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How did you attract/address your audience?

The use of actors similar to the members of the target audience creates a large interest and attracts viewers to the film. Trough the application of outfits matching those of the target audience, the viewer is able to feel as though they can relate to the actor, creating a deeper understanding of the characters thoughts, feeling, and actions. This use of an almost familiar character attracts the attention of viewers who find the character and the setting similar to their own surroundings, targeting a young and urban audience.


I used Photoshop in combination with premiere to create a mufti layered production company title. The use of interesting and eye catching images catches the audiences attention and develops an interest in the upcoming scenes. The monochrome images ties in with the simple title as well as appealing to the young and urban target audience. The simple yet visually appealing title portrays the genre of the film through the use of solid and sharp lines, images such as these are often used in conjunction with action films, reflecting the solidarity and manly appeal.

I have chosen to include Trap music in the sequence, this genre is greatly enjoyed by members of the target audience. I conducted a small target audience survey to determine the preferred genre of music. The target audience stated that Drum and Bass, Trance and Trap are amongst the most popular genres of music, having a high level of appeal to male youths in urban areas. The fast paced and almost aggressive tone of trap music ties in well with the action based shots of the sequence, creating suspense and pace with the scenes and visual changes.

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