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The greatest discovery you will ever make, is the discovery of the potential of your own mind.

- Jose Silva

Intro Basics Law of Attraction Brainwaves Meditation cycle Alpha sound Silva Centering Exercise Sharing the vision Live seminars The Silva Ultramind ESP system Frequently asked questions Gratitude

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Copyright 2009: Silva Ultramind Systems, LLC Publisher: Silva Ultramind Systems, LLC Alex Gonzales Silva

Dear friend.

We want to welcome you to what could be one of the biggest area of self-discovery in your life. You might be surprised to discover what has been there within you all along, and then wonder why you didnt realise the existance of it much sooner. Yet, you always knew, but perhaps couldnt exactly put your finger on it. We are all born int o our bodies, which include the brain. We are born into learning from ground level how to use our brain to function better in our bodies, how to move, how to touch, how to feel, how to taste, to smell, to react to pain, to move things around, to get from a to b, to walk, to run, to jump, to interact with other people, to communicate, to control vehicles, to work, to run businesses, to build networks of friends and associates, to connect with the whole world, to live our lifes here on earth.

We use our minds to control the brain, which controls the body in all of its splendour. But how much are we really using of our brain. We think its plenty, but isnt it maybe only to the extent of what we are pushed for to solve the different situations rising against us at each moment? Some people are born with more direct access to certain parts of their brain. Some people get a jumpstart when they find themselves in a life threatening situation. Some people dedicate their lives to solitude and/or intensive mind-training to awaken their mind to a higher conscious level. Just think how you have been using your brain already in your life, up to this point. How well or aware have you been using it? Einstein claimed that he was only using about 10% of his brain. General public only uses about 3% or 4%. Can you imagine how it would be if you could add 1% to your brain capacity (kind of like upgrading a computer with more memory and cpu). How about adding 2%, 4%, 7% or more? There really are no limits but what we put on ourselves. The Silva Ultramind ESP system is a special system of highly developed techniques that enable YOU to awaken the sleeping part of your brain, the real giant within you, to use more of your brain, and enable your mind to use it better. To train and enable you to use what you already have built within you since you were born. To function more completely in everything you do. To open doors which until now have remained mostly closed. By training ourselves to go into deep relaxation at alpha level (as is tought in the Silva Ultramind ESP system) we are building a gateway to our mind, our deeper state of consiousness, and access to using much more of our mind than ever before. You are about to discover the path to the one you truly are. We all are born with ESP. However, not everybody knows how to use it. In Silva UltraMind ESP System, you will awaken your ESP and learn how to use it to better your life.

Are you ready?

Before we go into the techniques, lets first go over the basics. Your brain has many different parts, but mainly its divided into 2 halves/hemispheres, the right brain, and the left brain. The brain emits electrical impulses called Brain waves (brain frequency) which can be recorded by an Electroencephalograph (EEG) machine. Each hemisphere of the brain has its special function. Your left brain controls the right side of your body and processes everything in a logical and analytical way. It wants and works with details, asks logical questions, demands logical answers, keeps everything organized and precise, is literal and scientific. Its where we do our math, speak languages, do repetetive tasks and basically keeps your body oriented in the physical world. Its the seat of your conscious mind, your outer awareness. Your right brain controls the left side of your body and is where you keep all your information, like a storehouse. It is intuitive, responds to colors, music and takes care of everything creative. Its imaginative, irregular, empathetic, conceptual. It is the seat of your subconscious mind your inner awareness. The right brain is the gateway to the spiritual world. (When using the word spiritual in this material, it is not associated with any religion denomination). So what this means is that the right brain hemisphere is the access to subconscious infromation stored within.

But wait, you may ask, which half of the brain is better? Well, try walking on one foot, and you will discover that both feet need to work together in order to get you where you want to go in the best way possible. The ones among us through history who have been called geniuses (and many other successful people) have learned to use both hemispheres, left and right, in balance.

Your brain follows the Law of Attraction.

