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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 08:43:00 -0700 From: Subject: Re: I need your feedback To: lmontes_99@hotmail.


Critical Thinking Summary Project: Operation Uplifting

The 322 Civil Affairs Humanitarian Assistant Teams led by Dr. Ahlam Turki and overseen by COL Miriam Cruz are truly grateful to Ms Laura Montes and the students who successfully executed Operation Uplifting. There is no doubt that this project is important as its a way to give relief to those in war torn countries such as Iraq. T he relief was given to those in critical need in which it impacted their daily lives. This operation gave people hope and when making distributions you can see the appreciation and thankfulness in their eyes. Operation Uplifting also impacted our operations as Civil Affairs Officers. Our mission is to win the hearts and minds of the people. Upon giving to the people it made our missions safe, people were receptive and the enemy would drop their arms and not attack us during Operation Uplifting distribution. The word of Operation Uplifting went out to all 18 provinces and the people would walk for miles to our distribution Center or we would go via convoy to them. Woman and children were who we catered the most as the woman lost their husbands and were left to provide for their children. Operation Uplifting also impacted the soldiers, Dr. Turki and me in a very powerful way. This project was the greatest mission to go on. It was the only time that we felt safe. We would go out fully armed and ready for any attack but the joy of seeing these women happy to the point of tears, kids running around with their bags of goodies was the best feeling in the world. The impact it had on me was wonderful. I saw with my own eyes what and how Operation Uplifting affected my soldiers, and the people of Iraq. I saw the happiness. I saw their needs being met. I saw my soldiers happy giving to others. The war stopped during Operation Uplifting and humanitarian assistance prevailed. It kept people from getting hurt. Operation Uplifting with no doubt met its intent and purpose beyond what was expected of the project.

Col. Miriam Cruz 322nd Civil Affairs Brigade

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