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Tt c u nghi ngh

1 V3
Gi nh khng c tht qu kh. SHOULD have V3: COULD have V3 : MUST have V3: WOULD have V3: L ra nn. L ra c th. Hn . L ra s.

Ex: She should have come to the party yesterday. Mus$ %buc phi& 4ou )ust do that 4ou mus$ no$ do that +h,ng 56c &7)' Have $o %phi& 0.) hungry ' have $o eat sth 4ou don($ have $o do that +h,ng c8n phi

Suy lun c c n c! " c# s" hi$n t%i. &Hn l'. )d* Mus$ +e , )d* Can($ +e , Ex: (e )uch *e rich Ex: (e )uch *e a teach Hn l ang lm g Ex: (e can.t *e rich. Ex: (e can.t *e a teach.

+h,ng th-.

)l/ead01 2ecen$l0# V3 %M4& Have 2ecen$l0 V3 # HTHT !"# /. 0 ha1e recently 2 3ary to the party. a. ak! ". ##k c.Taken $.Ha%! tak!n /

Tt c u nghi ngh 9. 0 recently 2 3ary to the party. a. ak! CT -h5n m6nh# b.Took c. ak!n $.Ha%! tak!n

Should +e ea$.ng7 Should +e ht s? nn. W.ll +e ht s? s.

&s %'i# " (ng.

Should +e V3 W.ll +e V3

/.That door should *e 2. *e:ore lea1ing. a.)*#s! b.Closed c.)*#sing $. # c*#s!. 9.4ou should *e 2. That door *e:ore lea1ing. a.)*#s! ".)*#s!$ c.Closing $. # c*#s!

3 Th
/. HTD7 -


<i=n t )>t ch?n l@A )>t sB tht hi-n nhiCn. <i=n t )>t thi DuenA )>t hEnh >ng th5ng xuyCn xy ra " hi$n t%i. L8u 9# h+ :es; %,# cc (ng t- tn o1 s1 "1 ch1 sh &/c sn 0,# h,nh' 12t!n3 usua**43 2r!qu!nt*4 : Th5ng &#+!ti+!s3 #ccasi#na**4: ThGnh thong 5*6a4s3 c#nstant*4: Fu,n lu,n &!*$#+3 rar!*4 : (iH) Ihi

Every $a47 6!!k7 +#nth7 4!ar 2 : 3Ji ngEy; tu8n; thKng; n )2 37 HTTD7 <e ,

7Kch dLng# 8ang $i9n ra nga4 *:c ni. <u hi$u: ;#63 right n#63 at th! +#+!nt3 at <r!s!nt. L8u 9# +, dLng HTTD 1Mi Vnh=n $h>c $/. g.?c: # "!3 s!!3 h!ar3 un$!rstan$3 kn#63 *ik!3 6ant3 g*anc!3 Feel3 think3 s+!**3 *#%!3 hat!3 r!a*i=!3 s!!+3 r!+!+"!r3 2#rg!t2NMi cKc >ng tO nEy ta dLng HTD. P. HTHT7 Have@Has , V3 A :OV!2; Q Ror Q Since &Dua' !"# Sur li1es ha1e *een co)puteriTed OV!2 the past /U years.

>-a +'i 04 ra. 9

Tt c u nghi ngh Ex: 0 ha1e *us$ seen )y sitter in the parI. She :inished her ho)eVorI /ecen$l0. L@< i *@< *Ai nhiBu *Cn. Ex: <aisy has read that no1el seve/al $.mes. &ThreeA :or'

DEt Cu qu kh3 kF# $,i Gn hiHn tAi %, c kh nIng tiG< tJc tKLng *ai. Ex: 3ary has li1ed in this house Bo/ ten year. They ha1e studied English s.nce /WWU.

Mhng "iGt rN3 h#@c khng +uOn B c< thPi gian chQnh 0c. Rust3 r!c!nt*43 *at!*4: X8n ?yA 1Oa )Mi ;!%!r : 7h5a *ao gi T!t U#r : 7h5a : Trong &kh#ng thPi gian' S%!r: 5*r!a$4: &inc!: OV!2: 7ho Hn *?y gi. YZ tOng. [\i TO Ihi & hPi i+'.

D5u h.Cu#

&#2ar V Wnti* n#6 V W< t# n#6 V W< t# th! <r!s!nt D7 HTHTTD7 !"# Have@Has , <een ,

0 ha1e *een studying English :or ] year *ut 0 ha1en.t spoIen English Vill yet.

^hn )%nh: T_nh l.En $Fc c`a hEnh >ng a $hG. Ex: <eBo/e 0 Vent to *edA 0 had taIen a *ath. &"!2#r! XMY3 XMH ' JKHT1 <eBo/e , JKD )B$e/ &;gK[c *Ai'

ChH 9#
Ex: S.nce ' Ias 0oung7

HTHT , S.nce , JKD

3r S)ith &teach' at this school s.nce he graduate in /WbU. &H H sinc! XMY' Dn nhZng +Hnh B c cha $hG. When, Until, As soon as / *Cn TLA thc *Cn cdn l%i HT ee.ll go out Ihen the rain &stop': 0 &stay' here un$.l he &ansVer' )e: N/ N/ N/ ! M chia T"# chia $T#

0 &send' you so)e postcards as soon as 0 &arri1e' in Fondon: ]. JKD7

V3;Ved f :TOD)L;

Tt c u nghi ngh 7Kch dLng: gy ra trong DuK Ih!A ch) d!t r\iA 1E *iHt rh thMi gian D5u h.Cu# Last 6!!k7 *ast +#nth7 *ast 4!ar2.&Tu8nA thKngA n ) tr5Mc2'A ag# &cKch ?y' T!st!r$a4 &h,) Dua'A this +#rning3 TOD)L. !": M7 JKTD7 0 o:ten go to school *y *usA *ut $oda0 0 Vent to school *y car. Was@We/e ,

7Kch dLng: (Enh >ng ang xy ra 1Eo )>t $hG. .Nm " DuK Ih!. !": O7 JKHT7 0 Ias )y ho)eVorI at i p.) las$ Sunda0. Had , V3

7Kch dLng: Tr5Mc )>t thi gian DuK Ih! hojc tr5Mc )>t hEnh >ng DuK Ih! IhKc. !": ee had li1ed in (uH +eBo/e /Wk]. Had , <een ,

P7 JKHTTD7 !": -

le:ore 0 Vent to *edA 0 had *een taIing a *ath Qo/ 3 hou/s T_nh l.En $Fc c`a hEnh >ng a ThG. \Mh#ng thPi gian] W.ll@ Shall , V%+ase S 'nB.7&

^hn )%nh: <u hi$u: R7 TLD7

7Kch dLng: m IiHnA / li h!aA / DuyHt nnh t!c thcA 1 lG. nT. $/Uc $.VW. &#+!$a4: / ngEy nEo #+#rr#6: ^gEy )ai

;!0t 6!!k7 +#nth7 2 !"# 1X7 TLTD7 0 thinI Fi1erpool I.ll I.n. W.ll , <e ,

&##n^ 7hong *ao l?u npa

SY ang xy ra 1Eo / $hG. .Nm " t5#ng lai. !"# //. TLHT7 (e Vill *e doing research at this ti)e to)orroV. W.ll , Have@Has , V3 A q<L TH! T'M! f Tr5Mc thi gianr

Ss hoEn tt tr5Mc / thi i-) " t5#ng lai. Ss hoEn tt tr5Mc )>t hEnh >ng IhKc " t5#ng lai. !"# <0 $he $.me you are co)e *acI ho)eA 0 Vill ha1e :inished )y ho)eVorI t

Tt c u nghi ngh !": 0 oB$en go to school. 0 I.ll oB$en go to school. L8u 9: %)DV& jt tr5Mc VthKPng 1E sau V@c "iHt When 0 &arri1e' at this houseA he still &sleep'. &%as7 sti**' The light &go' out Ih.le Ve &ha1e' dinner. / *Cn TDA thc *Cn cdn l%i JKD 137 TLHTTD7 !"# W.ll , Had , <een ,

<0 $he $.me you co)e *acI ho)eA 0 Vill ha1e *een studying Qo/ 3 hou/s. &nh_n +Anh'

137 TLZ# <e $o , V%+a/eA.nB7& &&t d' ()nh s*p t+i'. )m1 .s1 a/e u &&E< s`a'

3 V1 S To V1 S V.ng7
17 V17 !"# 3y )other )aIes )e clean the house. Gi:< HelW Du(c Ma[e u O , V1 8 Le$ ai *,+ gcd Th.# HelW e"Wla.n: Th.# L,+ ch# ai. )d* Ma[e , O , V3@ed !": 0t is not 1ery easy to ,ake her 2 once she gets upset. a%tb a.wlease ^Cn. Th_ch lE) 1i$c nEy h#n 1i$c Iia. Would /a$he/ , V1 , Than , V1 Ex: 0 Vould rather stay at ho)e $han go to the )o1ie. \/eBe/ , , To , ] *.wleasing c.wleased s.wleasure H!L\ , V1 Xivp gii th_ch.

Had +e$$e/ , V1

Tt c u nghi ngh &s %'i^ Ex: 0 pre:er staying at ho)e $o going to the )o1ie. Can1 Ma01 Mus$] , V1 Have , -g8G. , V1 Have , V=$ , V3@ed %"4 1&

Sau cKc (ng t- (.c bi/t: C0ng th1c nh2 v. ^h ai lE) gc. &" (ng' !"# 0 ha1e 3ary clean.

0 ha1e )y hose cleaned *y 3ary. &s %'i# Ze$ , -g8G. u To V1 Ze$ , V=$ , V3@ed %"4 1&

37 To V17 !"# 3y :ather ad1ises )e $o s$ud0 English x Mhu4n "# e B ngh y ... ai *,+ gcd

)s[1 Tell1 2e^ues$1 ) ] , O , $o V1 !"# 0t is easy $o s$ud0 English <e , ad* , $o V1 Th.# Th.# "3 (4! 5*p s6a! <e , $o V1 <e a+ou$ $o V1

37 V.ng7 Sau giMi tO: Sau liCn tO: 5$+it^ D!gin^ ThOa nhn lzt 8u On1 'n1 )$] u )B$e/1 When1 Wh.le] , 5%#i$^ )#nsi$!r^ Y!n4^ Uinish!$^ hin$^ TrKnh ge) x{t TO ch}i (oEn tt whin toKi Appreciate^ Snf#4^ 7) I_ch Th_ch

#elay 7 8ostpone# Tr| hoZn Ssca<!^ ThoKt Ih~i &ention! Y cp

g!ca** V g!c#**!ct#X6i nhM 8ractise! g!<#rt^ Fuy$n tp lKo cKo i

Tt c u nghi ngh 8re9er^ g!s!nt^ Th_ch h#n lBc t!c hiss^ g!sist^ TiHp tc l~ l 7h}ng l%i 5uggest! Xuit^ gisk^ +huyCn *o. ThoKt Fiu lnh

g!su+! V )#ntinu! V :eep^ Juen v_. v.Cc g

<e )ccus$omed To f <e Qam.l.a/ I.$h f <e use $o f Ze$ use $o , gV.ngh && %'i: YZ tOng. Used $o , V1 Tr,ng )ong. Loo[ Bo/Ia/d $o , +h,ng th- nhnn 56c. Can($ s$and f Can($ helW f Can($ +ea/ , gV.ngh !"# 0 can.t stand Vhene1er 0 see hi) Can($ Bace , '$(s no use , '$(s Io/$h f <e dese/ved , gV.ngh Qeel l.[e , <e +us0 , Have $/ou+le , +h,ng th- }i )jt. 7hong _ch gc YKng - lE) gc 3u}n lE) gc

<=n lm g Z`W /ac /b. [h. lm g Z`W [hT [hcn [h. lm g

Have d.BB.cul$0 f Have a d.BB.cul$ $.me , gV.ngh !"# 3y ho)e needs V=$ , -eed ,

&b) (ng' T/d. ^ua +ao leu N lm g l%n lE) #n. l%n c )u}n. l%n c c) phin.

SWend , 1 [hodng $hG. , Would you Wlease , V1 Would you l.[e , To V1 Would you m.nd , k

Tt c u nghi ngh Mi$ sb ing $j cT [h. . sau To V1 k To V1 S$oW , To V1 T/0 , To V1 L.[e , ChH 9# ;h' 2emem+e/ Xun Qo/ge/$ iGc 2ege/$ Ex# To V1 , ;i/c ch<a =y ra ho.c > nhi/, v? phi l3,. > vi/c =y ra trong @uA kh1. B h_4 trAng ttr#ng qu kh3 h,nh (ng rN r,ngC Y-ng *Ai *,+ gcd Y-ng hng %iHc ang *,+ )O gEng h` huOn *,+ gc anht thib i s thQch *ju $,i Ex: Ex: Ex: Ex: Ex: Ex: 0 stop $o ea$ sth 0 stop smo[.ng 0 try $o Wass the exa) 0 try smo[.ng 0 hungryA 0 liIe $o ea$ sth 0 liIe Ia$ T1

[e)e)*er to loo[ the door. 0 re)e)*er loo[.ng the door yesterday.

ling $j nh=n $h>c $/. g.?c# Loo[1 See Qeel , Hea/1 Ia$ch Ex: 0 saV her come in 7an you s)ell sth +u/ &ang ch4' )lloI1 \e/m.$ 2ecommend Sugges$1 ) O , To V1 , [o O , Ex: 3y :ather suggest s$ English Ex: 3y :ather suggest me to study English O , V1 O , Th50 toEn *> hEnh >ng.&DE ho3n tFt' Th50 / ph8n hEnh >ng.&Dang =y ra'

i phi )t *ao l?u - lE) gc '$ $a[es , O , 1 [hodng $hG. , To V1

The 0ea/ f The Lea/ $o Come#

;I+ t'i & hc T<Gng lai Will..'

