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Sabitova Zaure FL-24

Head-phones - the device for personal listening of the sound of information. Complete with a microphone can serve head device means for negotiating by phone or other means of a voice communication.

The name "ear-phones" is a colloquial synonym of the term "headphones". The name "phone" (telephone, from greek. tele - afar, far, and phone - the sound) was applied for the first time by Philipp Reis in 1861. And in 1899 one of the first radio receivers was created by Popov, the fluctuations of sound frequency transformed from radio signals, according to the description, were listened through headphones. As receivers gathered not only in Russia and not only from the Russian accessories, calling ear-phones as "headphones" has arisen, most likely, at literal perusal of the English term headphones (English head - a head, phone - phone).

Using of head-phones

Types of head-phones

On a way of a signal transmission By quantity of channels As a design (kind) As fastening On a way of connection of a cable On a radiator design On resistance As connecting sockets

Kinds and styles of head-phones

The dangers connected with ear-phones

Long use of ear-phones on high loudness is fraught with partial loss of hearing and can even result to deafness.

Also there is a danger because of head-phones are pass an important sound signal, for example, at movement on the road, as drivers (therefore in many countries restrictions on use of ear-phones by drivers of motor transport), and pedestrians are entered that can become the reason of road and transport incident .

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