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4.1.3: Lesson Activities a) Describe one activity that is the main focus of the lesson plan.

Explain how that activity is designed to anticipate and address student learning needs. One activity that students participate in is using their own white boards to solve the problems. After modeling several problems, the students are required to work their own problems on their own boards. These students enjoy writing on the boards. This activity engages them and allows them to become a part of their own learning. Because the students are working their own problems, I am able to see how each student solves the problem step-by-step. This will allow me to see if there is an issue with how they are solving the problem. I will be able to identify and fix any problems that the students are having. b) Describe how you will monitor student learning during the course of the lesson. Because this lesson is done in a small group, it is easy to monitor student learning. The students are sitting right in front of me. We are able to have one-on-one conversations with one another. I am able to see how each student is working their problems on their white boards. Also, because the small group consists of only 6 students, it will be easy to tell if one student refrains from answering a problem for any reason. This gives me the opportunity to help that student, individually. c) What work samples will you require the students to submit as part of your assessment of student learning resulting from the lesson? (The work can be created either during or after the lesson.) How will these responses be integrated into the lesson plan? Provide a rationale for your choice of student work. I have created a posttest that consists of 5 questions for the students to answer. The students are required to work the problems two different ways. They will first expand the problems and work them out. They will then check their answers by drawing base ten rods. I will grade these tests using a 1-5 scale. The score that they will receive will be identical to the number of questions that they answered correctly. If the students miss a problem, I will pull them aside and have them work the problem for me. I will be able to identify any problems that need to be addressed this way. I created this post test to match the lesson content and the standard for this lesson.

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