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Weekly Lesson Plan Form

Study / Topic_soical-Emotional

development__________________________ Week Of: _________________________ your name___Tunik Le is Le is__________________________ !"ild#s $ame__%a&on '( ____________________
Block rea "ramatic Play

Buildin! two towers with colors blocks

Play with auction fi!ures fro!s #ro! costume #ro!$puppets Stuffed fro!s and animals %akin! puppets

%ath Patternin! &ountin! fro!s %easurement fro! book

%atchin! !ame Lacin! beads


Paintin!$fro!s &olorin! fro! prints #ro!$paper plate %akin! fro!$colla!e


'eadin! books on fro!s %a!a(ines on fro!s #ro!$Puppets show

Writin! &enter

Science What do fro!s eat) What do fro!s live) Whats inside a fro!) #ield trip to the (oo*
+utrition, &ookin!: - day,week

Frog songs Frog-Fingerplays Frog-poems

"rawin! &olorin! Writin!


%akin! cookies .ducational social bakery play set

2o "o or 2o Purchase:


Learnin! to trace letters

2rip to the children (oo

Whip$cream ction fi!ures &ookie dou!h

Weekly Lessons Should Include: areas that need to be developed How will you involve the family Provide a full classroom experience for the child

)rea *s+ of ,evelopment needin- Stren-t"ened ___________________________________ #amily , &ommunity Involvement: Parent donates for materials3 volunteer for field trip to children and buy a book3 how to reduce tantrums3 freak$outs and out bursts*

%onday Lar!e 4roup 2ime /son!s3 !ames3 discussions0 Son!s Head3 shoulder3 knees and toes 4ame:fro!$ puppet show Story 2ime: Book 2itle and uthor #ro!s By: 5aren 5ate

2uesday We are leader son! Little !reen fro! son!

Wednesday 4ood mornin! son! #ive !reen and speckled fro!s: son!



In the pond: three little &hildren museum fro!s son! 2heres a little !reen fro!: son! What do fro!s live) #ollow alon! as an e!! becomes a fro! By: Steve %et(!er &hildren museum

'eadin! stories bout what do fro!s eat) %atchin! fro! !ame for reco!nition fro! has a sticky 'ed$eye fro! ton!ue By: 6ulia &ook By: %artine !assi

Small$4roup ctivities /"urin! #ree Play0

%akin! fro! puppets out of socks in dramatic play area

#ro! costume with fine motors and writin! skills* #ro! head ban

Playin! with stuffed fro!s and animals introduce new thin!s to them3 like shapes3 and people

#ro! prints printin! &olorin! fro! prints

&hildren museum

Weekly Lessons Should Include: areas that need to be developed How will you involve the family Provide a full classroom experience for the child

Special ctivities /Site visits3 special events3 field trips etc*0

%akin! a colla!e of &olorin! to help "ifferent color fro!s with improvin! fine stickers motors skills

ddin! fro!s to the block area to open his ima!ination

%akin! cookies for texture and sensory skills

&hildren museum

Weekly Lessons Should Include: areas that need to be developed How will you involve the family Provide a full classroom experience for the child

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