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Sampuraga story

Any of the stories passed on from generation to generation in mandailing is a story or legend sampuraga.First, sampuraga and his mother stay in the regional the alternating.The state of very poor in this place, thus causing sampuraga desirous of changing her life.He does not want his job seeks only fagots every day.He wanted to be youth imagine a future that bright.Then he intend to go very and permission of her mother was very old.Sampuraga leave his parents linangan with tears.He promised to assist the shrouds his mother when has successfully going to be.His mother looks so sad, because sampuraga is the son of the only file.He take off the departure febis with teardrop. Sampuraga continuing his adventures with weariness continuous.After a while came to pidelhi ( now pidoli ), and sitting out there for some time.Then continuation of his way to the village sirambas.At the time, sirambas led by a king named silanjang ( royal silancang ).From this place sampuraga worked hard, that is uncouth since childhood. King was interested, and want to menjodohkannya on his daughter.Of course sampuraga very happy after know this.The king thought make the great feast, all kings of about mandailing invited.While his mother really miss on his son.Sampuraga has grown fledge with so many changes.She no longer a poor as before.He is male rich raya and became king. When marriage ceremony arrived, his mother come to the feast hope to met febis soon.But occurring kemudiian sampuraga is not admitting that it was his mother.He was ashamed to his wife for his mother looked very old old age and poor.He told his mother to go from that place.Sampuraga said, hey parents, you are not mother you!My mother has long been dead. Go! !! sampuraga not concerned with sorrow and suffering her mother.His mother went while begged and berdo a to Allah swt.Sampuraga condemned by his mother and kedurhakaannya are nothing else caused by his wealth.His mother squeeze water milkshake, sampuraga forgot that it never disusui by his mother.The allah swt, storm came suddenly.Around the castle, flood, and the palace the dihempas by water.Sampuraga drowning, and place it being sumur hot water.That is known with hot water sampuraga flush in the village

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