O So S?nh A MLH RP
SS +mng7 !"# )s , ad*@ adv @ - , )s 0 ha1e as )any :riends as you. b

Tt c u nghi ngh 0 ha1e as )uch )oney as you. Much , -# k G+ K[c Man0 , -# G+ K[c SS hnn A Than7 :Ae/; 3 c?.7

+hi / t_nh tO c 9 ?) tiHt nh5ng tn cLng *ng / ph ?) , 0A i 0 thEnh . 1E thC) Se/ !"# (appy (app.e/ )d* &ngEn' u e/ Mo/e u )d* &$,i' Fess u d u Than

Much@ Qa/ @ TI.ce# ^hn )%nh: 8kng trK'c hcnh thc s# snh. !"# TI.ce as large as f L'n g_< l *Cn To) is 2 taller $han peter. &huch7 Uar' 3ary is 2 Mo/e@ Less *eauti:ul ther SuSu. &huch7 Uar'

SS cng cng7 :e/; The mo/e , )d* &$,i' !"#

The ] The

The hotter it isA $he )ore )isera*le 0 :eel

SS nh5$ A The7 :Aes$; T- H cAi trI lJn. )d* %ngEn& , es$ The , Mos$@ Leas$ , )d* %$,i& D.t v3o khong =Ac ()nh phi cK :The;7 Ex: ohn 0 $he tallest *oy in the :a)ily. 3ary is $he shortest o: the three sisters. L9 the Three studentA To) is 2 &Trong H cAi 55 nhFt' a. a**!r ". a**!st c. h! ta**!r $.The tallest

L9 the T%o studentA To) is 2 &Trong M cAi 55 hGn' a. a**!r ". a**!st c.The taller $. h! ta**!st

<e$Ieen $hem To) is the taller. &Trong M cAi 55 hGn' ;g#Ai *H^ Zood@ Iell lad; *adly &s hLn Nbetter m6#rs! &s nh_t mbest The +es$ O m6#rs4 W

Tt c u nghi ngh Man0@ much Fittle N,ore m*!ss m,ost The Mos$ O *#ng )d* m*!ast )$ leas$# Qt nh_t

R Vo $/p -1 )d*1 )dv

- S -oun7 Sau: Sau: Sau: )1 an1 $he1 $h.s1 $ha$1 $hese1 $hose7 M01 0ou/1 h.s1 he/1 )nn(S] & Qnh t- s hZu n &o hZu cch' TO chG s} l56ng: Man01 Some1 )n0 ] :ru $.En sa+le;

)Dq S Tpnh Tj7 -

Sau >ng tO To <e# <!# am1 .s1 a/e1 Ias1 Ie/e Ex: She is +eau$.Bul7 Tr5Mc: Ex: This is .n$e/s$.ng *ooI.

Sau tO nhn th!cA tri giKc: "ook, Qeel, see,, s,ell, taste, Q.nd, sound Sau: -thingA -*odyA -onceA -Vhere Sau: S$a01 2ema.n1 <ecome. S$a0ssss a7Calm *.7a)ly Ex: So)ething n.ceA So)eVhere neI. Ex: < mo/e Q/e^uen$ %ad*& 2ema.nssss a7Ju.e$ *.uietly <ecomessss a7)ng/0 *.ngryly


0 B.nd this excise di:icult. Q.nd , O , )d* B)hp %tC QOU-D# Qound , O &ad*' )7 0ntersted &;gKPib Ex: 0 Bound your talI 1ery 2 &ad* S 1t'. a.0nterested *.0nterest d.0nterestingly &>t'

)DV S T/6ng Tj7 Y!ng 8u c?u tr5Mc du phy &A' hojc cu}i c?u. Ex: FucIylyA he passed the exa) Ex: Chec[ &adv' &[c.9 f /U.9k' /U

l ngha cho >ng tO &N'.

Tt c u nghi ngh Ex: She drivers ca/eBull0; She ca/eBull0 drivers her car.

l ngh cho t_nh tOA !ng tr5Mc t_nh tO B)DqC7 Ex: She is e"$/emel0 *eauti:ul. &)?c kq r<'

l ngha cho tr%ng tOA !ng tr5Mc tr%ng tO )E n * ngha %)DV&. Ex: She dri1ers e"$/emel0 care:ully. &)?c kq cCn thn' f Ve/0: g_t; 's Duitess a7<eau$.Bul *.leauti:ully \/e$$0: Mh SWea[ 1eryssadv a.[ude +72udel0

Ju.$e: Mhi;

Tell Duitessad* a7)d* *.d1


)/e Duite# x{t :a/e; f to *e. Sau # "! lE &ad*'

Who1 Whom 1 k Whose7 Who# Whom# Whose# !"# FE) ch` ngpA t?n ngp Y!ng sau tO chG ng5i lE) t?n ngp 7hG 1t 7hG sB s" hpuA !ng sau danh $j - &-' chG ng5i hojc 1t h!s! $a4s3 s gu!ss n#"#$4 6#u*$ "! acquaint!$ 6ith a We/son 2 identity7 a.eho Tha$7 7hG -g8G. 1 v=$. 7 th- thay thH cho Iho1 Ihom1 Tha$ Ih,ng !ng sau qD5u Wht0;A %1& 1E qZ._. $j;. Tha$ sau %i tO: !ve/0$h.ng1 some$h.ng1 an0$ )ll1 l.$$le1 much1 none 1E sau d%ng SS nh5$. When k Whe/e7 When# )$ T.mes# !"# The c.$0 Vhere: f )$ GiP On ;g,4 'n ;I+3 thng3 +.a3 "uui h_4 thPi gian nh :)$; Whe/e f 'n &Trong' // *.eho.s c.That d.Whose %'den$.$0--' )hp s? s hZu chtn Whose&

Tt c u nghi ngh The land on Vhich: Wh07 The /eason Why: Lv $# tAi sa# &Why *un ng sau h! g!as#n' Wh0 f Qo/ Whe/e f On &TrCn'

D5u %1& $/ong mCnh u ^uan hC7 !"# To) gets *ad )arIs at study1 )aIes his :ater sad. * ngha cho c )$nh nCn phi dLng du phy %1& PQRQ TS B \2!\C trong ,/nh (T @uan h/: &)hp %tb Z._. $j# !"# , Whom a)hp ngKPib The )an To Whom 3arry is talIing is To) The ship Q/om 0 got )y cat is s)ell V=$# a.ehose W.$hou$# %W/eW& , O %tvc tO& Z._. $j# , LbUect n TVc t-# h!3 4#u3 hi+3 h!r3 it3 us3 th!+3 tn ring. M c s? ch# <hF<3 thQch h[< Without, Unless 8er,ission, 'den$$.on# OB *.That d.eho) M3 M c

Z._. $j# MLH 11OA13X# At, in, on, by, to, into, out o9, %ith, under 2 Ln the street# trCn 5ng dLng On Unde/# Y56c dLng chG sB 1i$c trong )>t tcnh tr%ng nEo !"# Unde/ , The *uilding is constructed. is unde/ construction.

1X l6. Tj k Tpnh Tj
/. O$he/ k )no$he/7 WO$he/ S$uden$S N t_t c O$he/ Bu nhKPng :s; ch# :-;.X

The o$he/ &s} _t': 7Ki Iia &)i cwn *Ai tr#ng l ci' !": There are 9 chairsA one is redA the other is *lue. &QThe other chair' /9

Tt c u nghi ngh The o$he/S &s} nhiu': ^hpng cKi Iia &;hZng ci cwn *Ai tr#ng i sO *K[ng nhiBu hLn l' !": There are 9U studentsA one is :atA the other are thin. &fThe o$he/ s$uden$s' )no$he/: / cKi IhKc &Mhng nk+ tr#ng sO *K[ng n,#' !": 0 ha1e eaten )y caIeA gi1e )e another. &Q)no$he/ ca[e' O$he/s: ^hpng cKi IhKc &Mhng nk+ tr#ng sO *K[ng n,#' !": So)e student liIe sportA other don.t. &QO$he/ s$uden$s' Th.# a.1th!rs ' $emS ".5n#th!r c. h! #th!rs $.Lther

l6. $j sv hwu: +, !ng tr5Mc &-&A n thay thH cho q&)d*' s" hpu u &-&; hin!3 His3 1urs3 h!irs3 T#urs3 H!rs3 sts. l>ng 1 mnh. &1d: He/s7' (erS cat: &ai3 c_+ :s; He/ ca$.

l6. $j Whdn $hen# <0 hersel:A Qo/ $hemselves: ssselB1 ssselves: &S1 O chG cLng )>t ng5i ' S O %$Hc $j& He H.mselB ;#t h.m !"# The Ve*site sponsored *y the city )onitoring co))ittee Vill help Lou protect 2 againt internet threats. a.T#urs l6. $j +5$ onh7 Some: Some+od01 someone &ai 'A some$ &ci gc ' <Lng trong: 7?u Ihong nnhA lG. mG. hay 0Eu cxu !": Would 0ou l.[e some$ to drinI. Would 0ou l.[e Somess )n0: )n0+od01 an0one &"_t c ai'A an0$ &"_t c ci gc' <Lng trong: 7?u ph` nnhA c?u nghi 1n a 3$nh 'Q % )n0& -o# -o+od01 no one1 no$ &Mhng ai3 khng ci gc2'. -o , Tj "?c onh >ng $/8_c7 Some oB@ mos$ oB@ none oB2u $he1 $h.s1 $ha$1 $hese1 $hose1 m01 h.s1 )nn(S 777 Some oB@ none oB; 2 u us@ 0ou@ $hem !"# 3ost oB the student this class liIe sport. &c :The; +'i c oB - Mos$ oB $he' /P ".T#ur c.Yoursel9 $.T#ur #6n &bZn bo v/ ch[nh bZn'

Tt c u nghi ngh 3ost &#2' students liIe sport. &k# c oB' !.$he/1 ne.$he/1 +o$h: 7hG 9 1i$c )n01 none1 all: (#n 9 1i$c Much1 l.$$le: - I, H) 56c Man01 BeI: - H) 56c ) lo$ oB1 los$ oB1 Wlen$0 oB: <Lng cho c 9 Much1 Man0: <Lng c?u nghi 1nA ph` nnh ) lo$ oB: <Lng c?u Ihong nnh L.$$le1 BeI: (8u nh5 Ih,ng c ) l.$$le1 a BeI: 7 / chvtA c / 1Ei.

11 'Q
/. Lo6.7 'Q# xc nh $?a %,# i tr#ng l +Hnh B. Lo6. 1: 7 tht hi$n t%i hojc t5#ng lai. V1@s@es1 W.ll@ Can ] V1 Lo6. 3: +, c tht " hi$n t%i. V3@Ie/e1 W.ll@ Could ] V1 Lo6. 3: +, c tht " DuK Ih! Had V31 Would@Could ] Have V3 O$he/ f O/ else f O/# Unless f 'B]-o$# !"# Dkng k

;Gu khng aUnless tha4 K[c ch# Q9b

Xet up earlyA other%ise you %ill *e late. &hu Du - [c.9 a k.U9' Unless you get up earlyA you %ill *e late. & nlessA Vill i 9 1H 9 )$nh ' Q 'B you don($ get upA O$he/ f O/ else f O/ As soon as W.ll@Iould@ Can@could@$ Unless f 'B ] -o$ &nk+ i %G ' &nk+ l %G '


(e Iouldn($ say anything 2 directly asIed a DuestionA he Vas a )an o: :eV Vords. a.&inc! ".Lther%ise c.Lr eles $.Unless

!": ^eVer *ranches can *e opened VorldVide 2Ve can properly translate our )arIeting goals. /t

Tt c u nghi ngh a.As soon as ".gight 6a4 c.yr#+<t*4 $.sn ti+! 2#r 9. ldo ngw7 'Q <Lng 5hould, Were, $ad. Lo6. 1: 0t 3ary studies hardA she Vill pass the exa) Should 3ary s$ud02 Lo6. 3: 0: today Ie/e SundayA 0 Vould go sVing We/e Today Sunday Lo6. 3: 0: he had s$ud.ed hard last year (ad he studied 2. 7ould ha1e passed the exa). !": /.3ary s$ud0 hardA she Vill pass a.s2 ".z!r! c.5hould $.Ha$

373ary studies hardA she Vould ha1e passed. a.s2 P. W.sh7 Lo6. 1# Lo6. 3# Lo6. 3# ".z!r! c.&h#u*$ $.$ad

xc nh $?a %,# trAng t- chp thPi gian. Mc " t5#ng lai Would@could , V+a/eA.nB Mc " hi$n t%i & Q hHnh B "n <hi s2 loZi M' V3@Ie/e Mc " DuK Ih! & Q hHnh B "n <hi s2 loZi H' Had V3

D7 CFm Tj7 lN: To S V%+a/eA.nB7& g 'n o/de/ To f So as To h , gV%+a/eA.nB& h g SO TH)T f 'n o/de/ $ha$ h , gW.ll@Iould@ Can@could@$h !"# So $ha$ she can Too gad*1 advh# Xu e k th Too ] To V1

gad*1 advh !nough ] g-h# Y` 2 - c th-. !nough ] To V1 SO %ad*1 adv 1 n& Tha$# Xu e Gn n{i SO ] TH)T /]

Tt c u nghi ngh Such ] Tha$# Xu e Gn n{i. Such , a@an , ad* , !": Such a ho$ da07 Such a h.ghA^ual.$07 Di %c3 >c# g <ecause oB f DU! TO f Than[s To f $o h , g-h <ecause@ S.nce@ )s , gS , Vh Due To# %prep& angh|a tiu c?c' !"# Than[s To# &ngh|a tQch c?c' Such a mess $ha$7

