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Parker 1

Jordan Parker Professor Raymond English 2 1/29/14 German and Proud After contacting all of my crazy family members I have done the math and figured out where I came from. On my dad's side I am 40% English and 8% Irish and on my mom's side I am German, French, English, and Scottish all split evenly. My mom's mom side of the family came from Germany and lived right on the border of Germany and Austria. Since borders would change frequently they would be living is Germany one year and the next in Austria.

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In order to become a citizen of Germany the applicant would have to have a permanent residence for 8 years. This law is called Naturalization. An additional

requirement includes being fluent in the Germanic language and have the ability to be self-reliant without the need for welfare. When filling out an application, the applicant must renounce their existing nationality, not including refugees and the European Union. The German flag is made up of 3 vertical stripes the top being black, below red, then gold. The flag was first established as the national flag after WW2. Both East and West Germany had identical flags until 1959 when the East added a coat of arms. Then the two sides reunited again in October 3-, 1990.

Parker 2

The Deutschlandlied

has been the national anthem of German since 1922, not

including East Germany. Since 'J1N112 and the fall of Nazi Germany, only the third stanza has been used as the national anthem. It says, "Unity and Justice and Freedom." Through my research about Germany I found some accustoms that America has adopted. At Christmas time the ritual of decorating a tree came from Germany as well as searching for eggs on Easter. Gummy bears is a sweet treat that Germans brought over from Germany. Lots of people lived on farms where they raised chickens and developed a recipe for chicken fried steak. German Sheppards are well known here in America. Law enforcement uses them because they are strong animals but they also have a soft side make good house pets. In Germany they were used to round up animals on the farm.

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