The problem is most people either do not know how to focus or they focus on wrong things and attract them, such as bad relationships, poor health, problems at work or with money. People also tend to put much more feelings into their thoughts about what is wrong, instead of what they really want. Can you think of a situation where this applies for yourself? You must realise that the more feeling you put into your emotions, the stronger they get. The stronger the feeling, the stronger the broadcast. If you are constantly worrying about whatever is wrong or going bad in your life, the more you are sending that same broadcast outwards from yourself, attracting more of that. On the same token, if you are constantly broadcasting happy thoughts, you attract more of that into your life. If you truly smile to someone, isnt it usually answered with a good smile back? Have you ever found yourself in the situation where everything seems to be against you? During those times, have you ever been aware of how you were actually feeling. Of course, many things can happen in life that arent very pleasing but its all up to ourselves how we really react. Two different persons can get a red light in traffic and react in a totally different manner. One person lets it get on his nerve and get mad, while the other just stays calm and sees no reason to get upset. We all have the choice of deciding how we react to whatever is happening around us. For some its easier than others. How you choose to use and control your mind is totally up to you. What you focus your thoughts and feelings on, is totally up to you. You always have a choice!

If you want to learn how to actually use the untapped power of your mind and focus it correctly to attract anything you want, please keep reading.

The brain is constantly emitting electrical impulses called Brain waves which frequency can be measured with an EEG machine (a special monitor that is hooked to your body to detect the brain frequency). The scale of the brainwaves is mainly divided into 4 parts, depending on the rate of the frequency, referred to cycles per second (CPS).

In your typical awake state, like right now while you are reading this, your brain is functioning at BETA, which is somewhere between 14 to 21 cycles per second (CPS). When in BETA, you are mostly functioning in the outer conscious level of your mind. If you want to move yourself from A to B, you need to use your brain to communicate with the physical muscles to move your body accordingly, to go to place B, and at the same time using your senses to be aware of your surrounding and avoid accidents on the way, like bumping into someone, walking in front of something moving. And of course it takes some time to travel between. Everything in BETA is dependant on Time and Space, on the physical world of action (objective), using the 5 senses, smell, touch, hearing, taste & sight. This is the awake and active state of the body, functioning in the outer consciousness. In BETA you are primarily using your left brain. An easy way to get the idea of BETA is to realise that the more stressed you are, the higher you are in BETA brainwaves. And as you can imagine, the more stressed we are, the more incapable we are of making calm decisions. Right? Which is why we must calm down to be able to function better in our lifes. Some people are often just stuck in BETA and therefore also have quite a problem even going to sleep, since the body cant fully enter deeper relaxation. Which is one of the great reasons to learn an effective method, like this one you are reading about, to reach deeper levels.

As you relax your body and mind, you are going deeper/lower, with conscious awareness, on the scale of brain frequency and you enter the ALPHA level, at 7 to 14 CPS. In ALPHA level, there are no limits of time and space. You enter the mental world (subjective), where you are functioning at the inner conscious level. ALPHA is the strongest of measured brain frequencies and is called the center, where you are using both left brain and right brain in balance. And yes, you are right, this is where you can harness the real power of your mind! This is the place where ESP happens. This is where you can attract anything you want in your life. Alpha brain frequency is where human intelligence resides. Human intelligence is what religious people would call the soul, or spirit.

Do you know the meaning behind ESP? The general idea of ESP stands for Extra Sensory Perception. Kind of like another word for the 6th sense and what it can be used for. But, Jose Silva didnt feel this was quite right, becouse the word extra means more something that is not already there and has to be achieved or specially added in the understanding that it was missing, which it surely is not. The brain is what is included in our bodies when we are born and we all have the equal possibilty of using it. So Jose Silva made his own version of ESP, which is Effective Sensory Projection. Instead of talking about our senses as something extra (originally outside of us), we look at it as just using better what we already have, which is exactly the case. The more we are able to use what we already have in a more effective way than before, the more control and awareness we can have in our own life.

