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8NI*-*9- 19N*R-L- : :46K;:.S1 8NI*-*9- 19N*R-L- : III<%%4:%/$ 9=.0 1.Kotler, Philip, Nancy R. Lee.

Social Marketing: Influencing Behavior for !oo". Sage, #$$%

2. &onovan, Ro'ert (. )*he role for +arketing in pu'lic health change progra+ ., -u tralian
Revie. of Pu'lic -ffair 1$, nr. 1 /(uly #$110

3. 1heng, 2ong, Philip Kotler, Nancy R. Lee. Social +arketing for pu'lic health: glo'al tren" an"
ucce torie . Su"'ury, Ma achu ett : (one an" Bartlett Pu'li her , LL1, #$11 id=yLG97YQkwEQC pg=!"#9 lpg=!"#9 d$=%o&i'l()'rketi*g(+or(p,bli&(he'lth: (glob'l(tre*ds('*d(s,&&ess(stories so,r&e=bl ots=C--.Gs.k/p sig=2d,yehe/0p$w 123ksls+by456%7 hl=e* s'=8 ei=d33C9:/#3Y;L"985g&gE 5ed=<CEQQ."Ew =">5=o*ep'ge $=%o&i'l?2<)'rketi*g?2<+or?2<p,bli&?2<he'lth?3"?2<glob'l ?2<tre*ds?2<'*d?2<s,&&ess?2<stories +=+'lse @. 1u to+er (ourney Mapping a an -"vocacy *ool for &i a'le" People :

- 1a e Stu"y, -"a+ 1ro ier an" -li on 2an"for" Social Marketing 3uarterly #$1# 4. !rier, S. 5 Bryant, 1.-. /#$$40. Social +arketing in pu'lic health. -nnual Revie. of Pu'lic 2ealth
.. Plant, -., Montoya, (.-., Rot'latt, 2., Kern"t, P.R., Mall, K.L., Pappa .

L.!., Kent, 1.K., 5 Klau ner, (.&. /#$1$0. Stop the ore : *he +aking an" evaluation of a ucce ful ocial +arketing ca+paign. 2ealth Pro+otion Practice
7. ....tool ource 6

%. http:66....c"c.gov6health+arketing6

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