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DNA and Its Use: Practice Test

1. Matching ___RNA ___Nucleotide ___Mutation ___Ribosomes ___ o'alent bond ___")drogen bond ___ odon


A. Sugar, phosphate, and a nitrogen base B. arries in!o on DNA to the ribosomes, single stranded

C. "olds the phosphate and sugar bac#bone together D. $rganelle %here amino acids are &oined to !orm proteins E. A change in the nucleotide se(uence o! DNA F. A se(uence o! three nucleotides* codes !or one amino acid G. "olds the matching bases o! the t%o DNA strands together

2. +abel the !ollo%ing on the diagram belo%: RNA, Ribosome, Amino Acid and Protein

3. ,ill in the missing bases o! DNA and RNA: $riginal Strand o! DNA: omplementar) DNA to $riginal: RNA o! $riginal Strand o! DNA: Amino Acid hain: TA ______ ______ -TA ______ ______ -T ______ ______ A______ ______

./______ .0______ .1______ .2______

4. The DNA bases in a cell are 134 adenine5 6hat percent o! the bases %ould be c)tosine7 A5 034 85 934 5 134 D5 :34

5. 6h) do cells need to cop) DNA into RNA7 ;Use !ull sentences<=

6. 6h) do %e need DNA in our bodies7

75 6here is DNA !ound in a cell7 ;Use !ull sentences<=

8. +ist 0 di!!erences and 0 similarities bet%een DNA and RNA: Di!!erences >DNA? >RNA? >DNA? >RNA? Similarities DNA and RNA? DNA and RNA?

. +abel the !ollo%ing diagram o! DNA replication5 ;leading strand, lagging strand, DNA Pol)merase, "elicase=

1!5 DNA replication produces _______, transcription produces _______, and translation produces __________5 11. RNA contains %hich bases7 _________________ 125 DNA replication starts %ith one DNA molecule and results in t%o identical DNA molecules5 Dra% a picture to sho% %hat happens to the original t%o strands during replication5 8e sure to sho% the di!!erence ;use labels or t%o di!!erent colors, !or e@ample= bet%een the old and the ne% strands5

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