2 i)pro1e)ents )ade *y our ser1ice expertsA Ve ha1e *een a*le to a.Thanks to ".D!caus! c.;#6 that $.sn cas! #2


wro:its :ell *y 9U percent 2 the closure o: one o: the co)pany.s )ain *ranches a.#ue to ".D!caus! c.U#r $.yast

h@c $.3 Y.# 'n sW.$e OB Q DesW.$e# &yr!<' &chv @ OB' g Qn spite L9 7 #espite _ O `a_ )l$hough@ $hough@ even $hough , gS , Vh DesW.$e , )l$hough 0 didn.t InoV any*ody2 &chu4n t- )l$hough DesW.$e Q 3 c?ch' /. DesW.$e the 9act that 0 didn.t InoV2 &thC) 1Eo The 9act that ' 9. DesW.$e not kno%ing 2 &chu4n %B ;ing3 cju <h} nh Ka -o$ *n Cu' DesW.$e the 9act that f )l$hough f Though f ) $ha$ f !ven $hough: h@c $.3 $. y7 Chz $j v ling $j7

VA sb p$7 !ach1 !ve/0 , V &sO Qt' TrO !ve/0 WeoWle , Va sO nhiBub !ve/01 )n0 u &<od01 $h.ng1 one' , V asO Qtb <anh tO ()a (i4,, ,0n h\c, tJn ,Kn ]n, @u^c gia, tJn riJng phi s} nhiuA lu,n chia " s} _t. Sb Vm# Thi gianA tin *%cA Ihong cKch chia " s} _t. /i ln th?n c :s(( ch! Ih,ng

Tt c u nghi ngh !"# Sorry this is taIing so long. 7an you Vait :or 2 ten ,inutess a.1th!r ChH 9: ".5n #th!r c.Another $.U!6

Tha$ you get 1ery high grades in school is necessary he said; )aIes her cry. a. Wha$ *. Tha$ u > cju chKa h#,n chpnh acbu ng*nb u > cju h#,n chpnh n &gS,Vh c cbu d3i'


0s this 2 you ha1e *een looIing :or. &This u ^' a.zhich b.What c.H#6 $.zh4

Considering Wha$ f 2ev.eI Wha$# x!+ 0Ft ci gc. DiGn i cju th,nh &-' th+ Wha$ h#@c Tha$ Sb p$ nh5ng ng @ " sb nh.uu: r)yA policeA peopleA go1ern)entA tea)2 Sb nh.uu nh5ng ng sb p$: 3eansA )easlesA neVsA physics2

V A sb p$ ho`c sb nh.uu7 !.$he/ o/1 -.e$he/ no/1 -o$ onl0 +u$ also# 7hia theo &^' 5At bJn nK. The num+e/ oB# S} _t ) num+e/ oB# S} nhiu OB1 )long I.$h f Toge$he/ I.$h1 as Iell as! 7hia theo tO !ng tr5Mc gi+i t-. !": +o" o: cigarettes con$a.ns 9U pipes. & chia th!# i h(< thuOc *' 3y s.s$e/1 along %ith )y parents .s here. Tj ch{ sb l8|ng: 5**3 s#+!3 n#n!3 <*!nt43 ha*23 +#st3 th! r!st3 a *#t3 *#ts: +h,ng Duan t?) !": h#st #2 the s$uden$s in this class a/e pat h#st #2 this land .s )ine. Sb l8|ng7 -um+e/: G+ K[c )moun$: k# G+ K[c large 2 o: seIage Vas du)ped into the ri1er a.L#t M7 Ceu <o ling7 ling $j +o ing7 7h` >ng (T< 1E +<: <! , V3 easA eere u NP /k ".;u+"!r c.A,ount $.y*!nt4


Tt c u nghi ngh 7h` >ng (TT<A +T<: easA eere u < u NP

7h` >ng (T(TA +(T: (a1eA (asA (ad u <een u NP 7h` >ng: Can1 ma01 mus$1 I.ll1 shall1 have $o1 used $o2 d) (ng! Can O <e , V3

Chz ngw chz ing <0 , Ten ngw +o ing7 h!3 4#u3 hi+3 th!+3 <!#<*!3 s#+!#n!A2th5ng 56c *~ trong c?u *n >ng. ;Gu &O' tr#ng cju " (ng chp s? %t3 s? %iHc thc $.ng gi+i t-! W'TH thay <L trK'c tjn ngZ. Th.# +0 a. -ing Th.# I.$h :Aed; & rK'c +01 I.$h l, Aed' *. -ed

<0 & ssselB1 ssselves ' *. (i) *. H.mselB


P. E1ery*ody 2 I.$h the result o: the )eeting. a.zas satis24 ".zas t# satis24 c.&atis2i!$ d.zas satis2ied

/t. The picturesA 2 by a pro:essional photographerA ar! g#ing t# *e on display a.Taken ".zhich tak!n c.z!r! tak!n $.zas tak!n &[vt gn 3Y( *n >ng ' $a[en thiGu (ng t- # D!: ling $j g.?c ^uan7 - a/e $a[en

Feel, 5ee, %atch, hear, look, taste2.. <o ing: V1 !": She 6as s!! $o come in The lorry 6as s!!n / doVn the hill To V1

Th.# !":

Z.wa 3 ing $j $/ong ceu +o ing nb. +mng :To V1; 3ary is )ade to clean. %<e , V3 S To V1&

17)u".la/0 Ve/+
Would Lou l.[e: Thy 2Lou l.[e Knh Would. !": P. (e asIed herA q2. 0ou l.[e so)e )ore co::eer a.zi** ".Would c.&ha** $.Y# /b

Tt c u nghi ngh !"# M!!< that $##r closed 7 +o ing# KeeW 0ou uW A $o A da$e7 UWda$ed f UW A $o A da$e %ad*& +eep: &1' [eeW@ [eW$@ [eW$ KeeW ou$ oB $he /each# KeeW uW W.$h: &1' Ta[e s* To sVh# 'mmed.a$el0 Q 'ns$an$l0: &ad1' 7onsult: &1' Ta[e $he $.me# !": Y,nh thPi gian rnh 0a tC+ ta4 DEt k< Y~n ai i ju ^gay lp t!c. T5 1n Xip l%i. KeeW , O , V3

9. Take $he $.me to :ully prepare yoursel: :or inter1ieV 2 &^' a.&ucc!!$ b.5uccess c.&ucc!!$ing $.&ucc!ssi#n

h,nh cng khng $.ng 5uccession. Success# %n& SuccessBul .n f Succeed .n# \/oduc$.v.$0: &n' Sus$ \/oduc$.v.$0# wroduct: &n' Ou$ wroducts: &ad' wroduce: &n' Qo/m# &n' 2eBo/m# &v' !conom.c 2eBo/m# Q.ll ou$ Qo/m# Q.ll ou$# &v' pplication# &n' [esu){: &n' 2ec/u.$ f Wan$ed# &v' 2ec/u.$ Sta::# u4n $Jng nhjn %in /W h,nh cng %B ;Ing su_t ;Ing su_t un nh Sn ph) &n <h+ 0u_t ra a&< 0u_t kh#b ^,ng sn <%ngA )u &#n'A phiHu &? ci cch3 ci tiGn3 *,+ *Ai )i cch kinh tG. 8iBn %,# Ln 0in %iHc. Yin 1Eo gin 1i$cA ng dng . S# yHu l@ lnch Tuy-n dng ThEnh c,ng

Tt c u nghi ngh Su+m.$ f Q.le: &1' Su+m.$ 2 sur1ey 2esul$s: ^>p >ui *wng n(< kGt qu kh# st.

qo+ Vacanc0 f !mWlo0men$ )Cn ngKPi3 ct4 cCn tu4n $Jng. Nacancy: &n' Th.# qo+ a.7hance: Y< &i 3' Spportune: &ad' Th.# )WWl0 Bo/# )WWl0 $o# ;(< %,# ju ;(< ch# aiA ep d?ng *.OWWo/$un.$0# )L h(i nghB nghiH< Th_ch h6p 7hJ tr}ng

OBBe/ does no$ A88"Y TL Ia$e/colo/s# &? cung c_< n,4 khng Ap d?ng ch# +,u nK'c. OBBe/ doesn($ )WWl0 To@ \enc.l@# &? cung c_< n,4 k < $Jng ch# bGi li, bVt chf. Th.# Se/ve as , Nn tr_A ngh nghi$p Wo/[ as !"# Ser1e: &1' Th.# Tell He/ Sa0 $o He/ /]. ehat dis he22..he/ to do this )orning. a.&a4 ".&<!ak c.Tell $.Xu!sti#n n $Jng3 tn *[i. &E< 0G< cu(c hrn. Du nhiH+ )hQnh thc "u nhiH+ )u(c hrn Tht 1ng )+ th_4 th_t %tng g_t th_t %tng Mhu4n "#3 B ngh 0 VorI as a secretary in this co)pany whc 1.


Take Advantage OB# Ma[e )WWo.n$men$# ppoint: &1' Qo/mall0 )WWo.n$ed %v&# ppoint)ent: &n'

<isappointed: &n' Reeling d.saWWo.n$ed# Ve/0 d.saWWo.n$ed#

2ecommend f Sugges$ f ) %v&

)dv.ce# &n' Mhu4n "# 9U

Tt c u nghi ngh Doc$o/ )dv.ce# [ecords: %v1 n& 7ontact: &1A n' Th.# 'n add.$.on $o: &Lin t-' h+ %,# LPi khu4n "c s &;]n phgng bAc sh' Tjng lxn1 (\ s# FiCn h$

'n add.$.on $o , !"$/a Q )dd.$.onal f Supple)entary: &ad*' !"$/a Cha/ge f )dd.$.onal Cha/ge: h+ <hQ h+

Cos$: &V1n' yhQ *'n Cha/ge: &V1n' yhQ nh Th.# YKp Kn: s} _t 1E s} nhiu thc 5u tiCn s} nhiu c :s; 1 cdn s} _t phi c )%o tO :a; Cha/ges# 7 :s; *, G+ K[c &sb nh.uu' Cha/ges .n $he $o$al# _t c chi <hQ

!"# The custo)er ser1ice depart)ent is responsi*le :or 2 :ro) the pu*lic and has to :orVard the) to the chie: :inancial o::icer. 7on1enience: &n' Conven.en$ Focated: 0)pro1e: &1' 'mW/ove Rlexi*ility# [outine: &n' OBBe/ a B/ee# Th.# )ccomWan.ed +0# )i thiHn s? *inh h#At Thi Duen hEng ngEy. )ung c_< +i9n <hQ a([nh kj,b 8K[c Qnh k+. &b) (ng' ".g!qu!st c.g!qu!sting $.g!qu!st!$ SB ti$n l6i ta *Ac i cch thun *[i 7i thi$n

)ccomWan.ed +0 f 'nclude f !nclose f )$$ach !nclosed .s a 2eBund# Th.#

8K[c Qnh k+ tiBn h#,n tr <e su/e To V1 Ma[e su/e To V1 +huyHn Ih_ch )+ Ln ai %B %iHc gc

Encourage: &1' Hono/ Bo/ f Than[ s* Bo/ sth# !"#

Hono/ed Bo/ $he./ !"ceW$.onal Con$/.+u$.on7 NEo. 8iBn +t khu %,# 9/

Enter f 7o)e to# !n$e/ wassVord#

Tt c u nghi ngh [e)ind: &1' wriority: &n' wolicy: &n' -eI policy# 3atter Q wro*le): &n' wro*le) Q/ee# Q/ee# %v1 ad*1 adv& State)ent: &n' State: &1' )hQnh sch +'i Nn M %_n B gcA Q/ee theo sau &-' - ph` nnh TB doA )i=n ph_ Fi phKt *i-u ^Cu lCn [vt gn M}-H l~ JU)- H} # 7?u c 3 ing $j A MLH y1 stating )h} (ng# k D (ng# V3 ^hzc nh" u tiCn 7h_nh sKch


;hn "iGt# 7ho t Kp Kn S.ng1 Aed1 V17 7h` >ng phi c O %$Hc $j&1 cdn l%i *n >ng. !"# neV inno1ati1e progra) is 2 to *e releasedA though so)e syste) :ailures happened at the *eginning o: the inspection7 a.S0<!cting !"# b.E=pected c.S0<!cts $.S0<!ct

The docu)ent 2 copied has already *een taIen to the o::ice *y 3s.3c7lusIey. ChV k# ".zas c.To be $.Has "!!n

g:t gtn h8XH th " (ng# To +e V3


0t is considering an a<<!a*1 2 that e1ery ca)era Vas su*ect to co)prehensi1e tests. a.&tat! ChV k# b.5tating c.&tat!+!nt $.&tat!$.

