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November At-Home Activities Check off activities as you complete them. [Read a book together. Ask your child to retell the story. | DAsk your child to count pennies. Put the pennies in sels of five and ‘explain that five pennies are the same amount as one nickel. Ciskip around the yard with your child. (Some children find this difficult, Be patient and keep trying) [Read a book together. Ask your child to name the characters in the story. (CJHelp your child name objects and fools in the kitchen [Help your child practice kicking cabal. |Z Read a book together. Ask your child to tell you about his or her favorite part. [Have your child help fold the towels | in the laundry. Talk together about | the fee, smel, ond color of the |__ freshly washed towels. [take a “touching walk” Touch | objects with diferent textures— | tree bark, smooth leaves, etc, (FJRead a book together. Ask your child fo act out something that | happened in the story | C1 Play the “rhyming game.” Say two ‘words. Your child decides ifthe | words rhyme: “bell, tell” “Yes, they | thyme"; “bell, top ’No, they don’t | thyme.” | Play « boord game or a card | game together asa family

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