Jose Silvas research showed that people who operate at ALPHA are more successful, more creative, healthier, luckier, enjoy better relationships, reach solutions more easily, do better in whatever tasks they have, and have the ability to attract anything they want. Before we go further into alpha, lets go over the other 2 main frequencies of the brain. When you go deeper past ALPHA, you enter THETA level, which functions at 4 to 7 CPS. This is where deeper levels of concentration and meditation takes place, in a passive state where you are mostly acting as the receiver for whatver information is flowing to you, or observing mental actions taking place, according to whatever tasks you have been sending down to this level for resolution, intentionally or not. So when knowing how to work on this level, you can receive answers to your questions, you can reprogram yourself for success, you can change negative past programs, you can let go of liming beliefs, you can receive practical solutions to whatever problems you might have or are dealing with in your daily life. Within Theta is where biological intelligence resides. To manage physical phenomena such as pain, we want to influence biological intelligence. This means having an effect at the five cycles per second, at Theta level. So why arent we all constantly using ALPHA and THETA in our lifes? Well, in fact your brain is constantly going up and down on the scale of brain frequencies, and yes, you can and have very likely often felt yourself being in very relaxed state, physically and often mentally as well, before you go to sleep or relaxing somewhere during the day, usually just before dosing off and feeling into sleep. Havent we all? When we day dream, we are probably in Alpha. Jose Silva found that everyone can and goes in to ALPHA and THETA levels, but only 10% of people have the natural ability to actually stay there. 90% have no conscious control over it, and can therefore not benefit from using it. Back in 1966, Jose Silva had spent 22 years of research to find a way so everyone could learn how to remain in ALPHA level. He discovered and developed a special and very effective mind training program called Silva Mind Control which he and his associates travelled and

tought all around the world to great success. Millions of people had the priviledge of discovering their potential accessing the ALPHA and THETA levels fully conscious. There are even deeper dimensions and lower frequencies becouse as you go past the THETA frequency, you reach DELTA, which functions ast 0,5 to 4 CPS. What on earth are DELTA frequencies for? some people may ask. Well, probably nothing ON earth in our physical dimension at least, since Jose Silva had a breakthrough in 1996 when searching for the answer to this question, he discovered that DELTA is the doorway between the physical and the spiritual world (n.b. not in religious terms). DELTA is the connection with higher intelligence, the way to get guidance from spiritual dimensions! Following the discovery of DELTA, Jose launched his original training program in the way he always wanted (with focus on training ESP) including material based on the results from his latest research, and he called it Silva Ultramind ESP System, the powerful mind training system that combines science and spirituality.

Still interested?


To begin your own journey of discoveries, the first step is to go through the Silva Centering Exercise, which is the special meditation cycle which Jose Silva scientifically developed as a result of his research through the years. And you can try it right now! But first, lets go over how its put together. Its mainly divided into 3 parts. Dont worry, you dont have to fill your memory with the whole process and what to do and when, since you just need to follow the guidance of the instructor who leads the mediation (until you can do it by yourself). The first part is what we call level 3. The level for physical relaxation. First you are asked to visualise the number 3 in front of you three times. For best effect try to see it a little above your line of sight (about 20 above your horizontal plane) that way you are automatically connecting better to the ALPHA level. Just use whatever kind of version you like of this number, in whatever size, color, weight, surface, glowing you like. The more colorful the better. Next, you are directed to concentrate your sense of awareness on your scalp, the skin that covers your head. While you are focusing your attention this way, you might begin to detect a fine vibration (very subtle feeling), a tingling sensation, a feeling of warmth caused by circulation. You are then asked to release and completely relax all tensions and ligament pressures from this part of your head and place it in a deep state of relaxation that will grow deeper as you continue. This way you are asked to go further down the body in steps, focusing your attention and relaxing each part of your body, one by one. When you are done, you have completed the first step of the meditation process. Now its level 2. You are again asked to visualize a number, now the number 2, three times, at the same place as the number before. Again, the number can be in whatever visual version you prefer, and does not have to be exactly the same as the number before.