&V' MG "n %1& *, >ing g:t gtn MlJH HCu nhK t_t c3 l a1 -ab


)lmos$ )ll1 HalB: !"#

)ll1 ssssHalB c.3ost o: Dkng3 tKLng KLng. (Eng n ) Fnch trcnh 8:ng *ch trcnh 8i th!# *ch trcnh 99

a.3ost *.)lmos$ !^ual To# nnual#

'$.ne/a/0 Q genda Q 5chedule: &n' On Schedule# Scheduled to arri1e#

Tt c u nghi ngh \os$Woned Schedule# Ten$a$.ve Schedule# Tentati1e: &ad' )n0 o$he/ +us.ness# \e/sonnel f S$aBB#%n& D_t kq %iHc gc ;hjn s?3 nhjn %in &5^ nhiTu'A c) thC) :s; hu nhjn s? Th5 *Ko n>i *> uan i-) Xuan i+ c}a ti F@ t5"ng TrBc tiHp Xi) giK Gi+ gi . Lch trcnh " trc h#n Lch trcnh th` nghiH+ Th nghi$)

(iring S$aBB f (ire \e/sonnel# 3e)o: &n' Spinion Q 0dea: &n' M0 'dea# 0deally: &ad1' 'n \e/son: <iscounted: &1A n' \e/cen$ D.scoun$#

ComWla.n$s: c :$; - &-' k :$; - &V' wunctual: &ad' S*ser1e: &1' 2egula/ f Q/e^uen$# %ad*& 2egula/l0 Q Q/e^uen$l0 f OB$en# &ad1' 2egula/ 7usto)er# Yvng gi uan sKtA Tu?n th`. Th5ng xuyCn Th5ng xuyCn Mhch h,ng thKPng 0u4n &khAch @uen' yh,n n,n

Ma[e !BBo/$ f Ma[e )$$emW$ %n&# ;{ *?c [e)aining# &ad' Ror)s# h~u cwn *Ai N56t DuK >K[t qu i3 Mg Wk Y) *o 7a) oan )sssu/ed Th TL W.ll2 8+ "# tr#ng tKLng *ai 9P 7dn l%i

Exceed# &1' !"ceed /AiUU pounds#

Xuarantee Q Ensure: %v& ssure: &1'

Tt c u nghi ngh 7onsecuti1e: %ad*& Cons$an$l0 Q Con$.nuall0# %adv& Cons.s$en$l0 Fate# n:ortunately: &ad1' Qo/$una$el0# &ad1' ha4 +En Lin tJc tr9 +h,ng )ay )zn FiCn tiHp FiCn tc

2ega/ f 2ela$ed $o f Conce/ Lin quan t'i 2ega/dless OB# !": procedures. D_t ch_<

3s.Sli1er Vishes to express her concern 2 the decision not to re1ieV the sa:ety a.[egard +72ega/ c.[egards d.[egardless :.iegardless o9

8< n )hp c l *#Ai: 2ega/ hojc 2ega/dless oB1 Io c 2ega/ i / )cnh 7oncern: &n' M0 Conce/n: V1# )ju +Hnh *Hnh. To V1# )hp +Jc Qch. > trQ ch} t-. 'ns$/uc$# %v& Cons$/uc$# %v& 0nstitute: &VA n' luild: &n1v' !"# !"# !"# !"# &? *# *Eng c}a ti. Fiste to )e To pass the exa)A you ha1e to study Fistening to )usic ma[es )e happy. HK'ng $~n xj4 $?ng ahmu hfnh! ah3 c6ab xj4 $?ng av0 hfnh! ;]n bnb xj4 $?ng xj4 $?ng ngu4n tEc chp A# SB lo lzng

'ns$.$u$ed a neV set o: guidelines:

Ma[e Dec.s.on# Qac.l.$.es: &n'

Xu4Gt nh c :s;: >t ch_t. I, :s;: yhKLng tiHn.

Si)ilar: &ad' To# GiOng nhK H{ tr[ t,i chQnh.

T5#ng tB ).d# &-' !"$ a.d#

H{ tr[ t#,n "( t,i chQnh7 7 :e; lE tr[ *v. +, :e; lE h{ tr[. SB cnh chG 9t

).d! %n& f ssistant: ).d %v7n& f Support: Suspension: &n'

Tt c u nghi ngh Th.# Du/.ng u 1 $hG. [. CF,: <uring u 9 VeeIs. Qo/ 3 mon$h# 'n 3 mon$h# Du/.ng the su))er 1acation: r#ng l thng r#ng l thng %-wa& r#ng suOt kq nghp

'n a Iee[# r#ng i tuCn nma hc T"! Will "! >ing <eadline: &n' 'n# :or pplications# [eect: &1A n' spect: &n' Spening 7ere)ony: Xuest SpeaIer: <is)issed f Q./e# %v& Ma[e Mone0# &ad' MiG+ tiBn i cch ng k HAn cht HAn cht n(< Ln 0in %iHc Fo%i *~ +h_a c%nh ^ghi l= Ihai ging. +hKch )i ni chuy$n. Sa thi HAn cht

Th.#$l0 f Z/ea$l0 f Su+s$an$.all0 f i cch ng k7 'nc/ease$l0 Q Z/ea$l0 Q Su+s$an$.all0 2educe

Yi 1Mi %V& &': 'nc/easeA 2educe Q Fessen Q <ecrease T]ng, gi, i cch ng k. Sales# 'nc/ease 'n# 'nc/ease <0 3XX#

Gi+ $#anh sOA !ng 8u c?u lE %<u tiJn& Ing *n &au "4 *, 'nc/ease1 2educe f <0 3XX

7a)paign: &nA 1' <e:initely: &ad1' Wages # %n&

7hiHn dnch (oEn toEn Tin l5#ng

Wee[l01 Hou/l01 Lea/l0 Wages# F5#ng: Tu8nA giA n ). Sala/0# %n& \e/: &wrep' \e/ 0ea/1 wer dayA wer person# LKLng thng. rn i Ln %. rn i nI+3 trn i ng,43 trn ingKPi7 \e/ , - %sO it& 9]

Tt c u nghi ngh

Ma[e D.BBe/ence:

Mhc nhau

37'nB.n.$.ves and Ze/unds

Th.# 8 ch# ai *,+ gcd Qo/ O $o V1 Th.# When# %con*& S Lin t- , gV.ngh U/. ehen 0 listen to )usicA 0 :eel happy. When , &ch} (ng' 9. ehen he Vas asIed to resignA to readed *adly. When as[ed %V3& &" (ng' rri1e: &1' Ma//.ed To: MGt hn %'iA c) I.$h YHn

O+*ec$ To f OWWose To f yhn Oi SU<q!CT TO f yhi chu3 ch_< nhn. Su+*ec$.ve# %ad& O+*ec$.ves# %ad1 -& Xoal Q O+*ec$.ve: &-' 3aintaining Zoals# Yu4 trc +Jc tiu )h} quan Mhch quan3 &?c tiJu 3c tiCu


Cho tFt c cAc ng0i# 2ecommends Tha$ f Sugges$ Tha$ +huyCn *o rng Sugges$ S , 2ecommend , Tha$ , S , V1 ) !"# (er :ather suggest that she s$ud0 English. &c) S$


Cho tFt c cAc ng0i# '$ , +e , )d* , Tha$ , S , V1


0t is necessary that she $ell )e the truth. &Tells lE sai' He/ cu}i c?uA She 8u.


k :s; S %)d*&# >t c gi tr. c :s; S %-&# ,i sn. 9i

Tt c u nghi ngh Th.# !ach o$he/# One ano$he/# !"# ;hau %f 3 -g8G.' ;hau & 3 -g8G.'

3arry and weter lo1e each o$he/. &f3 ng8G.' / cKch tKch *i$t Thi$t h%i Tr giKA 3n hi. gp xGA t5#ng 5#ng x_< 0p i giP ng h. x_< 0p ng,4 )3 T[nh n]ng3 ;ui "t Y,nh ch# >t n D (ng3 "n thjn c WedX l~ :s; thC) &-' 1Eo gipa

SeWa/a$el0: &ad1' <a)age: &v1 n' largain: %v1 n& pproxi)ately: &ad1' )WW/o".ma$el0 one hour: )WW/o".ma$el0 t days:

Qea$u/es: %V1 -1 )d* & Qea$u/ed# %ad*& S ^i *t

Th.# !"#

q&)d*' Q X%ch n}i %A&; That *oy is k years oll

) S O S 0ea/ S old +o0. &Lea/S sai'. One S oB S a S [.nd7 One S \age )+s$/ac$7 Su))ary Q *stract: &n' Qo/ Further 'nBo/ma$.on# [eal estate: 2eal es$a$e Qallen# wresentation: &n' SB 1 *t >ng sn lEi thuyHt trcnh 8 "iGt th+ thng tin lt >ng sn 3 S Ca/ ga/age7 &7arS sai' ln t) tzt

\/esen$a$.on$e ^ues$.on# D,i thu4Gt trcnh kiu nK'c ng#,i. gent f 2eW/esen$a$.ve # &-' (ire attorneys to 2eW/esen$# hu *ut sK Ai iHn Th.# Whe$he/1 'Q O/ -o$# Whe$he/ O/: !"# LiHue.c ha4 khng ^g5i %i di$n

zh!th!r c th i i +cnh. Whe$he/ g'Qh 777 O/ no$

0 don.t care i: he co)es &o/ no$'. Whe$he/ he co)es &o/ no$' Whe$he/ o/ no$ he co)es 9k

Tt c u nghi ngh 0: &o/ no$ S sa.' he co)e &M $.ng o/ no$' ChH 9# 'B k# i st "n o/ no$: 'B o/ no$ f 7) Tht 1y 'n Qac$# 8ng Cu cju3 trK'c $_u <h4 %1& (i$u Du ThiHt *n ni chung ThiHt *n i$n wh#i *Ey Y# $? &nhnn th1c, tri giAc' FMn tui )ng $jn *'n tuui 78n thiHt

'ndeed f 'n Qac$# &ad1' 'ndeed# 8ng giZa cju

E::icient: &ad' EDuip)ent: &n' ppliance: &n' !"Wose# &1' Hes.$a$e: &1' Senior: &ad' Sen.o/ C.$.ens#

!ssen$.al Q Nital Q aecessary Q ^eeded : &ad' -ecessa/0 %n, adU& Qo/# )Cn thiGt

0nDuiry: &n' )Wolog.e Qo/: wlease: &1' )m \leased $o f 's Wleased $o f We a/e Wleased $o# xin *{i

Th5 yCu c8u 1 )jt th,ng tin

FE) 1ui ldng >ui *wngA *n th?n n c qedr

Cu$$.ng doIn On# tilities: &ad' \u+l.c U$.l.$.es#

)Et gi+A chv @ On Ti$n _chA 7,ng ty ti$n _ch. yhJc %J cng c(ng

D7\a/$.c.Wles and \a/$.c.Wales Clauses

'n$e/s$ed 'n# Xuan tj+ Gn


Yu,i :sed; ;gKPiA; >t 'n$e/es$ed# ;gKPi 'n$e/es$.ng# >t


/9. Vater is not sa:e :or drinIing. &b) (ng! a<+c b) 0 nhio, =3i qedr' a7\ollu$ed *.wollute c.wolluting d.wollutes


P. tiredA he decided to lea1e early. (e :elt tiredA ... &[vt gn 3Y( f Cdm $h50 mC$' 9b

Tt c u nghi ngh a.U!!*s ". # U!!* c.Feeling $.U!*t

t. :ro) a distanceA the painting appeared Duite realistic. The painting Vas seen2 &[vt gn 3Y( f l8|c nhn' a.5een [etail: &1A n' 2e$a.l sales# Sales 2 g/oI$h# Th.# Dn *. Ing trKng "n * ".&a6 c.&!!ing $.&!! it. lKn l

D-ng r2i tVi =Ach cpa bZn ,3 kh0ng (<qc chV k t+i# Don($ leave 0ou +ags una$$ended


Don($ leave 0ou/ bagsA as they )ay *e re)o1ed Vithout notice. a.ttended *.Una$$ended c.ttending LCn *K[t. We cook in turn5. d.nattending

0n turn:

Fa,ous 7 WellNkno%n 7 ieno%ned 7 S+in!nt: &ad*' Fa,ous For! ;ui tiGng %B

^i tiHng

dased on! 3onitor: %v1 n& <istraction: &n' Lead To: &ad*A n'

8Ka %,#. Y!ng trong *t I| 1 n *n nEo cng c :ed; un l@A )En hcnh )Ky t_nh. Sao lZng Y~n t'i (Eng 8u )ng t4 h,ng Cu. )L s %t ch_t h,ng Cu Tjng th5"ng ComWan0# Qac.l.$.es# )Ia/d f 2eIa/d : &n'

<onus1 Hono/1 W.n@ Won )Ia/d f 2eIa/d# yhCn thKng chiGn thEng \.c[ Lou uW : \.c[ uW: wicI it &O' up Th.# !"# The./ oIn# 8n "An. Yn3 L_4 wicI up it &sa.' )}a ring ht

He/@h.s@m0SVn &7`a riCng h' a.They *.Theirs c.The) d.The./ 9W

Tt c u nghi ngh OB The./ oIn f On The./ oIn f On 0ou/ oIn f On ou/ oIn f dy ,y sell# )}a ring ht] )$$end# %v& )$$endance# %n& )$$endan$# %n' )$$endees# %n&$ )$$endan$# Q/on$ des[ )$$endan$s# iG< %in h,ng khng ;hjn %in quC4 tiG< tjn Tha) dB SB tha) dB TiHp 1iCn ^g5i tha) dB

)$$endance Manda$o/0 f$.on )$$end# DEt "u(c tha+ $?$o/0 Q Manda$o/0 &ad*' ConBe/ence Q Q eorIshop: &n' Se/.es o: Se)inars# )hu{i h(i th# ha+ $? h(i ngh3 <hin ht< a[c.9 f W.]Ub DEt "u(c (>i nghnA h>i tho

ConBe/ence1 Sess.on1 T/ )$$ended#

y7-ega$.on and \a/allel S$/uc$u/e

TH'# !": 8# ngZ H)V'-Z V3

He had not :inished the tasIeA he ^ot Q.n.shed &chu4n %B A <h} nh Ka -o$ *n Cu'

Rines: &n' Rares: &n' Expire: &1' SeeI: &1' @ See[@ Sough$@ Sough$@ See[ eas.l0# c+ kiG+ s'+ nh_t Mhng khng H#@c h#@c

