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How did you attract/address your audience?

We did much research into how other products within the media industry attract and address their target audiences. We noticed that every form of media we researched into, such as the news paper and magazine industry have a clear target audience. For example, Okay magazine clearly targets the younger adult female audience, and therefore every factor within the magazine is aimed at them, the advertisements, the pictures, the stories. This transfers over to our media product as it informs us that we must make every aspect suitable for our audience, starting with our main character, mainly her age. We have given our main character the age of 18, our target audience being females between 15 and 25, 18 being in the middle. Because of the age and of the character the audience can easily relate to her and take more of an interest in her.

However it is worth noting that during our media thriller opening our video antagonizes the male audience which, although they are not our target audience could give the video a bad reception. Yet there is also the chance that it will make the audience more eager to watch the rest of the video past the opening to see if the portrayal of men changes within the piece. We wished to experiment with the idea that our product that is aimed towards the female audience may be able to appeal to the male audience, and therefore using Facebook decided to get some feedback.

Props narrative roles

Scene 1: Protagonist: Annabel (Emily Robinson) Helper: Alice (Abigail Robinson) Antagonist : father (Caleb Rowe) By breaking the conventions of a thriller movie and having a female portraying the protagonist instead of the typical princess role they tend to fulfil in relation to props narrative roles we were able to attract a wide female audience that have an interest in the thriller genre that is largely male dominated. During the first scene we are expecting our target audience to feel sympathy for the younger characters situation, especially as the target audience is female, and females are stereotypically considered more emotional and caring.

Props narrative roles: Scene 2

Scene 2: Protagonist: Annabel (Sarah Hill) Antagonist: Alice (Lucy Hill) For our second scene both of our main characters/all the characters within the scene are female, making the characters relatable to our target audience, this is especially true as the characters are now a similar age to our target audience. I hope that this well help build a stronger emotional connection between our characters and audience.

Audience relation:
We wished for our audience to connect with out characters emotionally and therefore we have our protagonist, Annabel shown performing the everyday act of bathing. I believe this is important within a piece where the antagonist is a figment of the protagonists imagination and the piece has a supernatural theme as it gives the video a sense of reality and almost makes the audience fear that the situation that is happening to the protagonist may happen to them. We also show that the protagonist was once young and carefree, a time almost every body can relate to this, a time when nothing else mattered. It also gave us the chance to include a reason for Alices antagonistic behaviour, she feels betrayed by the one person, the only person who mattered to her. We believe this also to be something some members of our audience may be able to relate to, the feeling of betrayal, and may sympathize with our antagonist.

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