske%-all .our%6 and a wadin( $ool o$en and s%affed


-) Parks6 ?ores%r) and Re.rea%ion in @ul) and Au(us% fro& # a*&* %o D $*&* e/er) da) w'ere &an) .'ildren are en0o)in( .o&in(*; '%%$:BBwww *%oron%o*.aB$arksB$rdBfa.ili%iesB.o&$le3B89MB=

C$ose# o""u#i&y a#- spe i2i a%ea o2 assess"e#& T'is area 'as a re$u%a%ion as a nei('-or'ood rife wi%' $o/er%)6 .ri&e6 dru(s6 'o&elessness and 'u(e nu&-ers of $eo$le wi%' &en%al disa-ili%ies* One of %'e .'allen(es in %'e .o&&uni%) is %'e issue on dru( a-use* T'is is our (rou$Is -e.ause of i%s i&$a.% in %'e &en%al well -ein( of e/er) indi/idual and effe.%s in %'e as well* Our (rou$ u%iliHed %'e .o&&uni%) as $ar%ner a$$roa.'6 wi%' %'e e&$'asis on .o&&uni%) s%ren(%'s or asse%s in order %o deal wi%' .o&&uni%) 'eal%' .on.erns and %o fur%'er de/elo$ .o&&uni%) .a$a.i%) in a .olla-ora%i/e &ilieu %'a% is su$$or%i/e %o and &eanin(ful for .o&&uni%) &e&-ers* 1e 'a/e used winds'ield sur/e)6 &edia and In%erne% in (a%'erin( infor&a%ion* Key people i# &$e o""u#i&y: S&a5e$ol-e%s a#- Ga&e5eepe%s Residen%s are %'e ke) $eo$le in %'e .o&&uni%)* T'e $'ar& as (a%ekee$er: .o&-a%in(

&edi.a%ion a-use and de$enden.e $'ar& 'a/e -een e3$e.%ed %o a.% as (a%ekee$ers6 &akin( %i&el) iden%ifi.a%ions of sui.ide risk or su-s%an.e a-use and dire.%in( %'ese indi/iduals %o a$$ro$ria%e & .are fa.ili%ies* In Au(us% 8# 86 %'e re/ised Co&$re'ensi/e Sui.ide Measures A.% iden%ified $'ar& as one $rofessional (rou$ %'a% s'ould a.% as (a%ekee$ers* Cler() of%en ser/e as (a%ekee$ers 6 %o %'e $ro/ision of $rofessional &en%al 'eal%' and su-s%an.e a-use ser/* C'ur.'es .an also 'el$ %o dis$el %'e .ul%ural s%i(&a %owards &en%al 'eal%' ser/ -) a.%i/el) &ee%in( %'e &en%al 'eal%' needs of %'e .o&&uni%)* Peo$le wi%' 'i('er7in.o&e6 le(al and re(ional .oun.il6 %'e &a)or6 .o&&uni%) re$resen%a%i/es and Toron%o Poli.e dru(7sGuad is also one of %'ose (a%ekee$ers* 1e .an .o&&uni.a%e wi%' %'ese $eo$le %'rou(' %ele$'one6 in%er/iew6 e&ail and %'eir we-si%e* U#$ea%- 3oi es i# &$e o""u#i&y C5Ns $la) a -i( role in %'e .o&&uni%)6 es$e.iall) in assessin( and iden%if)in( %'e needs of %'e .o&&uni%)* In su-s%an.e a-use issue6 i% is no% onl) %'e su-s%an.e a-users %'a% are of our .on.ern6 -u% also


%'e w'ole $o$ula%ion6 w'i.' in.ludes &inori%ies su.' as .'ildren and )ou%'6 elderl)6 $eo$le wi%' disa-ili%) and fa&ilies of su-s%an.e a-users* Iden%if)in( 'i('7risk (rou$s 'el$s .o&&uni%) 'eal%' nurses desi(n $ro(ra&s %o &ee% s$e.ifi. needs and %o &o-iliHe .o&&uni%)* 1e .an in.lude %'e& re(ardin( %'is issue -) .ondu.%in( in%er/iews6 fa.ili%a%in( fun and in%era.%i/e .'ild and )ou%' $ro(ra&6 (i/in( ou% sur/e) Gues%ionnaires6 en.oura(e a%%endin( .o&&uni%) foru&s6 and a..ordin( %o S%an'o$e C ;8# 6 $*MM9= .o&&uni%) 'eal%' nurses 'el$s iden%if) %rea%&en% o$%ions6 .ounselin( assis%an.e6

finan.ial assis%an.e6 su$$or% ser/i.es6 and ;if ne.essar)= le(al ser/ for %'e fa&il) &e&-ers* Pa%&i ula% s&%a&e(ies 2o% assess"e#& T'ere are &an) a$$roa.'es %o assessin( a .o&&uni%)* Co&&uni%) 'eal%' nurses needs %o &ake de.isions a-ou% w'a% infor&a%ion is &os% i&$or%an% %o .olle.%6 %'e da%a &os% a$$ro$ria%e %o use6 and %'e da%a7.olle.%ion &e%'ods dee&ed effe.%i/e* Mos% freGuen%l)6 C5Ns will .ondu.% s&aller and &ore fo.used assess&en%s ;S%an'o$e C 8# 6 $*8D+=* Infor&an% in%er/iew and (rou$ &e%'od