Tin ph%t Tin 1{ (Ht h%n Tc) IiH)


-e.$he/ -o/# !.$he/ O/#


7T \)2)L!L &;;' &#ng s#ng# )nd1 <es.des1 )s Iell as >'i &To V1' K[c <hF< *K[c " To spottersA translatorsA co)puter2 and

sI you $o s$a/$ 2 and $o see: L.C$ [E xEi c,ng th!c &;;' and:

Fine o: household products )s Iell )s gardeningA electronicsA and auto)oti1e goods. !"Wec$ Q nticipate: &1' 3ong 6i PU

Tt c u nghi ngh )n$.c.Wa$ed# %v& 8K[c +#ng [i Th TL W.ll]

W.ll +e e"Wec$ed f Lou a/e e"Wec$ed# DAn s K[c +#ng [i B&hC 2esWonse Q Reed*acI: &n' 2esWond To: %v' &? <hn hi. yhn hi3 u,i W rdX 7 B;C, WrseX 7 BaC )hu trch nhiH+

2esWons.+le Qo/ f Ta[e 2esWons.+.l.$0 f L.a+.l.$0: !"# wu*lic ] to the sur1ey Ie/e noticea*le.

a.g!s<#n$ ".g!s<#n$ing c.g!s<#ns! d.iespone5 2eWl.ed@ 2eWl0 To# \2OM\TLL# %adv& r *Pi i cch nhanh chng aphn hsi, tr l2i, th2i gianb 2eWl0 \/omW$l0 ThG. 2esWond


\/omW$l0 at /U .3 and end at P w.3. Th.# 8 v th_4 rkng. '$ has come $o ou/ a$$en$.on f ' has been +ough$ $o ou/ a$$en$.on 7oupons: &n' !ve/0# &ad' !ve/0 tVo year: !ve/0 PU )inutes: !"# )hp s? *ujn <hin. h{i l nI+ i *Cn h{i <h:t i *Cn whiHu IhuyHn )Zi


t.<on.t :orget to change the oil 2. 37XXX m.les a.Sach ".5n#th!r c.Every $.1th!r M cwn nZa


-o longge/ f )n0 longe/ f )n0 mo/e# She no longe/ teach at his school.

7?u ph` nnh# 7) -o longe/ xEi )n0 longe/ k )n0 mo/e )n0 longe/ She doesn($ $each a$ $h.s school )n0 mo/e$ed: &1' Super1isor: &n' wrocedure: &n' Standard \/ocedu/es# h} tJc tiu chun ha+ gia3 $Qnh *Qu %,# P/ wh?n *i$t }i x ^g5i giK) sKt Th` tc

'nvolved 'n f !volved 'n$o f \a/$.c.Wa$e 'n Q Ta[e Wa/$ 'n#

Tt c u nghi ngh Petting Qnvolved in# The cost Qnvolved# \a/$.c.Wa$e# %v& Sur1ey: &n' 7onducted: &ad' Su/ve0 Conduc$ed! Ma*o/.$0 SB: g_t c th. <e likely To V1 !": SVn tea) is l.[el0 to Vin. h?c hiHn kh# st. yhCn *'n ha+ gia %,#3 $Qnh *Qu3 *n th?n c WedX )hi <hQ *in quan3 *n th?n c WedX ha+ gia3 $Qnh *Qu. +ho sKt ThBc hi$n


SuWe/.o/ To f <e$$e/ $han: <iscontinued: &v' D.scon$ wroduction: Th.# !": !BBec$.ve# &ad' ;g-ng sn 0u_t ) hiHu *?c Ot hLn ^gOng

The neV laV $a[es 22 next VeeI a.1utc#+! b.E99ect c.g!su*t $.)#ns!qu!nc! Ta[e eBBec$ Come .n$o eBBec$ <e eBBec$ive@ +ecome eBBec$ive <e .n eBBec$

\a0 )$$en$.on $o: )h: v %,#A \a.d lE NP c`a \a0. )$$en$.on ;)ust *e7 sh#u*$ ha%!7 c#u*$ ha%! ; has *een; Wa.d ] )$$en$.on To# \a0 'nc/ease f \a0 &-' !"# \a0chec[# \a0men$# \a0men$ Me$hod# \/.o/ $o f <eBo/e g, V.ngh &u"stantia* \a0 .nc/ease7 LKLng. hanh t#n. yhKLng <h< thanh t#n. rK'c P9 )h: v %,# hc tIng *KLng.

Tt c u nghi ngh !"# \/.o/ $o leavingA checI your +an[2 a.7hange *.<alance c.[e)ains d.[est

Ma[e 2ese/va$.ons Q 2ese/ve %v& : 8@t ch{ trK'c. 2ese/ve [oo)# 8@t <hwng. FCn )Ky *ayA lCn tEu ) kh nIng.

loard: &1' ::ord: &1'

)BBo/da+le \/.ces f 2easona+le \/.ces# Gi c h[< *v. Ho$el 2a$e f \/.ce XiK# 2egula/ 2a$es# !"ceW$.onal 2a$es# r#ng khch sAn PiA thKPng *, PiA @c "iHt wh_ 1Eo cng +{o dEi \/olong The li:e: MF# $,i Pi sOng +{o dEi Y,nh ch# sn <h+ +'i nh_t &SKchA 7< 2' &ch hK'ng $~n +'i nh_t SKch h5Mng dnA ng5i h5Mng dn Zu.ded Tou/# h(t chu4Gn i $u *ch K[c hK'ng $~n.


) Qees# \/olong: &1'

Las$# %v& Las$es$# &ad*' Las$es$

Xuide: &n'

Wonde/ 'B# ssu)e: &1' 7reVs Q Tea): &n' Team(s Mo$.va$.on: ? hi *iHu. 7ho lE Y>i &au s hZu cch *, &-'

)+solu$el0 Q/ee f ComWle$el0 Q/ee f Q/ee oB Cha/ge# H#,n t#,n +i9n <hQ$a/0# %ad*& Sightseeing: %n& Ta[e sth .n$o Account# x!+ 0Ft %iHc gc 3i=n ph_ Ni$c ngz) cnh


Ta[e d.sW/o+lem .n$o )ccoun$7 PP

Tt c u nghi ngh Tend To: 'n$end To# 'n$end Qo/# Lac[ OB: Nia: &\/eW' ) khu4nh hK'ng Y? nh Y,nh ch# hiGu Th,ng Dua

P72ela$.ve Clauses
Do me a Qavo/: Ra1or: &1' Qavo/a+le Ma/[e$# UnBavo/a+le Ma/[e$# \/ %ad*& \/ Singer# \/ Touris) lusiness# DeveloWmen$ )/eas \/ h trKPng thun *[i h trKPng khng thun *[i Tri-n 1ngA h!a hn )a s trin %tng ha hrn ;g,nh trin %tng ha hrn Mhu %?c <ht trin trin %tng3 ha hrn. Th_ch h6pA (6p l@ +h,ng th_ch h6p Th_ch h6p Su.$a+le Qo/# 0ndi1idual: Bn,adUC hQch h[< 7K nh?n1 2.Eng +.C$ yhJ thu(c %,#3 $?a %,# Y?a %,# nhjn %in gia# h,ng &M4' 8(c *< YKng tin cy )ng t4 ng tin c4 <Ba 1Eo Th_ nghi$) +inh nghi$) Minh nghiH+ k thut Pt Gi:< ti %'i u KiA thiCn 1n

\/oWe/l0# %adv& f )WW/oW/.a$e# &ad*' Q Su.$a+le: &ad*' 0)proper Q nsuita*le: %ad*& Su.$: &n'

DeWend On Q 2el0 On: 2el.ed On: 'ndeWenden$ oB# 2el.a+le f DeWenda+le# &ad' 2el.a+le ComWan0#$: &ad' Experi)ent: &n' Experience: &v1 n' Experienced Technician:

Tt c u nghi ngh Ma[e wacIages 2eBund# %v1n& 2eBund o/ 2eWlacemen$# 3oney 2eBunded# 2e.m+u/se f ComWensa$e# %v& Gia# h,ng Gia# gi 3 h,ng H#,n *Ai tiBn3 iBn tr *Ai H#,n tiBn h#@c ui ch# sn <h+ 8K[c h#,n tiBn a" (ngb Di thKPng3 Bn "..$.on and Wo/d O/de/

Th.# !": +hi nhpng tO )ang ngha ph` nnh jt " 8u c?u ta *u>c phi ldo ngw (e rarely VorIs at night. [arely does he VorI at right. &%orks sai' //.(e ca)e late yesterday and so22. a.&h! $i$ Th.# Do@ Does# Ma[e@ Made# !"# ".&h! $#!s c.#id 5he $.Y#!s &h!

L,+ ci c sn &#o e=ercise' L,+ +'i3 chG tA# &&ake a cake'

2 three copies o: this letterA please. a.D! ".Y# c.&ake $.Dui*$

(e is our *est Vriter. (e 2 the VorI o: three people. a.Y# Niolate: &1' Ter)inate: &1' !"# b.#oes c.hak!s $.hak! Ni ph%) 7h) d!t

0: you v.ola$e any conditions speci:ied thereinA the con$/ac$ Vill auto)atically2.. a.)#+<*!t! ".5"#*ish c.5nnua* $.Ter,inate Truy t}A truy nZ

wrosecute: &1' V.ola$.on# >i <hA+ \/osecu$e# ru4 tO

Ha/dl0# &adv' HiG+ khi3 kh +,. &aghta php ()nh'. Trong c?u c Ha/dl0 I, ph` nnh l8n npa Ha/d# %adv& )hI+ chp Ha/dl0# %adv& -o$ Ha/dl0 %sai&

)/e Ha/dl0 %:ng&

2ece.ved# M $.ng %'i th " (ng nGu ch} t- chp ngKPi. &dn thbn nK b) (ngb P]

Tt c u nghi ngh Authoruuation! , -# Th.# Mhng <h} nh M *Cn ;hn }4 qu4Bn ;hn ci gc

So do ' f So does f So has f )s do ' f So d.d she f )s can ' f So can ' f So am '# i cng %4. !"# 0 don($ go to that language school 2 *#ng!r b.Any,ore c.aot *#ng!r $.ao +#r!

Khng onh . 0 liIe sport l. So do ' 0 doA Too T,i cng 1y

\hz onh . 0 don.t liIe sport l. -e.$he/ do 0 Q ^or do 0 Q 0 don.tA e.$he/ T,i cng 1y


aot only dut also# -o$ onl0 <u$#

M chp c +, cwn. M c )lso %~n K[c akhu4Gt )lsob Y xut &? B 0u_t 8B 0u_t <ht trin 8B 0u_t 0j4 $?ng

wropose: &1' \/oWosal# &n' wroposed wroposed luilding#

!"# 3r.Floyd has appro1ed a 2 :or the construction o: a neV research :acility on the other side o: the city. a.8roposal ".yr#<#s!$ c.yr#<#s! $.yr#<#sing

1X7'ndeB.n.$e \/onouns

Tt c u nghi ngh Th.# >-a e.%-a. <o$h])nd \/oh.+.$ed Q/om# )_+ +ang %,#

\/even$ Q/om f KeW$@ KeeW Q/om: &1' ;gIn ch@n <e a+le $o# 2un ou$# 2un ou$ oB Sugar# ) th )An kiHt HGt KPng H#At (ng kinh $#anh hi9n *,

2un <us.ness:

\/ov.ded f \/ov.ded $ha$ Q \/ $ha$ Q )s long )s# !"#

^o on <u$ 3ary Vent to the party yesterday...&ago3i vi/c' <u$ $o choose: ;g#,i %iHc chtn

Urgent# &ad*' Q E)ergency# &n' !me/genc0 [oo)# )ccess We+s.$e1 S0s$em# 's .n cha/ge oB f <e .n cha/ge oB# %v& eho Ias .n cha/ge oB# !n/oll'n: [egister: &n1 v' 7olleagues Q 7oVorIer: &n' 'mW/essed: &ad' Pive 'mW/ess.on# Th.# +hn cp yhwng c_< cu. &*$nh 1i$n' ru4 c< z!"3 hH thOng yhJ trch 5i <hJ trchd 8Ing kv3 ghi $anh %,#. Y ng I@. Y\ng nghi$p D gj4 _n tK[ng &b) (ng' Gj4 _n tK[ng

OBBe/1 SuWWl01 \/ W.$h# )ung c_< ch# ai ci gcd \/ sth To s*: )ung c_< ci gc ch# aid OBBe/ s* W.$h sth f SuWWl0 s* W.$h sth f \/ s* W.$h sth

\/ Se/v.ce:

)ung c_< $ch %J.

!": The clothing store located at the corner o: the Fexington St W/ov.des 2 se/v.ce to its custo)ers. a.Rriend *.Rriends c.Rriendship d7Q/.endl0 Pk

Tt c u nghi ngh Q/.endl0# %)d*1 ad1& Q/.endl0 W.$h# OBBe/# %v& Supply: &v1 n' l.m.$ed: 3erchandise: &n' DeBec$.ve 3erchandise# StocI: &1A n' H,ng ha " *{i T_ch trpA Hng hTa H,ng ha gi'i hAn Hng hTa hjn +t 7ung cp Cung c5W1 (Eng ha Th?n thiHt

137Con*unc$.ons and \/eWos.$.ons

2eason S Di %c# S.nce1 +ecause1 noI $ha$1 $ha$ -oI $ha$: Dj4 giP thc Con$/as$ S r#ng khi# Whe/eas1 Ih.le Whe/eas# 9 h,nh (ng tKLng <hn Wh.le , :T.VW d.n A JKTD;# Wh.le# 9 h,nh (ng s#ng s#ng r#ng khi ang *,+. h_4 rkng

Wh.le , gS , Vh !"# 0 dri1er to schoolA 2 )y *other alVays cycles a.zh!n ".S%!n c.Whereas $.s2

2 0 Ias Vaiting in line :or a 1ise inter1ieVA 0 eat )y lunch &+T<' a.5*th#ugh b.While c.&inc! $.D!caus!

