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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh Your Excellencies Mr. Toto M.

M, as the principal of SMA 1 Kesatrian Semarang The honorable of juries, Dear m frien!s "ho participates in this speech contest, An! m lo#ing brothers an! sisters... In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful. All praises be to Allah SWT, the lord of the world, who has given us such deeply enjoyable, particularly faith and healthy comfort, hence, we could attend here in a good situation. Peace and Salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has taught us the cardinal principles of the unity of od, obliged us to confess it with the tongue and believe it in the heart. Ladies and Gentlemen,,, !ndeed, it is very great pleasure for me in this precious chance to deliver my speech to the most honorable audiences entitled" Looking for Science Dear brothers and sisters! #ur great prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, said" $the ac%uisition of &nowledge is a duty incumbent on every Muslims male and female'. According to the hadith above, we are obligated to see& &nowledge and science because science is very important to our life. With science, we can con%uer all creatures in the world, such as big mountains, giant trees, fierce animals and so on. We can collect various animals in the (oo, we can fly faster than all &inds of birds when we get on the airplane. )eason is the capital to loo& for science, the other creatures li&e animals, plants and things have no reason. Therefore, they are unable to loo& for science. Accordingly if we don*t utili(e our capital of reason to loo& for science as much as possible, it is very pity. Dear my friends! !f we have no science, we are just li&e the same as the other creatures even worse than they are. +ut if we have science, we will be the best creatures in the world. !t is impossible for us to get science without doing anything. To get science, we must study hard wherever and whenever we are. !f it is necessary please study abroad li&e in ,hina, Australia, America or the other foreign countries. And there is no limitation of time to study. #ur prophet has said also, $See& &nowledge from the cradle to the grave'. Ladies and Gentlemen, ! thin& it*s completely enough for me to this point. The wrong utterances are caused by limitation of my ability and the right one is merely from Allah SWT. So, ! beg your pardon, finally ! say,,, Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh...

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