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Stephanie Rohling

How to Give a Self- Breast Exam for Both Men and Women
I. How many of you know how to feel yourself up? A. There is a definite correct way to do this. B. It is very important to do this regularly. 1. If you are menopausal there is a certain time to do a breast exam. 2. There is another time to give a self-breast exam if you are post-menopausal. 3. There is a time to do this for men as well. First, let me give you a brief history of breast cancer. A. According to the first to note the disease were the ancient Egyptians. Now, lets deal with why we all need to do this. A. According to my Gynecologist Dr. Kiersa Durffy, it is imperative for women and men for that matter to do self-breast exams. B. Dr. Durffy also says we should live by the mantra an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Lets begin explaining the actual exam. A. First, stand in front of the mirror and put your arms on your hips and do a visual exam. B. Then while standing do your manual exam. C. While standing be sure to check your nipples. D. Next, lie down and do another manual exam. Make sure you take note of the color, shape, size, and texture of your breasts. A. One way to keep all this information straight is to write it down on a calendar. B. You could also keep a notebook. Men must do self-breast exams as well. A. According to, in 2010, about 1970 new cases of breast cancer in men would be diagnosed and that breast cancer would cause approximately 390 deaths in men. B. Professor Carol Roark added that 2 out of the 4 male presidents of Temple Shalom in the last 12 years had breast cancer. Breast cancer is a huge disease in this day and time that with a little effort in prevention can be easily reduced. A. I had this dreaded disease myself in 2002. 1. I had three tumors removed surgically. 2. They all came back malignant, but were surrounded by normal tissue. 3. I therefore did not need chemo or radiation. B. It is important to do these exams. 1. A self -breast exam saved my life. 2. It may be what saves yours.







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