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Narrative Description Elia Grenier Seattle niversit!


Narrative Description "! ti#e in the SDA progra# has $een a %inding &ourne!' and I appreciate the opportunit! to re(lect as it co#es to a close) I had #an! great classes %ith e*cellent instructors and engaged class#ates) This includes appl!ing Intergroup Dialogue to +ing and ,a*ter "agolda-s ./0012 #odel o( intercultural #aturit! in Theor! class' e*ploring universit! presidential leadership roles in 3ead 4 Gov)' learning a$out (unding crises and universit! $udget structures in 5igher Education 6inance' and discovering #!sel( as a leader in 3ead I' 3eading %ith E#otional Intelligence and "anage#ent o( People) A #ore co#prehensive catalog o( in(luential te*ts is included in the re(erence section) During the progra#' I have gro%n i##easura$l!) I have trans(or#ed (ro# a s#art $ut insecure !oung %o#an to a con(ident' colla$orative pro(essional) I a# o(ten than7(ul that I have ta7en this e*tra !ear $ecause I have onl! recentl! (elt (ull! prepared (or the ne*t step) 6ro# #! internship %ith the Assess#ent Tas7(orce at 5ighline Co##unit! College' I learned a$out e*e#plar! #ethods (or assess#ent' an integrated student a((airs #odel' and a$out the uni8ue culture o( co##unit! colleges) In #! Career and Acade#ic Planning Certi(ication internship' I learned a$out colla$oration $et%een di((erent divisions' ho% to leverage uni8ue strengths (or the $ene(it o( a progra#' and ho% to use technolog! in curriculu# develop#ent %hile #aintaining a #ulticultural co#petence lens) "! internships %ere valua$le opportunities to $e e*posed to ne% (unctional areas) "! position in the O((ice o( niversit! Planning has $een an incredi$le step in $eco#ing a #ore co#petent pro(essional) I (eel so (ortunate that a(ter #an! &o$ applications this is the position that I %as o((ered' as it has $een a great (it) I have gained practical 7no%ledge a$out

NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION surve! design and i#ple#entation' technolog! contracts' and data access and #anage#ent) I have also e*perienced %hat it is li7e to %or7 in an o((ice (ull o( e*ceedingl! s#art' dependa$le' hard9%or7ing colleagues %ho are %illing to $oth challenge and support #e in #! &ourne!) This is a learning o((ice in ever! sense o( the %ord' and $eing part o( this tea# has helped #e to articulate ho% #uch I value $eing in a learning environ#ent) This is no% a re8uire#ent in #! &o$ search) So#eti#es I thin7 an ",A or an "A in 5igher Education Ad#inistration and Polic! %ould have #ade a #ore linear road in #! career path' as I a# interested in doing progra# or pro&ect #anage#ent %or7 %ithin higher education) 5o%ever' #! SDA education re#inds #e to al%a!s 7eep the students in #ind' no #atter %hat the pro&ect) This student9 centered outloo7 %ill continue to serve #e in each position I hold) The SDA progra# has $oth strong (eatures and areas (or i#prove#ent) Its strengths include its alu#ni net%or7' the connections %ith the student a((airs pro(essionals at Seattle niversit! and regionall!' and the 8ualit! o( practitioners %ho teach the #a&orit! o( classes) So#e reco##ended areas (or i#prove#ent %ould $e to decide i( it %ants to $e the right progra# (or those %ho are %or7ing (ull9ti#e or (or those %ho are interested in %or7ing in areas


#ore peripherall! related to student a((airs) Currentl!' I (eel li7e people %ho ta7e alternate paths are not (ull! supported and can $e disparaged (or their choices) I also thin7 that the social &ustice:#ulticultural co#petence courses need to $e revised' though I reali;e that has to $e done at the college level) O(ten a (acult! #e#$er %ithout speci(ic e*pertise in the area is assigned these courses and the conversation 8ualit! is shoc7ingl! sur(ace level (or an institution that prides itsel( on its social &ustice (ocus) Additionall!' I thin7 higher education (inance should $e a #andator! course' and there should $e a (ocus on students receiving $udget and event planning e*perience %ithout solel! rel!ing on internships or graduate assistantship positions %here these

NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION s7ills #a! not $e taught or utili;ed) The =esuit e#phasis on $eing a re(lective practitioner %ill continue to $e a guiding (ocus in #! li(e $ecause o( #! Seattle niversit! education) I still re#e#$er Nic7 Cu$ita e*plaining magis and the examen in 6oundations' and I (eel I %ill al%a!s $e loo7ing (or the >#ore? %herever #! &ourne! leads) I a# grate(ul (or all the pro(essionals' instructors' and students %ho have in(or#ed #! path' and $een %illing to share their ti#e and e*pertise) I hope to $e a pro(essional %ho is al%a!s availa$le to help others on their &ourne! o( sel(9discover!)

NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION 5 Re(erences ,ohan' 3)' 3u*' G)' +iner' ")' 4 Aeis' A) ./0B/2) EQ primer: An introduction to emotional intelligence .<rd ed)2. Seattle' AA: Tea#s 4 3eaders) ,ol#an' 3) G)' 4 Gallos' =) V) ./0BB2) Reframing academic leadership. San 6rancisco' CA: =osse!9,ass) ,ro%n' D) G) .Ed)2) ./0012) University presidents as moral leaders) Aestport' CN: Praeger) Evans' N) =)' 6orne!' D) S)' Guido' 6) ")' Patton' 3) D)' 4 Renn' +) A) ./0B02) Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice ./nd ed)2) San 6rancisco' CA: =osse!9,ass) +arsh' ,) 4 Te#plin' C) ./0B<2) anager !.": A millennial#s guide to re$riting the rules of

management. Ne% Cor7' NC: A"ACO") +ing' P) ")' 4 ,a*ter "agolda' ") ,) ./0012) A develop#ental #odel o( intercultural #aturit!) %ournal of &ollege Student 'evelopment, ().D2' 1EB91F/) doi: B0)B<1<:csd)/001)00D0 +ou;es' =) ")' 4 Posner' ,) G) ./00<2) Encouraging the heart: A leader#s guide to re$arding and recogni*ing others. San 6rancisco' CA: =osse!9,ass) Rath' T) 4 Conchie' ,) ./00H2) Strengths +ased leadership: ,reat leaders, teams, and $hy people follo$. Ne% Cor7' NC: Gallup Press) GIJiga' K)' 3ope;' G) E)' 4 6ord' +) A) ./0B/2) Intergroup dialogue: Critical conversations a$out di((erence' social identities' and social &ustice: Guest editors introduction) E-uity . Excellence in Education, (/.B2' B9B<)

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