Level 2 is for mental relaxation, to help your mind settle down, since our mind can often be in full effect even though our body is quite relaxed. To help you relax mentally you are led through a few passive scenes which you visualize in your mind. Being passive means being somewhere, observing, feeling, without actually doing anything at all, except just being. Once you are done, you are finally asked to visualize mentally the number 1, three times, same eye location as before, and whatever visual variation you prefer. Level 1 is for connecting to your center. There you are lead through a number of different exercises, affirmations, and statements but first you are led even deeper into another countdown process from 10 to 1. This may sound a little complicated and much to grasp, but as strange as it may seem, you will actually feel it quite easy to follow the guided process. Some statements or words may seem odd or peculiar, and the way some phrases are used together, but just do the best you can to follow the process without any stress. If there is anything that you dont understand at the time, dont worry about it and keep following what you can. Your mind gets it all either way so you are not missing anything of importance. Remember that all the words and phrases, the order of it all, the details in between, is all based on Jose Silvas research for the most effective way to do the process, for the best possible results for anyone who goes through the process. In the end, you are guided through a reverse countdown, counting from 1 to 5, and reminded that at the count of 5, you will open your eyes, be wide awake, feeling fine and in perfect health, feeling the way you feel when you have slept the right amount of revitalizing, relaxing, healthy wonderful sleep. Thats it! But.... there is more.


To make it even easier for you to reach deep ALPHA level, the sound of the ALPHA frequency is played under the guided meditation, to help your body and mind to adjust to the ALPHA level faster and more effective. The sound itself is rather strange to those who havent heard it before. If you remember, the ALPHA frequency functions at 7 to 14 CPS (cycles per second), which is equalled to 10 CPS. Jose Silva created a sound that ticks at the same frequency as 10 CPS. At first it may and is quite allright if it seems to irritate a little bit, but the further our current state of brainwaves is from ALPHA (the further our own frequency is away from the frequency of the sound) the more it seems to affect us. However, the more our body and mind adjust to the ALPHA level, using the sound as some kind of lighthouse to guide us to the right frequency, the more it seems to vanish, until we have totally reached the same ALPHA level. Yes, many people mention how they just stop hearing the sound! Can you imagine being close to a hurricane, where the wind is blowing everything in full force, huge debris flying around, smashing, wrecking, affecting you and your environment quite heavily. Then if you go the center of the hurricane, in the eye, you would experience total calmness.

Are you ready to take the launch?


You can now go to this web location to download the Silva Centering exercise or listen to it directly. If you prefer to have it on CD to play in your CD player, you can order it on the website. When you are ready, just sit or be in whatever position that is comfortable for you. Preferably have nothing around you that could distract you from your exercise, turn off the radio or TV if on, close windows if too much noise is going on outside etc. You will get better at letting noise having no influence on you, but in the beginning its better to turn as many factors in your favor, to get you well started. We will not include any further description of what you will feel or experience, since it can all be so different for each person. We are all so special and unique, and have our own sets of prior experience, understanding, past, awareness and goals, which makes each of our experiences unique. However, we can tell you that most likely you will feel very relaxed and calm. How fast and deep you go is up to you, but the more often you go through the Silva Centering exercise, you will find it easier, deeper, better, and more effective. Your body and mind/brain are this way getting trained to reach the ALPHA level, and getting stronger in maintaining it. This will eventually make it possible for you to just count 3, 2, 1 and you will be at ALPHA! The main thing is, that you can control your own state, your own calmness, your own being of awareness. You can use the meditation to relax and train yourself further, and experience the ALPHA level and whatever comes your way through it. You are in total control of your consciousness, your success, your life. When you begin to feel what the Silva Centering Exercise does for you, you might begin to notice all kinds of little details in your body or around you that often begin to correct themselves. You will most likely begin to feel the great positive effect it has on you, being in ALPHA, which in fact is the best state of the body to be in to do its work better, to stay healthy and function correctly in every way. Keep in mind, that when you are in ALPHA, you

