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Doreen D. Degones MLS 3D

What is Crohns Disease?

One of the two main forms of IBD Is a chronic condition characterized by infection in the GI tract. Resulting from the dysregulated mucosal immune responses to microbial Ag in the gut. Named after to a gastroenterologist Dr. Burrill Bernard Crohn,

The most common location is the ILEUM and CECUM Development of Fibrosis Microperforation Fistula

Symptoms vary depending to the location and severity of inflammation. Abdominal pain Diarrhea

What is Crohns Disease?

What is Crohns Disease?

Dysregulated Immune response Environmental Factors - Infections - Smoking

- Taking NSAIDs

Genetic predisposition
Mutations in the NOD2 gene, encoding a

cytopasmic pattern recognition receptor for the

muramyl dipeptide of bacyerial cell wall peptidogycan.

Effector Mechanism
Cell Mediated Cytotoxicity
Inflammatory reaction

Associated Age/sex group

Males and Females are equally affected
Can occur at any age but usual onset is

between 15 30 years old.

Persistent and will be present throughout the

patients life.

What is Crohns Disease?

One of the two main forms of IBD Is a chronic condition characterized by infection in the GI tract. Resulting from the dysregulated mucosal immune responses to microbial Ag in the GUT. Named after to a gastroenterologist Burrill Bernard Crohn

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