Sho/$l0 )B$e/ f Soon )B$e/# 'ns.s$ On: Sponsor: &n' &ad*1 n' SWonso/# !"#

;ga4 sau khi. MhIng khIng ^hE tEi tr6 7h_nh th!cA uan ch!c ;h, t,i tr[ chQnh thc

!"clus.vel0 ] (igh-ranIing ,i sn tha+ c}a quan chc c_< ca#. )hP [i +(t cch h# hc TEi sn ,i sn c nhjn >_n B c nhjn Pb

!age/l0 A%ait#

\/oWe/$0 f \ossess.ons# %n& \e/sonal \ossess.on# \e/sonal 3atter#

Tt c u nghi ngh \/ossess.ons f \e/sonal \/oWe/$0# !" %ad*& !" \/oWe/$0# Entitle: &1' !"! Lou a/e en$.$led: DAn K[c qu4Bn Y,nh ring ,i sn ring Y56c Duyn TEi sn cK nh?n

lu.: -tionAAmen$A-or Q -ant -ityA -seA -ness Mu$ual <eneB.$# <eneB.$# &nA 1' V -ate &adA 1' -:yA -iTeA Ad L[i Qch chung F6i _chA tin tr6 cp. Tu?n th` )Dq -a*leA-i1eAAal1 -ous -oryA-icA -:ul

) +0 f ComWl0 I.$h f ConBo/m $o f )dhe/e $o # ComWl.ance I.$h# 7o))it)ent: &n' Comm.$$ed To: gree)ent: &n' ^egotiations: &n' Engage)ent: &n' H[< ng )a+ kGt trung th,nh whL h6p 1Mi.

7a) IHt

Th~a thun SB th5#ng l56ng SB d_nh l_u

Con$/ac$s# %n1 1&

Con$/ac$s f Comm.$men$ f )g/eemen$ f -ego$.a$.ons f !ngagemen$ </each# %n& </each Con$/ac$: yh %o h[< ng g l@A gii DuyHt whK 1

[esol1e Q Deal W.$h Q Handled Q &!tt*!: &1' Handled !BB.c.en$l0# x` *v hiHu qu

Speci:ic Q \a/$.cula/: &ad*' !sWec.all0 f \a/$.cula/l0 f SWec.B.call0#

Yjc *i$t. 8@c "iHt3 nh_t *,. PW

!sWec.all0 ui \mly] <hi c \EN]3 h#@c %)d*1 -& k c \Nly]

Tt c u nghi ngh !sWec.all0 )$$/ac$.ve# Th.# ComWa/e To# ComWa/e sth W.$h sth: 8@c "iHt h_< $~n. &# snh %'i. &# snh ci n,4 %'i ci kia.

ComWa/a+le Jua/$e/ %-&7 )$$/ac$ To f )WWeal To# Appearance# &n' 7o)petition: &n' ComWe$.$.veness# &-' 2.val: BadU,n,vC 7on1ince: &1' Cu//en$l0 <e , A HTTD# HiHn tAi Cu//en$ Student# Cu//en$ Sta::# Th.# Cover# %v1 n& Wa//an$.es# D# h,nh Cove/# %v& D# hi+ 'nsu/ance# D# hi+ 7o1erage: &n' -eIs Cove/age: :ull one-year l.m.$ed Varranty: TH'# >iHc Ka tin tc. D# h,nh khng gi'i hAn tr#ng i nI+ H!2sssssssss a7 Cha/ac$e/ &tQnh cch' [eputation: &n' *. 7haracteristic &@c i+' <anh tiHng Tu cCu Lun ra thi th " (ng 4Cu c8u Sol.c.$$.ons# ddress# %v1n& Demons$/a$e f \/ove# %v& Tu cCu B c`. Ch{ /a1 di=n 1 n trang trng7 3inh haA ch!ng )inh Y}i )jt 8Oi +@t r}i r# Qace , tU wh%) 1i *o hi-) &inh %in hiHn tAi ;hjn %in hiHn tAi Qnh cAnh tranh Y}i th` c%nh tranh cLng )jt hEng ThuyHt phc hu h:t3 *i cuOn > "B ng#,i SB c%nh tranh nhpng }i th`


2e^u./e: &1' re 2e^u./ed %ad*&# Sol.c.$# %v&

Qace f !ncoun$e/ed# %v& 2.s[ Qace#

Tt c u nghi ngh

Qace #eclining! <e1elop: &1' DeveloW )/ea# E1aluate: &1' \/.ma/0# %ad*1 n& \/.ma/0 wurpose# 2eWlacemen$# &n' 2eWlace it Vith another# 2eWlace Vith neV# TemWo/a/0 2eWlacemen$# )l$e/na$.ve# &-A ad' Te)porary: &ad' Ma[e )//angemen$# %n& Ze$ .n $ouch W.$h# cco))odate# %v& Mee$# &nA1' (old# &n1v'

8Oi +@t %'i gi+ s:t whKt tri-n Mhu %?c <ht trin YKnh giK )h} 4Gu hJc Qch ch} 4Gu SB thay thH &% trQ c ngKPi nghp %iHc' ha4 thG %'i i ci khc ha4 thG %'i i ci +'i ha4 thG tA+ thPi SB chn lBa & tha4 thG ch# ci gc' T%) thi &? sE< 0G< GiZ *in *Ac %'i YKp !ng Xjp gA DAp 1ng.

@ hold@ held@ held@ u chc <hin ht<

7h!aA T ch!cA ^z) gip

Hold Sess.on1 Mee$.ng# Session Q 3eeting: &n' Sess.on Bull# \os.$.on Q 5ite 7 Loca$.on# &n' S.$e warI# \os.$.on o*# Loca$ed# %v& Loca$ed 7entral# Loca$ed +eh.nd# Th.# M chu *,+ gc. S0s$em#

whiCn hp. yhin ht< C4 Nn tr_ > trQ tr#ng cng %in anhb > trQ cng %iHc ta *Ac aD<qc t\a lZc c b) (ngb ta *Ac trung tj+ ta *Ac <hQ sau , $o V1 L{i ah/ th^ngC t/

Tt c u nghi ngh \/even$ 5yste, Failure# 0gnore: &1' CaWac.$0# %n& CaWac.$0 *y bU seats# Sutdate: pdate: &1' 'mWlemen$# &n1 v' wractice# &n' \e/Bo/m Q Sperate Q wractise# %v& wer:or)ance# &n' Ta[e )c$.on# )c$.v.$0 %n&# \oWula/.$0: %n& !nveloWe: &n' 2ec.W.en$: &n' KLng 0ng %'i. l6$ 8|c1 thEnh tBu l6$ 8|c ^g5i !ng c Trcnh *EyA xut trcnh SB tha) dBA c )jt. Chu0En g.a 7huyCn nghi$p 7huyCn ),n hu hu ngKPi hu chu4n gia hu th+ Lan r(ng3 g(ng ;gIn ch@n *{i hH thOng whMt l. +h n ngA s!c ch!a %> c]n phgng& ) ghG ngi. FJi thi 7p nht. ThBc thi SB ho%t >ng. (o%t >ng &? h#At (ng3 s? "iu $i9n. H,nh (ng. &? h#At (ng. &? <hu "iGn. lao th5 ^g5i nhn

Commensu/a$e W.$h# cco)plish)ent: %v1n& chie1e)ent: %n& 7andidate: %n& \/esen$ f sntr#$uc!# &V' wresence Q )$$endance: &n' \/oBess.onal &-' Q Expert Q Specialist: &)d*' Expertise: &n' H./e f [ent Q Fease Q !mWlo0# %v& H./e 0nterpreter# !mWlo0s wro:essionals# (ire !"$/a f (ire )dd.$.onal# Th.#

!"$end f Conve0 f SW/ead# %v& H4 g`i ti t'i. \lease !"$end SW/ead Conve0

m0 $han[ $o h.m7


Tt c u nghi ngh

[eect:&n' <e )Ia/e OB: &1'$el0 #%adv& 5ensitive# &ad' niDue: &ad' ;hn thc %B

TO ch}i

Tinh tHA tH nhn. ^h%y c). <uy nht. Y8y ` M C4 } M } sc cha. Y`

)de^ua$e# %ad*& 'nade^ua$e# &ad*' 'nade^ua$e CaWac.$0# Su::icient Q Enough# %ad*&


Sau / n ) trong c,ng ty ss c / 6t 2ev.eI cho ng5i !l.g.+le. !l.g.+le# %ad*& 8} iBn kiHn3 } tK cch. 2ev.eI# %n& r#ng ct4 )jn nhEc tIng *KLng

2ev.eI Sala/01 \/omo$.on# 2egula/l0 [e1ieV#

)jn nhEc tIng *KLng3 thIng chc. x!+ *Ai +(t cch thKPng 0u4n ge) tr5Mc rK'c ;I+ trK'c BThf v:#C Minh nghiH+ trK'c MG h#Ach %B hKu. 7}ng hiHn. [h rEng lE

\/ev.eI# %v1 n& \/ev.ous# %ad*& \/ev.ous 4ears# \/ev.ous Experience#

2e$./emen$ \lans f \ens.ons \lans# <edication: &n' S*1iously: &ad1'

Ma/[ed DOW-: (Eng gi, giA " siCu thn c Knh du %"& cho IhKch hEng *iHt. 3arI# &1' Expand# &1' !" 7o))unity: Va/.e$0 OB# Sou/ce oB .nBo/ma$.on# Sou/ce oB raV supplies# )(ng ng + r(ng 8a $Ang agusn thng tin. ;gun cung c_< tP 8nh $_u a0b. 3" r>ng

Tt c u nghi ngh 0n:or)ation B/om other source: hng tin t- ngun.

!"# Ror the researcherA a properly )aintained note*ooI can *e a 2 oB use:ul .nBo/ma$.on :or )any years. a.;ariety Runction: &n' ri qua tjn trang3 "# trc. 'nnova$.on f 2enova$e Unde/go Ma.n$a.n1 Ma.n$enance Unde/go: &1' 'nnova$.on %n& f 2enova$e %v&# 3aintenance: &n' (ired Ma.n$enance: )ssu/ed Ma.n$a.n# Ma.n$a.n# %v& 2e$a.n# %v& O+$a.n: &1' \/e/e^u.s.$e: &n' uality: &n' Jual.$0 ^eV wroducts# QulB.ll 2e^ues$# QulB.ll O/de/# )ccu/a$e# %ad*& Ma[e M.s$a[e f Qo/ M.s$a[e# hu "# trc Yu4 trc chEc chEn. Yu4 trc GiZ *Ai ) K[c3 At K[c. Yiu Ii$n tiCn DuyHt. 7ht l56ng cao &n <h+ +'i ch_t *K[ng ca# H#,n t_t 4u cCu. H#,n t_t Ln @t h,ng )hQnh 0c L,+ *{i Ha Ln iHn nK'c ch<a Ha Ln siu th (E Ha Ln ng,nh wa khxu3 <hiGu 0u_t kh#. ;g,4 0u_t ha Ln Mc t_nhA 5Mc l56ng Tu cCu s? K'c tQnh 'c tQnh chi <hQ. tt ri qua jn trang3 *,+ +'i. lo trc ".g!s#urc! c.5ource $.)h#ic! &Knh lOa a a *'

7h!c n ng.


<.ll# %n& 2ece.W$# %n& 'nvo.ce# %n&

The da$e oB 2ece.W$ f Da0s oB 2ece.W$: Esti)ate: &v1 n' [eDuested !s$.ma$es# !s$.ma$e 7ost#

Tt c u nghi ngh 'mWose# %v& Ter): &n' ConB./m f Ve/.B0# ConB./m ] Sending# dust: &n' 'n$e/Be/e# &1' 'n$e//uW$# &1' Te)porary 'n$e//uW$.on# [e:lect: &1' ccept: &1' )WW/oval# &-' Rinal )WW/oval# lalance: &n' <i1idend: &n' 2es$/.c$ f l.m.$# %v& [estricted Q L.m.$ed: &ad*' L.m.$ed ti)e only# Transaction: &n' )ud.$ Zove/nmen$# Ou$s$ %ad*& Ou$s$ <.lls# Ha Ln chKa Ou$s$ Io/[# )ng %iHc nui "t ludget: &n' watrons: &n' ^g?n sKch +hKch hEng ngEnh dnch 1 &Th< vi/n, bo t3ng, phgng tranh' Mi+ t#n chQnh <h} 7h5a thanh toKnA -. +=$ &? ng v. &? ng thun cuOi S} d5 TI 7 t!c XiMi h%n XiMi h%nA h%n chH %<o ing& Gi'i hAn thPi gian Xiao dnch x!n %,# Gin #An Gin #An tA+ thPi7 whn Knh 7hp nhnA \ng @ xc nhn %g6i ,ail& hK g`i i s K[c 0c nhn Yiu chGnh p dngA Kp jt :y hZnA iu IhonA thut ngp.