are automatically in a very calm state, where imbalanced thoughts and emotions literally cant exits. Meaning negative emotions or worries cant reside there and you experience total peace of mind (better and better as you practice). This also makes it very practical to use the Silva centering exercise before or after a stressful situation. Most people are masters of having worries or creating stress, so why not master the technique of calmness. You can change your life dramatically just by going to alpha once a day (whether it is 5 minute, 10 minutes, 15 minutes or a full hour, whatever fits best in you schedule. We recommend to stay in Alpha at least 15 minutes each time. Just know and remember that you now have this technique and can use it whenever the need arises. Allow yourself to experiment with it. Be aware of how you are feeling, within yourself or from your environment, from the people around you. Notice how you can literally transform chaos into effortless calmness. But how can you know you are in ALPHA? Your body and mind will help you feel the positive effect you are creating. You already know how you feel when awake, and how you are feeling right now, or when a stressful situation is taking place. Compare that with the relaxed state of being calm and at ease. The deeper you get into ALPHA the more calm you will feel. The more often you get into ALPHA (in a counscious, waking state) you will learn to recognise the feeling of being in ALPHA, and you will have an easier time to invoke that state in your body and brain. Eventually, you will be able to go into ALPHA wherever you are, whatever you are doing, being directly connected to your own inner calmness and awareness. Either it will be enough for you to count 3, 2, 1 (using your own pace of preference) or you can just bring forth the memory of being in ALPHA, the feeling of being in ALPHA and you are in ALPHA! Find ways to experiment with this, and discover how you become stronger, more self confident, more calm, more aware, creating better vibes to people around you, sensing deeper the energy around you, seeing a much bigger picture of how everything connects, and so much, much more. You are in for an adventure!

Just imagine if all the people around you would be calm, peaceful and healthy. Imagine how the world could be if a growing part of its population would be functioning from the ALPHA level (calm, aware, at ease) and how peoples relation to one another woul d be totally different, where everyone reacted to one another in balance and loving respect. The world would be a different place to live in. Imagine.

You can do your part. Share this information. Give others the change to experience ALPHA level as you have or are about to. You are free to share this eBook to anyone around you. You CAN make the world a better place. We can, with our combined effort, create such a powerful ripple of calmness spreading outwards, affecting everyone to act in the best way for everyone concerned. Where 2 people or more are gathered together to spread inner balance and awareness, it equals much more than just 2. 1 + 1 can equal to 10 or more! 5 + 5 can equal to 50 or more! And so on. Its called synergy. You have such a power already built inside of you to really change the world. The more balanced and more aware you become, the more of your sleeping abilities awaken. The more you seek your inner kingdom, the more you awaken the true you. The more you listen to your heart and trust it, the more you are tapping into your higher awareness, and experience higher balance. The more you look within for your middle pillar of your own true self, the deeper understanding you reach on your path to your own enlightenment, or whatever else you are seeking.

Dont be afraid to sing your own song, to speak your own heart, to be who you really are. You were sent here for a reason. As Jose Silva said back in 1997 "Just remember, the reason we were given psychic ability is so that we can find out what we were sent here to do, and how to do it successfully." One of Jose Silvas goal with creating the UltraMind ESP System

(which the Silva Centering Exercise is a part of) was to change the way humanity makes decisions and improves conditions on planet earth. This is what Jose Silva called " The second phase of human evolution on the planet. " You are already a part of that evolution, just by learning what you have now learned. So again, we welcome you to the kingdom of self-discovery.

By using the Silva Centering Exercise, you can certainly attain great levels of depth and selfdiscovery, healing, intuition, inner and outer balance and so many other adventurous wonders there really are no limits what you can achieve. If you want to take an even faster route to x learning to relax yourself to ALPHA levels and deeper, what to actually do while in deep meditation state to affect your inner and outer world for the outcome you want, or just prefer to learn these special techniques in a group of likeminded people, you can attend live seminars which are frequently offered all over the world, with a trained instructor with experience and helpful guidance. Among many other things there is also a very special difference between attending a live seminar and just listening to the audio of the Silva Centering exercise. In the seminar, the instructor guides the participants up to 10 times through the Silva Centering exercise, with the sounds of ALPHA or THETA frequency being played, AND at the same time mentally projecting the whole process from his mind to the surrounding participants, sort of like a lighthouse to make it an easier process for the bodies and brains of the participants to learn and adapt to the frequencies of those deeper levels, in a conscious state. The synergy effect of the whole group going into deep relaxation helps everyone to achieve it better and faster.