of da%a .olle.%ion is %'e s%ra%e(ies iden%ified -) %'e (rou$6 w'i.' will 'el$ us (ain a (ood (ras$ of infor&a%ion* In%er/iewin( ke) $eo$le su.' as s%ake'olders and (a%ekee$ers will $ro/ide a-ou% issues of su-s%an.e a-use in %'e .o&&uni%)6 i%s effe.% %o %'e residen%s and %'e $') en/iron&en%* ? (rou$ is a for& of da%a .olle.%ion %'a% will ena-le %'e (rou$ %o (e% infor&a%ion fro& %'e $eo$le w'o is in/ol/ed in su-s%an.e a-use as well as %'eir fa&il) and %'e 'i('7risk &inori%) (rou$ w'i.' in.ludes .'ildren and )ou%' and %'e elderl)* Po&e#&ial $alle#(es i# o""u#i&y assess"e#& I% will -e diffi.ul% %o do %'e assess&en% due %o $eo$leIs in ideas6 -eliefs6 /alues6 nor&s and $* And -ased on %'is fa.%6 $eo$le are differen% fro& ea.' o%'er6 w'i.' &akes i% diffi.ul% %o a.% and %'ink .olle.%i/el)* Peo$le are no% willin( and read) %o answer Gues%ions on issues like dru(s or su-s%an.e a-use -e.ause %'e) %'ink %'is issue is sensi%i/e and &ore of%en %'an no% $eo$le are 0ud(&en%al in %'e wa) %'e) %rea% $eo$le en.oun%erin( %'is $ro-le&* S&%e#(&$s a#- li"i&a&io#s


T'e .olla-ora%i/e a$$roa.' ena-les and s%ren(%'ens us %o &ore a.%i/el) $ar%i.i$a%e and .o&e u$ wi%' a full s$e.%ru& of our resear.'6 fro& anal)sis %o in%er$re%a%ions %o .on.lusions and %o .o&&uni.a%ion of resul%s wi%' %'e (oal of addressin( %'e issues iden%ified in %'is .o&&uni%) assess&en%* Our di/erse knowled(e and in$u% in %'is s%ud) $ro/ide us %'e ne.essar) infor&a%ion and s%ra%e(ies %'a% we will need and we .ould use %o -e a-le %o .o&e u$ wi%' our ul%i&a%e (oal* T'e li&i%a%ion of %'is $ro0e.% is on 'ow %o $ene%ra%e and influen.e %'e ri('% au%'ori%ies %o address .o&$le3 .o&&uni%) 'eal%' $ro-le&s %'a% we 'a/e iden%ified* T'e o%'er s%ra%e(ies %'a% we .ould 'a/e used is %o ask $ro$er au%'ori%ies %o %ransla%e our resear.' findin(s in%o &akin( a &o/e %o influen.e .'an(e in .o&&uni%) 'eal%'6 s)s%e&s6 $ro(ra&s or $oli.ies* T'e e3$er%ise of %'ese $eo$le .ould /er) well address %'e $ro-le&s iden%ified in %'e s%ud) %'a% we 'a/e .ondu.%ed* I-e#&i2ie- o""u#i&y issue T'e &os% ra&$an% .o&&uni%) issue %'a% s'ould -e de/elo$ed in%o a 'ea%' $ro&o%ion $ro(ra& is %'e $ro-le& of su-s%an.e a-use* T'e issueIs e3is%en.e is a resul% of &an) fa.%ors su.' as %'e a/aila-ili%) of dru(s in %'e area6 $o/er%) as a resul% of la.k of edu.a%ion and une&$lo)&en%* Peo$le w'o suffer fro& su-s%an.e a-use 'a/e a diffi.ul% %i&e (e%%in( %'e&sel/es ou% fro& %'is 'ar&ful $ra.%i.e of dru( use and a-use -e.ause of %'eir e3$osure %o dru(s %'a% are readil) a/aila-le in %'e area* T'ese $eo$le find i% 'ard %o -reak ou% fro& %'is $ro-le& and %'e .).le is $assed on fro& (enera%ion %o (enera%ion %'a% resul% in %'e in.rease of $o$ula%ion dealin( wi%' %'e $ro-le& of su-s%an.e a-use* Conne.%ions for Co&&uni%ies %'a% Care* Re%rie/ed O.%o-er 96 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*&a.&'-*or(BConne.%ionsBConne.%ionsS$rin(:8#8# 1E<*$df 2ord Perks* ;8##!=* Gord Perks City Councillor Ward 14 Parkdale-High Park. Re%rie/ed No/e&-er 6 8# M fro&6 '%%$:BBwww*(ord$erks*.a 5a%field6 E* ;8# M Se$%e&-er 8D=* Police share crime stats with Parkdale residents. Re%rie/ed O.%o-er 8#6 8# M fro&6 '%%$:BBwww*inside%oron%o*.o&Bnews7s%or)B9 8! +7$oli.e7s'are7.ri&e7s%a%s7wi%'7 $arkdale7residen%sB 5o&e In%elli(en.e* ;8# 8=* Parkdale Real Estate & Homes or !ale " #oronto. Re%rie/ed No/e&-er 6 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*'o&ein%elli(en.e*.aB%oron%o7nei('-our'oodsB$arkdale7real7es%a%eB @*6 C S%an'o$e6 M* ;8# =* Community health nursing in Canada* ;8nd ed*=* Toron%o6 ON: Mos-) Canada* Me%roland Media* ;8# M=* Parkdale $illager. Re%rie/ed No/e&-er 6 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*&e%roland*.o&BCo&&uni%iesB ###"!BParkdaleN>illa(er