\/osWec$.ve f \o$en$.al Cl.en$s f Cus$ome/s# Mhch h,ng tiB+ nIng 7lient Q 7usto)ers: &n' wrospecti1e &ad' Q \o$en$.al: &ad1 -' 7usto)er.s Sens.$.ve 0n:or)ation# +hKch hEng Ti) n ng hng tin nhZy c, c}a khch h,ng ^6 uA (J tr6 t]

<e*t %-& Q SVe %V&: Rund: %n1v&

Tt c u nghi ngh 0n1est: &1' Fong-ter): &ad' Fong-ter) )g/eemen$s: UW# %v& wroect: &nAv' \/o*ec$ 'ncome# [eseach \/o*ec$# -o$.B0 f 'nBo/m# %v& -o$ wassengers# )nnounce# %v& )nnounced La$e/# Q.nall0 nnounced# )nnouncemen$ Changes# Change: &n1v' hu nh< $? tQnh. ;ghin cu $? n. hng "# ahz. hng "# t'i h,nh khch. )ng "O "+n. hng "# sau. hng "# cuOi )ng "O s? tha4 ui7 YiA thay i H[< ng *ju $,i - " <B KnA DU $pnh Y8u t5 <Ei h%n

WEE:"Y &)E .n ngh.Eng nK l3 t2 bAo' )nnounce : hng "# a. n gclb Weekly )nnounce

Un$.l Qu/$he/ -o$.ce: \os$Woned ntill :urther notice: \os$Woned until neVt VeeI#

)h# Gn khi c "_t kq thng "# n,# th+ nZa rc h#n ch# Gn khi c thng "# th+. rc h#n ch#n Gn tuCn t'i

3MAyX7\/oWe/$0 and DeWa/$men$s

dacency: &n' )d*acen$ To f -e"$ $o# MG "n Spt Q Choose@ chose@ chosen : &1' OW$.on Q Cho.ce# &-' an al$e/na$.ve. Lou/ Cho.ce# Fengthy: &ad' 'n \/og/ess# easte: &adA n' 8ang tr#ng tiGn trcnh FZng ph_ ti 7hnA lBa chn SB lBa chn &? *?a chtn c}a "An &gKc nnh nCn I, c :S;' F?u dEi +H *Cn

Tt c u nghi ngh lrand# %n1v& Enhance: &1' !nhanced Syste)# S$/.ngen$ f 5trict# &ad*' S$/.c$l0 En:orced# 'nsWec$o/s: &n' 0n1estigate: &1' 'nsWec$: &1' hanh tra3 ki+ tra HH thOng tIng cKPng ;ghi+ ng@t < $Jng +(t cch ch@t ch. ^g5i thanh tra Yiu tra nghiCn c!u Th5#ng hi$uA un l@ th5#ng hi$u T ng c5ng


hanh tra3 ki+ tra nghi+ ng@t. &W./U f [c/' 'nsWec$ S$/.ngen$ Tes$ Unde/ an0 C./cums$ance# Situation: &n' Rluctuate: &1' <eadlines Qluc$ua$.ng: Ze$ Ou$ oB# %V& Ou$ oB emWlo0men$# %)d*& h_t nghiH< ha4 ui hAn cht. [a Ih~iA thoKt Ih~i YK'i "_t kq ho3n cnh n,#. Tr5ng h6p Thay i lCn xu}ng


Ou$ oB de+$ &)d*' ga khi n[ nCn a.Total !"# *.To$all0

(e is 2 ou$ oB emWlo0men$7 a.g!gr!tta"*! b.iegrettably c.g!gr!t2u* $.zith r!gr!t.

Ou$ oB Se/v.ce f Ou$ oB O/de/# 'n Se/v.ce f 'n O/de/# 0ndicator: &n' Sccupy: &1' 7o)pro)ise: &n' ComWle$e# %V1 ad*& ComWle$e W.$h# !"#

;g-ng h#At (ng H#At (ng T_n hi$u 7hiH) gip Th~a hi$p (oEn tt H#,n t_t %'i3 D[nh kj, v+i

The *ooIA co)plete Vith 7<A costs P]. &D[nh kj, v+i' 7o)pletes Wo/[ assigned# H#,n t_t cng %iHc KLc gia# tk

Tt c u nghi ngh 0nstallation ComWle$e# ),i @t h#,n t_t

ChV k# YKp Kn chG c 9 lo%i: Co,pletely k Co,plete -a//oI DoIn# Coo/$e f &1' 7ooperation: &n' CooWe/a$.on ppreciated# Nalid: &ad' Q Value# &1' -o$ val.d# Val.da$e# %v& 'nval.da$e# &v' M c gi tr ) gi tr3 c hiHu *?c h_t hiHu *?c3 +_t gi tr MiGn thc "a# qut t#,n $iHn lao DuKt toEn di$n )+ kQch s? h[< tc XiK trn hu hr< *Ai MGt h[< (6p tKc

ComW/ehens.ve1 !"$ KnoIledge# ComW/ f !"$ &ad'

ComW/ D./ec$o/0# Yanh "A t#,n $iHn S::set: &1' [elati1ely: &ad1' 2ela$.vel0 s)all# <escription: &n' De$a.led <escription# Technical Desc/.W$.on# 'n De$a.l# S)it .nc.den$al de$ [ange: &n' [ange# 2eleased# &1' Sale 2elease# 2elease La$es$# pproach: %v1 n& 2aW.dl0 pproaching# [ehearse: &1' 7ollection: &n' yhA+ %i r(ng ri. 8K[c tung ra %b) (ng& ung ra chKLng trcnh "n h,ng ung ra sn <h+ +'i nh_t YHn g8n 8Gn gCn i cch nhanh chKng <i=n tp l> s5u tp tb &? + t chi tiGt. &? + t k thut )hi tiGt. LK[c " chi tiGt <hJ wh%) 1i KLng Oi nh. SB ), t lL zp T5#ng }i

Tt c u nghi ngh ^eV colletion# 0)pact: &nA 1' D.agnose: &1' Doc$o/s D.agnose# Serious: &ad' 0.) serious# wro*le) serious# Race a Se/.ous shortage# uthoriTe: &1' <esignate: &1' Des.gna$e [oo): Security: &n' Secure: &1A n' S1erhead Secu/el0: Ove/hea/d: &ad' 5n t#,n nh_t ;gh! tr(+ &nhnn th1c tri giAc' yhwng K[c "O trQ lo 1$ n toEn i nghi+ t:c >_n B nghi+ trtng 8Oi +@t %'i nghi+ trtng ngEn hAn y DuynA c th) Duyn l} tr_ D( sKu t< +'i TKc >ng 7hun oKn &Y h\c' Dc s chun #n ^ghiC) tvcA nghiC) trng


2elevance To f \e/$.nen$# &ad*' hQch h[<3 tKLng ng 2elevan$ To# hQch h[<

\e/$.nen$ 'nBo/ma$.on f 2elevance 'nBo/ma$.on# hng tin thQch h[<3 tKLng ng 2elevan$ [eceipts# Ha Ln thQch h[<

dopt: &1' ssign: &1' ssign)ents: &n' Fend: &1' lorroV: &1' 7hp nhn 7hG nnh lEi tpA nhi$) 1 7ho )56n Yi )56n 3!c t ng Hu4 (ng >On3 iBn SB gia t ng tW &1An' CaW.$al1 Mone0# &1A n'

Qall@ Qallen1 Sales1 \/.ce# Gia tIng3 &J< u %B gi c.

Tt c u nghi ngh wroceed: %11 n& [e)o1e: &1A n' 2emoved Fist# 3o1e: &1A n' Moved DuicIly: )BBec$ %v& f 'nBluence %V1 n&# E::ect: &n' L.$$le E::ect: 0n:lation: &n' <0 !"W/ess ma.l# !"W/ess# %n1 v1 ad*& Expressing )WW/ec.a$.on # !"W/essed 7oncern# Strategy: &n' wro)oted# &ad' wro)otion: &n' \/omo$.onal wroduct# <isclose: Don($ d.sclose# Th.# !": 8-ng tiGt *( Xung c# sn <h+ TiHt l> Dkng thK tOc h,nh Oc h,nh3 d3y tz3 gN r,ng lEy t~ c) I_ch. lEy t~ sB lo lzng 7hiHn l56c Th ng tiHn &vcn Whng'A *t: 84 +Anh SB th ng tiHn nhanh )hu4n (ng nhanh. nh h5"ng nh h5"ng i ch:t nh hKng a "ittle O a k# G+ K[cb SB l%) phKt xa khi $anh sch SB chuy-n >ng x:c tiGn3 5^ tiTn thu (<qc t- vi/c bAn h3ng ga *~

-o ma$$e/ hoI f HoIeve/ , gS,Vh# )h# $. thG n,# -o ma$$e/ hoI rich he isA he isn.t happy -o ma$$e/ hoI HoIeve/ f u4 nhin

<eposit: &n' DeWos.$ <an[# iBn g`i ngjn h,ng Li su_t.

Tin gi

'n$e/es$ 2a$es: 3ortgate: &n' Trans:er: eithdraV:

ThH chp 7huy-n tin [vt tin


/ cKch )" *Ei IhKc Th.s .s $o# 8j4 *, Th.s .s $o , V1 ]U

Tt c u nghi ngh

d1ertising: &n' d1ertise)ent: &n' lrochure: &n' [e1ise: &1' </ochu/e

SB ;c 3u ;c Tp giy ;c <uy$t l%i T2 v{c c8n 56c duy/t lZi. D( <hn chI+ sc khc h,ng. H,i *wng %'i

Cus$ome/ Sa$.sBac$.on: -

Sa$.sB.ed W.$h Q Con$end W.$h f \leased W.$h# D.ssa$.sB.ed I.$h# ComWle$e Sa$.sBac$.on# M h,i *wng g_t h,i *wng

wurchase: &n' [e1enue# &n' Ta" 2evenue: Ta/.BB 'mWo/$1 !"Wo/$# Y#anh thu huG $#anh hu. huG xu_t ;h< khu )h: trtng %,#



Qocused On: \/em.sseS: Fi*rary \/em.sseS#

Mhun %in &<dn $hen nT $U cT :s;& Mhun %in hu %iHn u8y tiHp t?n ^h?n 1iCn l= t?n

Ront desI: 2eceW$.on.s$: &n'

Qon$ des[ %Des[& 2eceW$.on.s$# Th.# Ta[e an o/de/# \lace an o/de/# Tolerate: &1' Executi1e: &n' TaIe sicI lea1e# 7lerI: &n' ;hn Ln @t h,ng 8@t h,ng tAi nh, Tha th! ^g5i iu hEnh ^ghG *$nh ^h?n 1iCn *Kn hEng D/aI Cus$ome/(s )$$en$.on: Li kF# s? ch: v c}a eaai b D/aI 5b|s a$$en$.on 7ongestion: &n' !ase 7ongestion: L,+ $u s? tEc nghn ]/ Tzc nghsnA It xe


Tt c u nghi ngh <epart: &1' DeWa/$ B.lgh$# Transit: &n' Th.# 8j4 *, %c^ Th. .s due $o 'n )dvance: TVo VeeIs 'n advance: whysician: &n' <o)estic: &n' Earpiece: &n' Econo)y# %n& rK'c rK'c l tuCn lKc s n>i Ihoa ^>i na Tai nghe TiHt Ii$) &;} ,Ay bay hZng ph~ th0ng' )ng tc <hQ. yhQ tun >iHc trang tri <hQ tun. )hi <hQ "i thKPng. Tin tr thC) Mhi h,nh chu4Gn "a4 Nn chuy-n +h"i hEnhA ri i &sen +a0'

!"Wense )ccoun$: !"Wense f Ou$la0# &n' Cove/ !"Wense# 2e.m+u/semen$ !"Wense# Surcharge: &n'


!"ceW$.onal Con$/.+u$.on: 8ng g< @c "iHt Than[s Qo/ 0ou/ !"ceW$.ona Con$/.+u$.on 7ontri*ute Q <onate Q Gi%!: &1' )WW/ec.a$e Con$/.+u$.ons# )+ kQch s? ng g< Yng gpA tjng


Wh.le on du$0# Wh.le .n Madagasca/# Wh.le ,

Trong khi (ang *,+ nhiH+ %J Trong khi (ang ha$agascar 'n , du$0 On Trong khi (ang %n chu4n / cKch t5#ng !ng h!# nhK a O C?, danh t-b yh "cnh +ang tQnh 0j4 $?ng yh "cnh %B. yhQa sau %In <hwng ]9

Wh.le .n $/ans.$# )cco/d.ngl0# %adv& )cco/ To , g-h# Cons$/uc$.ve C/.$ C/.$.cc.ed Qo/: Th.# The /ea/ o9 the roo,:

Tt c u nghi ngh The /ea/ o: the 1ehicle: Cha/ged $o ou/ )ccoun$: Ln Q./s$ Qloo/: On +ehalB oB: yhQa sau chiGc 0! Qnh th+ %,# t,i kh#n c}a ti. tCng Cu tin. ha4 +@t ch#3 Ai $iHn ch# m0 On , h.s he/ 'nBe/# %v& &yhCn cju hi su4 *un' eho are -a$.ve# ;gKPi "n 0 , +ehal0 Suy lun


D!V!LO\'-Z k T)Z!2T
Tal[ a+ou$# )s $o# Would l.[e f Would W/eBe/ ;i %B >B %iHc hQch hLn

Would L.[e , To V1 f Would \/eBe/ , To V1 1aila*le: &ad' 1aila*le Bo/ Q 1aila*le $o: &n Cu//en$l0 f -o longe/ The use# &n1v' ) * *,^ HiHn tAi khng c Mhng c sn ;gKPi s` $Jng '$$ V1 >iHc @t +ua tA< chQ h,ng thng 8[t <ht h,nh tA< chQ3 _n "n. Mem+e/sh.W <an[ ca/d H}4 "3 Gia hAn th,nh %in. 8Ing kv th,nh %in. A< chQ (`y *~ ]P 7 sn