If you want to attend a live seminar and jumpstart your process of discovery, you can go to our website and find the seminar being offered closest to your location, wherever you are in the world. Again, you are not obligated in any way to attend a live seminar to achieve great results with the Silva Centering exercise. You control your own path, and take each step as you see fit. However, attending the live seminar will make it happen faster and much more effective, if you choose to do so. The door is there for you to enter, whenever you want to take the next step. Either way, you have the ability to affect the world in a great way, from where you are right now, with what you currently have, right now. Make the best use of it, with everyones greatest interest in mind, and you will see what you can really accomplish, better and better. Imagine.

If you want to get an even more and deeper understanding of using the Silva Centering Exercise and learn what you can do while in ALPHA, you can visit our homepage and see where the next live Silva Ultramind ESP System seminar is being offered, which is on a regular basis all over the world. Of all the things that you can accomplish with the Silva Ultramind System, lets mention a few.: You can improve your health and stay healthy You can improve your relations You can improve your business You can discover your purpose in life and start living it You can learn to trust your inner voice and make better decisions You can attract whatever you want in your life You can influence people from a distance for good causes You can receive guidance from higher intelligence You can create good vibes with anyone you m eet

You can detect hidden information You can find lasting inner peace You can unlock the incredible powers of your mind use them effectively You can function at ALPHA and THETA levels when you desire it You can bring solutions from the spiritual dimension You can solve problems while you sleep You can use mental projection to correct problems You can bring balance to what has become out of balance You can spread calmness and higher awareness You can be what you truly are, better and better.

Many of these statements might appear too high or too far out. Some people are only looking for better sleep, health or relationships and currently dont have any longing for anything else, which is totally fine. Just take from this what is right for you at this moment, and if the need or interest arises later to any of the other subjects covered in the seminars, you will know what steps to take. The techniques are ready for you to use, for yourself and others, whenever you are ready. Feel and find what is right for you now. Seek the great kingdom within. Listen to your heart. You are awakening.


Here are some of the questions that often arise while people are learning to relax themselves into ALPHA level, using the Silva Centering Exercise.

Do I always have to use the countdown throughout my life to go into Alpha? In the beginning its best to use the countdown process. The more you use it, the more you train your mind how to go to deeper levels, faster and easier than before. The time will come when it is enough for you just count 3 2 1 (in just a seconds) and you will be at ALPHA or deeper. You can also eventually just invoke the feeling of being in deep ALPHA (or deeper) and you will inwoke that state immediately. Its just a matter of practice. There are no limits.

Why do I have to count from 3 to 1? All the details, the order, the exact words, the process in the Silva Centering exercise and the other training systems from Jose Silva were all tested back and forth in a scientific method to produce the most effective way for people to achieve success. Using the numbers to count down to 1 is what Jose Silvas research simply showed what worked best for everyone.

Is it enough to go into the center of Alpha? Many people have quite a challenge to get into ALPHA, and specially while having full consciousness. When that is achieved, for many people that is enough which is completely fine and well worth it. There are so many wonderful things you can experience and do while in ALPHA. However, some people want to achieve more and are welcome to, if they know how.

Going to the center of Alpha is fine; however, in the Silva Ultramind ESP seminar we train ourselves to lower the brain frequency to the lower Alpha and even try to go into Theta. The main reason is that when one activates ones mind, the frequency jumps a couple of numbers up (to higher brain frequency) and we want to make sure that the student stays in Alpha for sure when programming.

