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Activity 4.

Working collaboratively with colleagues: observing to learn: inquiry

Core understanding/guiding questions addressed

What can I learn from my colleagues about inquiry? How can inquiry work in my classroom? What does inquiry look like in the classroom? What can I do to make sure my students are engaged in learning?

How long it should take you Introduction/background/ resources

3 hours Read the guided observation protocol Observer as Learner in the resource library.

Who you should work with What you should do

Work with a colleague on this activity. Review Observer as Learner. Share your understandings with your colleague. Plan an observation of an inquiry strategy in the classroom. Either make and share a two-minute video or jot down and share observations of the inquiry strategy. Share notes from your observation with your colleague. Work collaboratively with your colleague and reflect on the observations you made. a. What did you observe? b. What did you learn about inquiry? c. What was useful about theobservation and protocol? d. What was difficult about the observation or protocol? e. What will you change in your plans the next time you observe a colleague? f. Write up your reflections or make a video to record them Add your outcomes to your reflective journal.

What you might produce

A short (2 minute) video. Notes about observing a colleague and how the protocol worked. What did you learn about inquiry? Add your reflections to your reflective journal.

Questions for reflection

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