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Learning Outcome Narrative: Imp ication! "or Pro"e!!iona Practice E ia #renier Seatt e $niver!it%

Running head: IMPLICATIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Learning Outcome Narrative: Imp ication! "or Pro"e!!iona Practice Integrative Theme: Bridging Gaps in Higher Education (LO 3 & 10 !rti"act !#$% B#$% I% & & '(


In re" ecting on ho' I 'i (e!t uti i)e m% !trength! a! I continue m% pro"e!!iona career* I re!onated 'ith the macro+theme bridging gaps in higher education, -igher education in!titution! are di!tinctive* in" uentia 'or. environment! /-irt* &0012 3o man 4 #a o!* &0112 McC e an 4 Stringer* &0056, I "ee the 'eight o" that privi ege and !trive to (e m% (e!t a! a !ervant eader: invo ving other! in deci!ion* (a!ing deci!ion! on ethica and caring (ehavior* and enhancing the per!ona gro'th o" '! 'hi e improving the caring and 7ua it% o" organi)ationa i"e, /Spear!* a! cited in Schuh* &00&* p, &186, T'o meaning"u area! in thi! theme are a6 "rom a!!i!tant to pro"e!!iona and (6 com(atting the !i o, )uture Per!ona %* m% "ami %* m% commitment to authentic vu nera(i it%* and m% identit% a! a Montanan* 'hich I 'rote a(out a! m% eader!hip identit% "or Cap!tone* 'i continue to (e a !trong "oundationa !upport, Pro"e!!iona %* I dra' on m% mi!!ion !tatement /!rti"act B#$6 and .no' that I 'i a 'a%! !ee. environment! o" mutua tru!t and re!pect 'here earning i! a core va ue, I 'i bridge gaps (et'een department! and divi!ion! and he p repre!ent the in!titution e9terna %* dra'ing on m% !trength! o" context & connectivity. I "ee I am on a path to'ard m% vocation: :the p ace 'here %our deep g adne!! meet! the 'or d;! deep need< /3uechner* 1558* p, 1156, *ast M% identit% a! a pro"e!!iona ha! e9perienced incredi( e gro'th during m% %ear! in the S=A program, Prior to the program* I !a' m%!e " a! primari % an a!!i!tant in pro"e!!iona


!etting!, I 'a! com"orta( e the ead in the c a!!room* on a pro>ect* or in a c u(* (ut during 'or. I !a' m%!e " occup%ing !upport ro e!, #ranted* the!e are important ro e! and I provide e9ce ent a!!i!tance to co eague! and !upervi!or!* (ut it 'a! a de"inite !hi"t to "ee con"ident o'ning a eader!hip ro e at 'or. /LO 106, I had created !i o! (et'een m% per!ona and pro"e!!iona i"e and the con"idence and integrit% I e9hi(ited per!ona % did not emerge in m% ' !e " /LO 36, It too. a %ear o" the S=A program and moving into m% current po!ition in $niver!it% P anning to "ina % "ee the!e t'o !ide! integrate and (ecome a( e to pre!ent m% ho i!tic* authentic* vu nera( e !e " in (oth arena!, *resent From a!!i!tant to pro"e!!iona connect! natura % to LO 10* 'ith dimen!ion! o" leadership identity, self-management and vulnerability. One o" m% mo!t "ormative cour!e! 'a! Leading 'ith Emotiona Inte igence* particu ar % "or improving !e "+management and committing to (eing vu nera( e* 'hich "eature! prominent % in m% pro"e!!iona mi!!ion !tatement /!rti"act B#$(, I have improved in .eeping m% emotion! contro ed (ut not :!uppre!!ed< /3ohan et a ,* &01&6* and "irm % (e ieve :I am imper"ect and vu nera( e and !ometime! a"raid* (ut that doe!n;t change the truth that I am a !o (rave and 'orth% o" ove and (e onging< /3ro'n* &010* p, 1&?6, M% !trengthened identit% a! a pro"e!!iona i! demon!trated in m% updated r@!um@ /!rti"act !#$6 and in m% re" ection on m% >ourne% in m% a!!e!!ment o" the port"o io proce!! /!rti"act '6, Com(atting the !i o i! a .e% e ement to move "or'ard LO 3 in the dimen!ion! o" speaking up, maintaining integrity and cross-functional learning, Sometime! in!titutiona t%pe create! !i o!* !uch a! having "unctiona area !pecia i!t! at arge re!earch univer!itie! /-irt* &0016, Ae can com(at thi! (% continuing pro"e!!iona deve opment acro!! area!* a! I !ho' I intend to


do in m% ?+%ear p an /!rti"act I6, The Be!uit tradition o" Seatt e $niver!it% a""irm! m% de!ire to (e a voice "or other!* una"raid to cha enge the !tatu! 7uo /Thon* &0186, I practiced that intentiona it% a! S$S=A Intern!hip and Net' chair (% maintaining m% pro"e!!iona integrit% to po!ition! o" po'er and "inding 'a%! to engage non+traditiona and N$FP !tudent! in the proce!!, I !e ected m% eader!hip phi o!oph% 'ritten in Lead I a! !rti"act & (ecau!e m% commitment to authentic* vu nera( e* 'ho ehearted eader!hip acro!! !i o! i! m% di!tinctive and a!ting contri(ution to thi! pro"e!!ion,

IMPLICATIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Re"erence! 3ohan* L,* Lu9* #,* Diner* M,* 4 Aei!* A, /&01&6, EQ primer: An introduction to emotional intelligence /8rd ed,6. Seatt e* AA: Team! 4 Leader!, 3o man* L, #,* 4 #a o!* B, E, /&0116, eframing academic leadership. San Franci!co* CA: Bo!!e%+3a!!,

3ro'n* 3, /&0106, !he gifts of imperfection: "et go of #ho you think you$re supposed to be and embrace #ho you are. Center Cit%* MN: -a)e den, 3uechner* F, /15586, %ishful thinking: A seeker$s A&', San Franci!co* CA: -arperSanFranci!co, -irt* B, 3, /&0016, %here you #ork matters: (tudent affairs administration at different types of institutions. Lanham* M=: $niver!it% Pre!! o" America, McC e an* #, S,* 4 Stringer* B, /&0056, !he handbook of student affairs administration /8rd ed,6, San Franci!co* CA: Bo!!e%+3a!!, Schuh* B, -, /&00&6, Le!!on! "rom eader!, )A(*A +ournal, ,-/86* &0C+&11, Thon* A, B, /&0186, !he .gnatian imperative: (tudent affairs educators in +esuit higher education. Mi '* AI: Mar7uette $niver!it%,

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