What is the meaning of visualization? Visualization is recalling what something looks like that you have seen before. You have to have seen it in order to be able to visualize it. Visualization is recalling impressions made on the brain previously. When you visualize (recall) those impressions, you are detecting impressions on your brain, and you are reinforcing those physical impressions. Everytime you recall, you are strengthening those impressions.

What is imagination? Imagination is determining what something would look like that you have never seen or imagined before. Imagination is a way of making new impressions on the brain. Its a creative process. There are many forms of imagination. One is the process of altering something that already exists, and it is also the process of creating something from nothing.

Can I go into the Theta Dimension using this system? The basic Silva Centering exercise is focused on training you to get to ALPHA level, and stay there, to keep you from getting back to your awake BETA level, or going deeper to THETA or even deeper, where most people fall to sleep. The exercise trains you to be able to go to ALPHA whenever you want. When you train yourself further, you will be able to go down to THETA with full consciousness and how to work in that dimension and that is what is deeply covered in the Silva Ultramind ESP seminar which you can attend all over the world, and learn directly from an experienced instructor.

Our goal in the Silva Uitramind ESP seminar is to help students lower their brain frequency to very deep Alpha (possibly to 7 cps) which in many cases leads people further down, deeper into the Theta dimension. In Theta you are passive, and you remain in that state until you become active, where you jump up to ALPHA.

While in Theta, can we still think? In THETA you are really not doing anything else than being passive. Which means that you are only observing the thoughts that go through your mind, the information that comes to you, the solutions that show themselves to you. The trick is to learn how to affect the flow of information without being actively thinking in THETA. Those techniques are covered thorougly in the live Silva Ultramind ESP seminar.

I read someplace that by staying at alpha for 15 minutes is good. Why? Research showed that ALPHA is the best frequency for the body to be in, so the more you stay at ALPHA each day, the more you are assisting the body to fulfill its mission to be healthy. Look at it as an effective self-healing process. And of course, the more you stay in ALPHA, the more it becomes a part of your life, affecting whatever you do and people around you.

How can ESP help me in my relationships to other people? Jose Silvas mind training system has been described as A course in human sensitivity. When you are more sensitive to other people, you can respond better to them, building stronger and better relationships. It has been said that parenting is one of the most difficult job in the world. Parents need all the help they can get. In addition to information you detect with your physical senses, you can learn to project your mind so that you can learn what your children are thinking, what their dreams are, what frightens them, what decisions


they are contemplating. This will help you to fulfill your responsibility to guide them as they mature.

How can staying in ALPHA help me make better decisions? Jose Silvas research showed that people who make decisions in their ordinary awake state in BETA level are correct only 1 time out of 5. Those who use their intuition at the ALPHA level, are correct on 4 out of 5 times. Lets put another extreme perspective on this. You can just imagine the difference of trying to make a solid decision in a very stressful situation, compared to how much easier it would be to reaching the best decision being very calm and mindful.

Will the Silva Centering exercise boost my pshychic abilities? First, learn to calm your mind. Second, practice your meditation and your state of being in ALPHA or deeper levels. Third, become aware of what is already within you. There you will find your answers.


We hope this has helped you to understand the basics and fundamentals of the Silva Centering exercise and how to use it to help you achieve the goals you seek, using deep relaxation levels and the highly developed techniques based on Jose Silvas research. It is an honor to be a part of your path of discovery of your true abilites, your true self, your true inner kingdom. What lies ahead of you is truly an adventure, to reach further enlightenment, deeper discoveries and higher awareness is truly something that cannot be described in words. You are so unique, yet we are all connected. We go through life, meeting each other in one form or another, learning from each other and helping one another. We can all do great achievements in making this world a better place to live in, for our current life and the future for our children. Together we can truly expand balance and higher awareness all over the world, beginning in our own inner world. Now. You are becoming the one, the best you can be. The true you. Now. Every day, in every way, you are getting better, better, and better. You are in control. You can find the answers you seek. You can make the right choice. So choose.

May the rest of your life, be the best of your life - Jose Silva


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