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A soft answer turns away wrath Proverbs 15:1

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Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you Eph. :!"


Create in #e a $%ean heart, & God Psa%#s 51:1'

(o not be an)ious about your %ife *atthew +:

Every good gift and every perfe$t gift is fro# above ,a#es 1:1-

.or by gra$e you have been saved through faith Ephesians ":/

Go into a%% the wor%d and pro$%ai# the gospe% to the who%e $reation *ark


0e is faithfu% and 1ust to forgive us our sins 1 ,ohn 1:2

3n a%% your ways a$know%edge hi#, and he wi%% #ake straight your paths. Provers !:+

,esus Christ is the sa#e yesterday and today and forever 0ebrews 1!:/

4eep wat$h over the door of #y %ips5 Psa%#s 1 1:!

6et us %ove one another, for %ove is fro# God 1 ,ohn :-

*ay the g%ory of the 6ord endure forever Psa%#s 1' :!1

7ow #ay the 6ord of pea$e hi#se%f give you pea$e at a%% ti#es in every way " 8hessa%onians !:1+

&h, taste and see that the 6ord is good5 Psa%#s ! :/

Praise the 6ord, & #y sou%5 Psa%#s 1 +:1

9ui$k to hear, s%ow to speak, s%ow to anger ,a#es 1:12

:e1oi$e in the 6ord a%ways; again 3 wi%% say, re1oi$e.

Phi%ippians :

<ing to the 6ord a new song; sing to the 6ord, a%% the earth5 Psa%#s 2+:1

8hose who trust in the 6ord are %ike *ount =ion, whi$h $annot

be #oved, but abides forever Psa%#s 1"5:1

>nto you is born this day in the $ity of (avid a <avior, who is Christ the 6ord 6uke ":11

0e answered, ?3 te%% you, if these were si%ent, the @ery stones wou%d $ry out.A 6uke 12: '

whatever is true, whatever is honorab%e, whatever is 1ust, whatever is pure, whatever is %ove%y, whatever is $o##endab%e, if there is any e)$e%%en$e, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Phi%ippians :/

eBa%ted be the God of #y sa%vation Psa%#s 1/: +

Cou are the %ight of the wor%d. A $ity set on a hi%% $annot be hidden *atthew 5:1

8hose who# 3 %ove, 3 reprove and dis$ip%ine, so be =ea%ous and repent :eve%ation !:12

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