Th.# Th.#

2eneI Su+sc/.W$.ons

'ssue f qou/nal f -eIsWaWe/# 2eneI Su+sc/.W$.ons Cancel Cancel1 2eneI Maga.ne1 Mem+e/sh.W# Su+sc/.W$.ons1 Su+sc/.+e Maga.ne1 Mem+e/sh.W# f qou/nal f -eIsWaWe/ # 7ancel: &1'

Tt c u nghi ngh [eneV: &1' Su*scriptions: &n' Su*scri*e: &1' Th.# W.$h.n u da0 &sO ng,4C! eithin $h./$0 da0# W.$h.n: &\/eW& W.$h.n The organiTationA an rticle: W.$h.n The co)pany# W.$h.n The next :eV day# Th.# !"# r#ng %wng ng,4 r#ng khi3 Trong cng Trong cLng t ch!c. Xia h%n Y ng I@A )ua dEi h%n Yjt )ua t%p ch_ hEng thKng

r#ng +(t cng t4 r#ng nhZng ng,4 tiG< th!#

;hZng ci i sau OB "u ngh|a ch# ci i trK'c OB. eithin thirty days OB purchase TVo VeeIs OB 1acation wrocess OB hiring Three years OB experience 3ini)u) OB t]AUUU a year 7hH t%o ^g5i chH t%o

ManuBac$u/e# %n& ManuBac$u/e/: &n' !"# 7usto)ers 23anu:acturer7 )i # ra h@c %,#

Ta[e OB: \u$ on# Ra*rid: &n' 3aterial: &adA n' Qo/ Ove/# Qo/ ove/ :i:teen years#

Ni Nt cht r#ng r#ng i nI+ whKt )inh &? ki+ k h,ng ha3 H,ng ha tn kh# Thp niCn &1X 0ea/' )hp ra rkng. 7nh *Ko TiCu xEi lan 8u )hi <hQ "an Cu ]t

0n1ent: &1' 'nven$o/0: %n& Decade# &n' ShoI Tha$ f '$e Tha$# lert: &n' Spend: &1' 'n.$.al# &ad' 0nitial Ou$la0 f 0nitial !"Wence#

Tt c u nghi ngh 'n.$.al Ship)ent# Xuilty: &ad' C/ea$e# %v& C/ea$.on# %n& 7reati1ity: %n& 7reator: Th.# %n& A# ra &n <h+ &? sng tA# ;gKPi tA# ra O ! O ) ' # )n )n aWWle1 ) Wenc.l D\c lJn, k0 nhfn ,.t chm: one;V;A :The; xKc nnh: Nc *iHt rh :a; Io xKc nnh. Th.# %+e& < !": .Sn sale yhJ thu(c To be .Qo/ sale Y9 0,i k# <hJ thu(c To be H,ng %n chu4n Cu tin 7 t>i


)@ )n@ The

de listed :or sale de on sale


2esul$ f Ou$come# 2esul$ 'n# 2esul$ Q/om#

%-& MGt qu3 hu qu &u MGt qub &, ;gu4n nhjnb n cE< khi +ua h,ng

ShoWl.B$: &1'

ShoWl.B$.ng: n cE< khi i +ua h,ng. &+) (ng nhnn th1c tri giAc' Conv.c$ed OB: Q/om noI on: !ndless Unl.m.$ed# Du(c t(i %B. M t- "j4 giPi M "a# giP kGt th:c. '$(s $.me , S , V3 D.sWosa+le# &ad' D.sWosal# <ispose# re OWen%ad*&# %n& %v& )hp c th $.ng i *Cn Thi *~. hi " &n *wng + c`a &1 n *n trang trng' ]]

Th.# Th.#

Tt c u nghi ngh S.$ on a +o" .n a house a *ox to sit on a house to li1e in Yj4 chu4Bn sn s+ Yj4 chu4Bn thiGt " ToEn *> #,n "( th,nh <hO whKt hi$n ThEnh lp oB \/oduc$: oB !^u.^men$:

Entire: &ad' !n$./e city#

Rinding: &n' Rounding: &n'


The maW .s 0ou/S $o [eeW: Dn c}a "An giZ &Lou/ sai'. 0s to Ieep a.H!r b.$er5


nalyTe: &1' )nal0s.s: &n' )nal0s$: &n' nalytic: &ad' 5na*4tica*^ aa$fb

yhjn tQch &? <hjn tQch )hp ngKPi <hjn tQch yhjn tQch yhKLng <h< <hjn tQch


H.s 2. oB the )arIet Vas not as detailed as 0 expected a.5na*4=! ".5na*4sis c.5na*4tic d.Analyst

2. oB the sales :igures re1ealed that the ad1ertising ca)paign that Ve launched last )onth Vas not as e::ecti1e as Ve had. a.5na*4st b.Analysis c.5na*4=! $.5na*4tica*

!CO-OML 2C 1
X11 X37 X3 k Tes$ XO
173O7 wro*aly: &ad1' 7?u ` ngha *~ &)dv&: 7?u hoEn chGnh f gS , Vh Mos$ , )dv !": Mos$ l.[el07 guyCn su}t ]i 7hzc chzn

173P7 Throughout: &wrep'

Tt c u nghi ngh :Thoughou$# h! 4!ar3 h! +#nth3 h! 6!!k3 h! $a4; Th/oughou$ llacIroad# Th/oughou$ The countryside# P.9t. !": P.Pb. xu4n suOt KPng D*ack xu4n suOt +iBn qu \lease , V1 \lease 9or%ard any in:or)ation lthough $he0 are inexperienced &/' <espite being 2.. &9'

&/' l~ q$he0r chuy-n qare beingr Q &9' P.t9. Rurther)ore: &ad1' P.ti. )mong# %\/eW& )mong , -%sO nhiBu& )ong 3achines &^-sO nhiBu' Qam.l.a/.e W.$h f )ccus$omed To# </oad Qam.l.a/.$0 I.$h# t.Ub. D.scuss %V& On# D.scuss.on %-& )+ou$# D.scuss %V& k i %'i )+ou$ %wrep& ConBe/ f D.scuss# %v& <iscuss Qu$u/e Trends# t.9U. 7on:ident: &ad' 0n:or)ation ConB.den$.al# D# +t thng tin h# *un D,n tn 0u hK'ng tKLng *ai. lo )t Xu!n "iGt r(ng ri h# *un trn h# *un %B Xu!n %'i (#n thH npa r#ng sO nhiBu ci.

t.PU. H.ghl0 &%In "n trang trtng' Q Ve/0 &%In ni' &ad1' D7317 T/ead s* I.$h /esWec$# t.Pi. To the point: t.Pk. 3oti1ate: &1' 3oti1ated: &ad' )K 0` tn trtng %'i ai. ^hpng i-) )Mi & rtng tj+' Thvc y T_ch cBc )hQnh sch u 0!. L.[e , O , $o V1 )ng c th %t<Gng t' nhau& ]k \a/[.ng Wol.c0 Veh.cles# ]./i. ].t] a i.9]. W.ll also f Ma0 also#

Tt c u nghi ngh i.Pi. 3erger: &n' k./W. )$$/.+u$ed sth To sth: D.s$/.+u$e To k.9t. [ight: &n' k.t/. nliIe: &ad' Ni$c xKc nhn Xu4 ci n,4 ch# ci kia. D.s$/.+u$e )mong uyn +hKcA Ih,ng gi}ng

O77DP7 Come $o a HalB f Come $o an !nd: MGt th:c %iHc gc. W.9i. ' can +e /eached7 &th,nh ngZ'. W.tP. Con*unc$.on W.$h f Tage/$ W.$h# ).ng %'i )s , V3 )s !"Wec$ed: yhi+ khng ha4 nhK +#ng [i 7>ng l"i 1c

R7Dy. !"# -

/U.9P. wlus: &wrep' /U.tW. Xi1en:

!CO-OML 2C 3
X3 k XD
/.99. Snly those: 17337 !na+le To. /.Pi. )s soon as# )s Iell as# )s long as# )s Ba/ as# )s Ba/ as 0 InoV: /.Pk. )ccoun$s Qo/# /.t9. E1en i:: h!# nhK ti "iGt Lv $# ch# Th) ch_ nHu L,+ ch# c th ^gay Ihi 7ng nh5 3i=n lE Theo nh5 7hG nhpng ai

17ti. The sessions 2 on the ]th :loor o: the Sta::ord Suite *uilding a.Will be held ".Ha%! "!!n h!*$ c.5r! h#*$ing $.z!r! h!*$ %ad*& \a/$.c.Wa$e# iG< th!#a Thf T" Will b

ha+ gia %,#3 $Qnh *Qu %,#. ]b

Tt c u nghi ngh /.tW. &n1 ad*' 8ng Cu cju *un *, ;ing

9.]9. 0tinerary at a 2 ti)e BTh2i gian k# $.ng 55 nhFt $.ng 55 hGnC a.Lat!st ".Lat!n!ss ".Lat!*4 c."ater

P.Ub a i.P9. wre:erence: &n' 373O7 DesW.$e , 2ece.ved %-&7 P.t] f P.ti. &u"f!ct: P.t]. P.ti. wosition. 0)pressed. qo+ oBBe/7 > trQ cng %iHc n tK[ng &khen C.ty'

SB yCu th_ch h#n

P.]/. Qo/ 'ns$ance f Qo/ !"amWle. t.9b. Once: &adv' t.Pt. <elegation: &n' t.Pk. [each: &nA1' t.tU. Though .$ .s no$7 DesW.$e no$ +e.ng7 h(t khi3 8 t-ng

N_ d

YoEn %i *i-u N5#n tMi

].Uk. +, c JKD chn HTHT The :alling price o: 7hinese-)ade electronics las$ 0ea/ 2 a nu)*er o: co)panies to plan inno1ations to their products. a.)ausing ".)aus!s c.$as caused $.ss caus!$

y7137 2a $h.# lecause o: her 2 VorI ethicA 3rs.3oonA head o: the )arIeting tea)A Vas aVarded the RranI eatIins Vard in 3ay 9UU]. a.5trong ".Y!<!n$!nt c.Uinish!$ $.yr#"a"*!

y73R7 Qo/Ia/ded sth To sVh. i.t/. When .$ come $o , k.9i. 's [noIn# %V3& +noV# %v&

)hu4n tiG<3 g`i Gn Mhi c %_n B Y56c *iHt liHt

[noI@ [neI@ KnoIn@ &` $Jng

O73O. Used Qo/: k.P9. <0 $he las$ Iee[. <0 $he end.

O73R7 2a $h.# s a 2 )easureA 7ordell Rinancial Rund does not disclose in:or)ation a*out ]W

Tt c u nghi ngh its clients unless legally )andated to do so. a.)#ntin#us \/o$ec$.ve# &ad' k.tb. Nendor: &n' k.]/. < &n' k.]9. )s alIa0s: b.9U. HoI WellAmade7 b.9/. Standard: &n' S$/.c$ S$anda/d# b.P]. nyone: ehoe1er: W.9U. )*itious: &ad' iu chun nghi+ ng@t D_t kq ai )h# $. ai Tha) 1ng TiCu chun ".&!tt*!$* d.8rotective li$n phKp *o 1$ ^g5i *Kn hEng rong 8ng Cu cju *un *, ;ing ;hK thKPng *H HoI , )d* , gS , Vh

R73D7 2a $h.# n anni1ersary diner Vas held 2 :or high-ranIing o::icials in the corporation. a.Gra$ua**4 W.9i. Spacious: &ad' SWac.ous 2oom# </oad f Wide# &adU, n, adv' W.tU. Xranted: M gian r(ng ri. [>ng lan tjng ".;!ar*4 c.E=clusively $.yr!cis!*4 [>ng rZi

R7DD1 Dy1 DM7 2a $h.# (er VorIshop 2 the topic o: hoV netVorIing is i)portant in e1ery 2 o: a *usiness a.5$$r!ss!$ b.addresses c.ha$ a$$r!ss!$ $.Has a$$r!ss!$ /U.U]. Ove/ f Mo/e Than# HLn. a.yassag! ".Uaci*it4 c.Aspect $.g!2!r!nc!

/U.9W. Some oB@ One oB@ -one oB@ Mos$ oB &k# c :S;' /U.P]. ll the )ore: /U.Pi. 2aW.dl0 Q uicIly Q Rast Q SVi:tly: (#n thH npa ^hanh chng iU

Tt c u nghi ngh 2aW.d Q uicI Q Rast Q SVi:t: %ad*& 1X73R7 2a $h.# lruce and +ate Rrench ha1e decided to Duit their old o*s at 7itadel Rinancial and start a :inancial consulting *usiness oB 2 a. h!+ ". h!irs c.Their o%n $. h!+s!*%!s ^hanh

OB $he./ oIn# -

)}a ring ht

/ 'nBo/ma$.on: ak# G+ K[cb Lther 5uch 'nBo/ma$.on O$he/ Such# ;hZng thng tin nhK thG

1X7Dy7 2a $h.# The :olloVing 2 steps should *e taIen to protect your personal in:or)ation a.Additional ".)#+<arati%! c.&ur<*us $.S0c!ssi%!

/U.]/. ^h?n t} 56c _nh I) &chp (ng \;gKPi] n k# "iGt rN thPi gian' f HTHT

/.UW. [epeatedly: /.99. Since: /.Pt. 'n case oB f 'n $he even$# 'n $he case# r#ng trKPng h[< asaib Fjp i ljp l%i nhiu l8n l"i 1cA )>t IhiA Z tOng.

9.]/. ll sta:: have 2 to use the pacIing lot a7\e/ (a1e: &1' *.wer)it c.wer)itting ) Ong kh &au Thay 1c 7u}i cLng d.wer)itted %k c t:c t- i k+&

i./i. Ze$ /.d oB# i.9/. )nd $hen# b./9. 0nstead o:# /U.UP Q'-)LLL # &ad1'


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