Co&&uni%) 5eal%' Cen%re* ;8# M= Re%rie/ed Se$%e&-er 8+6 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*$.'.*on*.aB$ro(ra&s7ser/i.esB'eal%'7ser/*'%&l Parkdale Co&&uni%) 5eal%' Cen%er* Community Crisis Res%onse &etwork* Re%rie/ed O.%o-er 8"6 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*$.'.*on*.aB$ro(ra&s7ser/i.esB.o&&uni%)7de/elo$&en%7.a$a.i%)7 -uildin(B.o&&uni%)7.risis7res$onse7ne%work*'%&lO sear.'edPs%ake'oldersCad/sear.'PonewordC'i('li('%Pa0a3Sear.'N'i('li('%Qa0a3Sear.'N'i('li ('% Parks6 ?ores%r) and Re.rea%ion: Parkdale Community Recreation Centre. Re%rie/ed Se$%e&-er M#6 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*%oron%o*.aB$arksB$rdBfa.ili%iesB.o&$le3B89MBinde3*'%& Parkdale Nei('-our'ood De&o(ra$'i. and S%a%is%i.s* ;8# M=* Re%rie/ed Se$%e&-er 8+6 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*%oron%o*.aBward$rofilesB$dfB$rofile7ward 978# *$dfR$a(eP CHoo&Pau%o67 !6! Parkdale Nei('-our'ood De&o(ra$'i. and S%a%is%i.s* ;8# M=* Re%rie/ed Se$%e&-er 8+6 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*(e%w'a%)ouwan%*.aB$arkdaleB$arkdale7nei('-our'ood7de&o(ra$'i.s7 and7s%a%is%i.s Solo&on6 S* ;8##, O.%o-er=* 'nderco(er co%s may)e casing your %ractice. Re%rie/ed O.%o-er 896 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*$ark'urs%e3.'an(e*.o&Be3$er%7o$inionBo.%#,Bunder.o/erN.o$ Toron%o Nei('-our'ood 2uide* ;8# M= Re%rie/ed Se$%e&-er 8+6 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*%oron%onei('-our'oods*ne%Bnei('-our'oodsBwes%7endB$arkdale Toron%o Nei('-our'ood 2uide S Nei('-our'oods* Re%rie/ed Se$%e&-er M#6 8# M fro& '%%$:BBwww*%oron%onei('-our'oods*ne%Bnei('-our'oodsBwes%7endB$arkdaleB'is%or) Toron%o Nei('-our'ood 2uide S Nei('-our'oods* Re%rie/ed Se$%e&-er M#6 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*%oron%onei('-our'oods*ne%Bnei('-our'oodsBwes%7endB$arkdaleBre.rea%ion Toron%o Nei('-our'ood 2uide S Nei('-our'oods* Re%rie/ed Se$%e&-er M#6 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*%oron%onei('-our'oods*ne%Bnei('-our'oodsBwes%7endB$arkdaleB'o&es Toron%o Nei('-our'ood 2uide S Nei('-our'oods* Re%rie/ed Se$%e&-er M#6 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*%oron%onei('-our'oods*ne%Bnei('-our'oodsBwes%7endB$arkdaleB%rans$or%a%ion Toron%o Parkdale Li-er%) >illa(er* P Census Online Pro Co$)ri('% 8# M Tass'i6 Y* ;8# M=* #he %harmacist as gatekee%er* com)ating medication a)use and de%endence. Re%rie/ed O.%o-er 96 8# M6 fro& '%%$:BBwww*n.-i*nl&*ni'*(o/B$u-&edB8M+8!#,# 8 Toron%o*.a Re%rie/ed O.%o-er 8"6 8# M6 fro&6 '%%$:BBwww*8 %oron%o*.aB2a%ekee$erO 1e-A$$IdPf'%CReGues%edSu-&i%A.%ionPOr(InfoCsear.'Ke)Por(idCsear.'T)$ePfea%uredCse ar.'>aluePMET#!+8Csear.'ATSu-0e.%Por(aniHa%ionCsear.'>aluePre/P%)oN#MCs%ar%Inde3P Csor%<)Pna&eCdis$la)O$%ionPC-oolO$%ionPC%o%alCoun%P +Cre.ordPosi%ionP 8

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